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Among the six species of fossil bryozoans described by Xia et al. [Xia, F.S., Zhang, S.G., Wang, Z.Z., 2007. The oldest bryozoans: new evidence from the late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) of East Yangtze Gorges. Journal of Paleontology 81 (6), 1308–1326] from the Fenghsiang Formation of the Chenjiahe section of Yichang and the Guanzhuangping section, Liujiachang Town of Songzi, the Yangtze Gorges, Nekhorosheviella nodulifera occurs in the pristinus Conodont Subzone (lower Subzone of deltifer Conodont Zone) and the five other species are associated with the conodont Paltodus deltifer deltifer and the graptolites Acanthograptus sinensis and A. erectoramus. Based on the conodonts and graptolites, this bryofauna stratigraphically corresponds to the A. sinensis Graptolite Zone or P. deltifer Conodont Zone. The bryofauna is of Tremadocian Age (Early Ordovician) and represents the oldest bryozoans so far as known.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossils from Paleocene sediments of two boreholes (Odeska-6 and 20) from the north-western shelf of the Black Sea are examined. Five nannofossil Zones are identified according to the standard zonations of Martini (1971) and Quillévéré et al. (2002): the Chiasmolithus danicus Zone (NP3), the upper part of Ellipsolithus Macellus Zone (NP4b), the Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone (NP5), the Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone (NP6) and the Heliolithus riedelii Zone (NP8). This biostratigraphical work allows us to correlate the Bilokamian and Kachian regional stages of the Stratigraphic Scheme of Southern Ukraine (Zernetskiy et al., 1993) to the standard nannofossil zonations and, therefore, to the International Chronostratigraphic scheme. The presence of an unconformity between the Bilokamian and Kachian regional stages in the borehole section of Odeska-6 is suggested by Linear Sedimentary Rates estimated for the two boreholes. This unconformity corresponds to the upper part of the Chiasmolithus danicus nannofossil Zone (NP3) and the lower part of Ellipsolithus Macellus (NP4a), and is estimated to last nearly 1.94 Ma.  相似文献   

Sections from mature zygotic embryos of Norway spruce exhibited different capacities for somatic embryo initiation. The upper hypocotyl part (Zone 2) was the most embryogenic, followed by the lower hypocotyl (Zone 3) and the apical zone (Zone 1); the root part (Zone 4) never initiated embryonal-suspensor masses (ESM). The embryogenic capacity of mature zygotic embryo is narrowly located in the vicinity of Zone 2. The frequency of embryos differentiating simultaneously ESM on Zones 1 and 3 is very low (0.6%) compared to those initiating ESM on Zones 1 and 2 (7%) or Zones 2 and 3 (16%). Elevated concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid (40 and 80 M) reduced ESM initiation and callus proliferation on all sections but Zone 1. Highest initiation rate was obtained when explants were cultured with an apical-end-up orientation. Placing the explant basal-end-up partially inhibited the expression of embryogenic capacity, as well as decreasing the callus proliferation on Zone 3. A weak positive correlation (r=0.19, p < 0.001) was found between embryogenic capacity of the explant and proliferation rate of the derived callus.  相似文献   

Lepsiella vinosa\ (Lamarck), a common intertidal predatory gastropod,was studied in two zones on an exposed rocky shore in Victoria(Australia). Those from the Mussel Zone in the mid-shore primarilyate one species of mussel and had a faster rate of energy consumptionthan those from the Littorinid Zone in the high-shore, whichmainly ate one species of littorinid gastropod. Shell length,growth rate and size-specific body weight of L. vinosa wereall significantly greater in the Mussel Zone. Egg capsules ofL. vinosa from the Mussel Zone contained significantly moreeggs and more potential hatchlings per capsule than those fromthe Littorinid Zone although there were no significant differencesin the sizes of eggs or hatchlings between zones. These differencesbetween the two zones were correlated to the greater consumptionof energy by L. vinosa in the Mussel Zone and were discussedin relation to the absence of dispersive larvae in this species 1Present address: Department of Zoology, Monash University,Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia 2Present address: School of Biological Sciences, Carslaw Building,F07, University of Sydney, N.S.W., 2006, Australia. Addresseefor reprints. (Received 2 June 1987;  相似文献   

