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The role of excess excitation energy on long‐range charge separation in organic donor/acceptor bulk heterojunctions (BHJs) continues to be unclear. While ultrafast spectroscopy results argue for efficient charge separation through high‐energy charge‐transfer (CT) states within the first picosecond (ps) of excitation, charge collection measurements suggest excess photon energy does not increase the current density in BHJ devices. Here, the population dynamics of charge‐separated polarons upon excitation of high‐energy polymer states and low‐energy interfacial CT states in two polymer/fullerene blends from ps to nanosecond time scales are studied. It is observed that the charge‐separation dynamics do not show significant dependence on excitation energy. These results confirm that excess exciton energy is not necessary for the effective generation of charges.  相似文献   

How free charge is generated at organic donor–acceptor interfaces is an important question, as the binding energy of the lowest energy (localized) charge transfer states should be too high for the electron and hole to escape each other. Recently, it has been proposed that delocalization of the electronic states participating in charge transfer is crucial, and aggregated or otherwise locally ordered structures of the donor or the acceptor are the precondition for this electronic characteristic. The effect of intermolecular aggregation of both the polymer donor and fullerene acceptor on charge separation is studied. In the first case, the dilute electron acceptor triethylsilylhydroxy‐1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25‐octabutoxyphthalocyaninatosilicon(IV) (SiPc) is used to eliminate the influence of acceptor aggregation, and control polymer order through side‐chain regioregularity, comparing charge generation in 96% regioregular (RR‐) poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with its regiorandom (RRa‐) counterpart. In the second case, ordered phases in the polymer are eliminated by using RRa‐P3HT, and phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) is used as the acceptor, varying its concentration to control aggregation. Time‐resolved microwave conductivity, time‐resolved photoluminescence, and transient absorption spectroscopy measurements show that while ultrafast charge transfer occurs in all samples, long‐lived charge carriers are only produced in films with intermolecular aggregates of either RR‐P3HT or PC61BM, and that polymer aggregates are just as effective in this regard as those of fullerenes.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations are combined with density functional theory calculations to evaluate the impact of static and dynamic disorders on the energy distribution of charge‐transfer (CT) states at donor–acceptor heterojunctions, such as those found in the active layers of organic solar cells. It is shown that each of these two disorder components can be partitioned into contributions related to the energetic disorder of the transport states and to the disorder associated with the hole–electron electrostatic interaction energies. The methodology is applied to evaluate the energy distributions of the CT states in representative bulk heterojunctions based on poly‐3‐hexyl‐thiophene and phenyl‐C61‐butyric‐acid methyl ester. The results indicate that the torsional fluctuations of the polymer backbones are the main source of both static and dynamic disorders for the CT states as well as for the transport levels. The impact of static and dynamic disorders on radiative and nonradiative geminate recombination processes is also discussed.  相似文献   

The energy landscape in organic semiconducting materials greatly influences charge and exciton behavior, which are both critical to the operation of organic electronic devices. These energy landscapes can change dramatically depending on the phases of material present, including pure phases of one molecule or polymer and mixed phases exhibiting different degrees of order and composition. In this work, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements of ionization energies (IEs) and external quantum efficiency measurements of charge‐transfer (CT) state energies (ECT) are applied to molecular photovoltaic material systems to characterize energy landscapes. The results show that IEs and ECT values are highly dependent on structural order and phase composition. In the sexithiophene:C60 system both the IEs of sexithiophene and C60 shift by over 0.4 eV while ECT shifts by 0.5 eV depending on molecular composition. By contrast, in the rubrene:C60 system the IE of rubrene and C60 vary by ≤ 0.11 eV and ECT varies by ≤ 0.04 eV as the material composition varies. These results suggest that energy landscapes can exist whereby the binding energies of the CT states are overcome by energy offsets between charges in CT states in mixed regions and free charges in pure phases.  相似文献   

Ternary organic solar cells (OSCs) are among the best‐performing organic photovoltaic devices to date, largely due to the recent development of nonfullerene acceptors. However, fullerene molecules still play an important role in ternary OSC systems, since, for reasons not well understood, they often improve the device performance, despite their lack of absorption. Here, the photophysics of a prototypical ternary small‐molecule OSC blend composed of the donor DR3, the nonfullerene acceptor ICC6, and the fullerene derivative PC71BM is studied by ultrafast spectroscopy. Surprisingly, it is found that after excitation of PC71BM, ultrafast singlet energy transfer to ICC6 competes efficiently with charge transfer. Subsequently, singlets on ICC6 undergo hole transfer to DR3, resulting in free charge generation. Interestingly, PC71BM improves indirectly the electron mobility of the ternary blend, while electrons reside predominantly in ICC6 domains as indicated by fast spectroscopy. The improved mobility facilitates charge carrier extraction, in turn leading to higher device efficiencies of the ternary compared to binary solar cells. Using the (photo)physical parameters obtained from (transient) spectroscopy and charge transport measurements, the device's current–voltage characteristics are simulated and it is demonstrated that the parameters accurately reproduce the experimentally measured device performance.  相似文献   

