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李有骞 《人类学学报》2021,40(1):118-127
小龙头山遗址位于黑龙江省海林市海浪河岸边,地理坐标44°25’36.2"N,129°10’43.1"E。该遗址发现于2012年,2014年发掘10 m2,获得石制品82件。原料以玄武岩为主,还有黑曜岩、凝灰岩、安山岩和英安岩等。剥片技术以石叶、细石叶技术为特点,石器类型有雕刻器、尖状器、两面器和大型的斧形器。个别石制品可以拼合,说明属于原地埋藏,在文化层中的炭粒测得的14C数据为距今13185±40年,为末次盛冰期后的转暖阶段。  相似文献   

The optical luminescence dating (OSL) method has been applied to loess deposits associated with a “Late” Aurignacian industry already dated by 14C. Both dating results are in good agreement. This study demonstrates that lithic industries with some aurignacian tools are still present few thousand years before the Last Maximum Glacial in the Romanian Danube Plain.  相似文献   

老鸦洞遗址是贵州省毕节市七星关区一处旧石器时代晚期遗址,该遗址上世纪80年代被发现并发掘,出土大量石制品及动物碎骨。由于种种原因,这批出土材料始终未被系统研究,老鸦洞遗址仅在有限的文献内被简单描述。为进一步研究该遗址,明确遗址文化及年代性质,我们对1985年试掘出土以及1983、1984年采集的部分的石制品进行了类型学及技术学分析,并以此为基础对遗址及所属人群进行了讨论。老鸦洞存在的石器技术属于我国境内典型的旧石器时代晚期小石片石器传统类型,以本地丰富的燧石和石灰岩为主要原料制作生产生活工具,石片形制规整,小型工具如刮削器、端刮器、尖状器等制作精美,在长达三万年的时间跨度中,石器技术无重大改变。这种对本地石料的采集方式,以及以洞穴为主要居住地点,长期在有限空间内活动的特征,表达了云贵高原古人类特有的低流动性生存模式,为探讨云贵高原更新世末期古人类的生存行为及扩散辐射提供了良好证据。  相似文献   

石器原料研究一直是史前考古学研究工作的一项重要内容。在探明石器原料质量和来源的基础上,将原料的选择和利用方式与石器技术、环境背景等相结合,可以进一步解读当时人类的认知和活动能力。本文立足于原料性质和原料来源两个方面,总结了现有的主要石制品原料研究方法及其应用情况。在此基础上,结合近年来我国泥河湾及东北地区相关研究案例,讨论石器原料研究及多学科研究方法对于解读史前人类资源认知和开发能力的重要作用。  相似文献   

石器作为人类物质文化的记录者,在史前人类的生产生活中占据着重要地位,对石器功能和使用方式的探讨是考古学关注的问题之一。目前国内石器研究的主要手段是从器物形态出发,进行类型学的研究,针对石器具体功能及使用方式的实证研究较为缺乏,对磨制石器的研究尤为不足。有鉴于此,本研究以中原地区舞阳贾湖遗址出土的磨制石器为研究对象,利用微痕分析和实验考古的方法,对石器的功能、使用方式及加工对象进行分析和判断。结果表明:石镰的主要功能是收割禾本科植物;石刀主要用于加工禾本科植物、木材和兽骨等;石斧的功能主要是加工木材,另外还可能承担加工兽皮和兽骨的工作;石锛的主要功能与木作有关;石凿在形态上有所区别,但其加工对象主要是木材;石铲的功能以掘土为主。微痕分析的结果使我们对贾湖聚落磨制石器的功能有了客观的认识,可以看出石器的功能并不单一,广泛存在着"一器多用"的现象。本研究从石器使用的角度,揭示了史前人类的生产活动和行为特点,同时也为研究先民的生业经济状况提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

