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BioDeNOx is an integrated physicochemical and biological process for the removal of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from flue gases. In this process, the flue gas is purged through a scrubber containing a solution of Fe(II)EDTA2-, which binds the NOx to form an Fe(II)EDTA.NO2- complex. Subsequently, this complex is reduced in the bioreactor to dinitrogen by microbial denitrification. Fe(II)EDTA2-, which is oxidized to Fe(III)EDTA- by oxygen in the flue gas, is regenerated by microbial iron reduction. In this study, the microbial communities of both lab- and pilot-scale reactors were studied using culture-dependent and -independent approaches. A pure bacterial strain, KT-1, closely affiliated by 16S rRNA analysis to the gram-positive denitrifying bacterium Bacillus azotoformans, was obtained. DNA-DNA homology of the isolate with the type strain was 89%, indicating that strain KT-1 belongs to the species B. azotoformans. Strain KT-1 reduces Fe(II)EDTA.NO2- complex to N2 using ethanol, acetate, and Fe(II)EDTA2- as electron donors. It does not reduce Fe(III)EDTA-. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments showed the presence of bacteria closely affiliated with members of the phylum Deferribacteres, an Fe(III)-reducing group of bacteria. Fluorescent in situ hybridization with oligonucleotide probes designed for strain KT-1 and members of the phylum Deferribacteres showed that the latter were more dominant in both reactors.  相似文献   

【目的】利用硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)厌氧活性污泥进行烟气脱硫,探索硫酸盐生物还原的最适条件及重金属离子对硫酸盐生物还原的影响,以提高硫酸盐还原阶段的效率。【方法】对取自污水处理厂的SRB厌氧活性污泥进行高浓度硫酸盐胁迫驯化。分析生物脱硫过程中SRB厌氧污泥还原硫酸盐的限制性因素及影响。【结果】在最适生长条件下(pH 6.5,32°C),经驯化获得的SRB厌氧活性污泥有较强的硫酸盐还原能力。Fe2+的适量添加对硫酸盐还原有一定促进作用。SRB厌氧污泥还原硫酸盐的ThCOD/SO42-最适值为3.00,ThCOD=3.33为最适理论化学需氧量,硫酸盐还原率可达72.15%。SRB厌氧污泥还原硫酸盐反应体系中抑制SRB活性的硫化物浓度为300 mg/L。Pb2+和Ni2+在较低的浓度下(1.0 mg/L和2.0 mg/L)对硫酸盐的还原产生较强的抑制作用,而Cu2+在稍高的浓度下(8.0 mg/L)显示出明显的抑制作用。【结论】经驯化,SRB厌氧活性污泥显示出较强的硫酸盐还原能力,具有应用于工业烟气生物脱硫的潜力。去除重金属离子Pb2+、Ni2+和Cu2+可有效解除对硫酸盐生物还原作用的抑制。  相似文献   

The elimination of organic contaminants in highly complex wastewater was tested using a combination of the techniques: electrocoagulation with aluminum electrodes and phytoremediation with Myriophyllum aquaticum. Under optimal operating conditions at a pH of 8 and a current density of 45.45 A m(-2), the electrochemical method produces partial elimination of contaminants, which was improved using phytoremediation as a polishing technique. The combined treatment reduced chemical oxygen demand (COD) by 91%, color by 97% and turbidity by 98%. Initial and final values of contaminants in wastewaters were monitored using UV-vis spectrometry and cyclic voltammetry. Finally, the morphology and the elemental composition of the biomass were characterized with using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). The presence of Al in the roots of plants in the system indicates that the aluminum present in the test solution could be absorbed.  相似文献   

