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The peculiar optoelectronic properties of metal‐halide perovskites, partly underlying their success in solar cells and light emitting devices, are likely related to the complex interplay of electronic and structural features mediated by formation of polarons. In this paper the current status of polaron physics in metal‐halide perovskites is reviewed based on a first‐principles computational perspective, which has delivered hitherto noaccessible insights into the electronic and structural features associated with polaron formation in this materials class. The role of organic (dipolar) versus inorganic (spherical) A‐site cations is extensively analyzed, these cations are related to modulation of the energetics and structural extension of polarons in lead‐halide perovskites. Further tuning of polaron energetics is achieved by individual variations in metal (e.g., Pb → Sn) and halide (e.g., I → Br), showing a transition from a semilocalized to a localized polaron regime in which charge holes can be trapped at isolated Sn centers. The vastly varying and tunable nature of charge lattice interactions represents a peculiarity of metal‐halide perovskites that should be taken into account when designing novel materials or targeting specific compositional engineering of existing perovskites.  相似文献   

Photoluminescence spectroscopy is a widely applied characterization technique for semiconductor materials in general and halide perovskite solar cell materials in particular. It can give direct information on the recombination kinetics and processes as well as the internal electrochemical potential of free charge carriers in single semiconductor layers, layer stacks with transport layers, and complete solar cells. The correct evaluation and interpretation of photoluminescence requires the consideration of proper excitation conditions, calibration and application of the appropriate approximations to the rather complex theory, which includes radiative recombination, non‐radiative recombination, interface recombination, charge transfer, and photon recycling. In this article, an overview is given of the theory and application to specific halide perovskite compositions, illustrating the variables that should be considered when applying photoluminescence analysis in these materials.  相似文献   

The field of halide metal perovskite photovoltaics has caught widespread interest in the last decade. This is seen in the rapid rise of power conversion efficiency, which is currently over 23%. It has also stimulated a widespread application of halide metal perovskites in other fields, such as light‐emitting diodes, field‐effect transistors, detectors, and lasers. Despite the fascinating characteristics of the halide metal perovskites, the presence of toxic lead (Pb) in their chemical composition is regarded as one of the major limiting factors preventing their commercialization. Addressing the toxicity issues in these compounds by a careful and strategic replacement of Pb2+ with other nontoxic candidate elements represents a promising direction to fabricate lead‐free optoelectronic devices. Such attempts yield a halide double perovskite structure which allows flexibility for various compositional adjustments. Here, the authors present the current progress and setbacks in crystal structures, materials preparation, optoelectronic properties, stability, and photovoltaic applications of lead‐free halide double perovskite compounds. Prospective research directions to improve the optoelectronic properties of existing materials are given that may help in the discovery of new lead‐free halide double perovskites.  相似文献   

This review article presents and discusses the recent progress made in the stabilization, protection, improvement, and design of halide perovskite‐based photocatalysts, photoelectrodes, and devices for solar‐to‐chemical fuel conversion. With the target of water splitting, hydrogen iodide splitting, and CO2 reduction reactions, the strategies established for halide perovskites used in photocatalytic particle‐suspension systems, photoelectrode thin‐film systems, and photovoltaic‐(photo)electrocatalysis tandem systems are organized and introduced. Moreover, recent achievements in discovering new and stable halide perovskite materials, developing protective and functional shells and layers, designing proper reaction solution systems, and tandem device configurations are emphasized and discussed. Perspectives on the future design of halide perovskite materials and devices for solar‐to‐chemical fuel conversion are provided. This review may serve as a guide for researchers interested in utilizing halide perovskite materials for solar‐to‐chemical fuel conversion.  相似文献   

