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A new insular giant species of Apocricetus (M1 length > 4.22 mm, upper teeth row length > 10.90 mm) is described from dental, mandibular and cranial material recovered at the Na Burguesa-1 site (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean), a Zanclean palaeokarst deposit chronologically close to the refilling of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Apocricetus darderi sp. nov. shows a close relationship with the mainland species A. alberti (MN13), an Iberian taxon, from which it differs in size, the presence of labial and lingual anterolophids in m1, triple anterolophulids frequently developed, a reduced anterosinusid in m2 and m3 and, occasionally, the presence of an ectomesolophid in m3. Apocricetus darderi sp. nov. becomes the first endemic Balearic mammal that can be confidently assigned as having a direct mainland relative, providing the first solid palaeontological evidence of a Messinian origin for the Plio-Pleistocene fauna of Mallorca. Tragomys macpheei from the Caló den Rafelino site (Early Pliocene, probably late MN14 or early MN15) displays a peculiar selenodont teeth pattern and a high degree of hypsodonty, and is considered to be either a direct descendant of Apocricetus darderi sp. nov. or a sister taxon derived from a common ancestor.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0EBF0B6E-2922-4A14-A6C3-8FC8D751647F  相似文献   

Jordi Martinell 《Geobios》1982,15(2):249-253
In the present study a series of rasping traces onshells and limestone pebbles from the Pliocene of l'Empordà (Catalunya, NE Spain) are described. The traces have been attributed to the ichnospecies Gnathichnus pentaxBromley, 1975. This type of rasping traces is produced today by regular echinoids. Comparison with the traces produced by P. lividus (Lmk) of the Catalan coast confirms its origin.  相似文献   

The Guadix–Baza depression (southeastern Spain) preserves one of the best continental Plio-Pleistocene records of the European continent. The new site, Baza-1, is the first Ruscinian locality with fauna of large vertebrates known in the basin. During the summer seasons of 2001, 2002, 2015 and 2016, systematic excavations were undertaken in the site over an area of 25 m2, which provided > 400 fossil remains of Ruscinian mammals. The faunal assemblage is diverse, comprising 17 genera. Rodentia are represented by Ruscinomys sp., Apocricetus barrierei, Debruijnimys julii, Apodemus gorafensis, Castillomys gracilis, Occitanomys cf. brailloni, Paraethomys meini, Paraethomys aff. abaigari, Stephanomys cordii, Trilophomys cf. castroi and Eliomys aff. intermedius. Large mammals are represented by two proboscideans, Anancus arvernensis and Mammut borsoni, the rhino Stephanorhinus sp. cf. Sjeanvireti, the equid cf. Hipparion sp., two bovids, a large sized Alephis sp. and a small-to-middle sized Bovidae indet. (cf. Antilope sp.), and a middle sized deer, Cervinae indet. This record is completed by the presence of a chelonid, Testudinae indet. Biostratigraphic data from micro and macromammals suggest an age for the assemblage between 4 and 4.5 Ma.  相似文献   

The A.L. 894 site (Hadar, Ethiopia) is, together with OGS 7 (Gona, Ethiopia), one of the oldest archaeological sites documenting a spatial association of stone tools and bones retrieved from an in situ excavation. In contrast with OGS 7, the better preservation of the bone assemblage at A.L. 894 allows the identification of taphonomic processes of bone breakage, thanks to abundant green bone fractures. The presence of tooth marks and the lack of hominin-produced bone modifications together argue against hominins as the responsible agents for bone accumulation and modification. This taphonomic study of A.L. 894 shows lack of evidence for functional associations between stone tools and bones, a pattern documented in several other early Pleistocene sites. Such a pattern underscores the complex phenomena involved in site formation processes, especially in the earliest archaeological assemblages  相似文献   

Simulium (Gomphostilbia) agasthyamalaiense sp. nov. is described based on adults, pupae and mature larvae from a medium-flowing stream of Southern Western Ghats, India. This new species is placed in the Simulium batoense species-group of the subgenus Gomphostilbia Enderlein. This new species is characterized in the female by a scutum with three brownish-black longitudinal vittae and the hind basitarsus 5.7 times as long as wide; in the female by the large facets of upper eye with 20 vertical columns and 19 horizontal rows; in the pupa the respiratory gill with medium-long common basal stalk; and in the larva arrowhead-shaped postgenal cleft. Taxonomic notes are provided for this new species and it can be distinguished from closely related species of S. (G.) peteri. Keys are constructed to distinguish this species from ten species of the batoense species-group recorded in India.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1D1CFEE5-A762-4F68-9EAE-9E31133146C0  相似文献   