An integrated physicochemical and biological technique for NO(x) removal from flue gas, the so-called BioDeNO(x) process, combines the principles of wet absorption of NO in an aqueous Fe(II)EDTA(2-) solution with biological reduction of the sorbed NO in a bioreactor. The biological reduction of NO to di-nitrogen gas (N(2)) takes place under thermophilic conditions (55 degrees C). This study demonstrates the technical feasibility of this BioDeNO(x) concept in a bench-scale installation with a continuous flue gas flow of 650 l.h(-1) (70-500 ppm NO; 0.8-3.3% O(2)). Stable NO removal with an efficiency of at least 70% was obtained in case the artificial flue gas contained 300 ppm NO and 1% O(2) when the bioreactor was inoculated with a denitrifying sludge. An increase of the O(2) concentration of only 0.3% resulted in a rapid elevation of the redox potential (ORP) in the bioreactor, accompanied by a drastic decline of the NO removal efficiency. This was not due to a limitation or inhibition of the NO reduction, but to a limited biological iron reduction capacity. The latter leads to a depletion of the NO absorption capacity of the scrubber liquor, and thus to a poor NO removal efficiency. Bio-augmentation of the reactor mixed liquor with an anaerobic granular sludge with a high Fe(III) reduction capacity successfully improved the bioreactor efficiency and enabled to treat a flue gas containing at least 3.3% O(2) and 500 ppm NO with an NO removal efficiency of over 80%. The ORP in the bioreactor was found to be a proper parameter for the control of the ethanol supply, needed as electron donor for the biological regeneration process. The NO removal efficiency as well as the Fe(III)EDTA(-) reduction rate were found to decline at ORP values higher than -140 mV (pH 7.0). For stable BioDeNO(x) operation, the supply of electron donor (ethanol) can be used to control the ORP below that critical value.  相似文献   

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is one of the major pollutantsin the atmosphere that cause acid rain. Microbialprocesses for reducing SO2 to hydrogen sulfide(H2S) have previously been demonstrated byutilizing mixed cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB) with municipal sewage digest as the carbon andenergy source. To maximize the productivity of theSO2-reducing bioreactor in this study, variousimmobilized cell bioreactors were investigated: a stirredtank with SRB flocs and columnar reactors with cellsimmobilized in either -carrageenan gel matrix orpolymeric porous BIO-SEPTM beads. Themaximum volumetric productivity for SO2reduction in the continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR)with SRB flocs was 2.1 mmol SO2/h·l. The-carrageenan gel matrix used for cellimmobilization was not durable at feed sulfiteconcentrations greater than 2000 mg/l or at sulfite feedrate of 1.7 mmol/h·l. A columnar reactor withmixed SRB cells that had been allowed to grow intohighly stable BIO-SEP polymeric beads exhibited thehighest sulfite conversion rates, in the range of16.5 mmol/h·l (with 100% conversion) to20 mmol/h·l (with 95% conversion). In addition toflue gas desulfurization, potential applications of thismicrobial process include the treatment ofsulfate/sulfite-laden wastewater from the pulp and paper,petroleum, mining, and chemical industries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to treat the wastewater collected from equalization tank of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), which was a mixture of waste coming from 525 small-scale industries manufacturing textile and dyestuff intermediate, pigments and pharmaceuticals. Initially a pretreatment using ferric chloride and lime was carried out to increase the biodegradability (BOD(5)/COD) of the effluent, which showed color removal of 74% and COD reduction of 75% at a concentration of 10 and 4 g/L. respectively. The biological treatment system using anaerobic fixed film reactor was investigated as secondary treatment. A mixture of bacterial consortium DMAB and cowdung slurry was used for the formation of biofilm. The effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and organic loading rate (OLR) on the efficiency of treatment of anaerobic reactor was analysed. Subsequent aerobic treatment after anaerobic step using aerobic culture Pseudomonas aeroginosa helped in further removal of COD and color. Formation of aromatic amines during anaerobic treatment was mineralized by sequential aerobic treatment.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to develop an integrated treatment system for coffee processing wastewater (CPWW) through the combination of biomethanation with aeration and wetland plants treatment. The biomethanation was carried out at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) using upflow anaerobic hybrid reactor (UAHR) and 18 h of HRT was found to be optimum. The maximum biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total solids (TS) reduction were 66.0%, 61.0% and 58.0%, respectively with organic loading rate of 9.55 kg m?3 day?1. The reduction of pollution load of the wastewater by microbial action augmented by aeration resulted in the reduction of electrical conductivity (EC), BOD, COD, and total solids (TS). Continuous aeration of wastewater resulted in maximum reduction of BOD (74.6%), COD (68.6%) and TS (49.3%). The wetland plant, Typha latifolia reduced 85.4% and 78.0% of BOD and COD, respectively in biomethanated cum aerated CPWW.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the functionality, laboratory testing and field application of a microbial sensor, which can be modified to monitor organic pollution extent, toxicity and over-(under)load of wastewaters both under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Since nitrification is related to protons formation and the addition of alkaline is necessary for pH control, an aerobic biosensor monitoring Na2CO3 consumption was developed and practically implemented to control the nitrification process. As CO2 is the respiration product from aerobic degradation which can be correlated to the organic pollution extent, the previous biosensor was modified to monitor and measure the online toxicity and BOD/COD. Under anaerobic conditions, the online measurement of NaOH consumption and biogas production allowed the detection of toxicity incidents and over-(under)load in the influent. Such toximeters get in contact with the wastewater the earliest possible, providing sufficient time for protection of sensitive biological wastewater treatment processes and for the implementation of control and management strategies.  相似文献   

