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The putative photoprotective role of foliar anthocyanins continues to attract heated debate. Strikingly different experimental set‐ups coupled with a poor knowledge of anthocyanin identity have likely contributed to such disparate opinions. Here, the photosynthetic responses to 30 or 100% solar irradiance were compared in two cultivars of basil, the green‐leafed Tigullio (TG) and the purple‐leafed Red Rubin (RR). Coumaroyl anthocyanins in RR leaf epidermis significantly mitigated the effects of high light stress. In full sunlight, RR leaves displayed several shade‐plant traits; they transferred less energy than did TG to photosystem II (PSII), and non‐photochemical quenching was lower. The higher xanthophyll cycle activity in TG was insufficient to prevent inactivation of PSII in full sunlight. However, TG was the more efficient in the shade; RR was far less able to accommodate a large change in irradiance. Investment of carbon to phenylpropanoid biosynthesis was more in RR than in TG in the shade, and was either greatly enhanced in TG or varied little in RR because of high sunlight. The metabolic cost of photoprotection was lower whereas light‐induced increase in biomass production was higher in RR than in TG, thus making purple basil the more light tolerant. Purple basil appears indeed to display the conservative resource‐use strategy usually observed in highly stress tolerant species. We conclude that the presence of epidermal coumaroyl anthocyanins confers protective benefits under high light, but it is associated with a reduced plasticity to accommodate changing light fluxes as compared with green leaves.  相似文献   

Biofuel provides a globally significant opportunity to reduce fossil fuel dependence; however, its sustainability can only be meaningfully explored for individual cases. It depends on multiple considerations including: life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, air quality impacts, food versus fuel trade‐offs, biodiversity impacts of land use change and socio‐economic impacts of energy transitions. One solution that may address many of these issues is local production of biofuel on non‐agricultural land. Urban areas drive global change, for example, they are responsible for 70% of global energy use, but are largely ignored in their resource production potential; however, underused urban greenspaces could be utilized for biofuel production near the point of consumption. This could avoid food versus fuel land conflicts in agricultural land and long‐distance transport costs, provide ecosystem service benefits to urban dwellers and increase the sustainability and resilience of cities and towns. Here, we use a Geographic Information System to identify urban greenspaces suitable for biofuel production, using exclusion criteria, in 10 UK cities. We then model production potential of three different biofuels: Miscanthus grass, short rotation coppice (SRC) willow and SRC poplar, within the greenspaces identified and extrapolate up to a UK‐scale. We demonstrate that approximately 10% of urban greenspace (3% of built‐up land) is potentially suitable for biofuel production. We estimate the potential of this to meet energy demand through heat generation, electricity and combined heat and power (CHP) operations. Our findings show that, if fully utilized, urban biofuel production could meet nearly a fifth of demand for biomass in CHP systems in the United Kingdom's climate compatible energy scenarios by 2030, with potentially similar implications for other comparable countries and regions.  相似文献   

Renewable energy policies in the electricity and transportation sectors in the United States are expected to create demand for biomass and food crops (corn) that could divert land from food crop production. We develop a dynamic, open‐economy, price‐endogenous multi‐market model of the US agricultural, electricity and transportation sectors to endogenously determine the quantity and mix of bioenergy likely to be required to meet the state Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) and the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) if implemented independently or jointly (RFS & RPS) over the 2007–2030 period and their implications for the extent and spatial pattern of diversion of land from other uses for biomass feedstock production. We find that the demand for biomass ranges from 100 million metric tons (MMT) under the RPS alone to 310 MMT under the RFS & RPS; 70% of the biomass in the latter case can be met by crop and forest residues, while the rest can be met by devoting 3% of cropland to energy crop production with 80% of this being marginal land. Our findings show significant potential to meet current renewable energy goals by expanding high‐yielding energy crop production on marginal land and using residues without conflicting with food crop production.  相似文献   

