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Fixational saccades shift the foveal image to counteract visual fading related to neural adaptation. Drifts are slow eye movements between two adjacent fixational saccades. We quantified fixational saccades and asked whether their changes could be attributed to pathologic drifts seen in amblyopia, one of the most common causes of blindness in childhood.


Thirty-six pediatric subjects with varying severity of amblyopia and eleven healthy age-matched controls held their gaze on a visual target. Eye movements were measured with high-resolution video-oculography during fellow eye-viewing and amblyopic eye-viewing conditions. Fixational saccades and drifts were analyzed in the amblyopic and fellow eye and compared with controls.


We found an increase in the amplitude with decreased frequency of fixational saccades in children with amblyopia. These alterations in fixational eye movements correlated with the severity of their amblyopia. There was also an increase in eye position variance during drifts in amblyopes. There was no correlation between the eye position variance or the eye velocity during ocular drifts and the amplitude of subsequent fixational saccade. Our findings suggest that abnormalities in fixational saccades in amblyopia are independent of the ocular drift.


This investigation of amblyopia in pediatric age group quantitatively characterizes the fixation instability. Impaired properties of fixational saccades could be the consequence of abnormal processing and reorganization of the visual system in amblyopia. Paucity in the visual feedback during amblyopic eye-viewing condition can attribute to the increased eye position variance and drift velocity.  相似文献   

All known photoreceptor cells adapt to constant light stimuli, fading the retinal image when exposed to an immobile visual scene. Counter strategies are therefore necessary to prevent blindness, and in mammals this is accomplished by fixational eye movements. Cubomedusae occupy a key position for understanding the evolution of complex visual systems and their eyes are assumedly subject to the same adaptive problems as the vertebrate eye, but lack motor control of their visual system. The morphology of the visual system of cubomedusae ensures a constant orientation of the eyes and a clear division of the visual field, but thereby also a constant retinal image when exposed to stationary visual scenes. Here we show that bell contractions used for swimming in the medusae refresh the retinal image in the upper lens eye of Tripedalia cystophora. This strongly suggests that strategies comparable to fixational eye movements have evolved at the earliest metazoan stage to compensate for the intrinsic property of the photoreceptors. Since the timing and amplitude of the rhopalial movements concur with the spatial and temporal resolution of the eye it circumvents the need for post processing in the central nervous system to remove image blur.  相似文献   

Explicit (often verbal) reports are typically used to investigate memory (e.g. "Tell me what you remember about the person you saw at the bank yesterday."), however such reports can often be unreliable or sensitive to response bias 1, and may be unobtainable in some participant populations. Furthermore, explicit reports only reveal when information has reached consciousness and cannot comment on when memories were accessed during processing, regardless of whether the information is subsequently accessed in a conscious manner. Eye movement monitoring (eye tracking) provides a tool by which memory can be probed without asking participants to comment on the contents of their memories, and access of such memories can be revealed on-line 2,3. Video-based eye trackers (either head-mounted or remote) use a system of cameras and infrared markers to examine the pupil and corneal reflection in each eye as the participant views a display monitor. For head-mounted eye trackers, infrared markers are also used to determine head position to allow for head movement and more precise localization of eye position. Here, we demonstrate the use of a head-mounted eye tracking system to investigate memory performance in neurologically-intact and neurologically-impaired adults. Eye movement monitoring procedures begin with the placement of the eye tracker on the participant, and setup of the head and eye cameras. Calibration and validation procedures are conducted to ensure accuracy of eye position recording. Real-time recordings of X,Y-coordinate positions on the display monitor are then converted and used to describe periods of time in which the eye is static (i.e. fixations) versus in motion (i.e., saccades). Fixations and saccades are time-locked with respect to the onset/offset of a visual display or another external event (e.g. button press). Experimental manipulations are constructed to examine how and when patterns of fixations and saccades are altered through different types of prior experience. The influence of memory is revealed in the extent to which scanning patterns to new images differ from scanning patterns to images that have been previously studied 2, 4-5. Memory can also be interrogated for its specificity; for instance, eye movement patterns that differ between an identical and an altered version of a previously studied image reveal the storage of the altered detail in memory 2-3, 6-8. These indices of memory can be compared across participant populations, thereby providing a powerful tool by which to examine the organization of memory in healthy individuals, and the specific changes that occur to memory with neurological insult or decline 2-3, 8-10.Download video file.(87M, mp4)  相似文献   

