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Stability has become the main obstacle for the commercialization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) despite the impressive power conversion efficiency (PCE). Poor crystallization and ion migration of perovskite are the major origins of its degradation under working condition. Here, high‐performance PSCs incorporated with pyridine‐2‐carboxylic lead salt (PbPyA2) are fabricated. The pyridine and carboxyl groups on PbPyA2 can not only control crystallization but also passivate grain boundaries (GBs), which result in the high‐quality perovskite film with larger grains and fewer defects. In addition, the strong interaction among the hydrophobic PbPyA2 molecules and perovskite GBs acts as barriers to ion migration and component volatilization when exposed to external stresses. Consequently, superior optoelectronic perovskite films with improved thermal and moisture stability are obtained. The resulting device shows a champion efficiency of 19.96% with negligible hysteresis. Furthermore, thermal (90 °C) and moisture (RH 40–60%) stability are improved threefold, maintaining 80% of initial efficiency after aging for 480 h. More importantly, the doped device exhibits extraordinary improvement of operational stability and remains 93% of initial efficiency under maximum power point (MPP) tracking for 540 h.  相似文献   

Perovskite photovoltaics (PVs) have attracted attention because of their excellent power conversion efficiency (PCE). Critical issues related to large‐area PV performance, reliability, and lifetime need to be addressed. Here, it is shown that doped metal oxides can provide ideal electron selectivity, improved reliability, and stability for perovskite PVs. This study reports p‐i‐n perovskite PVs with device areas ranging from 0.09 cm2 to 0.5 cm2 incorporating a thick aluminum‐doped zinc oxide (AZO) electron selective contact with hysteresis‐free PCE of over 13% and high fill factor values in the range of 80%. AZO provides suitable energy levels for carrier selectivity, neutralizes the presence of pinholes, and provides intimate interfaces. Devices using AZO exhibit an average PCE increase of over 20% compared with the devices without AZO and maintain the high PCE for the larger area devices reported. Furthermore, the device stability of p‐i‐n perovskite solar cells under the ISOS‐D‐1 is enhanced when AZO is used, and maintains 100% of the initial PCE for over 1000 h of exposure when AZO/Au is used as the top electrode. The results indicate the importance of doped metal oxides as carrier selective contacts to achieve reliable and high‐performance long‐lived large‐area perovskite solar cells.  相似文献   

Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have recently demonstrated high efficiencies of over 22%, but the thermal stability is still a major challenge for commercialization. In this work, the thermal degradation process of the inverted structured PSCs induced by the silver electrode is thoroughly investigated. Elemental depth profiles indicate that iodide and methylammonium ions diffuse through the electron‐trasnporting layer and accumulate at the Ag inner surface. The driving force of forming AgI then facilitates the ions extraction. Variations on the morphology and current mapping of the MAPbI3 thin films upon thermal treatment reveal that the loss of ions occurs at the grain boundaries and leads to the reconstruction of grain domains. Consequently, the deteriorated MAPbI3 thin film, the poor electron extraction, and the generation of AgI barrier result in the degradation of efficiencies. These direct evidences provide in‐depth understanding of the effect of thermal stress on the devices, offering both experimental support and theoretical guidance for the improvement on the thermal stability of the inverted PSCs.  相似文献   

The majority of hole‐transporting layers used in n‐i‐p perovskite solar cells contain 4‐tert butylpyridine (tBP). High power‐conversion efficiencies and, in particular, good steady‐state performance appears to be contingent on the inclusion of this additive. On the quest to improve the steady state efficiencies of the carbon nanotube‐based hole‐transporter system, this study has found that the presence of tBP results in an extraordinary improvement in the performance of these devices. By deconstructing a prototypical device and investigating the effect of tBP on each individual layer, the results of this study indicate that this performance enhancement must be due to a direct chemical interaction between tBP and the perovskite material. This study proposes that tBP serves to p‐dope the perovskite layer and investigates this theory with poling and work function measurements.  相似文献   

Next‐generation organic solar cells such as dye‐sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are studied at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and their materials, electronic properties, and fabrication processes are investigated. To enhance the performance of DSSCs, the basic structure of an electron donor, π‐electron linker, and electron acceptor, i.e., D–π–A, is suggested. In addition, special organic dyes containing coumarin, carbazole, and triphenylamine electron donor groups are synthesized to find an effective dye structure that avoids charge recombination at electrode surfaces. Meanwhile, PSCs are manufactured using both a coating method and a laser deposition technique. The results of interfacial studies demonstrate that the level of the conduction band edge (CBE) of a compact TiO2 layer is shifted after TiCl4 treatment, which strongly affects the solar cell performance. Furthermore, a special laser deposition system is developed for the fabrication of the perovskite layers of PSCs, which facilitates the control over the deposition rate of methyl ammonium iodide used as their precursor.  相似文献   