虎头梁遗址位于河北省阳原县泥河湾盆地, 距今1万年左右, 出土的石制品加工精致、器型稳定。本文选择其中代表性的尖状器进行功能研究, 通过微痕分析探讨其使用方式, 并结合其形态特征探讨器物类型与功能之间的关系。对5个亚类型共52件标本的研究表明, 虎头梁尖状器具有专业分工, 并被装柄使用。这种工具的制作和使用特征反映了更新世末期虎头梁人群通过提高工具的效能来应对环境变化的生存策略。  相似文献   

1. Identifying the macro-scale patterns and the underlying mechanisms of species richness are key aspects of biodiversity-related research. In China, previous studies on the mechanisms underlying insect richness have primarily focused on the current ecological conditions. Therefore, the impact of historical climate change on these mechanisms is less well understood. 2. Here, we use members of the Delphacidae family to evaluate the relative impact of the current environmental conditions and that of the Last Glacial Maximum on total species richness and endemism. Total species richness and endemic species richness were summed in 1° × 1° grid cells that the insects occupied. Generalised linear models, simultaneous autoregressive models, and random forest models were used to assess the effects of different environmental factors on total species richness and endemism. 3. The two patterns of species richness are jointly regulated by the current environment and the Last Glacial Maximum, but their key determinants differ. Winter coldness and the temperature annual range strongly affected the total species richness, but temperature variation during the Last Glacial Maximum also played an important role in the development of species richness. The distribution of endemic species was most strongly affected by the Last Glacial Maximum temperature change. 4. The studies confirm that historical climate change contributes to patterns of insect species richness, particularly patterns of endemism. Considering that China was mildly affected by the last glacial period, we propose that the incorporation of historical climate data into such studies will provide a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

People were in the Americas before, during, and immediately after the Last Glacial Maximum. Multiple data converge toward a deep chronology model for Homo genre exploration, dispersal, occupation, and settlement across the continent. South America is not an exception. This paper is an attempt to think of South America record in terms of population dynamics within a Paleolithic reflection: What are the anthropological implications of a longer and therefore slower peopling process? What modes of expansion, rhythms, adaptations, routes could be traced base especially in lithic records? What kind of archaeological manifestations should we expect in the different environments that make up an immense and highly diverse geography? What modes of technological continuity and change could be linked to these manifestations? Although further research is still needed to address these questions, our goal is to contribute to posing the problem in the most holistic way possible, linking climate, environment, and techno-cultural data within and beyond South America, in order to model how populations might have expanded and contracted at different periods throughout this subcontinent.  相似文献   

Pleistocene climatic oscillations have played an important role in shaping many species’ current distributions. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in studying the effects of glacial periods on East Asian birds. Integrated approaches allow us to study past distribution range changes due to Pleistocene glaciation, and how these changes have affected current population genetic structure, especially for species with unusual distribution patterns. The Wuyi disjunction is the disjunct distribution of birds between the Wuyi Mountains in south‐eastern China and south‐western China. Although several species exhibit the Wuyi disjunction, the process behind this unusual distribution pattern has remained relatively unstudied. Therefore, we used the Chestnut‐vented Nuthatch Sitta nagaensis as a model species to investigate the possible causes of the Wuyi disjunction. Based on phylogenetic analyses with three mitochondrial and six nuclear regions, the Wuyi population of the Chestnut‐vented Nuthatch was closely related to populations in mid‐Sichuan, from which it diverged approximately 0.1 million years ago, despite the long geographical distance between them (over 1,300 km). In contrast, geographically close populations in mid‐ and southern Sichuan were genetically divergent from each other (more than half a million years). Ecological niche modelling suggested that the Chestnut‐vented Nuthatch has experienced dramatic range expansions from Last Interglacial period to Last Glacial Maximum, with some range retraction following the Last Glacial period. We propose that the Wuyi disjunction of the Chestnut‐vented Nuthatch was most likely due to recent range expansion from south‐western China during the glacial period, followed by postglacial range retraction.  相似文献   