Several EU countries import wood pellets from the south‐eastern United States. The imported wood pellets are (co‐)fired in power plants with the aim of reducing overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity and meeting EU renewable energy targets. To assess whether GHG emissions are reduced and on what timescale, we construct the GHG balance of wood‐pellet electricity. This GHG balance consists of supply chain and combustion GHG emissions, carbon sequestration during biomass growth and avoided GHG emissions through replacing fossil electricity. We investigate wood pellets from four softwood feedstock types: small roundwood, commercial thinnings, harvest residues and mill residues. Per feedstock, the GHG balance of wood‐pellet electricity is compared against those of alternative scenarios. Alternative scenarios are combinations of alternative fates of the feedstock materials, such as in‐forest decomposition, or the production of paper or wood panels like oriented strand board (OSB). Alternative scenario composition depends on feedstock type and local demand for this feedstock. Results indicate that the GHG balance of wood‐pellet electricity equals that of alternative scenarios within 0–21 years (the GHG parity time), after which wood‐pellet electricity has sustained climate benefits. Parity times increase by a maximum of 12 years when varying key variables (emissions associated with paper and panels, soil carbon increase via feedstock decomposition, wood‐pellet electricity supply chain emissions) within maximum plausible ranges. Using commercial thinnings, harvest residues or mill residues as feedstock leads to the shortest GHG parity times (0–6 years) and fastest GHG benefits from wood‐pellet electricity. We find shorter GHG parity times than previous studies, for we use a novel approach that differentiates feedstocks and considers alternative scenarios based on (combinations of) alternative feedstock fates, rather than on alternative land uses. This novel approach is relevant for bioenergy derived from low‐value feedstocks.  相似文献   

Use of biomass‐based electricity and hydrogen in alternative transport could provide environmentally sustainable transport options with possible improvements in greenhouse gas balance. We perform a life cycle assessment of electric vehicle (EV) and fuel cell vehicle (FCV) powered by bioelectricity and biohydrogen, respectively, derived from Norwegian boreal forest biomass, considering the nonclimate neutrality of biological carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and alteration in surface albedo resulting from biomass harvesting—both with and without CO2 capture and storage (CCS)—while benchmarking these options against EVs powered by the average European electricity mix. Results show that with due consideration of the countering effects from global warming potential (GWP) factors for biogenic CO2 emissions and change in radiative forcing of the surface for the studied region, bioenergy‐based EVs and FCVs provide reductions of approximately 30%, as compared to the reference EV powered by the average European electricity mix. With CCS coupled to bioenergy production, the biomass‐based vehicle transport results in a net global warming impact reduction of approximately 110% to 120% (giving negative GWP and creating a climate‐cooling benefit from biomass use). Other environmental impacts vary from ?60% to +60%, with freshwater eutrophication showing maximum reductions (40% for the EV case and 60% for the FCV case) and photochemical oxidation showing a maximum increase (60% in the FCV value chain).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomass production potential for the Spanish Iberian Peninsula using the Populus spp. ‘I‐214’ clone under several management regimes and land availability scenarios, and to determine its future contribution to Spanish energy demands. Empirical models were fitted to the data from a network of 144 plots located at 12 sites in the continental Mediterranean climatic regions of the Iberian Peninsula, in which yield was related to climate and soil, as well as to plantation management variables. Four models were developed considering average maximum temperature of the hottest month (TMAXH, °C), length of drought (A, months), intensity of drought (K, unitless) and soil pH. Predictions were made for the irrigated agricultural land (IAL), where the value of the independent variables were within the validity range, and for two management scenarios. Energy production capacity was evaluated by considering the alternatives for transforming poplar SRC biomass: heat, bio‐ethanol and electricity. The results indicated a mean productivity for the Spanish Iberian peninsula of between 15.3 and 10.9 Mg ha?1 yr?1 for the standard management scenario and the poorly irrigated and weeded management scenario respectively. Two IAL scenarios were considered for the calculation of biomass production potential: all IAL for which it was possible to make predictions is made available for poplar SRC (TP, maximum hypothetical production capacity), and another in which only unproductive IAL is available for poplar SRC (RP, production capacity without constricting agricultural production). The TP scenario contributes up to 6.8–9.6% of total energy demands, and the RP scenario 0.7–0.9%, depending on plantation management.  相似文献   

