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Although there are populations of puku antelope Kobusvardoni (Livingstone) scattered throughout eastern and centralAfrica, it is estimated that 75% of the total population is now restricted tothe Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. The Kilombero Valley is an area rich inagricultural potential and natural resources; wildlife populations are also highand the inner valley is a Game Controlled Area, although this only provideslimited protection. Aerial surveys during the 1989, 1994 and 1998 dry seasonsshowed the puku population to be stable at around50000–60000 animals. Livestock populations fluctuated, butincreased from 17309 ± 6487 to 54047 ±17247 over the same period. Signs of human activity (e.g. huts, fieldsand livestock) were highest around the edge of the Game Controlled Area,indicating intense pressure on 'boundary-zone' habitats at thefloodplain–woodland interface. Puku use 'boundary-zone'habitats during the wet season when large areas of grassland are flooded.Potential threats to the puku population are therefore likely due to habitatdegradation through over-grazing by domestic herbivores, agriculturalencroachment, and the expansion of human settlements. Licensed trophyhunting probably has a negligible impact on puku because of very low off-take, but illegalhunting represents a serious threat near human settlements during thewet season and in accessible parts of the floodplain during the dry season.  相似文献   

This study investigated the demographic consequences of fungal infection of a perennial grass, Stipa leucotricha. The rate of parasitism of this grass by the host-specific, systemic fungus Atkinsonella texensis varies over short distances. Infection was frequent (57% of plants) in mottes (clusters of woody plants) but rarer in adjacent open grasslands (9%). To test the hypothesis that the relative performance of infected and uninfected plants differed in the two habitats, infected and uninfected genotypes were collected from mottes in a central Texas population, propagated in the green-house and then transplanted into the same site in replicate plots within mottes, at the edges of mottes, and in open grassy areas. Demographic data were recorded for 30 months over three growing seasons. Plants were observed to lose and gain infection. Infection had no significant effect on plant survival, tiller number or dry mass although infected plants tended to be larger. Uninfected plants had a significantly higher probability of setting seed but there were no differences in seed production by reproductive plants. There were significant effects of planting environment on all of these measures. Motte edges were most favorable for S. leucotricha transplants while motte interiors were least favorable and open areas were intermediate. There was no evidence of habitat x infection interactions; therefore the fungal infection had similar effects in different habitats. The high frequency of infection in motte habitats is best explained by more efficient contagious spread there. The favorability of motte edges for plant growth is substantially offset by higher infection rates at the edges of mottes.  相似文献   

Food limitation and seasonal population declines of rotifers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Keratella cochlearis exhibited consistent seasonal abundance patterns during a four-year study in Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin, U.S.A. In each year, spring population peaks were followed by strong summer reductions. Concomitant with population declines, there were reductions in rotifer egg ratios. Keratella taurocephala abundance patterns were similar to those of K. cochlearis during 1984 and 1985, but not in 1986 and 1987, when spring peaks and summer declines were not apparent. However, summer declines in the egg ratio of K. taurocephala were observed during each year. The reduction in rotifer populations simultaneously with decreased egg ratios suggested that population declines were caused by food limitation. Food-addition experiments conducted in situ in small enclosures indicated that food was limiting for K. cochlearis when its populations were declining, but not during other periods of the year. Keratella taurocephala did not show a consistent response to food addition.  相似文献   

Summary We examined demographic effects of familiarity and relatedness in the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) in four 0.5-ha enclosures in Central Finland. In two enclosures were mature voles which had overwintered together and some of their mature off-spring (hereafter referred to as Friends), and in the other two individuals of the same species captured from different localities near the study area (Strangers). The experiment lasted from June to September. The populations of Friends reached densities twice as high as those of Strangers with a significantly higher rate of recruitment and survival of the young. This may have been due to mutual familiarity decreasing antagonism towards the juveniles. The conflicting results obtained from studies of Clethrionomys and Microtus are discussed. We believe that these genera represent behavioural adaptations to different habitats and ways of life. Most behavioural population regulation hypotheses are based on studies of Microtus. We conclude that these results should be applied with great caution to other rodent genera.  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the hypothesis that mammalian species with wide fluctuations in population size will have greater metabolic rates than species with smaller population fluctuations. We tested this hypothesis using two microtine rodents — the beach vole (Microtus breweri) and the meadow vole (M. pennsylvanicus). Although these species experience similar climatic regimes, eat similar foods, and have a very close phylogenetic relationship, they show marked differences in demography. Microtus pennsylvanicus is prone to large supraannual fluctuations in population size, while M. breweri is essentially acyclical. Metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) of each species was measured using open-flow respirometry at ambient temperatures ranging from 2 to 34° C. Basal metabolic rate of M. pennsylvanicus (1.81 ml O2 g–1 h–1) was significantly greater than that of M. breweri (1.39 ml O2 g–1 h–1). The lower critical temperature, estimated by continuous two-phase regression, was 28.9° C for M. pennsylvanicus and 29.8° C for M. breweri. Regression lines below thermoneutrality did not differ in slope, but the elevation for M. pennsylvanicus was significantly higher. Thus, M. pennsylvanicus has a higher metabolic rate at all temperatures examined. These results support the hypothesis that metabolic rate is positively correlated with the extent of population fluctuation. We suggest that further evidence for, or against, this hypothesis should be found by comparing closely matched species pairs, rather than resorting to confounded allometric comparisons of ecologically and phylogenetically diverse taxa.  相似文献   