Aim  To compare the population genetic structures of the haplotype-sharing species Betula pendula and B. pubescens and to draw phylogeographic inferences using chloroplast DNA markers. In particular, we tested whether B. pendula and B. pubescens exhibited the same or different phylogeographic structures.
Location  Western Europe and Russia.
Methods  In this study we used both chloroplast DNA polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and microsatellites to genotype B. pendula , B. pubescens and, to a limited extent, B. nana , in 53 populations across Eurasia. A spatial amova ( samova ) was used to identify major clusters within each species.
Results  The low level of phylogeographic structure previously observed in B. pendula was confirmed, and the samova analysis retrieved only two major clusters. In contrast, seven clusters were observed in B. pubescens , although the overall level of population differentiation was similar to that of B. pendula .
Main conclusions  We detected a difference in the population genetic structure between the two species, despite extensive haplotype sharing. It is difficult to ascribe this finding to a single factor, but divergence in ecology between the two species may provide part of the explanation. For both species, the contribution of southern western populations to the recolonization after the Last Glacial Maximum seems to have been limited, and eastern and western European populations apparently had different histories.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(78):132-150

Some years ago Donald Lehmer (1954) suggested, on the basis of data from sites near the Oahe Dam, that Middle Missouri Tradition and Coalescent Tradition populations practiced distinctly different lithic resource exploitation patterns. This study attempts to evaluate and expand upon Lehmer’s observations using data from four archaeological sites near Mobridge, South Dakota. An underlying premise is that studies of lithic resource exploitation must be grounded in a firm understanding of the geologic and geographic parameters of the natural resource base. Toward this end, field reconnaissanceand geologic information are used to define 12 stone types which occur in high frequency in the chipped stone artifact assemblages and which have reasonably well defined natural source locations and conditions. Comparisons of the four site assemblages according to the frequency of occurrence of these stone types supports Lehmer’s observations, and illustratescontrastive patterns of resource exploitation associated with the two cultural traditions. Coalescent populations relied heavily on several stone types occurring naturally in the Big Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota, while Middle Missouri populations generally ignored these sources and relied heavily on Knife River Flint as a major lithic resource. These contrastive exploitation patterns appear to have remained relatively constant through time and across considerable space.  相似文献   

Technological analysis of lithic artefacts recovered at the Aurora stratum of Atapuerca-TD6 shows that this Lower Pleistocene assemblage is similar to Mode I Technology (=Oldowan tradition) documented at many African sites. Diachronic comparison of the different levels of Gran Dolina allows us to conclude that this particular form of early European technology lacks the production of big flakes to manufacture large tools such as bifaces and cleavers. Rather, it is characterized by the presence of small artefacts, including flakes, denticulates, notches, and side-scrapers, many of which bear use-wear traces of butchery and woodworking. The dominant production technique is orthogonal, which is also reflected in the core recovered at the slightly older level of TD4. The raw materials also found in the Middle Pleistocene occupations at Atapuerca, though with significant proportion differences, have a local origin and include varieties of flint, quartzite and sandstone as well as limestone and quartz. TD6 small artefacts were made from most of these, although the retouched pieces seem to have been preferentially made of the best quality flint, i.e., Cretaceous flint, pointing to the existence of differential use of lithic material, and therefore, some degree of planned knapping behaviour. Most of the "cha?nes opératoires" or reduction sequences took place inside the cave, although some artefacts, elaborated on Cretaceous flint, seem to have been retouched off site, possibly near the supply sources.  相似文献   