In this article results of several published studies are synthesized in order to address the neural system for the determination of eye and head movement amplitudes of horizontal eye/head gaze shifts with arbitrary initial head and eye positions. Target position, initial head position, and initial eye position span the space of physical parameters for a planned eye/head gaze saccade. The principal result is that a functional mechanism for determining the amplitudes of the component eye and head movements must use the entire space of variables. Moreover, it is shown that amplitudes cannot be determined additively by summing contributions from single variables. Many earlier models calculate amplitudes as a function of one or two variables and/or restrict consideration to best-fit linear formulae. Our analysis systematically eliminates such models as candidates for a system that can generate appropriate movements for all possible initial conditions. The results of this study are stated in terms of properties of the response system. Certain axiom sets for the intrinsic organization of the response system obey these properties. We briefly provide one example of such an axiomatic model. The results presented in this article help to characterize the actual neural system for the control of rapid eye/head gaze shifts by showing that, in order to account for behavioral data, certain physical quantities must be represented in and used by the neural system. Our theoretical analysis generates predictions and identifies gaps in the data. We suggest needed experiments.  相似文献   

眼睛注视作为一种重要的非语言社会线索,不仅可以传达他人丰富的注意方向信息,并且能够诱发独特的社会性注意行为.近年来,研究者利用改编的社会性注意任务发现,眼睛注视线索还可以进一步影响我们对各种不同种类物体(用具、符号、面孔等)的感知觉加工,以及主观评价、记忆等其他高级认知加工过程.眼睛注视线索对物体加工的这种影响受到诸多因素的调节,如面孔属性、数量以及注视模式等.特别地,眼睛注视线索对物体加工的这一调制作用能够在无意识水平发生,具有一定的特异性.此外,针对这一调制作用背后机制的研究暗示心理理论和观点采择可能参与其中,但仍有待进一步探究.眼睛注视对物体加工影响的研究有助于我们深入理解社会互动的方式以及人类与环境的交互过程,因此具有重要的理论意义和社会应用价值.  相似文献   

1. The psychological, psychophysiological and neurological literature has long since taken note of that most intimate relationship existing between visual perception of objects and their depictions, and eye movements.  相似文献   



To develop new standardized eye tracking based measures and metrics for infants’ gaze dynamics in the face-distractor competition paradigm.


Eye tracking data were collected from two samples of healthy 7-month-old (total n = 45), as well as one sample of 5-month-old infants (n = 22) in a paradigm with a picture of a face or a non-face pattern as a central stimulus, and a geometric shape as a lateral stimulus. The data were analyzed by using conventional measures of infants’ initial disengagement from the central to the lateral stimulus (i.e., saccadic reaction time and probability) and, additionally, novel measures reflecting infants gaze dynamics after the initial disengagement (i.e., cumulative allocation of attention to the central vs. peripheral stimulus).


The results showed that the initial saccade away from the centrally presented stimulus is followed by a rapid re-engagement of attention with the central stimulus, leading to cumulative preference for the central stimulus over the lateral stimulus over time. This pattern tended to be stronger for salient facial expressions as compared to non-face patterns, was replicable across two independent samples of 7-month-old infants, and differentiated between 7 and 5 month-old infants.


The results suggest that eye tracking based assessments of infants’ cumulative preference for faces over time can be readily parameterized and standardized, and may provide valuable techniques for future studies examining normative developmental changes in preference for social signals.