通过对农林生物质燃料特性、燃烧灰成分及对现有脱硫技术对农林生物质燃烧烟气的适应性探讨,半干法脱硫是较为合适的农林生物质燃烧烟气脱硫方法,同时对半干法烟气脱硫参数作了分析。  相似文献   

随着有机氟化物在各领域的广泛应用,含氟有机废水处理面临巨大挑战。活性污泥作为有机废水处理的核心技术之一,微生物在其中发挥着极其重要的作用。本综述首先聚焦在活性污泥微生物群落多样性、组成、结构和功能及其与含氟废水类型、处理工艺和处理效率之间的关系,进而讨论了功能微生物降解/转化有机氟化物的途径和作用机制,最后展望了结合分离培养降解有机氟化物的关键微生物,以及微生物组学技术解析活性污泥微生物群落构建、互作、代谢等核心问题,以提高对含氟有机废水微生物降解机理的认识,优化含氟有机废水处理工艺。  相似文献   

A quantitative fingerprinting method, called the real-time terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (real-time-t-RFLP) assay, was developed for simultaneous determination of microbial diversity and abundance within a complex community. The real-time-t-RFLP assay was developed by incorporating the quantitative feature of real-time PCR and the fingerprinting feature of t-RFLP analysis. The assay was validated by using a model microbial community containing three pure strains, an Escherichia coli strain (gram negative), a Pseudomonas fluorescens strain (gram negative), and a Bacillus thuringiensis strain (gram positive). Subsequently, the real-time-t-RFLP assay was applied to and proven to be useful for environmental samples; the richness and abundance of species in microbial communities (expressed as the number of 16S rRNA gene copies of each ribotype per milliliter) of wastewater and estrogen-degrading consortia (enriched with 17alpha-estradiol, 17beta-estradiol, or estrone) were successfully characterized. The results of this study strongly suggested that the real-time-t-RFLP assay can be a powerful molecular tool for gaining insight into microbial communities in various engineered systems and natural habitats.  相似文献   

