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Naked mole‐rats (NMRs) are the oldest‐living rodent species. Living underground in a thermally stable ecological niche, NMRs have evolved certain exceptional traits, resulting in sustained health spans, negligible cognitive decline, and a pronounced resistance to age‐related disease. Uncovering insights into mechanisms underlying these extraordinary traits involved in successful aging may conceivably provide crucial clues to extend the human life span and health span. One of the most fundamental processes inside the cell is the production of ATP, which is an essential fuel in driving all other energy‐requiring cellular activities. Not surprisingly, a prominent hallmark in age‐related diseases, such as neurodegeneration and cancer, is the impairment and dysregulation of metabolic pathways. Using a two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis proteomics approach, alterations in expression and phosphorylation levels of metabolic proteins in the brains of NMRs, aged 2–24 years, were evaluated in an age‐dependent manner. We identified 13 proteins with altered levels and/or phosphorylation states that play key roles in various metabolic pathways including glycolysis, β‐oxidation, the malate‐aspartate shuttle, the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA) cycle, the electron transport chain, NADPH production, as well as the production of glutamate. New insights into potential pathways involved in metabolic aspects of successful aging have been obtained by the identification of key proteins through which the NMR brain responds and adapts to the aging process and how the NMR brain adapted to resist age‐related degeneration.


One of the greatest unresolved questions in aging biology is determining the genetic basis of interspecies longevity variation. Gene duplication is often the key to understanding the origin and evolution of important Eutherian phenotypes. We systematically identified longevity‐associated genes in model organisms that duplicated throughout Eutherian evolution. Longevity‐associated gene families have a marginally significantly higher rate of duplication compared to non‐longevity‐associated gene families. Anti‐longevity‐associated gene families have significantly increased rate of duplication compared to pro‐longevity gene families and are enriched in neurodegenerative disease categories. Conversely, duplicated pro‐longevity‐associated gene families are enriched in cell cycle genes. There is a cluster of longevity‐associated gene families that expanded solely in long‐lived species that is significantly enriched in pathways relating to 3‐UTR‐mediated translational regulation, metabolism of proteins and gene expression, pathways that have the potential to affect longevity. The identification of a gene cluster that duplicated solely in long‐lived species involved in such fundamental processes provides a promising avenue for further exploration of Eutherian longevity evolution.  相似文献   

Copy number variants (CNVs) represent a significant source of genetic variation in the human genome and have been implicated in numerous diseases and complex traits. To date, only a few studies have investigated the role of CNVs in human lifespan. To investigate the impact of CNVs on prospective mortality at the extreme end of life, where the genetic component of lifespan appears most profound, we analyzed genomewide CNV data in 603 Danish nonagenarians and centenarians (mean age 96.9 years, range 90.0–102.5 years). Replication was performed in 500 long‐lived individuals from the Leiden Longevity Study (mean age 93.2 years, range 88.9–103.4 years). First, we assessed the association between the CNV burden of each individual (the number of CNVs, the average CNV length, and the total CNV length) and mortality and found a significant increase in mortality per 10 kb increase in the average CNV length, both for all CNVs (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.024, P = 0.002) and for duplications (HR = 1.011, P = 0.005), as well as per 100 kb increase in the total length of deletions (HR = 1.009, P = 0.0005). Next, we assessed the relation between specific deletions and duplications and mortality. Although no genome–wide significant associations were discovered, we identified six deletions and one duplication that showed consistent association with mortality in both or either of the sexes across both study populations. These results indicate that the genome–wide CNV burden, specifically the average CNV length and the total CNV length, associates with higher mortality in long‐lived individuals.  相似文献   

Aging and age‐related diseases are accompanied by proteome remodeling and progressive declines in cellular machinery required to maintain protein homeostasis (proteostasis), such as autophagy, ubiquitin‐mediated degradation, and protein synthesis. While many studies have focused on capturing changes in proteostasis, the identification of proteins that evade these cellular processes has recently emerged as an approach to studying the aging proteome. With advances in proteomic technology, it is possible to monitor protein half‐lives and protein turnover at the level of individual proteins in vivo. For large‐scale studies, these technologies typically include the use of stable isotope labeling coupled with MS and comprehensive assessment of protein turnover rates. Protein turnover studies have revealed groups of highly relevant long‐lived proteins (LLPs), such as the nuclear pore complexes, extracellular matrix proteins, and protein aggregates. Here, the role of LLPs during aging and age‐related diseases and the methods used to identify and quantify their changes are reviewed. The methods available to conduct studies of protein turnover, used in combination with traditional proteomic methods, will enable the field to perform studies in a systems biology context, as changes in proteostasis may not be revealed in studies that solely measure differential protein abundances.  相似文献   