Palynological investigations have been carried out on a sediment core from ancient Lake Lerna, a former fresh water lagoon in the western part of the Argive plain, Peloponnese, southern Greece. The sequence starts at 6800 B.P. (5700 cal B.C.). The lowest part of the pollen diagram shows a period of open deciduous oak woods, which may have been influenced by human impact already (Zone I). It is followed by a period of dense deciduous oak woods (Zone II), which lasted until the beginning of the Bronze Age ca. 4800 B.P. (3500 cal B.C.). Later, the diagram indicates strong human influence such as woodland clearance, the spread of maquis, phrygana and pine in Zones IIIa-IV. During the Archaic, Geometric and Classical periods after ca. 2700 B.P. (800 cal B.C.) there is evidence of a phase of extensive olive farming (Zone IIIb). In the same zone, after a period of scattered finds, there is an almost continuous Juglans curve. Zone IV is characterised by high pine values. In Zones I-II the evidence of evergreen Mediterranean plants is surprisingly small. In times with no discernible human influence (Zone II), deciduous oaks dominate, with no evidence for a climax vegetation of the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance. Olea europaea is the only species of that alliance traceable by its pollen in the diagram, while Ceratonia pollen is totally absent.  相似文献   

Ammonitoceras Dumas, 1876 is a genus of heteromorph ammonites characterized by the presence of a peculiar ontogenetic stage in its inner whorls: the Ammonitoceras stage. But in spite of its wide paleogeographic and biostratigraphic extension throughout the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous), this genus remains poorly known. In the present work we study specimens of Ammonitoceras from the lower Aptian Deshayesites multicostatus (Deshayesites deshayesi Zone) to Dufrenoyia furcata (Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) subzones of the Les Ferres Aptian Basin (southeastern France). The results are as follows: (1) representatives of Ammonitoceras from this area are regarded dimorphic with criocone macroconchs and ancylocone microconchs, (2) their ontogenetic sequence is described, (3) their intraspecific variability is significant and concerns the adult size and the duration of the ontogenetic stages, especially the Ammonitoceras stage, (4) two species are recognized: the earlier Ammonitoceras ucetiae Dumas, 1876, characterized by a brief Ammonitoceras stage on average, and the latter Ammonitoceras lahuseni (Sinzow, 1906), characterized by a longer Ammonitoceras stage on average. The sample of the Deshayesites grandis Subzone (Deshayesites deshayesi Zone) is composed of specimens too fragmentary to be identified at species level.  相似文献   

Based on a systematic study of Tremadocian graptolites from the Early Ordovician Yehli Formation at Dayangcha, Baishan of Jilin, NE China, a revised graptolite zonation is proposed for the Tremadocian rocks in the area. In ascending order, the graptolite zones include theRhabdinopora flabelliformis parabola Zone, theAnisograptus matanensis Zone, thePsigraptus jacksoni Zone and theAorograptus victoriae Zone. The first three zones are discussed with their definitions and durations clarified, whereas the last zone is introduced for the first time as a replacement of the formerAdelograptus-Clonograptus Zone. The entire Yehli Formation is considered to be older than the late Tremadocian Hunneberg Substage of Scandinavia, the latter being represented by the carbonate-dominated basal part of the overlying Liangchiashan Formation where no graptolites have so far been discovered. The Tremadocian succession in the Dayangcha area is regarded as being representative of the North China (Sino-Korea) Palaeoplate, and a correlation of the Tremadocian graptolite sequence with those of other continents is suggested. Nine species belonging toDendrograptus, Aspidograptus, Callograptus andAirograptus of the family Dendroidae, and eight species ofPsigraptus, Adelograptus, Aorograptus andKiaerograptus of the family Anisograptidae are described and some are revised in the present paper. Among the important revisions are the reconstructed proximal development ofPsigraptus jacksoni based on partially three-dimensional specimens from the area, and the complex thecal structures ofAspidograptus.   相似文献   