Summary A mark-recapture study was carried out in sympatric populations of Lacerta agilis and Lacerta vivipara in the Netherlands from 1976 to 1982. In most years the age structure of both populations was pyramidal. For both species life expectation of females was higher and on average they did live longer. Hence the sex ratio for adults deviated significantly from 1.0 in favour of females. Maximum age for Lacerta vivipara was 8 years (female) and for Lacerta agilis 12 years (male). The density of both species fluctuated around 100/ha. The biomass of Lacerta agilis was twice that of Lacerta vivipara. In Lacerta vivipara the 3rd and 4th calendar year class supplied 78% of total net reproduction; in Lacerta agilis the 4th, 5th, and 6th calendar year classes supplied 68%. In both populations the population replacement rate was 2. Population turnover time was 4.83 years for Lacerta agilis and 2.81 for Lacerta vivipara. The life history strategy of the Lacerta vivipara population is compared with six other European Lacertavivipara populations.  相似文献   

We investigated three possible causes of territory desertion among Bonelli's eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus in Murcia (southeastern Spain): low demographic parameters, low habitat quality and competition with Golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos. From 1983 to 1997, we surveyed a Bonelli's eagle population. Abandoned and occupied territories were compared to find differences in demographic parameters (flight rate, productivity and mortality) or habitat characteristics. Mortality was significantly higher in abandoned territories. Abandoned territories also had larger areas of forest and extensive agriculture, while occupied territories had more shrublands. Competition with Golden eagles was not a determinant of territorial abandonement but interacted with human persecution of the species. Management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and seven microsatellites were used to estimate the genetic structuring, evolutionary history and historic migration patterns of the kob antelope (Kobus kob). Ten populations were analysed, representing the three recognized K. kob subspecies: K. k. kob in west Africa, K. k. thomasi in Uganda and K. k. leucotis in Sudan and Ethiopia. Despite being classified as K. k. thomasi and being phenotypically identical to the kob in Queen Elizabeth National Park (NP), the Murchison Falls population in Uganda showed high genetic similarity with the phenotypically distinct K. k. leucotis populations in Sudan and Ethiopia. This was regardless of marker type. Pairwise comparisons and genetic distances between populations grouped Murchison with K. k. leucotis, as did the Bayesian analysis, which failed to find any genetic structuring within the group. We propose that the divergent phenotype and life-history adaptations of K. k. leucotis reflect the isolation of kob populations in refugia in west and east Africa during the Pleistocene. Subsequent dispersal has led to secondary contact and hybridization in northern Uganda between lineages, which was supported by high levels of genetic diversity in Murchison. The reduced variability observed in Queen Elizabeth NP reflects a small founder population from west Africa and in part the decimation of Uganda's wildlife during the country's political turmoil in the 1970s. Due to similarities in phenotype and ecology, and the joint evolutionary history of their mtDNA sequences, the taxonomic status of K. k. kob and K. k. thomasi as separate subspecies is called into question.  相似文献   

Substantial recruitment of Callitris glaucophylla in woodland, Sclerolaena birchii in cleared woodland, and Astrebla lappacea in grassland is related to catastrophic events of the past century in the form of interactions between climate, the impact of European land use (sheep, cattle, rabbits) and the rabbit myxoma epizootic. The direct effect of rainfall on the demography of these species and its indirect effect through competition via suites of accompanying plant species are examined. Major long-term changes in plant populations are generated by extreme sequential events rather than by random isolated events. One of the most potent climatic agents for change in eastern Australia is the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon.  相似文献   