Standardized measures of early developing face preferences may have potential to become surrogate biomarkers of neurocognitive and social development.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed the issue of where people look when they perform hand movements. Yet, very little is known about how visuomotor performance is affected by fixation location. Previous studies investigating the accuracy of actions performed in visual periphery have revealed inconsistent results. While movements performed under full visual-feedback (closed-loop) seem to remain surprisingly accurate, open-loop as well as memory-guided movements usually show a distinct bias (i.e. overestimation of target eccentricity) when executed in periphery. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether gaze position affects movements that are performed under full-vision but cannot be corrected based on a direct comparison between the hand and target position. To do so, we employed a classical visuomotor reaching task in which participants were required to move their hand through a gap between two obstacles into a target area. Participants performed the task in four gaze conditions: free-viewing (no restrictions on gaze), central fixation, or fixation on one of the two obstacles. Our findings show that obstacle avoidance behaviour is moderated by fixation position. Specifically, participants tended to select movement paths that veered away from the obstacle fixated indicating that perceptual errors persist in closed-loop vision conditions if they cannot be corrected effectively based on visual feedback. Moreover, measuring the eye-movement in a free-viewing task (Experiment 2), we confirmed that naturally participants’ prefer to move their eyes and hand to the same spatial location.  相似文献   

The gaze behaviour of riders during their approach to a jump was investigated using a mobile eye tracking device (ASL Mobile Eye). The timing, frequency and duration of fixations on the jump and the percentage of time when their point of gaze (POG) was located elsewhere were assessed. Fixations were identified when the POG remained on the jump for 100 ms or longer. The jumping skill of experienced but non-elite riders (n = 10) was assessed by means of a questionnaire. Their gaze behaviour was recorded as they completed a course of three identical jumps five times. The speed and timing of the approach was calculated. Gaze behaviour throughout the overall approach and during the last five strides before take-off was assessed following frame-by-frame analyses. Differences in relation to both round and jump number were found. Significantly longer was spent fixated on the jump during round 2, both during the overall approach and during the last five strides (p<0.05). Jump 1 was fixated on significantly earlier and more frequently than jump 2 or 3 (p<0.05). Significantly more errors were made with jump 3 than with jump 1 (p = 0.01) but there was no difference in errors made between rounds. Although no significant correlations between gaze behaviour and skill scores were found, the riders who scored higher for jumping skill tended to fixate on the jump earlier (p = 0.07), when the horse was further from the jump (p = 0.09) and their first fixation on the jump was of a longer duration (p = 0.06). Trials with elite riders are now needed to further identify sport-specific visual skills and their relationship with performance. Visual training should be included in preparation for equestrian sports participation, the positive impact of which has been clearly demonstrated in other sports.  相似文献   

快速眼动(REM)睡眠期行为障碍(RBD)是REM睡眠期出现肌张力缺失并伴有与噩梦相关的复杂运动为特征的发作性疾病,RBD与帕金森病(PD)密切相关,在PD患者中的发生率高。伴RBD的PD患者临床上多表现为强直型,病程更长,运动症状、非运动症状更重,生活能力及生活质量的损害更突出。RBD的病理生理机制可能主要涉及脑桥被盖部、蓝斑/蓝斑下区复合体及其投射通路功能的紊乱。诊断RBD主要依据特征性临床表现及视频多导睡眠图(v-PSG)的监测结果。治疗上除了积极干预PD外,应对患者及其床伴采取保护措施;当患者的异常睡眠行为对其造成严重的困扰并具有危险性时,需给予药物治疗。  相似文献   

Cell division is a complex process requiring the cell to have many internal checks so that division may proceed and be completed correctly. Failure to divide correctly can have serious consequences, including progression to cancer. During mitosis, chromosomal segregation is one such process that is crucial for successful progression. Accurate segregation of chromosomes during mitosis requires regulation of the interactions between chromosomes and spindle microtubules. If left uncorrected, chromosome attachment errors can cause chromosome segregation defects which have serious effects on cell fates. In early prometaphase, where kinetochores are exposed to multiple microtubules originating from the two poles, there are frequent errors in kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Erroneous attachments are classified into two categories, syntelic and merotelic. In this paper, we consider a stochastic model for a possible function of syntelic and merotelic kinetochores, and we provide theoretical evidence that merotely can contribute to lessening the stochastic noise in the time for completion of the mitotic process in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   



Hyperopic undercorrection is a common clinical practice. However, less is known of its effect on the change in refractive errors and emmetropization throughout the later years of childhood.