The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new genus and species of Pipoidea from the Huitrera Formation (Eocene) from Patagonia, Argentina. The new genus shows a unique combination of characters indicating that it is a valid taxon different from other pipimorphs, including the coeval Llankibatrachus truebae. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in the nesting of the new taxon within a previously unrecognized endemic clade of South American aglossans. This new clade turns out to be the sister-group of crown-group Pipidae. This phylogenetic proposal reinforces the hypothesis sustaining the dispersal of pipids between Africa and South America through an island chain or a continental bridge across the Atlantic Ocean by Early Tertiary times.  相似文献   

More than 300 million people are suffering from depression, one of the civilization diseases in the 21st century. Serotonin 5-HT1AR and dopamine D2R play an important role in the treatment and pathogenesis of depression. Moreover, in recent years, the efficacy of dual 5-HT1A/D2 receptors ligands has been demonstrated in the fight against depression. In this work the new bulky arylpiperazine derivatives (LCAP) were synthesized in microwave radiation field. The affinities for the selected serotonin (5-HT1A,5-HT2A,5-HT6,5-HT7) and dopamine (D2) receptors have been evaluated in vitro. Compounds 5.3a, 5.4, 5.1c, 5.3d, 5.2a are promising dual 5-HT1AR/D2R ligands. The SAR analysis were additionally supported with molecular docking studies.  相似文献   

A new pearleye species of the alepisauroid family Scopelarchidae, Scopelarchoides neamticus sp. nov., is described herein based on two specimens from the Oligocene Lower Dysodilic Shales Formation, cropping out in the Pietricica Mountain, Romanian Eastern Carpathians. The new species described herein exhibits a unique combination of features (including head length about 25% of SL; coracoid remarkably expanded; both preorbital and postorbital lengths larger than orbit diameter; 50 or 51 vertebrae; dorsal fin with nine or ten rays; anal-fin with 28 rays; length of anal fin base about 30% of SL; preanal distance almost 60% of SL; pelvic fin insertion located just under the second dorsal fin ray; pectoral fins only slightly longer than pelvic fins; caudal fin with 19 principal rays plus 14 upper and 13 lower procurrent rays) that justifies its recognition as a new species of the genus Scopelarchoides. Both morphological and meristic features suggest a certain degree of similarity between S. neamticus sp. nov. and the extant species Scopelarchoides signifer. The fossils of the new Oligocene species described herein represent the oldest known skeletal record of Scopelarchidae.  相似文献   