Because of the relatively thick succession exposed in the Msila area, new bed-by-bed sampling has been carried out in order to investigate late Tithonian ammonites and the correlation between biostratigraphic scales based on ammonites and calpionellids. The outcrop begins with Lower Tithonian beds assigned to the Fallauxi Zone. Ammonites have been found that allow recognition in the same section both Fallauxi and Ponti Zones. The most significant species are: Simoceras admirandum Zittel, which is the marker of the upper subzone of the Fallauxi Zone, i.e. the Admirandum/Biruncinatum Subzone, and several species of the genus Lemencia and Burckhardticeras peroni (Roman), that characterize the Ponti Zone. Ammonites that belong to the Microcanthum Zone appear in bed 18. This zone is usually subdivided into two subzones, of which only the lower one, the Simplisphinctes Subzone, has been recognized. The upper Transitorius Subzone has been recognized on the basis of the occurrence of Moravisphinctes fischeri (Kilian). The last ammonite unit, the Durangites Zone, is easily recognizable because of the occurrence of species of the genera Durangites and Protacanthodiscus. The section ends with the beginning of the Berriasian, which is characterized by a well-exposed, ammonite-rich bed of the Jacobi Zone. Correlation of the ammonite zones with calpionellid zones has been investigated. The Chitinoidella Zone is characterized by calpionellids with microgranular tests that appear in the ammonite Admirandum/Biruncinatum Subzone with species of the Dobeni Subzone, which extends up to the Ponti Zone. Representatives of the Boneti Sub-Zone appear in bed 16, which probably correlates with the base of the ammonite Upper Tithonian Microcanthum Zone. Two horizons have been distinguished within the calpionellid Subzone A3.  相似文献   

Aim  We analysed the geographical distributions of species of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) in Mexico by means of a panbiogeographical analysis, in order to identify their main distributional patterns and test the complex nature of the Mexican Transition Zone, located between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions.
Location  Mexico.
Methods  The geographical distributions of 228 species belonging to 33 genera of Buprestidae were analysed. Localities of the buprestid species were represented on maps and their individual tracks were drawn. Based on a comparison of the individual tracks, generalized tracks were detected and mapped. Nodes were identified as the areas where generalized tracks converged.
Results  Thirteen generalized tracks were obtained: one was restricted to the Mexican Transition Zone and five to the Neotropical region (Antillean and Mesoamerican dominions), a further two occurred in both the Nearctic region (Continental Nearctic dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone, and a further five in both the Neotropical region (Mesoamerican dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone. Seven nodes were identified at the intersections of the generalized tracks – in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexican Pacific Coast, Mexican Gulf and Chiapas biogeographical provinces) and the Mexican Transition Zone (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Balsas Basin and Sierra Madre Oriental biogeographical provinces).
Main conclusions  We conclude that the geographical distribution of Buprestidae is mainly Neotropical, corresponding to the Mesoamerican dominion and the Antillean dominion of the Neotropical region, and the Mexican Transition Zone. Most of the generalized tracks and nodes correspond to the Mexican Transition Zone, thus confirming its complex nature. We suggest that the nodes we have identified could be particularly important areas to choose for conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

The species and generic compositions of bryozoans of the order Cryptostomata from the Emsian Stage of the Salair Ridge are discussed. A new genus, Vadimella gen. nov., comprising V. optima sp. nov. (type species) and V. devonica sp. nov. (kitabicus Zone), as well as the species Niigaella formosa L. Nekhorosheva (serotinus Zone), which has for the first time been recorded on the Salair Ridge, are described. The generic diagnosis of Niigaella is supplemented.  相似文献   

A new conodont species, Siphonodella leiosa, is described from the lower Carboniferous pelagic limestones of the Montagne Noire (France), deposited in North Gondwana on a outer platform environment. Specimens were obtained from one level dated to the Siphonodella jii conodont Zone. The major difference from other siphonodellid conodonts known in this area is that the elements of this new species have a practically entirely smooth and unornamented platform, apart from the development of one or two low rostral ridge-like nodes. Similar morphologies were generally observed in shallow marine deposits of the same time frame from China, Russia and East and Central European areas. The new discovery reinforces the idea that ornamentation of siphonodellids is not only related to bathymetry, but that temperature could play an important role in the diversification and radiation of unornamented species during the Siphonodella jii conodont Zone.  相似文献   

Major morphological features of the shell are studied, and new trachyceratid genera, Boreotrachyceras gen. nov. with the type species B. omkutchanicum (Bytschkov) and Okhototrachyceras gen. nov. with the type species O. seimkanense (Bytschkov), are established based on material from the Lower Carnian of the Omolon Massif and Northern Okhotsk Region. The first record of the genus Trachyceras in the Boreal Realm allows the correlation of the omkutchanicum Zone of Northeastern Asia with the standard aon Zone.  相似文献   

Radiolarians and planktonic foraminifers were studied from a series of continuous outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous (upper Campanian) Kannaviou Formation near Sarama Village (southwestern Cyprus). The composite study section has a narrow stratigraphic interval that covers the upper Campanian, with a total thickness of more than 70 m. The Amphipyndax tylotus (radiolarian) Zone is found within the study section. According to foraminiferal data the studied interval corresponds to the middle-upper Campanian age (from Contusotruncana plummerae Zone to the lower part of Gansserina gansseri Zone).  相似文献   