To evaluate the effect of spectacle correction on the change in refractive errors in hyperopic children less than 12 years of age with or without strabismus.

Data Extraction

A retrospective cohort study was performed by a computer based search of the hospital database of patients with hyperopia, accommodative esotropia or exotropia. A total of 150 hyperopic children under 12 years of age were included. Patients were classified into four groups: 1) accommodative esotropia with full correction of hyperopia, 2) exotropia with undercorrection of hyperopia, 3) orthotropia with full correction of hyperopia, 4) orthotropia with undercorrection of hyperopia. The 4 groups were matched by initial age on examination and spherical equivalent refractive errors (SER). The main outcome measure was the change in SER (Diopter/year) in both eyes after two years of follow-up.


An overall negative shift in SER was noted during the follow-up period in all groups, except for the group with esotropia and full correction. The mean negative shift of hyperopia was more rapid in groups receiving undercorrection of hyperopia with or without strabismus. The amount of undercorrection of hyperopia was positively correlated to the magnitude of decrease in hyperopia in all patients (r = 0.289, P<0.001) and in the subgroup of patients with orthotropia (r = 0.304, P = 0.011). The amount of undercorrection of hyperopia was the only factor associated with a more negative shift in SER (OR, 2.414; 95% CI, 1.202–4.849; P = 0.013).


The amount of undercorrection is significantly correlated to the change in hyperopic refractive errors. Full correction of hyperopia may inhibit emmetropization during early and late childhood.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied the text-change paradigm to investigate whether and how discourse hierarchy affected the memory representation of a discourse. Three kinds of three-sentence discourses were constructed. In the hierarchy-high condition and the hierarchy-low condition, the three sentences of the discourses were hierarchically organized and the last sentence of each discourse was located at the high level and the low level of the discourse hierarchy, respectively. In the linear condition, the three sentences of the discourses were linearly organized. Critical words were always located at the last sentence of the discourses. These discourses were successively presented twice and the critical words were changed to semantically related words in the second presentation. The results showed that during the early processing stage, the critical words were read for longer times when they were changed in the hierarchy-high and the linear conditions, but not in the hierarchy-low condition. During the late processing stage, the changed-critical words were again found to induce longer reading times only when they were in the hierarchy-high condition. These results suggest that words in a discourse have better memory representation when they are located at the higher rather than at the lower level of the discourse hierarchy. Global discourse hierarchy is established as an important factor in constructing the mental representation of a discourse.  相似文献   

The nystagmus in patients with vestibular disorders often has an eye position dependency, called Alexander’s law, where the slow phase velocity is higher with gaze in the fast phase direction compared with gaze in the slow phase direction. Alexander’s law has been hypothesized to arise either due to adaptive changes in the velocity-to-position neural integrator, or as a consequence of processing of the vestibular-ocular reflex. We tested whether Alexander’s law arises only as a consequence of non-physiologic vestibular stimulation. We measured the time course of the development of Alexander’s law in healthy humans with nystagmus caused by three types of caloric vestibular stimulation: cold (unilateral inhibition), warm (unilateral excitation), and simultaneous bilateral bithermal (one side cold, the other warm) stimulation, mimicking the normal push-pull pattern of vestibular stimulation. Alexander’s law, measured as a negative slope of the velocity versus position curve, was observed in all conditions. A reversed pattern of eye position dependency (positive slope) was found <10% of the time. The slope often changed with nystagmus velocity (cross-correlation of nystagmus speed and slope was significant in 50% of cases), and the average lag of the slope with the speed was not significantly different from zero. Our results do not support the hypothesis that Alexander’s law can only be observed with non-physiologic vestibular stimulation. Further, the rapid development of Alexander’s law, while possible for an adaptive mechanism, is nonetheless quite fast compared to most other ocular motor adaptations. These results suggest that Alexander’s law may not be a consequence of a true adaptive mechanism.  相似文献   

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