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Adipose tissue expansion requires growth and proliferation of adipocytes and the concomitant expansion of their stromovascular network. We have used an ex vivo angiogenesis assay to study the mechanisms involved in adipose tissue expansion. In this assay, adipose tissue fragments placed under pro-angiogenic conditions form sprouts composed of endothelial, perivascular, and other proliferative cells. We find that sprouting was directly stimulated by insulin and was enhanced by prior treatment of mice with the insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone. Moreover, basal and insulin-stimulated sprouting increased progressively over 30 weeks of high fat diet feeding, correlating with tissue expansion during this period. cDNA microarrays analyzed to identify genes correlating with insulin-stimulated sprouting surprisingly revealed only four positively correlating (Fads3, Tmsb10, Depdc6, and Rasl12) and four negatively correlating (Asph, IGFbp4, Ppm1b, and Adcyap1r1) genes. Among the proteins encoded by these genes, IGFbp4, which suppresses IGF-1 signaling, has been previously implicated in angiogenesis, suggesting a role for IGF-1 in adipose tissue expandability. Indeed, IGF-1 potently stimulated sprouting, and the presence of activated IGF-1 receptors in the vasculature was revealed by immunostaining. Recombinant IGFbp4 blocked the effects of insulin and IGF-1 on mouse adipose tissue sprouting and also suppressed sprouting from human subcutaneous adipose tissue. These results reveal an important role of IGF-1/IGFbp4 signaling in post-developmental adipose tissue expansion.  相似文献   

Objective: Recent studies have revealed the presence of a local renin‐angiotensin system in adipose tissue. To examine the possible role of this system in adipose tissue, we performed microdialysis studies on the effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) on blood flow and metabolism in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (aSAT) and femoral subcutaneous adipose tissue (fSAT) in young healthy men. Research Methods and Procedures: Using the microdialysis technique, two different protocols were run perfusion with Ringer's solution + 50 mM ethanol with the subsequent addition of 125, 250, and 500 μg/liter Ang II (n = 8) and Ringers's solution + 50 mM ethanol with the subsequent addition of isoproterenol (1 μM) alone and in combination with 500 μg/liter Ang II (n = 6). Dialysate concentrations of ethanol, glycerol, glucose, and lactate were measured for estimating blood flow (ethanol dilution technique), lipolysis, and glycolysis, respectively. Results: Perfusion with Ang II resulted in a dose‐dependent decrease in blood flow (fSAT > aSAT), lipolysis (fSAT > aSAT), and glucose uptake (fSAT = aSAT). Isoproterenol increased blood flow and lipolysis at both sites and those effects could be returned to baseline values by the addition of Ang II in aSAT but not fSAT. Discussion: In conclusion, our data indicate that in addition to its well‐known vasoconstricting effect, Ang II inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue, whereby femoral fat depots seem to be more sensitive to this effect than abdominal depots.  相似文献   

Two of the crucial aspects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are (i) viral persistence in reservoirs (precluding viral eradication) and (ii) chronic inflammation (directly associated with all-cause morbidities in antiretroviral therapy (ART)-controlled HIV-infected patients). The objective of the present study was to assess the potential involvement of adipose tissue in these two aspects. Adipose tissue is composed of adipocytes and the stromal vascular fraction (SVF); the latter comprises immune cells such as CD4+ T cells and macrophages (both of which are important target cells for HIV). The inflammatory potential of adipose tissue has been extensively described in the context of obesity. During HIV infection, the inflammatory profile of adipose tissue has been revealed by the occurrence of lipodystrophies (primarily related to ART). Data on the impact of HIV on the SVF (especially in individuals not receiving ART) are scarce. We first analyzed the impact of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection on abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues in SIVmac251 infected macaques and found that both adipocytes and adipose tissue immune cells were affected. The adipocyte density was elevated, and adipose tissue immune cells presented enhanced immune activation and/or inflammatory profiles. We detected cell-associated SIV DNA and RNA in the SVF and in sorted CD4+ T cells and macrophages from adipose tissue. We demonstrated that SVF cells (including CD4+ T cells) are infected in ART-controlled HIV-infected patients. Importantly, the production of HIV RNA was detected by in situ hybridization, and after the in vitro reactivation of sorted CD4+ T cells from adipose tissue. We thus identified adipose tissue as a crucial cofactor in both viral persistence and chronic immune activation/inflammation during HIV infection. These observations open up new therapeutic strategies for limiting the size of the viral reservoir and decreasing low-grade chronic inflammation via the modulation of adipose tissue-related pathways.  相似文献   

Intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) is associated with metabolic abnormalities similar to those associated with visceral adipose tissue (VAT). Increased IMAT has been found in obese human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)‐infected women. We hypothesized that IMAT, like VAT, would be similar or increased in HIV‐infected persons compared with healthy controls, despite decreases in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) found in HIV infection. In the second FRAM (Study of Fat Redistribution and Metabolic Change in HIV infection) exam, we studied 425 HIV‐infected subjects and 211 controls (from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study) who had regional AT and skeletal muscle (SM) measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multivariable linear regression identified factors associated with IMAT and its association with metabolites. Total IMAT was 51% lower in HIV‐infected participants compared with controls (P = 0.003). The HIV effect was attenuated after multivariable adjustment (to ?28%, P < 0.0001 in men and ?3.6%, P = 0.70 in women). Higher quantities of leg SAT, upper‐trunk SAT, and VAT were associated with higher IMAT in HIV‐infected participants, with weaker associations in controls. Stavudine use was associated with lower IMAT and SAT, but showed little relationship with VAT. In multivariable analyses, regional IMAT was associated with insulin resistance and triglycerides (TGs). Contrary to expectation, IMAT is not increased in HIV infection; after controlling for demographics, lifestyle, VAT, SAT, and SM, HIV+ men have lower IMAT compared with controls, whereas values for women are similar. Stavudine exposure is associated with both decreased IMAT and SAT, suggesting that IMAT shares cellular origins with SAT.  相似文献   

棕色脂肪的产热及其调控机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
棕色脂肪组织是小型哺乳动物重要的兼性产热器官,位于棕色脂肪细胞线粒体内膜的解偶联蛋白是此种产热机制的关键物质.产热刺激激活解偶联蛋白构成的质子通道,在线粒体内膜形成质子短路,从而解除ATP合成偶联对氧化呼吸速率的控制,使产热高速进行.去甲肾上腺素、甲状腺激素、胰岛素、pH值以及食物、环境温度等因素综合调控着棕色脂肪组织的结构与功能状态.  相似文献   

Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) is an important factor of innate immunity that in mammals is known to take part in the clearance of invading Gram-negative bacteria. In teleost, the function of BPI is unknown. In the present work, we studied the function of tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) BPI, CsBPI. We found that CsBPI was produced extracellularly by peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL). Recombinant CsBPI (rCsBPI) was able to bind to a number of Gram-negative bacteria but not Gram-positive bacteria. Binding to bacteria led to bacterial death through membrane permeabilization and structural destruction, and the bound bacteria were more readily taken up by PBL. In vivo, rCsBPI augmented the expression of a wide arrange of genes involved in antibacterial and antiviral immunity. Furthermore, rCsBPI enhanced the resistance of tongue sole against bacterial as well as viral infection. These results indicate for the first time that a teleost BPI possesses immunoregulatory effect and plays a significant role in antibacterial and antiviral defense.  相似文献   

人体内褐色脂肪组织及其生理功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褐色脂肪组织(brown adipose tissue,BAT)在小型哺乳动物的非颤抖性产热、体温调节以及体重维持等方面都具有重要的生理功能.在人类中,曾一度认为褐色脂肪组织只在新生儿中存在,在成人体中不存在或数量甚微而没有生理意义.随着医学科技的发展,2009年采用监测癌症及癌症转移的氟化脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射计算机断层显像技术-X射线断层显像技术(18F-FDG PET-CT)检测到在成年人体内也存在功能性的褐色脂肪组织,此发现颠覆了传统的观念,也为人类对抗肥胖提供了新靶标.本文就褐色脂肪组织在人类体内的存在及其潜在的生理意义进行了概述.  相似文献   

