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During field studies in tropical areas researchers are faced up to the problem of conserving blood at ambient temperatures sometimes for several months. The use of liquid nitrogen is uneasy, expensive and time consuming. Here we present two methods of blood conservation used during two expeditions in Madagascar which gave us very positive results: the blood was conserved in the field at ambient temperature for up to three months for further succesful DNA extraction.  相似文献   

目的:建立简便、快捷、经济的模式小鼠总DNA提取方法,以快速鉴定大批量模式小鼠基因型。方法采用苯酚抽提法、异丙醇沉淀法、鼠耳煮沸法提取同种模式小鼠总DNA,对比DNA纯度、得率、耗费时间,并比较基因型鉴定结果。结果苯酚抽提法得率最高,异丙醇沉淀法最低;而纯度则按照苯酚抽提法、异丙醇沉淀法、鼠耳煮沸法顺序递减;在耗时上鼠耳煮沸法最短。三种方法提取的DNA均可做模版用于基因型鉴定。结论鼠耳煮沸法操作简单、成本最低,快速、基因型鉴定结果可靠,可用于规模化的基因型鉴定实验中。  相似文献   

We compared four proteases in the QIAamp DNA Investigator Kit (Qiagen) to extract DNA for use in multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The aim was to evaluate alternate proteases for improved DNA recovery as compared with proteinase K for forensic, biochemical research, genetic paternity and immigration, and molecular diagnostic purposes. The Quantifiler Kit TaqMan quantitative PCR assay was used to measure the recovery of DNA from human blood, semen, buccal cells, breastmilk, and earwax in addition to low-template samples, including diluted samples, computer keyboard swabs, chewing gum, and cigarette butts. All methods yielded amplifiable DNA from all samples.  相似文献   

Epigenome-wide association studies of disease widely use DNA methylation measured in blood as a surrogate tissue. Cell proportions can vary between people and confound associations of exposure or outcome. An adequate reference panel for estimating cell proportions from adult whole blood for DNA methylation studies is available, but an analogous cord blood cell reference panel is not yet available. Cord blood has unique cell types and the epigenetic signatures of standard cell types may not be consistent throughout the life course. Using magnetic bead sorting, we isolated cord blood cell types (nucleated red blood cells, granulocytes, monocytes, natural killer cells, B cells, CD4+T cells, and CD8+T cells) from 17 live births at Johns Hopkins Hospital. We confirmed enrichment of the cell types using fluorescence assisted cell sorting and ran DNA from the separated cell types on the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array. After filtering, the final analysis was on 104 samples at 429,794 probes. We compared cell type specific signatures in cord to each other and methylation at 49.2% of CpG sites on the array differed by cell type (F-test P < 10?8). Differences between nucleated red blood cells and the remainder of the cell types were most pronounced (36.9% of CpG sites at P < 10?8) and 99.5% of these sites were hypomethylated relative to the other cell types. We also compared the mean-centered sorted cord profiles to the available adult reference panel and observed high correlation between the overlapping cell types for granulocytes and monocytes (both r=0.74), and poor correlation for CD8+T cells and NK cells (both r=0.08). We further provide an algorithm for estimating cell proportions in cord blood using the newly developed cord reference panel, which estimates biologically plausible cell proportions in whole cord blood samples.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare three bacterial DNA extraction procedures on cold-smoked salmon (CSS) and assess the impact on their efficiency of two physical treatments of the food matrix, ionizing irradiation and freezing. METHODS AND RESULTS: As molecular methods for bacterial detection have become an important analytical tool, we compared bacterial DNA extraction procedures on CSS. Working with frozen and irradiated CSS, we obtained negative responses from samples known to be highly contaminated. Thus, we decided to study the impact of these two physical treatments on bacterial DNA extraction procedures. The efficiency of bacterial DNA extraction directly from the fish matrix suspension was measured by an rpoB PCR-based reaction. The results demonstrated that the DNeasy tissue extraction kit (Qiagen, Courtaboeuf, France) was the most efficient and reproducible method. We also showed that freezing and ionizing irradiation have a negative impact on DNA extraction. This was found probably not to be due to inhibition as the PCR reaction remained negative after adding BSA to the PCR mix reaction. CONCLUSIONS: The extraction kit was the most efficient method. Physical treatments were shown to hamper bacterial DNA extraction. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Attention must be paid to molecular bacterial detection on food products subject to freezing or to ionizing irradiation.  相似文献   

A very simple and reliable method to extract DNA directly from mouse tail, rabbit ear and blood is described. Tissue was homogenized in a solution of NaI and the DNA was extracted using glass powder. The extracted DNA was obtained in sufficient quantity and purity to allow direct detection of transgene by PCR.  相似文献   