We provide a quantitative assessment of the prospects for current and future biomass feedstocks for bioenergy in Australia, and associated estimates of the greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation resulting from their use for production of biofuels or bioelectricity. National statistics were used to estimate current annual production from agricultural and forest production systems. Crop residues were estimated from grain production and harvest index. Wood production statistics and spatial modelling of forest growth were used to estimate quantities of pulpwood, in‐forest residues, and wood processing residues. Possible new production systems for oil from algae and the oil‐seed tree Pongamia pinnata, and of lignocellulosic biomass production from short‐rotation coppiced eucalypt crops were also examined. The following constraints were applied to biomass production and use: avoiding clearing of native vegetation; minimizing impacts on domestic food security; retaining a portion of agricultural and forest residues to protect soil; and minimizing the impact on local processing industries by diverting only the export fraction of grains or pulpwood to bioenergy. We estimated that it would be physically possible to produce 9.6 GL yr?1 of first generation ethanol from current production systems, replacing 6.5 GL yr?1 of gasoline or 34% of current gasoline usage. Current production systems for waste oil, tallow and canola seed could produce 0.9 GL yr?1 of biodiesel, or 4% of current diesel usage. Cellulosic biomass from current agricultural and forestry production systems (including biomass from hardwood plantations maturing by 2030) could produce 9.5 GL yr?1 of ethanol, replacing 6.4 GL yr?1 of gasoline, or ca. 34% of current consumption. The same lignocellulosic sources could instead provide 35 TWh yr?1, or ca. 15% of current electricity production. New production systems using algae and P. pinnata could produce ca. 3.96 and 0.9 GL biodiesel yr?1, respectively. In combination, they could replace 4.2 GL yr?1 of fossil diesel, or 23% of current usage. Short‐rotation coppiced eucalypt crops could provide 4.3 GL yr?1 of ethanol (2.9 GL yr?1 replacement, or 15% of current gasoline use) or 20.2 TWh yr?1 of electricity (9% of current generation). In total, first and second generation fuels from current and new production systems could mitigate 26 Mt CO2‐e, which is 38% of road transport emissions and 5% of the national emissions. Second generation fuels from current and new production systems could mitigate 13 Mt CO2‐e, which is 19% of road transport emissions and 2.4% of the national emissions lignocellulose from current and new production systems could mitigate 48 Mt CO2‐e, which is 28% of electricity emissions and 9% of the national emissions. There are challenging sustainability issues to consider in the production of large amounts of feedstock for bioenergy in Australia. Bioenergy production can have either positive or negative impacts. Although only the export fraction of grains and sugar was used to estimate first generation biofuels so that domestic food security was not affected, it would have an impact on food supply elsewhere. Environmental impacts on soil, water and biodiversity can be significant because of the large land base involved, and the likely use of intensive harvest regimes. These require careful management. Social impacts could be significant if there were to be large‐scale change in land use or management. In addition, although the economic considerations of feedstock production were not covered in this article, they will be the ultimate drivers of industry development. They are uncertain and are highly dependent on government policies (e.g. the price on carbon, GHG mitigation and renewable energy targets, mandates for renewable fuels), the price of fossil oil, and the scale of the industry.  相似文献   

Solar vaporization has received tremendous attention for its potential in desalination, sterilization, distillation, etc. However, a few major roadblocks toward practical application are the high cost, process intensive, fragility of solar absorber materials, and low efficiency. Herein an inexpensive cellular carbon sponge that has a broadband light absorption and inbuilt structural features to perform solitary heat localization for in situ photothermic vaporization is reported. The defining advantages of elastic cellular porous sponge are that it self‐confines water to the perpetually hot spots and accommodates cyclical dynamic fluid flow‐volume variable stress for practical usage. By isolating from bulk water, the solar‐to‐vapor conversion efficiency is increased by 2.5‐fold, surpassing that of conventional bulk heating. Notably, complementary solar steam generation‐induced electricity can be harvested during the solar vaporization so as to capitalize on waste heat. Such solar distillation and waste heat‐to‐electricity generation functions may provide potential opportunities for on‐site electricity and fresh water production for remote areas/emergency needs.  相似文献   