Organic solar cells (OSCs) are promising low‐cost devices for generating electricity. In addition to fill factor, the short circuit current density (JSC) and the open circuit voltage (VOC) are two key factors that have critical influence on the device performance. The energy levels of the donor and acceptor materials are crucial for achieving a high JSC and VOC. However, the interfacial structures between the organic materials substantially affect the JSC and VOC through the energy of the charge transfer (CT) states and the charge separation and recombination reaction kinetics. Here, it is reported that separating the donor and acceptor layer in bilayer OSCs with a thin insulating layer increases the energy of the CT state by weakening the Coulomb interaction at the interface and this also suppresses photoinduced CT and recombination. Although these effects usually increase VOC and decrease JSC, the trade‐off is avoided by doping the insulating layer with a dye to utilize the energy transfer process. The increase in VOC without the reduction in JSC enhances the conversion efficiency of the OSCs by 30%.  相似文献   

Organic ternary heterojunction photovoltaic blends are sometimes observed to undergo a gradual evolution in open‐circuit voltage (Voc) with increasing amounts of a second donor or an acceptor. The Voc is strongly correlated with the energy of the charge transfer state in the blend, but this value depends on both local and mesoscopic orders. In this work, the behavior of Voc in the presence of a wide range of interfacial electronic states is investigated. The key charge transfer state interfaces responsible for Voc in several model systems with varying morphology are identified. Systems consisting of one donor with two fullerene molecules and of one acceptor with a donor polymer of varying regio‐regularity are used. The effects from the changing energetic disorder in the material and from the variation due to a law of simple mixtures are quantified. It has been found that populating the higher‐energy charge transfer states is not responsible for the observed change in Voc upon the addition of a third component. Aggregating polymers and miscible fullerenes are compared, and it has been concluded that in both cases charge delocalization, aggregation, and local polarization effects shift the lowest‐energy charge transfer state distribution.  相似文献   

Organic solar cells lag behind their inorganic counterparts in efficiency due largely to low open‐circuit voltages (Voc). In this work, a comprehensive framework for understanding and improving the open‐circuit voltage of organic solar cells is developed based on equilibrium between charge transfer (CT) states and free carriers. It is first shown that the ubiquitous reduced Langevin recombination observed in organic solar cells implies equilibrium and then statistical mechanics is used to calculate the CT state population density at each voltage. This general result permits the quantitative assignment of Voc losses to a combination of interfacial energetic disorder, non‐negligible CT state binding energies, large degrees of mixing, and sub‐ns recombination at the donor/acceptor interface. To quantify the impact of energetic disorder, a new temperature‐dependent CT state absorption measurement is developed. By analyzing how the apparent CT energy varies with temperature, the interfacial disorder can be directly extracted. 63–104 meV of disorder is found in five systems, contributing 75–210 mV of Voc loss. This work provides an intuitive explanation for why qVoc is almost always 500–700 meV below the energy of the CT state and shows how the voltage can be improved.  相似文献   

In organic solar cells (OSCs), the energy of the charge‐transfer (CT) complexes at the donor–acceptor interface, E CT, determines the maximum open‐circuit voltage (V OC). The coexistence of phases with different degrees of order in the donor or the acceptor, as in blends of semi‐crystalline donors and fullerenes in bulk heterojunction layers, influences the distribution of CT states and the V OC enormously. Yet, the question of how structural heterogeneities alter CT states and the V OC is seldom addressed systematically. In this work, we combine experimental measurements of vacuum‐deposited rubrene/C60 bilayer OSCs, with varying microstructure and texture, with density functional theory calculations to determine how relative molecular orientations and extents of structural order influence E CT and V OC. We find that varying the microstructure of rubrene gives rise to CT bands with varying energies. The CT band that originates from crystalline rubrene lies up to ≈0.4 eV lower in energy compared to the one that arises from amorphous rubrene. These low‐lying CT states contribute strongly to V OC losses and result mainly from hole delocalization in aggregated rubrene. This work points to the importance of realizing interfacial structural control that prevents the formation of low E CT configurations and maximizes V OC.  相似文献   