A method for indirect DNA extraction from various soils significantly differing in their physicochemical properties has been developed. The proposed method is based on cell desorption from soil particles using a Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer supplemented with polyvinylpolypyrrolydone (PVPP) and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS). Methods for subsequent cell lysis and purification of DNA preparations based on alkaline lysis followed by chromatography on ion-exchange resins were described by us earlier. The purity of the DNA preparations obtained did not depend on the type of soil. It was shown that the DNA preparations can be used for the amplification of rather large fragments, e.g., sequences spanning the complete 16S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

In case of studies associated with human genetics, genomics, and pharmacogenetics the genomic DNA is extracted from the buccal cells, whole blood etc. Several methods are exploited by the researchers to extract DNA from the whole blood. One of these methods, which utilizes cell lysis and proteolytic properties of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and proteinase K respectively, might also be called SDS-PK method. It does not include any hazardous chemicals such as phenol or chloroform and is inexpensive. However, several researchers report the same method with different formulas and conditions. During our experiments with whole blood DNA extraction we experienced problems such as protein contamination, DNA purity and yield when followed some SDS-PK protocols reported elsewhere. A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios along with PCR amplification give a clear idea about the procedure that was followed to extract the DNA. In an effort to increase the DNA purity from human whole blood, we pointed out some steps of the protocol that play a crucial role in determining the extraction of high quality DNA.  相似文献   

A proper extraction method from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks is essential to obtain DNA of satisfactory quality/quantity. We compared the effectiveness of eight commercially available kits for DNA extraction based on 10 FFPE tissues. Kits differed significantly in terms of DNA yield, purity, and quality. Using the QIAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit (Qiagen) and the ReliaPrep FFPE gDNA Miniprep System (Promega), we obtained DNA of the highest quality and acceptable quantity. We also demonstrated that overnight digestion of samples usually improved DNA yield and/or purity. For precious or limited material, double elution is recommended for obtaining up to 42% higher amount of DNA.  相似文献   

In this study three different techniques suitable to recover high molecular weight genomic DNA from small blood samples of different species of malagasy primates are compared: we suggest the use of a very simple phenol-chlorophorm DNA extraction for badly stored or coagulated blood as for samples collected under difficult field conditions. Furthermore we briefly describe the use of this DNA in determining RLFP patterns and DNA fingerprints.  相似文献   

This article describes two procedures for the purification of genomic DNA from small blood volumes of whole blood using DNAzol®BD. In the first procedure, DNA is isolated from 1–20 μL of whole blood using a fast and simple protocol that is appropriate for the simultaneous extraction of a large number of samples. The isolated DNA is suitable for gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the second procedure, cellulose blood cards containing approx 5 μL of dried blood are treated with DNAzol BD in order to retain DNA on the cellulose matrix while removing other cellular components. The blood card with DNA subsequently serves as template in PCR. The blood card processing and amplification procedures are performed in the same PCR tube without any centrifugation steps, making the combined procedures amenable for automated DNA preparation and amplification in a single tube.  相似文献   

Cord blood DNA methylation is associated with numerous health outcomes and environmental exposures. Whole cord blood DNA reflects all nucleated blood cell types, while centrifuging whole blood separates red blood cells, generating a white blood cell buffy coat. Both sample types are used in DNA methylation studies. Cell types have unique methylation patterns and processing can impact cell distributions, which may influence comparability. We evaluated differences in cell composition and DNA methylation between cord blood buffy coat and whole cord blood samples. Cord blood DNA methylation was measured with the Infinium EPIC BeadChip (Illumina) in eight individuals, each contributing buffy coat and whole blood samples. We analyzed principal components (PC) of methylation, performed hierarchical clustering, and computed correlations of mean-centered methylation between pairs. We conducted moderated t-tests on single sites and estimated cell composition. DNA methylation PCs were associated with individual (PPC1 = 1.4 × 10?9; PPC2 = 2.9 × 10?5; PPC3 = 3.8 × 10-5; PPC4 = 4.2 × 10-6; PPC5 = 9.9 × 10-13, PPC6 = 1.3 × 10?11) and not with sample type (PPC1-6>0.7). Samples hierarchically clustered by individual. Pearson correlations of mean-centered methylation between paired samples ranged from r = 0.66 to r = 0.87. No individual site significantly differed between buffy coat and whole cord blood when adjusting for multiple comparisons (five sites had unadjusted P<10?5). Estimated cell type proportions did not differ by sample type (P = 0.46), and estimated proportions were highly correlated between paired samples (r = 0.99). Differences in methylation and cell composition between buffy coat and whole cord blood are much lower than inter-individual variation, demonstrating that both sample preparation types can be analytically combined and compared.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate three methods of DNA extraction for the amplification of Chlamydia trachomatis in uterine cervical samples collected in PreservCyt solution. ThinPrep is the trade name for the slide preparation. METHODS: Thirty-eight samples collected in LCx buffer medium, which were identified as C. trachomatis infected by ligase chain reaction (LCR), were selected for this study. DNA from the PreservCyt samples was extracted by three methods: (i) QIAamp kit, (ii) boiling in Tris-EDTA buffer with Chelex purification, and (iii) Proteinase K digestion with Chelex purification. Sample DNA was tested for the presence of C. trachomatis by PCR using cryptic plasmid research (CTP) primers and major outer membrane protein research momp gene (MOMP) primers. Real-time (LightCycler) PCR for relative C. trachomatis quantification following DNA extraction was performed using primers (Hsp 60) for the 60 kDa heat-shock protein hsp60 gene. RESULTS: Amplification using CTP primers was the most successful with each of the extraction protocols. Boiling in buffer was the least successful extraction method. QIAamp was the best extraction method, yielding the most positives with both the CTP and MOMP primers. Proteinase K-Chelex extraction gave similar sensitivity to QIAamp extraction with CTP primers but lower for MOMP primers. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA extraction method must be carefully selected to ensure that larger PCR amplicons can be successfully produced by PCR and to ensure high sensitivity of detection of C. trachomatis. In this study it was found that the QIAamp extraction method followed by PCR with the CTP primers was the most successful for amplification of C. trachomatis DNA.  相似文献   