Maintaining proteostasis is thought to be a key factor in slowed aging. In several growth‐restricted models of long‐life, we have shown evidence of increased proteostatic mechanisms, suggesting that proteostasis may be a shared characteristic of slowed aging. The Snell dwarf mouse is generated through the mutation of the Pit‐1 locus causing reductions in multiple hormonal growth factors and mTORC1 signaling. Snell dwarfs are one of the longest lived rodent models of slowed aging. We hypothesized that proteostatic mechanisms would be increased in Snell compared to control (Con) as in other models of slowed aging. Using D2O, we simultaneously assessed protein synthesis in multiple subcellular fractions along with DNA synthesis in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver over 2 weeks in both sexes. We also assessed mTORC1‐substrate phosphorylation. Skeletal muscle protein synthesis was decreased in all protein fractions of Snell compared to Con, varied by fraction in heart, and was not different between groups in liver. DNA synthesis was lower in Snell skeletal muscle and heart but not in liver when compared to Con. The new protein to new DNA synthesis ratio was increased threefold in Snell skeletal muscle and heart compared to Con. Snell mTORC1‐substrate phosphorylation was decreased only in heart and liver. No effect of sex was seen in this study. Together with our previous investigations in long‐lived models, we provide evidence further supporting proteostasis as a shared characteristic of slowed aging and show that increased proteostatic mechanisms may not necessarily require a decrease in mTORC1.  相似文献   

Cellular reprogramming is an emerging strategy for delaying the aging processes. However, a number of challenges, including the impaired genome integrity and decreased pluripotency of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from old donors, may hinder their potential clinical applications. The longevity gene, Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6), functions in multiple biological processes such as the maintenance of genome integrity and the regulation of somatic cell reprogramming. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate that MDL‐800, a recently developed selective SIRT6 activator, improved genomic stability by activating two DNA repair pathways—nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) and base excision repair (BER) in old murine‐derived iPSCs. More interestingly, we found that pretreating old murine iPSCs, which normally exhibit a restricted differentiation potential, with MDL‐800 promoted the formation of teratomas comprised of all three germ layers and robustly stimulated chimera generation. Our findings suggest that pharmacological activation of SIRT6 holds great promise in treating aging‐associated diseases with iPSC‐based cell therapy.  相似文献   

We report 11 microsatellite loci for the African mole‐rat genus Cryptomys (Rodentia: Bathyergidae), isolated from the Damaraland mole‐rat (Cryptomys damarensis) and the Common mole‐rat (C. hottentotus hottentotus). All loci are highly polymorphic in the source species, with between six and 13 alleles and observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.54 to 0.86. Two C. damarensis loci (DMR1 and 6) may be located on the X‐chromosome. Cross‐species amplification was investigated in 10 Bathyergid species, representative of the five genera. The majority of loci amplified polymorphic product in all Cryptomys species tested. Amplification was also widespread in the other genera, except in Heterocephalus.  相似文献   

In the absence of evidence suggesting former ice or land bridges, the colonization of remote landmasses by non‐aquatic, non‐flying vertebrates is thought to result from long‐distance over‐water rafting (LDOR). However, Mazza et al. (2019) challenge the notion that mammals can make such journeys citing their perceived physiological inadequacies. They claim that lengthy transits combined with lack of food and water plus the stresses imposed by temperature, humidity and salinity render such passages impossible. We, though, contend that this reasoning is wrong. The few cases where LDOR has been invoked for mammal colonization have all involved small‐bodied animals, several of which are able to drastically reduce their metabolic rates through torpor/hibernation when food and water are scarce. Furthermore, there may be sustenance. Crucially, LDOR obviates the need for miraculous short‐lived causeways and the attendant issue of unrecognized large‐scale bidirectional invasions being made by other organisms that had access to the conduits.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence, which is known to halt proliferation of aged and stressed cells, plays a key role against cancer development and is also closely associated with organismal aging. While increased insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) signaling induces cell proliferation, survival and cancer progression, disrupted IGF signaling is known to enhance longevity concomitantly with delay in aging processes. The molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of aging by IGF signaling and whether IGF regulates cellular senescence are still poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that IGF‐1 exerts a dual function in promoting cell proliferation as well as cellular senescence. While acute IGF‐1 exposure promotes cell proliferation and is opposed by p53, prolonged IGF‐1 treatment induces premature cellular senescence in a p53‐dependent manner. We show that prolonged IGF‐1 treatment inhibits SIRT1 deacetylase activity, resulting in increased p53 acetylation as well as p53 stabilization and activation, thus leading to premature cellular senescence. In addition, either expression of SIRT1 or inhibition of p53 prevented IGF‐1‐induced premature cellular senescence. Together, these findings suggest that p53 acts as a molecular switch in monitoring IGF‐1‐induced proliferation and premature senescence, and suggest a possible molecular connection involving IGF‐1‐SIRT1‐p53 signaling in cellular senescence and aging.  相似文献   