The unprecedented rise in the power conversion efficiency of solar cells based on metal halide perovskites (MHPs) has led to enormous research effort to understand their photophysical properties. The progress made in understanding the mobility and recombination of photogenerated charge carriers from nanosecond to microsecond time scales, monitored using electrodeless transient photoconductivity techniques, is reviewed. In addition, a kinetic model to obtain rate constants from transient data recorded using a wide range of laser intensities is presented. For various MHPs the temperature dependence of the mobilities and recombination rates are evaluated. Furthermore, it is shown how these rate constants can be used to predict the upper limit for the open‐circuit voltage Voc of the corresponding device. Finally, the photophysical properties of MHPs that are not yet fully understood are explored, and recommendations for future research directions are made.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been remarkable developments in halide perovskites, which are used in highly efficient optoelectronic devices and exhibit intriguing materials physics. Detailed knowledge of carrier recombination mechanisms is essential for understanding their excellent performance and to further increase their efficiency. Obtaining such knowledge is challenging however, and different studies have reached divergent conclusions in some cases. This progress report outlines the critical developments in understanding the carrier recombination mechanisms in halide perovskites from a computational perspective. The primary focus is radiative and Auger recombination, since they have not been systematically assessed and discussed before, and a number of important issues have been actively debated. This comprehensive discussion of the carrier recombination mechanisms is aimed at establishing physically justified insights that can form the basis for better materials and devices design.  相似文献   

The chemical composition engineering of lead halide perovskites via a partial or complete replacement of toxic Pb with tin has been widely reported as a feasible process due to the suitable ionic radius of Sn and its possibility of existing in the +2 state. Interestingly, a complete replacement narrows the bandgap while a partial replacement gives an anomalous phenomenon involving a further narrowing of bandgap relative to the pure Pb and Sn halide perovskite compounds. Unfortunately, the merits of this anomalous behavior have not been properly harnessed. Although promising progress has been made to advance the properties and performance of Sn‐based perovskite systems, their photovoltaic (PV) parameters are still significantly inferior to those of the Pb‐based analogs. This review summarizes the current progress and challenges in the preparation, morphological and photophysical properties of Sn‐based halide perovskites, and how these affect their PV performance. Although it can be argued that the Pb halide perovskite systems may remain the most sought after technology in the field of thin film perovskite PV, prospective research directions are suggested to advance the properties of Sn halide perovskite materials for improved device performance.  相似文献   

Halide perovskites have emerged as materials for high‐performance optoelectronic devices. Often, progress made to date in terms of higher efficiency and stability is based on increasing material complexity, i.e., formation of multicomponent halide perovskites with multiple cations and anions. In this review article, the use of in situ optical methods, namely, photoluminescence (PL) and UV‐vis, that provide access to the relevant time and length scales to ascertain chemistry–property relationships by monitoring evolving properties is discussed. Additionally, because halide perovskites are electron/ion conductors and prone to solid‐state ion transport under various external stimuli, application of these optical methods in the context of ionic movement is described to reveal mechanistic insights. Finally, examples of using in situ PL and UV‐vis to study degradation and phase transitions are reviewed to demonstrate the wealth of information that can be obtained regarding many different aspects of ongoing research activities in the field of halide perovskites.  相似文献   

Solar cells based on metal halide perovskites have emerged as a promising low‐cost photovoltaic technology. In contrast to inert atmospheres where most of the lab‐scale devices are made to date, large‐area low‐cost production of perovskite solar cells often involves processing of perovskites in various atmospheres including ambient air, nitrogen, and/or vacuum. Herein, the impact of atmosphere on the energy levels of methylammonium lead halide perovskite films is systematically investigated. The atmosphere is varied to simulate the typical fabrication process. Through a comprehensive analysis combining the Fermi level evolution, surface photovoltage, photoluminescence properties, photovoltaic performance, and device simulation, an overall landscape of the energy diagram of the perovskite layer is able to be determined. The findings have direct implications for real‐world devices under typical atmospheres, and provide insights into the fabrication‐process design and optimization. Furthermore, a universal Fermi level shift under vacuum for lead halide‐based perovskites revealed in this study, urges a refreshed view on the energetics studies conducted without considering the atmospheric effect.  相似文献   