In the past few years, organic–inorganic metal halide ABX3 perovskites (A = Rb, Cs, methylammonium, formamidinium (FA); B = Pb, Sn; X = Cl, Br, I) have rapidly emerged as promising materials for photovoltaic applications. Tuning the film morphology by various deposition techniques and additives is crucial to achieve solar cells with high performance and long‐term stability. In this work, carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) containing functional groups are added to the perovskite precursor solution for fabrication of fluorine‐doped tin oxide/TiO2/perovskite/spiro‐OMeTAD/gold devices. With the addition of CNPs, the perovskite films are thermally more stable, contain larger grains, and become more hydrophobic. NMR experiments provide strong evidence that the functional groups of the CNPs interact with FA cations already in the precursor solution. The fabricated solar cells show a power‐conversion efficiency of 18% and negligible hysteresis.  相似文献   

Organic–inorganic halide perovskite (OIHP) solar cells with efficiency over 18% power conversion efficiency (PCE) have been widely achieved with lab scale spin‐coating method which is however not scalable for the fabrication of large area solar panels. The PCEs of OIHP solar cells made by scalable deposition methods, such as doctor‐blading or slot‐die coating, have been lagging far behind than spin‐coated devices. In this study the authors report composition engineering in doctor‐bladed OIHP solar cells with p–i–n planar heterojunction structure to enhance their efficiency. Phase purer OIHP thin films are obtained by incorporating a small amount of cesium (Cs+) and bromine (Br?) ions into perovskite precursor solution, which also reduces the required film formation temperature. Pinhole free OIHP thin films with micrometer‐sized grains have been obtained assisted by a secondary grain growth with added methylammonium chloride into the precursor solution. The OIHP solar cells using these bladed thin films achieved PCEs over 19.0%, with the best stabilized PCE reaching 19.3%. This represents a significant step toward scalable manufacture of OIHP solar cells.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic study of the influence of electron‐transport materials on the operation stability of the inverted perovskite solar cells under both laboratory indoor and the natural outdoor conditions in the Negev desert. It is shown that all devices incorporating a Phenyl C61 Butyric Acid Methyl ester ([60]PCBM) layer undergo rapid degradation under illumination without exposure to oxygen and moisture. Time‐of‐flight secondary ion mass spectrometry depth profiling reveals that volatile products from the decomposition of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) films diffuse through the [60]PCBM layer, go all the way toward the top metal electrode, and induce its severe corrosion with the formation of an interfacial AgI layer. On the contrary, alternative electron‐transport material based on the perylendiimide derivative provides good isolation for the MAPbI3 films preventing their decomposition and resulting in significantly improved device operation stability. The obtained results strongly suggest that the current approach to design inverted perovskite solar cells should evolve with respect to the replacement of the commonly used fullerene‐based electron‐transport layers with other types of materials (e.g., functionalized perylene diimides). It is believed that these findings pave a way toward substantial improvements in the stability of the perovskite solar cells, which are essential for successful commercialization of this photovoltaic technology.  相似文献   

Straightforward evidence for ion‐diffusion‐induced interfacial degradation in inverted perovskite solar cells is presented. Over 1000 h, solar cells inevitably undergo degradation, especially with respect to the current density and fill factor. The Ag electrode is peeled off and re‐evaporated to investigate the effect of the Ag/[6,6]‐phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) interfacial degradation on the photovoltaic performance at days 10 (240 h), 20 (480 h), 30 (720 h), and 40 (960 h). The power conversion efficiency increases after the Ag electrode restoration process. While the current density shows a slightly decreased value, the fill factor and open‐circuit voltage increase for the new electrode devices. The decrease in the activation energy due to the restored Ag electrode induces recovery of the fill factor. The diffused I? ions react with the PCBM molecules, resulting in a quasi n‐doping effect of PCBM. Upon electrode exchange, the reversible interaction between the iodine ions and PCBM causes current density variation. The disorder model for the open‐circuit voltage over a wide range of temperatures explains the open‐circuit voltage increase at every electrode exchange. Finally, the degradation mechanism of the inverted perovskite solar cell over 1000 h is described under the proposed recombination system.  相似文献   

The operation of halide perovskite optoelectronic devices, including solar cells and LEDs, is strongly influenced by the mobility of ions comprising the crystal structure. This peculiarity is particularly true when considering the long‐term stability of devices. A detailed understanding of the ion migration‐driven degradation pathways is critical to design effective stabilization strategies. Nonetheless, despite substantial research in this first decade of perovskite photovoltaics, the long‐term effects of ion migration remain elusive due to the complex chemistry of lead halide perovskites. By linking materials chemistry to device optoelectronics, this study highlights that electrical bias‐induced perovskite amorphization and phase segregation is a crucial degradation mechanism in planar mixed halide perovskite solar cells. Depending on the biasing potential and the injected charge, halide segregation occurs, forming crystalline iodide‐rich domains, which govern light emission and participate in light absorption and photocurrent generation. Additionally, the loss of crystallinity limits charge collection efficiency and eventually degrades the device performance.  相似文献   