High‐altitude polycythemia (HAPC) is a common plateau chronic disease in which red blood cells are compensatory hyperproliferative due to high altitude hypoxic environment. HAPC severely affects the physical and mental health of populations on the plateau. However, the pathogenesis and treatment of HAPC has been rarely investigated. Here, the hypoxia‐induced HAPC model of rat is established, in which hemoglobin concentration significantly increases and platelets clearly decrease. The effect of resveratrol upon hypoxia enables HAPC remission and makes hemoglobin and platelet tend to a normal level. Furthermore, quantitative proteomics is applied to investigate the plasma proteome variation and the underlying molecular regulation during HAPC occurrence and treatment with resveratrol. Hypoxia promotes erythrocyte developing and differentiating and disrupts cytoskeleton organization. Notably, the resveratrol administration reverses the proteome change pattern due to hypoxia and contributes to plateau adaption. Quantitative verification of differentially expressed proteins confirms the roles of resveratrol in HAPC. Resveratrol is expected to be useful for HAPC treatment.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that events during prenatal life can have long‐lasting effects on development and adult health. Stress during pregnancy is common and has been linked to increased incidence of a range of affective and behavioral outcomes in the offspring in later life and also some somatic outcomes. Glucocorticoids, and their actions on the fetus, which are regulated by placental 11β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β‐HSD2), are hypothesized to mediate these effects. Animal studies have demonstrated long‐term effects of stress and glucocorticoid administration on behavioral outcomes, as well as increased blood pressure, altered hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) function, and decreased glucose tolerance and brain size. In humans, licorice, which inhibits placental 11β‐HSD2 when consumed during pregnancy, has been shown to increase the risk of behavioral problems linked to altered HPA activity. Synthetic glucocorticoids administered during pregnancy to improve fetal lung maturity in threatened preterm birth have been shown to reduce birth weight and head circumference, but have not been linked to grosschanges in long‐term health todate. It is important to consider thelong‐term consequences of stress, and medication that mimics stress, during pregnancy. Birth Defects Research (PartC) 96:315–324, 2012. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate how well prepregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, and postpartum weight retention predict retention of weight 15 years later among parous women. Research Methods and Procedures: The Stockholm Pregnancy and Women's Nutrition (SPAWN) study is a long‐term follow‐up study of women who delivered children in 1984 to 1985 (n = 2342). The participants initially filled out questionnaires about their eating and exercise habits, social circumstances, etc. before, during, and at 1 year after pregnancy. Anthropometric data were also sampled. Fifteen years later, these women were invited to take part in the follow‐up study. Anthropometric measurements were collected, and similar questions were asked. Five hundred sixty‐three women participated in the SPAWN 15‐year follow‐up study. The sample was divided into groups to examine three presumably critical time periods: 1) overweight and normal weight before pregnancy; 2) low, intermediate, and high weight gainers during pregnancy; and 3) low, intermediate, and high weight retainers at 1 year after pregnancy. Results: The overweight women did not gain more weight during pregnancy or retain more weight at 1 year follow‐up. High weight gainers during pregnancy retained more weight at the 1‐year and the 15‐year follow‐ups. High weight retainers had gained more during pregnancy and retained it at the 15‐year follow‐up. Fifty‐six percent of the high weight gainers during pregnancy ended up in the high weight retainers group. Discussion: Women who are overweight before pregnancy do not have a higher risk of postpartum weight retention than normal weight women. Thus, it is not necessarily the initially overweight woman who should be the target or focus of weight control programs during or after pregnancy. Both high weight gainers and high weight retainers had higher BMI at the 15‐year follow‐up, although only 56% of the high weight gainers during pregnancy were also classified as high weight retainers at the 1‐year follow‐up. Weight retention at the end of the postpartum year predicts future overweight 15 years later.  相似文献   