Diminishing fossil carbon resources, global warming, and increasing material and energy needs urge for the rapid development of a bioeconomy. Biomass feedstock from agro‐industrial value chains provides opportunities for energy and material production, potentially leading to competition with traditional food and feed production. Simulation and optimization models can support the evaluation of biomass value chains and identify bioeconomy development paths, potentials, opportunities, and risks. This study presents the linkage of a farm model (EFEM) and a techno‐economic location optimization model (BIOLOCATE) for evaluating the straw‐to‐energy and the innovative straw‐to‐chemical value chains in the German federal state of Baden‐Wuerttemberg taking into account the spatially distributed and price‐sensitive nature of straw supply. The general results reveal the basic trade‐off between economies of scale of the energy production plants and the biorefineries on the one hand and the feedstock supply costs on the other hand. The results of the farm model highlight the competition for land between traditional agricultural biomass utilization such as food and feed and innovative biomass‐to‐energy and biomass‐to‐chemical value chains. Additionally, farm‐modeling scenarios illustrate the effect of farm specialization and regional differences on straw supply for biomass value chains as well as the effect of high straw prices on crop choices. The technological modeling results show that straw combustion could cover approximately 2% of Baden‐Wuerttemberg's gross electricity consumption and approximately 35% of the district heating consumption. The lignocellulose biorefinery location and size are affected by the price sensitivity of the straw supply and are only profitable for high output prices of organosolv lignin. The location optimization results illustrate that economic and political framework conditions affect the regional distribution of biomass straw conversion plants, thus favoring decentralized value chain structures in contrast to technological economies of scale.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of ambient solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation on below‐ground parameters in an arctic heath in north‐eastern Greenland. We hypothesized that the current UV fluxes would reduce root biomass and mycorrhizal colonization and that these changes would lead to lower soil microbial biomass and altered microbial community composition. These hypotheses were tested on cored soil samples from a UV reduction experiment with three filter treatments (Mylar, 60% UV‐B reduction; Lexan, up to 90% UV‐B reduction+UV‐A reduction; UV transparent Teflon, filter control) and an open control treatment in two study sites after 3 years' manipulation. Reduction of both UV‐A and UV‐B radiation caused over 30% increase in the root biomass of Vaccinium uliginosum, which was the dominant plant species. UV reduction had contrasting effects on ericoid mycorrhizal colonization of V. uliginosum roots in the two sites, while it had no clear effects on fungal (ergosterol) or microbial biomass (measured both with fumigation–extraction and quantitative lipid biomarker analysis) in soil. However, principal component analysis of lipid biomarkers (phospholipid and glycolipid fatty acid profiles) showed that microbial community composition was altered by UV reduction. Although the UV responses were slight considering the large dose difference between the treatments (from near‐ambient to up to 90% UV‐B reduction), we cannot rule out the possibility that the recovery of ozone layer would change the below‐ground functioning of arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Referee: Dr. J. Grant McLeod, Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, P.O. Box 1030 Swift Current, Saskatchewan S9H 3X2, Canada According to the European Union, biomass will play a major role in the substitution of fossil fuels with renewable resources. Biomass will contribute 83% to the increased use of renewable resources by the year 2010. In contrast to other solar energy sources, plant biomass is always available and can be converted into energy continuously. An important objective in the production of energy crops on arable farm land should be to realize a high net energy yield and fulfill obligations in the field of environmental protection. The “double cropping system” was developed to meet these obligations. Silaging as a conservation method for wet biomass makes this sustainable cultivation system possible. It includes a diverse array of crops and