In this paper a magnetostratigraphically calibrated biozonation of the Miocene–Pliocene continental record of the Guadix–Baza Basin (south‐eastern Spain) is presented. This biozonation is based on a rodent succession which ranges from the latest Miocene (c. 6 Ma) to the latest Pliocene (c. 2.6 Ma). A total of nine biozones have been defined for the late Miocene and Pliocene, all of them based on the range or concurrent‐range of rodent species: Apodemus gudrunae – Apocricetus alberti Zone, Apocricetus barrierei Zone, Paraethomys aff. abaigari Zone, Trilophomys Zone, Mimomys davakosi Zone, Dolomys adroveri Zone, Mimomys hassiacus Zone, Mimomys polonicus Zone and Kislangia ischus Zone. A magnetobiostratigraphical correlation has been established between these biozones and the standard ATNTS scale, on the basis of the palaeomagnetic analysis carried out on the sections of Negratín, Botardo‐1 and Gorafe. The correlation has been completed with previous palaeomagnetic analysis in the sections of Galera and Zújar. The magnetobiostratigraphical correlation here established indicates a late Messinian age for the Apodemus gudrunae – Apocricetus alberti Zone, a Zanclean age for the Apocricetus barrierei, Paraethomys aff. abaigari, Trilophomys and Mimomys davakosi zones and a Piazencian age for the Mimomys hassiacus, Mimomys polonicus and Kislangia ischus zones. The Dolomys adroveri Zone is mostly Zanclean in age, but its uppermost part belongs to the Piazencian. Therefore, unit MN13 is correlated with the late Messinian, MN14 is correlated with the early Zanclean, most of MN15 is correlated with the late Zanclean, while the uppermost part of MN15 and MN16 are correlated with the Piazencian.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of ammonites from fourteen sections in the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera has enabled us to identify accurately the sequence of bioevents that take place throughout the uppermost Hauterivian and to propose a more precise biostratigraphic scheme for this interval. Thus, we have divided the two currently admitted zones (the Crioceratites balearis Zone and the Pseudothurmannia angulicostata auct. Zone) into several subzones. Four subzones can be recognised within the Cr. balearis Zone. The base of each subzone is defined by the first occurrence of one of four successive species belonging to the same Crioceratites lineage. These species are: Cr. balearis, Cr. binelli, Cr. krenkeli and Cr. angulicostatus. The Ps. ohmi Zone (which replaces the classical Ps. angulicostata Zone) can be divided into three subzones characterised by three successive species of the genus Pseudothurmannia: Ps. ohmi, Ps mortilleti (here considered as a senior synonym of Ps. catulloi) and Ps. picteti. According to the current definition, the first occurrence of Taveraidiscus hugii (OOSTER) marks the lower boundary of the Barremian stage. This event fits into a major faunal-renewal episode that begins in the upper part of the Ps. picteti Subzone.  相似文献   

The zonation of the Furongian Alum Shale in Scandinavia, based on olenid trilobites, is reviewed and revised. The current scheme is rooted in a detailed zonation introduced in the late 1950s with subzones that subsequently have been elevated to zonal rank. Ten of these zones are difficult to recognize in all Alum Shale districts, and a revised zonation is proposed, focused on unambiguous identification throughout Scandinavia. The difficulties in recognizing zones in some districts mostly relate to biofacies differentiation. Representatives of Ctenopyge are, for instance, common in palaeo-offshore areas, whereas pelturines are rare in these settings and vice versa in palaeo-inboard settings. The following modifications of the olenid zonation are proposed: the Olenus scanicus Zone is renamed the O. scanicusO. rotundatus Zone; the Ctenopyge similis and Ctenopyge spectabilis zones are replaced by the Sphaerophthalmus modestusSphaerophthalmus angustus Zone; the Ctenopyge tumida Zone is renamed the Peltura acutidensCtenopyge tumida Zone; the Peltura scarabaeoides Subzone is restored (as a zone) and replaces the Ctenopyge bisulcata and Ctenopyge linnarssoni zones. The Parabolina heres megalops (Sub)Zone is reinstated and replaces the Peltura paradoxa Zone; the Acerocarina granulata and P. costata zones are combined as the Acerocarina granulata–Peltura costata Zone. In addition, the name Proceratopyge nathorsti–Simulolenus alpha Zone is suggested for the polymerid zone corresponding to the upper Miaolingian Agnostus pisiformis Zone. The proposed changes reduce the number of Furongian Zones to 23, allocated to six superzones. No subzones are recognized, but some zones can potentially be subdivided for improved local correlation. The stratigraphical ranges of all Furongian olenid trilobites and agnostoids described from Scandinavia are summarized.  相似文献   