Immobilized trypsin (IM) has been recognized as an alternative to free trypsin (FT) for accelerating protein digestion 30 years ago. However, some questions of IM still need to be answered. How does the solid matrix of IM influence its preference for protein cleavage and how well can IM perform for deep bottom‐up proteomics compared to FT? By analyzing Escherichia coli proteome samples digested with amine or carboxyl functionalized magnetic bead–based IM (IM‐N or IM‐C) or FT, it is observed that IM‐N with the nearly neutral solid matrix, IM‐C with the negatively charged solid matrix, and FT have similar cleavage preference considering the microenvironment surrounding the cleavage sites. IM‐N (15 min) and FT (12 h) both approach 9000 protein identifications (IDs) from a mouse brain proteome. Compared to FT, IM‐N has no bias in the digestion of proteins that are involved in various biological processes, are located in different components of cells, have diverse functions, and are expressed in varying abundance. A high‐throughput bottom‐up proteomics workflow comprising IM‐N‐based rapid protein cleavage and fast CZE‐MS/MS enables the completion of protein sample preparation, CZE‐MS/MS analysis, and data analysis in only 3 h, resulting in 1000 protein IDs from the mouse brain proteome.  相似文献   

Many important ecological management issues can only be addressed by long‐term monitoring or through studies carried out over extended periods. But such studies require institutional settings that ensure funding is sustained and that data arising from these studies are securely managed. Recent experience suggests both are difficult to achieve. This is because management agencies and research bodies are periodically restructured, especially in recent years. This has often led to long‐term work being terminated. But there is anecdotal evidence that the data collected in at least some of these studies are not always lost. Instead, it can remain stored in the back rooms of agencies or in the personal files of former staff. Such data are clearly at risk; with time fewer people remain aware of the work or of the existence of data that were collected, thereby increasing the likelihood that the information will eventually disappear. This seems a waste. Securing funds for any long‐term ecological study is always likely to be difficult, and many of these previous long‐term studies are likely to be relevant to some of our present management problems. One approach to taking advantage of these earlier studies would be to ask scientific and professional associations to survey their older members to identify relevant previous investigations. But any re‐establishment of former studies will require the creation of new institutional arrangements, more robust institutional memories and sufficient funds that are able to sustain any resurrected investigations into the future.  相似文献   

The NAD+‐dependent SIRT6 deacetylase is a therapeutic candidate against the emerging metabolic syndrome epidemic. SIRT6, whose deficiency in mice results in premature aging phenotypes and metabolic defects, was implicated in a calorie restriction response that showed an opposite set of phenotypes from the metabolic syndrome. To explore the role of SIRT6 in metabolic stress, wild type and transgenic (TG) mice overexpressing SIRT6 were fed a high fat diet. In comparison to their wild‐type littermates, SIRT6 TG mice accumulated significantly less visceral fat, LDL‐cholesterol, and triglycerides. TG mice displayed enhanced glucose tolerance along with increased glucose‐stimulated insulin secretion. Gene expression analysis of adipose tissue revealed that the positive effect of SIRT6 overexpression is associated with down regulation of a selective set of peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor‐responsive genes, and genes associated with lipid storage, such as angiopoietin‐like protein 4, adipocyte fatty acid‐binding protein, and diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1, which were suggested as potential targets for drugs to control metabolic syndrome. These results demonstrate a protective role for SIRT6 against the metabolic consequences of diet‐induced obesity and suggest a potentially beneficial effect of SIRT6 activation on age‐related metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

The SIRT1 deacetylase is one of the best-studied putative mediators of some of the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction (CR), but its role in CR-dependent lifespan extension has not been demonstrated. We previously found that mice lacking both copies of SIRT1 displayed a shorter median lifespan than wild-type mice on an ad libitum diet. Here, we report that median lifespan extension in CR heterozygote SIRT1+/− mice was identical (51%) to that observed in wild-type mice, but SIRT1+/− mice displayed a higher frequency of certain pathologies. Although larger studies in additional genetic backgrounds are needed, these results provide strong initial evidence for the requirement of SIRT1 for the lifespan extension effects of CR, but suggest that its high expression is not required for CR-induced lifespan extension.  相似文献   

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