provides the opportunity to integrate rural organic wastes into this energy concept. The model presented, “the energy self supplying farm”, shows that it is possible to meet the energy consumption requirements of a livestock farming operation with energy crop production on 10 to 18% of the arable farm land. According to a new rape energy concept, a land resource requirement of roughly 10% is feasible if biomass residues from rape oil production for liquid fuels are also utilized for energy production. For a farm with livestock, anaerobic digestion technology is an appropriate technique to deliver heat and electricity for the farmstead. Digestion residues, used as fertilizer in energy crop production, results in an almost complete nutrient recycling. Energy output can be increased above the demand of the farm via the biogas reactor, using the total biomass produced with double cropping. Surplus electricity is supplied to the grid at a guaranteed price. Biomass is a domestic energy resource, and farmers have the chance to extend their function from a supplier of raw material to managers of domestic energy resources. Under the currently established framework, monetary return per hectare could be more than double with biomass energy production via biogas. This will allow the agricultural economy to recover and promote a sustainable regional development. In addition to being a convenient method of waste management, sustainable energy crop production can make a significant contribution to environmental protection and the improvement of the social and economic cohesion within a community.  相似文献   

Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology - Agrivoltaics (APV) combine crops with solar photovoltaics (PV) on the same land area to provide sustainability benefits across land, energy and...  相似文献   

China has developed ambitious bioenergy installation targets as part of its broader goals to increase its renewable energy‐generating capacity and decarbonize its economy. A key target feedstock for bioenergy is the 800 million tonnes of agricultural residues that China produces each year. At present, the main financial incentive to support bioenergy generation from agricultural residues is a feed‐in‐tariff provided for bioenergy that is produced by units that take 80% or more of their feedstock energy from biomass. Although this policy has catalysed the construction of many bioenergy units, there are reports that these projects are experiencing serious financial and technical problems, leading to low operational efficiency and even closure. An alternative option for China's agricultural residues is cofiring with coal in existing power stations. However, this is currently unprofitable for power station operators, as cofiring is not eligible for financial assistance through the bioenergy feed‐in‐tariff. In the light of China's ambitious target to install 30GW of bioenergy generation capacity by 2020, this study investigates the extent to which extension of the bioenergy feed‐in‐tariff to include cofiring could contribute towards this goal. The results suggest that 39% of China's straw energy resources are located within 50 km of a power station. Assuming cofiring ratios of up to 10% coal energy replacement, an annual 89–117TWh of electricity could be generated by cofiring agricultural residues collected within 50 km radii of power stations. If China extends its bioenergy subsidies to include cofiring, an annual 62–92TWh can be produced at an internal rate of return of 8% or more. This equates to 42–62% of the bioenergy generation that China might expect if it met its 2020 target of installing 30GW of bioenergy capacity. Overall, this indicates a strong case for the Chinese government to extend its existing bioenergy feed‐in‐tariff to include cofiring at low energy replacement ratios.  相似文献   

The objective of the project was to study salinity-induced effects on essential oil, pigments and salts accumulation in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum, the cultivar Perrie) in relation to the alteration of plant morphological development and yield production. Hydroponically grown plants were exposed to one of six NaCl concentrations (1, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 130 mM NaCl). Inhibitory effects of salinity on biomass production of the shoot and the root, and area of individual leaves were apparent already under cultivation with 25 mM NaCl. Elevation of salinity from 1 to 100 mM NaCl induced 63% and 61% reductions in fresh and dry herb biomass production, respectively. The stress-induced reduction of foliage biomass sourced mainly from inhibition of leaf area development rather than reduction of internode and leaf number. Cl and Na concentrations in the leaves, stems and roots increased with elevation of NaCl concentration in the cultivation solution. While the extent of Cl accumulation was leaves>stems>roots, Na was largely excluded from the leaves and was preferentially accumulated in