Atomic‐resolution imaging of halide perovskites (HPs) using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is challenging because of the sensitivity of their structures to the electron beam. In this article, recent achievements in this area are reviewed, covering both all‐inorganic and organic–inorganic hybrid HPs, with an emphasis on the specific imaging conditions that have proven to be effective in avoiding electron beam‐induced structural damage. The discussion focusses on the total electron dose that HPs can bear before being damaged and the effects of different imaging modes, accelerating voltages, and temperatures. The crucial role of a direct‐detection electron‐counting camera in reducing the required electron dose is outlined, which is indispensable for imaging extremely sensitive organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites. In addition to reviewing published works, the results of initial attempts to perform atomic‐resolution elemental mapping for an all‐inorganic HP and image a hybrid HP using scanning TEM are introduced. The preparation of a TEM specimen from macroscopic crystals or devices of HPs, which is very important for practical applications but has not yet received attention, is also discussed. This article aims to provide guidance on the acquisition of atomic‐resolution TEM images of HPs and inspire the development of more imaging technologies for sensitive materials.  相似文献   

Halide perovskites have remarkable properties for relatively crudely processed semiconductors, including large optical absorption coefficients and long charge carrier lifetimes. Thanks to such properties, these materials are now competing with established technologies for use in cost‐effective and efficient light‐harvesting and light‐emitting devices. Nevertheless, the fundamental understanding of the behavior of charge carriers in these materials—particularly on the nano‐ to microscale—has, on the whole, lagged behind empirical device performance. Such understanding is essential to control charge carriers, exploit new device structures, and push devices to their performance limits. Among other tools, optical microscopy and spectroscopic techniques have revealed rich information about charge carrier recombination and transport on important length scales. In this progress report, the contribution of time‐resolved optical microscopy techniques to the collective understanding of the photophysics of these materials is detailed. The ongoing technical developments in the field that are overcoming traditional experimental limitations in order to visualize transport properties over multiple time and length scales are discussed. Finally, strategies are proposed to combine optical microscopy with complementary techniques in order to obtain a holistic picture of local carrier photophysics in state‐of‐the‐art perovskite devices.  相似文献   

Metal halide perovskites have been brought to the forefront of research focus in solution‐processable photovoltaics, with the device efficiency swiftly surging to over 22% over the past few years. The state‐of‐the‐art metal halide perovskites that have been intensively investigated include toxic lead, which potentially hampers their commercialization process. To address this toxicity issue, intensive recent research effort has been devoted to developing low‐toxic metal halide perovskites and their derivatives for photovoltaic applications. Herein, the recent research progress achieved so far in addressing the toxicity issue of lead halide perovskites in photovoltaics is summarized. By comparing the merits and drawbacks of different low‐toxic metal halide systems, the current challenges and opportunities in the photovoltaic field are highlighted. Potential low‐toxic metal halide perovskites and their derivatives are also discussed from the perspective of theoretical calculations. Furthermore, promising applications of low‐toxic metal halide perovskites beyond the photovoltaic sector are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

X‐ray microscopy can provide unique chemical, electronic, and structural insights into perovskite materials and devices leveraging bright, tunable synchrotron X‐ray sources. Over the last decade, fundamental understanding of halide perovskites and their impressive performance in optoelectronic devices has been furthered by rigorous research regarding their structural and chemical properties. Herein, studies of perovskites are reviewed that have used X‐ray imaging, spectroscopy, and scattering microscopies that have proven valuable tools toward understanding the role of defects, impurities, and processing on perovskite material properties and device performance. Together these microscopic investigations have augmented the understanding of the internal workings of perovskites and have helped to steer the perovskite community toward promising directions. In many ways, X‐ray microscopy of perovskites is still in its infancy, which leaves many exciting paths unexplored including new ptychographic, multimodal, in situ, and operando experiments. To explore possibilities, pioneering X‐ray microscopy along these lines is briefly highlighted from other semiconductor systems including silicon, CdTe, GaAs, CuInxGa1?xSe2, and organic photovoltaics. An overview is provided on the progress made in utilizing X‐ray microscopy for perovskites and present opportunities and challenges for future work.  相似文献   