The number of functional traits of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) microbial community (i.e. functional richness) is thought to be an important determinant of its overall functional performance, but the ecological factors that determine functional richness remain unclear. The number of taxa within a community (i.e. taxonomic richness) is one ecological factor that might be important. Communities that contain more taxa are more likely to have more functional traits, and a positive association is therefore expected between functional and taxonomic richness. Empirical tests for this positive association among WWTP communities, however, are lacking. We address this knowledge gap by measuring the functional and taxonomic richness of 10 independent WWTP communities. We demonstrate that functional and taxonomic richness are positively associated with each other. We further demonstrate that functional and taxonomic richness are negatively associated with the effluent NH4‐N and BOD5 concentrations. This led us to hypothesize that correlated variation in functional and taxonomic richness is likely related to variation in ambient nitrogen and carbon availability. We finally demonstrate that this hypothesis is consistent with the functional and taxonomic attributes of the WWTP communities. Together, our results improve our basic understanding of the ecology and functioning of WWTP communities.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the detection of pathogens in water, wastewater, and other environmental samples is restricted by the ability to culture such organisms from complex environmental samples. During the last decade the use of molecular methods have supplied the means for examining microbial diversity and detecting specific organisms without the need for cultivation. The application of molecular techniques to the study of natural and engineered environmental systems has increased our insight into the vast diversity and interaction of microorganisms present in complex environments. In this paper, we will review the current and emerging molecular approaches for characterizing microbial community composition and structure in wastewater processes. Recent studies show that advances in microarray assays are increasing our capability of detecting hundreds and even thousands of DNA sequences simultaneously and rapidly. With the current progress in microfluidics and optoelectronics, the ability to automate a detection/identification system is now being realized. The status of such a system for wastewater monitoring is discussed.  相似文献   

Energy harvest from optimized annular single chamber microbial fuel cell (ASCMFC) with novel configuration, which treats chocolate industry wastewater, was investigated. In this study, optimization of operational parameters of the ASCMFC in terms of efficiency water‐soluble organic matter reduction and capability of electricity generation was evaluated. During the experiment, effluent from the anode compartment was examined through current and power density curves for variation in temperature and pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and turbidity removal, and substrate concentration. The performance analyzed at different temperature ranges such as 25, 30, 35, and 40°C, which showed 88% increase by uprising temperature from 25 to 35°C. The ASCMFC was used to produce electricity by adjusting pH between 5 and 9 at resistance of 100 Ω. Under the condition of pH 7 power density (16.75 W/m3) was highest, which means natural pH is preferred to maximize microbial activities. Wastewater concentration with COD of 700 and 1400 mg/L were investigated to determine its affection on current production. Reduction of current density was observed due to decrease in wastewater concentration. Significant reduction in COD and turbidity of effluent were 91 and 78%, respectively. The coulombic efficiency of 45.1% was achieved.  相似文献   

Wastewater that enters wastewater treatment plants contains lots of pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms which can become bioaerosols during treatment processes and pose health hazard to workers and nearby residents. The emission of the bioaerosols from an urban wastewater treatment plant in spring and summer in different locations and downwind of the plant adopting an extended mechanical aeration system was investigated. Samples of bacteria and fungi were collected within 6 months at 10 selected points by an Anderson one-stage impactor. The highest concentration of bacteria (mean 1373 CFU/m3, 741–2817 CFU/m3) and fungi (mean 1384 CFU/m3, 212–1610 CFU/m3) was found in downwind of the aeration basins. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between concentration of bacterial bioaerosols at downwind side of the aeration basins and wind speed (p value <0.05) and temperature (p value <0.05). Also, in the spring and summer, between the number of bacteria and fungi inside the plant and outside the plant (downwind) a significant correlation was observed (p value ≤0.05). The concentrations of bacteria at a distance of 500 m downwind were much higher than those at the background (upwind) point in spring and summer. The processes of wastewater treatment especially using mechanical equipment to create turbulence can be considered as a major source of spreading airborne microorganisms to ambient air of wastewater treatment plants, and the bioaerosols can be dispersed to downwind distances affecting the nearby neighboring. Therefore, in order to decrease the bioaerosols emission, doing some course of actions such as covering the surface of aeration basins, changing the aeration methods and aeration equipment (e. g using diffuser aerator) may be effective.  相似文献   

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