roots and the stems, potentially accounting for the moderate sensitivity of the leaf tissue to salinity. Salt stress increased the contents of essential oil and carotenoids in the leaves that may further account for the moderate sensitivity of sweet basil to salinity and suggest a potential for agro-industrial production. A twofold increase in both carotenoid concentration and the percent of essential oil in the fresh tissue was observed by elevation of the salinity from 1 to 130 mM NaCl. Overall, the stress induced increase of the percent of essential oil in the tissue in the salinity range 1–75 mM NaCl was about 50%, and thereby compensated for the similar reduction of biomass production in this salinity range, so that oil production on per plant basis was not reduced by salinity.  相似文献   

The expansion of the bioeconomy sector will increase the competition for agricultural land regarding biomass production. Furthermore, the particular path of the expansion of the bioeconomy is associated with great uncertainty due to the early stage of technology development and its dependency on political framework conditions. Economic models are suitable tools to identify trade‐offs in agricultural production and address the high uncertainty of the bioeconomy expansion. We present results from the farm model Economic Farm Emission Model of four bioeconomy scenarios in order to evaluate impacts and trade‐offs of different potential bioeconomy developments and the corresponding uncertainty at regional and farm level in Baden‐Wuerttemberg, Germany. The demand‐side effects of the bioeconomy scenarios are based on downscaling European Union level results of a separate model linkage between an agricultural sector and an energy sector model. The general model results show that the expanded use of agricultural land for the bioeconomy sector, especially for the cultivation of perennial biomass crops (PBC), reduces biomass production for established value chains, especially for food and feed. The results also show differences between regions and farm types in Baden‐Wuerttemberg. Fertile arable regions and arable farms profit more from the expanded use of biomass in the bioeconomy than farms that focus on cattle farming. Latter farms use the arable land to produce feed for the cattle, whereas arable farms can expand feedstock production for new value chains. Additionally, less intensive production systems like extensive grassland suffer from economic losses, whereas the competition in fertile regions further increases. Hence, if the extensive production systems are to be preserved, appropriate subsidies must be provided. This emphasizes the relevance of downscaling aggregated model results to higher spatial resolution, even as far as to the decision maker (farm), to identify possible contradicting effects of the bioeconomy as well as policy implications.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the potential of biomass production by short rotation poplar in Romania without constraining agricultural food production. Located in the eastern part of Europe, Romania provides substantial land resources suitable for bioenergy production. The process‐oriented biogeochemical model Landscape DNDC was used in conjunction with the forest‐growth model PSIM to simulate the yield of poplar grown in short‐rotation coppice at different sites in Romania. The model was validated on five sites with different climatic conditions in Central Europe. Using regional site conditions, with climatic parameters and organic carbon content in soil being the most important, the biomass production potential of poplar plantations was simulated for agricultural areas across Romania. Results indicated a mean productivity of 12.2 ± 0.5 t ha?1 year?1 of poplar coppices on arable land in Romania. The highest yields were simulated for lowland areas in the south‐east and west and for the Mures valley, whereas the lowest yields – due to either temperature or water limitations – were found for the mountainous regions, the Danube valley, and the region west of Bucharest. The amount of abandoned arable land in the past 10 years indicates that around 10% of cropping land in production in 1999 (approximately 1 million ha) is available for bioenergy production systems today. Production of poplar grown in short‐rotation coppices on these areas would result in a yield of approximately 10 million tons of wood per year. The energy that can be generated by conversion of poplar short rotation coppice biomass may contribute up to approximately 8% of the national energy demand if these set‐aside areas are used for lignocellulosic bioenergy.  相似文献   