Electron beam microscopy and related characterization techniques play an important role in revealing the microstructural, morphological, physical, and chemical information of halide perovskites and their impact on associated optoelectronic devices. However, electron beam irradiation usually causes damage to these beam‐sensitive materials, negatively impacting their device performance, and complicating this interpretation. In this article, the electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques are reviewed that are crucial for the understanding of the crystallization and microstructure of halide perovskites. In addition, special attention is paid to assessing and mitigating the electron beam‐induced damage caused by these techniques. Since the halide perovskites are fragile, a protocol involving delicate control of both electron beam dose and dose rate, coupled with careful data analysis, is key to enable the acquisition of reliable structural and compositional information such as atomic‐resolution images, chemical elemental mapping and electron diffraction patterns. Limiting the electron beam dose is critical parameter enabling the characterization of various halide perovskites. Novel methods to unveil the mechanisms of device operation, including charge carrier generation, diffusion, and extraction are presented in scanning electron microscopy studies combined with electron‐beam‐induced current and cathodoluminescence mapping. Future opportunities for electron‐beam‐related characterizations of halide perovskites are also discussed.  相似文献   

Controlling the surface and interface properties of halide perovskites (HaPs) materials is key to improve performance and stability of HaP‐based optoelectronic devices such as solar cells. Here, an overview is given on the use of different photoemission spectroscopy (PES) techniques as a tool kit to investigate chemical and electronic properties of surfaces and interfaces in research on HaP compounds. The primary focus of the article is X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), hard X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES), ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), and inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES), highlighting the importance of good practices during PES measurements. Starting from the working principles of PES, critical measurement conditions are discussed. In particular, the exposure of the HaP surface to vacuum and high energy radiation can cause accelerated ageing, degradation, and also ionic migration in the sample. The impact of these changes on the electronic and chemical properties is discussed, followed by an analysis of the specific challenges encountered when performing PES measurements of HaPs. These include the deviation from pristine surface conditions, determination of “soft” band edges, and assessment of band bending. The review concludes by emphasizing good practices for PES measurements of HaP samples and outlining the scope of operando type measurements to capture the transient behavior of HaPs in the experiment.  相似文献   

The intrinsic instability of lead halide perovskite semiconductors in an ambient atmosphere is one of the most critical issues that impedes perovskite solar cell commercialization. To overcome it, the use of bulky organic spacers has emerged as a promising solution. The resulting perovskite thin films present complex morphologies, difficult to predict, which can directly affect the device efficiency. Here, by combining in‐depth morphological and spectroscopic characterization, it is shown that both the ionic size and the relative concentration of the organic cation, drive the integration of bulky organic cations into the crystal unit cell and the thin film, inducing different perovskite phases and different vertical distribution, then causing a significant change in the final thin film morphology. Based on these studies, a fine‐engineered perovskite is constructed by employing two different large cations, namely, ethyl ammonium and butyl ammonium. The first one takes part in the 3D perovskite phase formation, the second one works as a surface modifier by forming a passivating layer on top of the thin film. Together they lead to improved photovoltaic performance and device stability when tested in air under continuous illumination. These findings propose a general approach to achieve reliability in perovskite‐based optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

Halide perovskite solar cells have achieved a certified efficiency of 25.2%, surpassing CdTe and CuInGaSe2, which have long been regarded as the most‐efficient thin‐film photovoltaic materials. As this exciting class of materials continues to mature, researchers will require characterization techniques capable of exposing the interplay among structure, chemistry, and optoelectronic properties to inform processing strategies and increase both device efficiencies and long‐term stability. Cathodoluminescence microscopy is an ideal technique to provide such information due to the high spatial resolution and robust optical information acquired. Here, the current body of work related to cathodoluminescence analysis of halide perovskite materials for optoelectronic applications is surveyed. This review demonstrates how cathodoluminescence can monitor degradation due to environmental stressors, phase segregation resulting from material processing, and other halide perovskite‐centric material issues. A persistent concern associated with e‐beam‐based analysis of halide perovskites is what effect the electron beam has on the material properties being probed. Addressing this, a detailed discussion is provided on the origin of the cathodoluminescence signal and a review of studies focused on revealing changes in the properties of halide perovskites resulting from e‐beam excitation. Finally, a perspective on future opportunities to expand the role of cathodoluminescence analysis for halide perovskites is provided.  相似文献   

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