Tardigrade xenarthrans are today represented only by the two tree sloth genera Bradypus and Choloepus, which inhabit the Neotropical rainforests and are characterized by their slowness and suspensory locomotion. Sloths have been recognized in South America since the early Oligocene. This monophyletic group is represented by five clades traditionally recognized as families: Bradypodidae, Megalonychidae, Mylodontidae (?), Megatheriidae (?) and Nothrotheriidae (?). A new nothrotheriid ground sloth represented by a dentary and several postcranial elements, Aymaratherium jeani gen. nov. , sp. nov. , from the early Pliocene locality of Pomata‐Ayte (Bolivia) is reported. This small‐ to medium‐sized species is characterized especially by its dentition and several postcranial features. It exhibits several convergences with the ‘aquatic’ nothrotheriid sloth Thalassocnus and the giant megatheriid ground sloth Megatherium (M.) americanum, and is interpreted as a selective feeder, with good pronation and supination movements. The tricuspid caniniform teeth of Aymaratherium may represent a transitional stage between the caniniform anterior teeth of basal megatherioids and basal nothrotheriids (1/1C‐4/3M as in Hapalops or Mionothropus) and the molariform anterior teeth of megatheriids (5/4M, e.g. Megatherium). To highlight the phylogenetic position of this new taxon among nothrotheriid sloths, we performed a cladistic assessment of the available dental and postcranial evidence. Our results, derived from a TNT treatment of a data matrix largely based on a published phylogenetic data set, indicate that Aymaratherium is either sister taxon to Mionothropus or sister to the clade Nothrotheriini within Nothrotheriinae. They further support the monophyly of both the Nothrotheriinae and the Nothrotheriini, as suggested previously by several authors.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):473-481
The fragmentary fossil history of whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Coronulidae) is mainly constituted by remains of Coronula spp. in Plio-Pleistocene deposits found along extant humpback whale migration routes, and especially in occurrence of breeding areas. Here we report the presence of a single compartment of Cetopirus along with remains of Coronula bifida in Lower Pleistocene open shelf deposits of Salento (South Italy). This is the first occurrence of the genus Cetopirus prior to the Late Glacial period (ca. 15–10 ky before Present), and the specimen here studied is designated as the holotype of the new fossil species Cetopirus fragilis. Since Cetopirus is currently found exclusively inhabiting the skin of the right whales (Eubalaena spp.), the fossil material here studied suggests the persistence of Balaenidae in the Mediterranean Basin during the Early Pleistocene and supports the existence of a baleen whale migratory route active between the central Mediterranean and the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A new species of Deinsdorfia is defined using new material coming from the karstic fissure infilling of Almenara-Casablanca 4 (Castelló, Spain), which shows important differences with the rest of the previously known species of the genus. The definition of a new species is supported by the characters found in extra material coming from the localities of Valdeganga, in the Albacete Province (Spain). The stratigraphical occurrence of this genus of pigmented-toothed shrews reinforces the idea of the Iberian Peninsula as a sink area during the Pliocene, where some Central-European soricids expanded their distribution. Most of those migrations or distributional expansions coincide with moments of climatic changes in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):166-177
The avian fossil assemblages from the late Pleistocene deposits of the Rio Secco Cave (north-eastern Italy) is presented herein. We studied the layers that date back to the end of MIS3 and the beginning of MIS2, which also contain evidence of Gravettian frequentation dated to 33.5–30 ka cal BP. The systematic analysis revealed the presence of 18 species and other supraspecific taxa that supported palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Taxa indicate that, at the onset of LGM, site surroundings were characterised by conifer or mixed forests, open grasslands, slow-flowing water bodies and mountain meadows with rocky outcrops, as indicated by Lagopus muta. Today, this environment is found above the tree line (beyond 1500–2000 m) and cannot be detected near the site, located at 580 m asl. Noteworthy, is also the finding of the second Italian late Pleistocene fossil record of Picus canus.  相似文献   

Two associated incomplete thyreophoran dorsal vertebrae from the Callovian Marnes de Dives Formation of the Vaches Noires cliffs, on the Normandy coast, are referred to an indeterminate stegosaur that appears to be different from Lexovisaurus, previously reported from the Callovian of western France. These vertebrae are the first evidence of thyreophorans from the Vaches Noires and complement the dinosaur assemblage from this locality, which hitherto consisted of several theropod taxa and an indeterminate sauropod. The dinosaur record from the Vaches Noires is heavily dominated by theropods and this imbalance is difficult to explain. A possible explanation may be that the dinosaur sample from the Vaches Noires is too small to be statistically significant and representative of the original faunal assemblage from which it is derived.  相似文献   

The PEB1a protein is an antigenic factor exposed on the surface of the food-borne human pathogen Campylobacter jejuni, which has a major role in adherence and host colonisation. PEB1a is also the periplasmic binding protein component of an aspartate/glutamate ABC transporter essential for optimal microaerobic growth on these dicarboxylic amino acids. Here, we report the crystal structure of PEB1a at 1.5 A resolution. The protein has a typical two-domain alpha/beta structure, characteristic of periplasmic extracytoplasmic solute receptors and a chain topology related to the type II subfamily. An aspartate ligand, clearly defined by electron density in the interdomain cleft, forms extensive polar interactions with the protein, the majority of which are made with the larger domain. Arg89 and Asp174 form ion-pairing interactions with the main chain alpha-carboxyl and alpha-amino-groups, respectively, of the ligand, while Arg67, Thr82, Lys19 and Tyr156 co-ordinate the ligand side-chain carboxyl group. Lys19 and Arg67 line a positively charged groove, which favours binding of Asp over the neutral Asn. The ligand-binding cleft is of sufficient depth to accommodate a glutamate. This is the first structure of an ABC-type aspartate-binding protein, and explains the high affinity of the protein for aspartate and glutamate, and its much weaker binding of asparagine and glutamine. Stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy indicates a simple bimolecular mechanism of ligand binding, with high association rate constants. Sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses revealed PEB1a homologues in some Gram-positive bacteria. The alignments suggest a more distant homology with GltI from Escherichia coli, a known glutamate and aspartate-binding protein, but Lys19 and Tyr156 are not conserved in GltI. Our results provide a structural basis for understanding both the solute transport and adhesin/virulence functions of PEB1a.  相似文献   

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