An emergy analysis was performed to assess the relative sustainability and environmental impact of small-scale energy production using Taiwanese model plug-flow anaerobic digesters to treat livestock manure in Costa Rica. Emergy analysis quantifies all inputs to a system by converting them to solar energy equivalents, thus allowing for direct comparison of the diverse inputs of renewable energies, human labor and economic goods needed to construct and maintain anaerobic digestion systems. The digesters were located on the campus of EARTH University, Costa Rica, and the biogas was utilized to power a 40 kW generator that supplies electricity for farm operations. Separate emergy analyses were performed for the biogas production and the combination of biogas production and generation of electricity. Manure was the largest input in both analyses, accounting for 85.3% of the annual emergy input for biogas production and 66.9% for electricity generation from the biogas. The fraction of emergy inputs from renewable sources (ΦR) was 66% for biogas production and 52% for electricity generation from the biogas. The transformities of biogas and electricity generation from the biogas were 5.23E+04 sej/J and 1.01E+06 sej/J respectively. The emergy yield ratios (EYR) were 2.93 for biogas production and 2.07 for electricity generation indicating that these digesters efficiently match purchased resources and renewable energies to produce energy from livestock manure. The generation of electricity from the biogas resulted in a decrease in the emergy sustainability index (ESI) from 5.67 to 2.22 and an increase in the environmental loading ratio (ELR) from 0.52 to 0.93. Using a generator to convert the biogas to electricity does decrease the sustainability of the system, largely due to the high emergy value associated with the electrical generation equipment and machinery, but these results demonstrate that the production of biogas and the generation of electricity from Taiwanese model digesters in Costa Rica are environmentally sustainable processes that result in the production of energy that is largely dependent on renewable and recycled energies.  相似文献   

Field trials throughout Europe over the past 15 years have confirmed the potential for high biomass production from Miscanthus, a giant perennial rhizomatous grass with C4 photosynthesis. However, policies to promote the utilization of biomass crops require yield estimates that can be scaled up to regional, national and continental areas. The only way in which this information can be reliably provided is through the use of productivity models. Here, we describe MISCANMOD, a productivity model, which was used in conjunction with a GIS to plot potential, non‐water‐limited yields across Europe. Modelled rainfed yields were also calculated using a water balance approach based on FAO estimates of plant available water in the soil. The observed yields were consistent with modelled yields at 20 trial sites across Europe. We estimate that if Miscanthus was grown on 10% of suitable land area in the European Union (EU15), 231 TWh yr?1 of electricity could be generated, which is 9% of the gross electricity production in 2000. Using the same scenario, the total carbon mitigation could be 76 Mt C yr?1, which is about 9% of the EU total C emissions for the 1990 Kyoto Protocol baseline levels.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  The environmental burden of photovoltaic (PV) solar modules is currently largely determined by the cumulative input of fossil energy used for module production. However, with an increased focus on limiting the emission of CO2 coming from fossil fuels, it is expected that renewable resources, including photovoltaics, may well become more important in producing electricity. A comparison of the environmental impacts of PV modules in case their life cycle is based on the use of PV electricity in contrast to conventional electricity can elucidate potential environmental drawbacks in an early stage of development of a solar-based economy. The goal of this paper is to show for ten impact categories the environmental consequences of replacing fossil electricity with solar electricity into the life cycle of two types of PV modules. Materials and methods  Using life cycle assessment (LCA), we evaluated the environmental impacts of two types of PV modules: a thin-film GaInP/GaAs tandem module and a multicrystalline silicon (multi-Si) module. For each of the modules, the total amount of fossil electricity required in the life cycle of the module was substituted with electricity that is generated by a corresponding PV module. The environmental impacts of the modules on the midpoint level were compared with those of the same modules in case their life cycle is based on the use of conventional electricity. The environmental impacts were assessed for Western European circumstances with an annual solar irradiation of 1000 kWh/m2. For the GaInP/GaAs module, the environmental impacts of individual production steps were also analysed. Results  Environmental burdens decreased when PV electricity was applied in the life cycle of the two PV modules. The impact score reductions of the GaInP/GaAs module were up to a factor of 4.9 (global warming). The impact score reductions found for the multi-Si module were up to