Morphology plays a vital role on the performance of organic photovoltaics. However, our understanding of the morphology‐performance relationships for organic photovoltaics remains lacking. Specifically, it is still an open question why some bulk‐heterojunction blends exhibit electric field dependent JV curves, while others do not. Through detailed fs‐μs transient absorption spectroscopy and morphology studies on the representative bulk‐heterojunction type small molecule (SM) donor system, a picture of different JV behaviors from morphology aspects and excited dynamics is revealed. Our findings reveal that amorphous morphology in the lack of percolated pathways leads to the formation of strongly bound charge transfer states (CTSs), which accounts for about one third of the photoexcited species. Therefore, field‐dependent JV curves are obtained as these CTSs mainly undergo geminate recombination or function as interfacial traps for nongeminate recombination. On the other hand, the CTSs are totally suppressed after post‐treatment owning to the formation of bicontinuous morphology, which results in very high efficiencies from exciton generation, diffusion, dissociation to charge extraction, thus contributes to field‐independent JV characteristics. The insights gained in this work provide the effective guidelines to further optimize the performance of bulk‐heterojunction type SM‐organic photovoltaics through judicious morphology control and engineering.  相似文献   

Photoinduced charge generation (PCG) dynamics are notoriously difficult to correlate with specific molecular properties in device relevant polymer:fullerene organic photovoltaic blend films due to the highly complex nature of the solid state blend morphology. Here, this study uses six judiciously selected trifluoromethylfullerenes blended with the prototypical polymer poly(3‐hexylthiophene) and measure the PCG dynamics in 50 fs–500 ns time scales with time‐resolved microwave conductivity and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The isomeric purity and thorough chemical characterization of the fullerenes used in this study allow for a detailed correlation between molecular properties, driving force, local intermolecular electronic coupling and, ultimately, the efficiency of PCG yield. The findings show that the molecular design of the fullerene not only determines inter‐fullerene electronic coupling, but also influences the decay dynamics of free holes in the donor phase even when the polymer microstructure remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Solution‐processed organic bulk heterojunction solar cells based on poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT) blended with [6,6]‐phenyl‐C60‐butyric acid methyl ester are doped with different concentrations of iron (II,III) oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4). The power conversion efficiency of the devices doped at low concentrations is improved up to 11%. The improvement finds its origin in a lower recombination current, which is a consequence of an increased effective exciton lifetime according to the J–V characteristics and the optoelectronical analysis of the films. The increase in performance cannot be attributed to changes in morphology or crystallinity according to grazing‐incidence X‐ray scattering experiments. The evolution of the solar cell short‐circuit current at low doping concentrations is related to variations in the arrangement of the crystalline regions of P3HT. For high doping concentrations (above 1.0 wt%) the performance of the solar cell decays rapidly, ascribed to the increased leakage currents in the device caused by the presence of nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Charge‐transfer (CT) state electroluminescence is investigated in several polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells. The ideality factor of the electroluminescence reveals that the CT emission in polymer:fullerene solar cells originates from free‐carrier bimolecular recombination at the donor‐acceptor interface, rather than a charge‐trap‐mediated process. The fingerprint of the presence of nonradiative trap‐assisted recombination, a voltage‐dependent CT electroluminescence quantum efficiency, is only observed for the P3HT:PCBM system, which is explained by a reduction of the competing bimolecular recombination rate. These results are in agreement with measurements of the illumination‐intensity dependence of the open‐circuit voltage.  相似文献   

An original set of experimental and modeling tools is used to quantify the yield of each of the physical processes leading to photocurrent generation in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells, enabling evaluation of materials and processing condition beyond the trivial comparison of device performances. Transient absorption spectroscopy, “the” technique to monitor all intermediate states over the entire relevant timescale, is combined with time‐delayed collection field experiments, transfer matrix simulations, spectral deconvolution, and parametrization of the charge carrier recombination by a two‐pool model, allowing quantification of densities of excitons and charges and extrapolation of their kinetics to device‐relevant conditions. Photon absorption, charge transfer, charge separation, and charge extraction are all quantified for two recently developed wide‐bandgap donor polymers: poly(4,8‐bis((2‐ethylhexyl)oxy)benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene‐3,4‐difluorothiophene) (PBDT[2F]T) and its nonfluorinated counterpart poly(4,8‐bis((2‐ethylhexyl)oxy)benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene‐3,4‐thiophene) (PBDT[2H]T) combined with PC71BM in bulk heterojunctions. The product of these yields is shown to agree well with the devices' external quantum efficiency. This methodology elucidates in the specific case studied here the origin of improved photocurrents obtained when using PBDT[2F]T instead of PBDT[2H]T as well as upon using solvent additives. Furthermore, a higher charge transfer (CT)‐state energy is shown to lead to significantly lower energy losses (resulting in higher VOC) during charge generation compared to P3HT:PCBM.  相似文献   

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