Tracing European founder lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA pool   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Founder analysis is a method for analysis of nonrecombining DNA sequence data, with the aim of identification and dating of migrations into new territory. The method picks out founder sequence types in potential source populations and dates lineage clusters deriving from them in the settlement zone of interest. Here, using mtDNA, we apply the approach to the colonization of Europe, to estimate the proportion of modern lineages whose ancestors arrived during each major phase of settlement. To estimate the Palaeolithic and Neolithic contributions to European mtDNA diversity more accurately than was previously achievable, we have now extended the Near Eastern, European, and northern-Caucasus databases to 1,234, 2, 804, and 208 samples, respectively. Both back-migration into the source population and recurrent mutation in the source and derived populations represent major obstacles to this approach. We have developed phylogenetic criteria to take account of both these factors, and we suggest a way to account for multiple dispersals of common sequence types. We conclude that (i) there has been substantial back-migration into the Near East, (ii) the majority of extant mtDNA lineages entered Europe in several waves during the Upper Palaeolithic, (iii) there was a founder effect or bottleneck associated with the Last Glacial Maximum, 20,000 years ago, from which derives the largest fraction of surviving lineages, and (iv) the immigrant Neolithic component is likely to comprise less than one-quarter of the mtDNA pool of modern Europeans.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that variation exists among and between Oldowan stone tool assemblages. Oldowan variation might represent differential constraints on raw materials used to produce these stone implements. Alternatively, variation among Oldowan assemblages could represent different methods that Oldowan producing hominins utilized to produce these lithic implements. Identifying differential patterns of stone tool production within the Oldowan has implications for assessing how stone tool technology evolved, how traditions of lithic production might have been culturally transmitted, and for defining the timing and scope of these evolutionary events. At present there is no null model to predict what morphological variation in the Oldowan should look like. Without such a model, quantifying whether Oldowan assemblages vary due to raw material constraints or whether they vary due to differences in production technique is not possible. This research establishes a null model for Oldowan lithic artifact morphological variation. To establish these expectations this research 1) models the expected range of variation through large scale reduction experiments, 2) develops an algorithm to categorize archaeological flakes based on how they are produced, and 3) statistically assesses the methods of production behavior used by Oldowan producing hominins at the site of DK from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania via the experimental model. Results indicate that a subset of quartzite flakes deviate from the null expectations in a manner that demonstrates efficiency in flake manufacture, while some basalt flakes deviate from null expectations in a manner that demonstrates inefficiency in flake manufacture. The simultaneous presence of efficiency in stone tool production for one raw material (quartzite) and inefficiency in stone tool production for another raw material (basalt) suggests that Oldowan producing hominins at DK were able to mediate the economic costs associated with stone tool procurement by utilizing high-cost materials more efficiently than is expected and low-cost materials in an inefficient manner.  相似文献   

The current human mitochondrial (mtDNA) phylogeny does not equally represent all human populations but is biased in favour of representatives originally from north and central Europe. This especially affects the phylogeny of some uncommon West Eurasian haplogroups, including I and W, whose southern European and Near Eastern components are very poorly represented, suggesting that extensive hidden phylogenetic substructure remains to be uncovered. This study expanded and re-analysed the available datasets of I and W complete mtDNA genomes, reaching a comprehensive 419 mitogenomes, and searched for precise correlations between the ages and geographical distributions of their numerous newly identified subclades with events of human dispersal which contributed to the genetic formation of modern Europeans. Our results showed that haplogroups I (within N1a1b) and W originated in the Near East during the Last Glacial Maximum or pre-warming period (the period of gradual warming between the end of the LGM, ∼19 ky ago, and the beginning of the first main warming phase, ∼15 ky ago) and, like the much more common haplogroups J and T, may have been involved in Late Glacial expansions starting from the Near East. Thus our data contribute to a better definition of the Late and postglacial re-peopling of Europe, providing further evidence for the scenario that major population expansions started after the Last Glacial Maximum but before Neolithic times, but also evidencing traces of diffusion events in several I and W subclades dating to the European Neolithic and restricted to Europe.  相似文献   

石镞主要是旧石器时代晚期出现的一种投射类复合武器的尖端,其使用方式一直为学术界所关注。本文以山西吉县柿子滩遗址环境背景和石器原料为参照,通过微痕实验,探讨射击类带尖石制品重复使用过程中微痕的动态形成过程。作者对21件实验标本分阶段累计射击337次,微痕观察121次。分析结果显示,射击类带尖石制品的重复使用情况可以通过微痕进行佐证。形态变化过程表明,尖端变化较为显著,指示应以动态思维考量出土石镞形态及其暗示的人类行为;测量数据显示,尖端及侧刃较为锋利、长度适中的标本,射击效果更好,存在多次使用的可能;微痕分析指示,若尖端产生层叠大中型折断式、阶梯式疤痕,装柄部位产生连续小型折断式或羽翼式疤痕,部分出现磨圆与光泽时可以考虑重复使用的可能。本项研究为揭示石镞背后所蕴含的狩猎策略、生计方式等人类行为信息提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