细胞自噬(autophagy)是一种主要由溶酶体介导的降解通路,作为细胞维持内环境稳态的一种保护性机制,不仅通过将长寿命蛋白和衰老细胞器降解为小肽或氨基酸为细胞提供再生资源,而且也可作为防御机制抵抗病原微生物感染和寄生. 自噬缺失与许多疾病如癌症、心血管疾病等的发生关系密切,在机体生理、病理过程中发挥重要作用. 本文拟就细胞自噬与病毒感染、机体免疫的关系加以综述,以期为研究细胞自噬的发生、参与机体免疫、发挥抗病毒感染作用及其分子机制提供参考,也为进一步研究抗病毒治疗的靶标提供新思路.  相似文献   

NK-lysin is an antimicrobial protein produced by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. In this study, we examined the biological property of a peptide, NKLP27, derived from tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) NK-lysin. NKLP27 is composed of 27 amino acids and shares little sequence identity with known NK-lysin peptides. NKLP27 possesses bactericidal activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria including common aquaculture pathogens. The bactericidal activity of NKLP27 was dependent on the C-terminal five residues, deletion of which dramatically reduced the activity of NKLP27. During its interaction with the target bacterial cells, NKLP27 destroyed cell membrane integrity, penetrated into the cytoplasm, and induced degradation of genomic DNA. In vivo study showed that administration of tongue sole with NKLP27 before bacterial and viral infection significantly reduced pathogen dissemination and replication in tissues. Further study revealed that fish administered with NKLP27 exhibited significantly upregulated expression of the immune genes including those that are known to be involved in antibacterial and antiviral defense. These results indicate that NKLP27 is a novel antimicrobial against bacterial and viral pathogens, and that the observed effect of NKLP27 on bacterial DNA and host gene expression adds new insights to the action mechanism of fish antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   



Coxsackie virus A16 (CVA16) infections have become a serious public health problem in the Asia-Pacific region. It manifests most often in childhood exanthema, commonly known as hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD). There are currently no vaccine or effective medical treatments available.

Principal Finding

In this study, we describe the production, purification and characterization of CVA16 virus produced from Vero cells grown on 5 g/L Cytodex 1 microcarrier beads in a five-liter serum-free bioreactor system. The viral titer was found to be >106 the tissue culture''s infectious dose (TCID50) per mL within 7 days post-infection when a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10−5 was used for initial infection. Two CVA16 virus fractions were separated and detected when the harvested CVA16 viral concentrate was purified by a sucrose gradient zonal ultracentrifugation. The viral particles detected in the 24–28% sucrose fractions had low viral infectivity and RNA content. The viral particles obtained from 35–38% sucrose fractions were found to have high viral infectivity and RNA content, and composed of four viral proteins (VP1, VP2, VP3 and VP4), as shown by SDS-PAGE analyses. These two virus fractions were formalin-inactivated and only the infectious particle fraction was found to be capable of inducing CVA16-specific neutralizing antibody responses in both mouse and rabbit immunogenicity studies. But these antisera failed to neutralize enterovirus 71. In addition, rabbit antisera did not react with any peptides derived from CVA16 capsid proteins. Mouse antisera recognized a single linear immunodominant epitope of VP3 corresponding to residues 176–190.


These results provide important information for cell-based CVA16 vaccine development. To eliminate HFMD, a bivalent EV71/CVA16 vaccine formulation is necessary.  相似文献   



Adiponectin-transgenic mice had many small adipocytes in both subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues, and showed higher sensitivity to insulin, longer life span, and reduced chronic inflammation. We hypothesized that adiponectin regulates Wnt signaling in adipocytes and thereby modulates adipocyte proliferation and chronic inflammation in adipose tissue.

Materials and Methods

We examined the expression of all Wnt ligands and their receptors and the activity of Wnt signaling pathways in visceral adipose tissue from wild-type mice and two lines of adiponectin-transgenic mice. The effects of adiponectin were also investigated in cultured 3T3-L1 cells.