Compared to inorganic semiconductors and/or fullerene derivatives, nonfullerene n‐type organic semiconductors present some advantages, such as low‐temperature processing, flexibility, and molecule structure diversity, and have been widely used in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). In this research news article, the recent advances in nonfullerene n‐type organic semiconductors which function as electron‐transporting, interface‐modifying, additive, and light‐harvesting materials in PSCs are summarized. The remaining challenges and promising future directions of nonfullerene‐based PSCs are also discussed.  相似文献   

Semitransparent perovskite solar cells (st‐PSCs) have received remarkable interest in recent years because of their great potential in applications for solar window, tandem solar cells, and flexible photovoltaics. However, all reported st‐PSCs require expensive transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) or metal‐based thin films made by vacuum deposition, which is not cost effective for large‐scale fabrication: the cost of TCOs is estimated to occupy ≈75% of the manufacturing cost of PSCs. To address this critical challenge, this study reports a low‐temperature and vacuum‐free strategy for the fabrication of highly efficient TCO‐free st‐PSCs. The TCO‐free st‐PSC on glass exhibits 13.9% power conversion efficiency (PCE), and the four‐terminal tandem cell made with the st‐PSC top cell and c‐Si bottom cell shows an overall PCE of 19.2%. Due to the low processing temperature, the fabrication of flexible st‐PSCs is demonstrated on polyethylene terephthalate and polyimide, which show excellent stability under repeated bending or even crumbing.  相似文献   

Hybrid lead halide perovskites have reached very large solar to electricity power conversion efficiencies, in some cases exceeding 20%. The most extensively used perovskite‐based solar cell configuration comprises CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) in combination with electron (TiO2) and hole 2,2′,7,7′‐tetrakis(N,N‐di‐p‐methoxyphenylamine)‐9,9‐spiro‐bifluorene (spiro‐OMeTAD) selective contacts. The recognition that the solar cell performance is heavily affected by time scale of the measurement and preconditioning procedures has raised many concerns about the stability of the device and reliability for long‐time operation. Mechanisms at contacts originate observable current–voltage distortions. Two types of reactivity sources have been identified here: (i) weak Ti–I–Pb bonds that facilitate interfacial accommodation of moving iodine ions. This interaction produces a highly reversible capacitive current originated at the TiO2/MAPbI3 interface, and it does not alter steady‐state photovoltaic features. (ii) An irreversible redox peak only observable after positive poling at slow scan rates. It corresponds to the chemical reaction between spiro‐OMeTAD+ and migrating I? which progressively reduces the hole transporting material conductivity and deteriorates solar cell performance.  相似文献   

In addition to a good perovskite light absorbing layer, the hole and electron transport layers play a crucial role in achieving high‐efficiency perovskite solar cells. Here, a simple, one‐step, solution‐based method is introduced for fabricating high quality indium‐doped titanium oxide electron transport layers. It is shown that indium‐doping improves both the conductivity of the transport layer and the band alignment at the ETL/perovskite interface compared to pure TiO2, boosting the fill‐factor and voltage of perovskite cells. Using the optimized transport layers, a high steady‐state efficiency of 17.9% for CH3NH3PbI3‐based cells and 19.3% for Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3‐based cells is demonstrated, corresponding to absolute efficiency gains of 4.4% and 1.2% respectively compared to TiO2‐based control cells. In addition, a steady‐state efficiency of 16.6% for a semi‐transparent cell is reported and it is used to achieve a four‐terminal perovskite‐silicon tandem cell with a steady‐state efficiency of 24.5%.  相似文献   

2D organic–inorganic hybrid Ruddlesden–Popper perovskites have emerged recently as candidates for the light‐absorbing layer in solar cell technology due largely to their impressive operational stability compared with their 3D‐perovskite counterparts. The methods reported to date for the preparation of efficient 2D perovksite layers for solar cells involve a nonscalable spin‐coating step. In this work, a facile, spin‐coating‐free, directly scalable drop‐cast method is reported for depositing precursor solutions that self‐assemble into highly oriented, uniform 2D‐perovskite films in air, yielding perovskite solar cells with power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of up to 14.9% (certified PCE of 14.33% ± 0.34 at 0.078 cm2). This is the highest PCE to date for a solar cell with 2D‐perovskite layers fabricated by nonspin‐coating method. The PCEs of the cells display no evidence of degradation after storage in a nitrogen glovebox for more than 5 months. 2D‐perovskite layer deposition using a slot‐die process is also investigated for the first time. Perovskite solar cells fabricated using batch slot‐die coating on a glass substrate or R2R slot‐die coating on a flexible substrate produced PCEs of 12.5% and 8.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

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