In the Namur-Dinant Basin (Belgium), the last Atrypida and Pentamerida originate from the top of the Upper Palmatolepis rhenana Zone (Late Frasnian). Within this biozone, their representatives belong to the genera Costatrypa, Desquamatia (Desquamatia), Radiatrypa, Spinatrypa (Spinatrypa), Spinatrypina (Spinatrypina?), Spinatrypina (Exatrypa), Waiotrypa, Iowatrypa and Metabolipa. No representative of these orders occurs within the Palmatolepis linguiformis Zone. The disappearance of the last pentamerids, mostly confined to reefal ecosystems, is clearly related to the end of the edification of the carbonate mounds; it precedes shortly the atrypid one. This event, resulting from a transgressive episode, which induces a progressive and dramatic deterioration of the oxygenation conditions, takes place firstly in the most distal zones of the Namur-Dinant Basin (southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium; Lower P. rhenana Zone). It is only recorded within the Upper P. rhenana Zone in the Philippeville Anticlinorium, the Vesdre area, and the northern flank of the Dinant Synclinorium. It would seem that the terebratulids were absent during the Famennian in this basin, probably due to inappropriate facies. Among the 13 species described or briefly discussed (Palmatolepis hassi to Upper P. rhenana zones), Pseudoatrypa godefroidi nov. sp. and Spinatrypina (Exatrypa) marmoris nov. sp. are proposed as new.  相似文献   

Foraminifers from typical Kulm environments are described from 4 localities at the eastern and northern border of the Rhenish Massif: aQuasiendothyra fauna of uppermost Devonian age (Famennian); a Chernyshinellinae fauna of the lower Dinantian Cf1 Zone (middle Tournaisian); upper Dinantian foraminifers from the Cf4δ to Cf6γ Zones (Middle and Upper Viséan). The foraminifer assemblages of the Cf6 Zone (V3b + c), in theGoniatites crenistria schmidtianus toNeoglyphioceras spirale Subzones, seem to be variegated in Germany and Belgium, but they are definitively poorer than contemporaneous faunes in the British Isles and the Russian Platform.  相似文献   

The circumpolar distribution of the four revised species ofdoridacean nudibranchs: Aegires albus, Bathydoris hodgsoni,B. clavigera and Austrodoris kerguelenensis, is demonstrated,taking into consideration the known data from the literatureand new localities from the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic.A. albus and B. hodgsoni are restricted to the High AntarcticZone. A. kerguelenensis is widely distributed in the High Antarcticand Subantarctic Zone, whereas localities of B. clavigera arerestricted to the High Antarctic Zone and the Atlantic sectorof the Subantarctic Zone. (Received 13 November 1986;  相似文献   

1. A comparison is made of gel electrophoretic patterns of the "whey" proteins of the milk of red (Macropus rufus) and eastern grey (Macropus giganteus) kangaroos at various stages of lactation. Qualitative and quantitative changes occur with time during the mature phase of lactation of both types. Their onset is related solely to the stage of lactation. "Whey" proteins are isolated and characterised and the nature of protein changes determined for the first time. 2. The anodic electrophoretic pattern is divided into 6 main zones (designated A F in order of decreasing mobility) and 2 cathodic zones (G and H) that are only detected in the milk of M. giganteus. 3. Zones A, B and C are milk specific. Zone B is present throughout lactation in both species and is an alpha-lactalbumin. Zones A and C are present only in late lactation, zone C, usually, but not always, appearing first. Zone A is an alpha-lactalbumin in M. giganteus, but is not an alpha-lactalbumin in M. rufus. Zone C appears to be the same protein in both species and is possibly a beta-lactoglobulin. 4. Zone D is kangaroo serum albumin and zone E is possibly a beta 2-microglobulin. Zone F contains three main iron (III) binding bands whose relative intensity varies with stage of lactation. Their intensity differs from the corresponding blood serum transferrin bands. 5. Zone H of Macropus giganteus is a lysozyme. 6. Lactose is present in the milk, but is not the principal sugar. 7. The significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

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