The Wnt5b, Wnt6, Frizzled 6 (Fzd6), and Fzd9 genes were up-regulated in both lines of transgenic mice, whereas Wnt1, Wnt2, Wnt5a, Wnt9b, Wnt10b, Wnt11, Fzd1, Fzd2, Fzd4, Fzd7, and the Fzd coreceptor low-density-lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (Lrp6) were reduced. There was no difference in total β-catenin levels in whole-cell extracts, non-phospho-β-catenin levels in nuclear extracts, or mRNA levels of β-catenin target genes, indicating that hyperadiponectinemia did not affect canonical Wnt signaling. In contrast, phosphorylated calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (p-CaMKII) and phosphorylated Jun N-terminal kinase (p-JNK) were markedly reduced in adipose tissue from the transgenic mice. The adipose tissue of the transgenic mice consisted of many small cells and had increased expression of adiponectin, whereas cyclooxygenase-2 expression was reduced. Wnt5b expression was elevated in preadipocytes of the transgenic mice and decreased in diet-induced obese mice, suggesting a role in adipocyte differentiation. Some Wnt genes, Fzd genes, and p-CaMKII protein were down-regulated in 3T3-L1 cells cultured with a high concentration of adiponectin.


Chronic hyperadiponectinemia selectively modulated the expression of Wnt ligands, Fzd receptors and LRP coreceptors accompanied by the inhibition of the Wnt/Ca2+ and JNK signaling pathways, which may be involved in the altered adipocyte cellularity, endogenous adiponectin production, and anti-inflammatory action induced by hyperadiponectinemia.  相似文献   

哺乳动物体内存在着褐色脂肪组织。有别于白色脂肪组织储存能量的功能,褐色脂肪组织的主要功能是通过产热作用来维持机体的能量代谢平衡。陆续有研究阐明调控褐色脂肪组织分化与能量代谢过程的分子机制,逐渐揭示了褐色脂肪组织分化与能量代谢过程中涉及的信号通路与转录调控。这不仅让我们更好地理解褐色脂肪组织在能量代谢调控中的重要作用,而且为基于褐色脂肪组织的肥胖治疗提供了理论依据。本文阐述了近年来研究发现的褐色脂肪组织分化与代谢过程中发挥重要作用的信号通路与转录调控,并讨论了多种基于针对褐色脂肪组织的肥胖治疗手段的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   

肥胖已经成为威胁人类健康的全球性问题,棕色脂肪(Brown adipose tissue,BAT)及米色脂肪因其能够通过产热作用增加能量消耗这一特性,已成为一种备受关注的潜在肥胖治疗方法。近年来的研究发现M2型巨噬细胞(Alternatively activated macrophages,M2 type)能够促进BAT产热和白色脂肪(White adipose tissue,WAT)的棕色化(即米色脂肪的形成过程),但随后的一些研究却得到了相反的结论。到目前为止,M2型巨噬细胞是否参与促进WAT的棕色化过程仍是一个备受争议的话题。主要对M2型巨噬细胞、II型固有淋巴细胞(Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells,ILC2s)和嗜酸性粒细胞(Eosinophils)对BAT产热和WAT的棕色化的促进作用,以及M2型巨噬细胞不参与/抑制WAT棕色化这两个方面的研究状况做一综述。  相似文献   

Obesity is often accompanied by hyperuricemia. However, purine metabolism in various tissues, especially regarding uric acid production, has not been fully elucidated. Here we report, using mouse models, that adipose tissue could produce and secrete uric acid through xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) and that the production was enhanced in obesity. Plasma uric acid was elevated in obese mice and attenuated by administration of the XOR inhibitor febuxostat. Adipose tissue was one of major organs that had abundant expression and activities of XOR, and adipose tissues in obese mice had higher XOR activities than those in control mice. 3T3-L1 and mouse primary mature adipocytes produced and secreted uric acid into culture medium. The secretion was inhibited by febuxostat in a dose-dependent manner or by gene knockdown of XOR. Surgical ischemia in adipose tissue increased local uric acid production and secretion via XOR, with a subsequent increase in circulating uric acid levels. Uric acid secretion from whole adipose tissue was increased in obese mice, and uric acid secretion from 3T3-L1 adipocytes was increased under hypoxia. Our results suggest that purine catabolism in adipose tissue could be enhanced in obesity.  相似文献   

褐色脂肪组织及其产热研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王德华  王祖望 《生态学杂志》1992,11(3):43-48,71
褐色脂肪组织(BAT)及非颤抖性产热(NST)是生理生态学和生物能学研究中的一个热点。国外学者已从解剖学、组织学、生理学、细胞学及生物化学等各个方面,从细胞,亚细胞、分子及线粒体水平上对BAT及其产  相似文献   

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