Pleistocene fragmentation of Amazon species' ranges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Historical patterns of connection and isolation of the impressive biological diversity of the Amazon Basin have been the subject of extensive debate, based on evidence drawn from distributional patterns of endemic species, vegetation histories from palynological studies, and geological studies. We develop species-specific ecological niche models based on current occurrence patterns of 17 species of birds and woody plants, which we project onto modelled Pleistocene (Last Glacial Maximum) climatic patterns to reconstruct past potential distributions of each species. Forest species' distributions showed fragmentation at Last Glacial Maximum and these fragments were coincident spatially, whereas savanna species showed no clear trends. Our results suggest that past climate changes fragmented forest species' ranges within a matrix of uncertain composition.  相似文献   

中国旧石器材料数量众多,表现出一定的地域特色,在世界旧石器考古学领域占有重要地位.研究表明,类型学在解读与提取石器所包含的人类技术行为信息方面的能力有较大的局限性,而且中国旧石器时代的一些石制品的形态和组合与欧洲和近东常常难以直接对比,对器物的分类定名也存在交流上的困难.由法国学者开创发展起来的史前石器技术研究理论和方法在分析形态特征的同时,通过关注支配石器工业生产体系的技术机制和逻辑规则,对深入细致地探讨史前人类的认知特征和技术行为可以发挥重要作用,也能为石器工业甚至跨地域文化之间的比较提供基础.本文对贵州观音洞遗址的石核标本为例进行了技术分析,说明其在研究中国旧石器材料上的可行性,特别是信息提取上的优势.  相似文献   

鲁可 《人类学学报》2019,38(3):362-372
在最近的一篇文章中,由d’Errico教授率领的来自中国、法国、德国研究者的工作表明,世界上最早的骨针出现于西伯利亚和中国北方地区,且这两个地区的骨针可能是独立起源。中国考古学的纪录为这一观点提供了更多的新证据。本文将这一工具类型与石器技术和环境背景结合考察,探讨更新世晚期后半段发生的人群的扩散。我们通过材料的梳理证明,中国北方地区的骨针,是出现于距今31000年前的一次技术创新,这一技术创新以石核-石片技术为代表的中国旧石器晚期的到来为背景。距今25000年,一种新形制的骨针出现。这些骨针形制扁平,与细石叶技术同时出现。这可能反映了欧亚大陆西方人群的东迁,这些人群带来了细石叶技术。更新世末,骨针更加多样化,这意味着他们可能有多种用途。在晚冰期末段,中国北方地区的骨针不仅与细石叶技术共出,同时也与石核、石片和陶器共出。在中国南方地区,在距今12000年前,骨针的出现与石核-石片技术同时出现。南方地区的骨针或是本地的的发明,或由末次冰期前北方人群的南迁带来的。长江以南地区,骨针与石核、石片和陶器在更新世晚期同时出现。更新世晚期中国南北方地区同时出现的这一工具组合,即石核、石片、陶器和骨针,预示着南北方地区在更新世晚期和全新世早期可能存在着长距离的人群的移动和文化的交流。  相似文献   

Mediterranean Languedoc is a vast region in Southern France where Mousterian occupations, mainly concentrated in the eastern sector, are numerous. The three lithic series of the open-air sites presented in this article are yet unpublished. The techno-economical approach used to analyse these three stone assemblages has brought to light variability in Neandertal behaviour concerning raw material collection and economy in sectors more or less rich in siliceous resources, and also concerning the different production systems used and their goals. Comparisons made with other Mousterian stone assemblages in Languedoc seem to indicate ties with certain sites from the Rhône Valley.  相似文献   

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