a factor of 2.5 (abiotic depletion and global warming). Reductions of the toxicity scores of both module types were smaller or negligible. This is caused by a decreased use of fossil fuels, on the one hand, and an increased consumption of materials for the production of the additional solar modules used for generating the required PV electricity on the other. Overall, the impact scores of the GaInP/GaAs module were reduced more than the corresponding scores of the multi-Si module. The contribution analysis of the GaInP/GaAs module production steps indicated that for global warming, the cell growth process is dominant for supply with conventional electricity, while for the solar scenario, the frame becomes dominant. Regarding freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity scores associated with the life cycle of the GaInP/GaAs module, the cell growth process is dominant for supply with conventional electricity, while the reactor system for the cell growth with the associated gas scrubbing system is dominant for the solar scenario. Discussion  There are uncertainties regarding the calculated environmental impact scores. This paper describes uncertainties associated with the used economic allocation method, and uncertainties because of missing life cycle inventory data. For the GaInP/GaAs module, it was found that the global warming impact scores range from −66% to +41%, and the freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity scores (for an infinite time horizon) range from −40% to +300% compared to the default estimates. For both impact categories, the choices associated with the allocation of gallium, with the electricity mix, with the conversion efficiency of the commercially produced GaInP/GaAs cells, and with the yield of the cell growth process are most influential. For freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, the uncertainty concerning the lifetime of the reactor system for the GaInP/GaAs cell growth process and the gas scrubbing system is particularly relevant. Conclusions  Use of PV electricity instead of fossil electricity significantly reduces the environmental burdens of the GaInP/GaAs and the multi-Si module. The reductions of the toxicity scores, however, are smaller or negligible. Toxicity impacts of the GaInP/GaAs cells can be reduced by improvement of the yield of the cell growth process, a reduced energy demand in the cell growth process, reduction of the amount of stainless steel in the cell growth reactor system and the gas scrubbing system, and a longer lifetime of these systems. Recommendations and perspectives  Because the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of fossil-fuel-based electricity have an important share in global warming on a world-wide scale, switching to a more extensive use of solar power is helpful to comply with the present international legislation on the area of global warming reduction. As reductions in toxicity impact scores are smaller or negligible when fossil electricity is replaced by PV electricity, it is desirable to give specific attention to the processes which dominantly contribute to these impact categories. Furthermore, in this study, a shift in ranking of several environmental impacts of the modules has been found when PV electricity is used instead of fossil electricity. The results of a comparative LCA can thus be dependent of the electricity mix used in the life cycles of the assessed products. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The West Nusa Tenggara (WNT) province is one of the regions that contribute the most to the production of rice, corn, and cacao. The residues of these crops increase as production increases. The potential availability of the residue was calculated on the basis of the amount of agricultural product and the availability of unutilized residues. The estimated potential energy and collected data were processed and combined with converted factors, such as the yield per hectare and the calorific value, taking into account another purpose, the use of domestic residues for animal feed. Paddy straw, corn straw, and corn cobs had the highest percentage of residue availabilities, 85.91%, 82.26%, and 88.25%, respectively. In addition, the WNT regency has a rich diversity of agricultural residues from superior commodities such as rice, corn, coffee, coconut and cacao. The calculation of the total heating value (THV) of the agricultural residue available reached up to 42.4 PJ. Furthermore, the use of biomass for bioenergy resources is promising, particularly for the WNT region, with the potential for unused agricultural residues. The dependence on unsustainable energy, such as coal and fossil fuel, can be reduced by deploying and developing energy production from biomass use. Therefore, the potential for bioenergy generation and the availability of biomass can be developed for sustainable agriculture and energy management.  相似文献   

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