Optimising DNA extraction from clinical samples for Burkholderia pseudomallei Type III secretion system real-time PCR in suspected melioidosis patients confirmed that urine and sputum are useful diagnostic samples. Direct testing on blood remains problematic; testing DNA extracted from plasma was superior to DNA from whole blood or buffy coat.  相似文献   

We compared six DNA extraction methods for obtaining DNA from whole blood and saliva for use in multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The aim was to evaluate saliva sampling as an alternative to blood sampling to obtain DNA for molecular diagnostics, genetic genealogy, and research purposes. The DNA quantity, DNA purity (A260/280), PCR inhibition ratio, and mitochondrial DNA/genomic DNA ratio were measured to compare the extraction methods. The different extraction methods resulted in variable DNA quantity and purity, but there were no significant differences in the efficiency of multiplex PCR and oligomicroarray signals after single-base extension on the arrayed primer extension 2 (APEX-2).  相似文献   

一种从人血凝块中提取基因组DNA的方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了一种新的从人血凝块中提取基因组DNA的方法,用该方法提取的DNA成功地应用于PCR和限制性酶切等后续实验中。基本过程为首先机械粉碎,然后高盐高EDTA溶液处理,含蛋白酶K和SDS的消化液变换温度消化,苯酚氯仿抽提。  相似文献   

Aims:  To compare three methods for DNA extraction from Mycobacterium bovis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium .
Methods and Results:  The DNA was extracted from mycobacterial cultures using enzymatic extraction, combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction. The yield and quality of DNA were compared by spectrophotometry, agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease analysis and PCR. The combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction method yielded more DNA. However, that method produced some sheared DNA, visible either by agarose gel electrophoresis or by restriction endonuclease analysis. All methods were appropriate for PCR amplification of a 123 bp fragment of IS 6110 in M. bovis and M. tuberculosis , and of a 1700 bp fragment of FR300 region in M. avium avium .
Conclusions:  Combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction method was the most efficient and easy method for extracting DNA from bacteria of the M. tuberculosis complex.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results reveal important differences among the DNA extraction methods for mycobacteria, which are relevant for the success of further downstream molecular analysis.  相似文献   

何勇  田志宏 《生物技术》2006,16(2):39-41
对马蹄金基因组DNA的提取方法———快速提取法、小量提取法和大量提取法进行了对比分析,结果表明,利用快速提取法可在20 min内快速可靠地从马蹄金(Dichondra repensForst.)组织中提取DNA,与小量提取法和大量提取法获得的DNA用于PCR检测结果一致,可为转基因植物的快速检测提供方法。  相似文献   

Isolation of genomic DNA is a key step in genetic analysis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the suitability of isolation of DNA from peripheral blood with manual salting-out procedure and automated MagNA system under specific conditions. The impact of storage conditions, type of material (whole blood or blood cells), and method used for DNA extraction were evaluated in terms of DNA yield, its purity, and integrity. Fresh material, and material stored at 2–8°C for 1–4 weeks and frozen at ?80°C were tested. For fresh samples, salting-out method gives higher yield than MagNA, irrespectively, on material used. Neither the yield of salting-out method nor its purity decreases during the storage of the samples in the fridge (2–8°C) during 4 weeks. Concerning MagNA, storage of blood cells in the fridge decreases the yield of DNA as well as its purity. For frozen samples, for whole blood, MagNA gives better results while for blood cells, salting-out method seems to be better. For fresh samples, salting-out method is the preferred one, and both whole blood and blood cells can be used. For frozen samples, the preferred method depends on the material.  相似文献   

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