The survivorship and reproduction of the annual halophyte Spergularia marina was studied during four years on three different sites on a Baltic seashore meadow. The survivorship showed variation both between years and between sites. The mortality rate was not density-dependent in spite of very high densities in some years. At two of the sites the seed output was related to density, but individuals differed in their reproductive capacity. Limitation of the flower production was the main reason for this difference. At the third site the length of the flowering season determined the reproductive output.  相似文献   

We monitored numbers and production of diving ducks on Lake Myvatn and its outlet river, the Laxá, over a period of 25 years, 1975–1999. Aquatic insects, a major food source, were monitored for 23 years, 1977–1999, using window traps. In this paper, we focus on the relationship between the demography of five species of diving ducks and the abundance of aquatic insect species, mainly Chironomidae and Simuliidae. Production of ducks was estimated when most young were 2–4 weeks old, either as young per female (Aythya marila and Aythya fuligula) or as total young found (Melanitta nigra, Bucephala islandica, Histrionicus histrionicus). Variation between years in production of young ducks was strongly correlated with variation in the abundance of aquatic insects. Procladius islandicus and Psectrocladius barbimanus, both of which are univoltine with peak emergence in late July (when many young ducks hatch), as well as the bivoltine Orthocladius consobrinus, showed particularly high correlations with duckling numbers. In one year, 1992, catastrophic weather depressed production. Food appeared to determine production, primarily through its availability to the young. Changes in spring density of breeding ducks of all five species were negatively associated with density in the year before. Resources, estimated as food availability or reproductive success in the year before, were positively correlated with change in breeding numbers in A. marila, A. fuligula and B. islandica. Production three years earlier had a weak but significant effect on change in numbers of M. nigra.  相似文献   

We examined demographic consequences of habitat fragmentation in the lion-tailed macaque in the Anamalai Hills in southern Western Ghats. The parameters examined were group size, age/sex composition, and birth rate, in relation to various habitat parameters. Demographic parameters were estimated for 11 groups in 8 rain forest fragments, during January to May 1996. Area, tree density, canopy cover, canopy height, and tree basal area were estimated for these fragments. As fragment area decreased, there was a decline in birth rate and proportion of immatures in the group, and an increase in the number of adult males, and the variability in group size and adult sex ratios. A similar pattern was also observed with decreasing values of other habitat variables. Differences in the founder population size and age structure, demographic randomness, and history of poaching have caused greater variability in group size and adult sex ratios in the small fragments. The lack of dispersal in the small fragments is another reason for the high variability.  相似文献   

The territorial system of kob antelopes in the Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, was studied from March 1993 until April 1997. Whereas size and shape of territories remained constant between 1993 and 1994, the number of territories decreased from 1994 onwards. A decline of the population density probably led to the decline in territory numbers and also to variations in size and shape of the remaining territories. The decline of kob numbers is the result of heavy poaching in the study area. Whereas a lekking system was present in the study area prior to 1975 when the population density was approximately 14.4 kobs/km2, males switched to the resource defence territorial system present today after the population density decreased to 12.5/km2 in 1993 and finally to 2.3/km2 in 1997. Compared to other research areas with higher population densities, territories in the Comoé National Park are larger, almost all adult males are capable to defend a territory, fights over territories are rare and loss of territory tenureship is almost exclusively due to the death of the territorial male. We suggest that those differences can all be related to the low population density in the study area.  相似文献   

The life history and demography of Amblyseius longispinosus Evans were studied under laboratory conditions 25–28°C and 65–85% RH using the red form of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch complex as prey. The entire development from egg to adult averaged 102.5 h for both sexes with a survival rate of 90.0%. Immature females consumed more prey eggs than males, averaging 7.9 and 6.4 eggs/day, respectively. The embryonic development time for male eggs was longer (average 45.2 h) than for female eggs (average 42.6 h). The average duration of succeeding stages did not differ between the sexes: larva, 15.7; protonymph, 21.1; and deutonymph, 23.0 h. Larvae were not observed to feed. Statistically significant differences between sexes were noted with respect to consumption of the deutonymphs (female, average 4.0±0.2; male, average 2.9±0.3 eggs/day) but not of the protonymphs. Mating occurred on the same day as adult emergence and was repeated several times during the reproductive life. Egg laying started on the second day after emergence. Parameters relating to oviposition were: fecundity, gross (50.7) and net (43.3) eggs/female; hatchability, 99.6% (gross) and 99.5% (net); the oviposition lasted at most 28 days and showed a peak in the first week. Net reproductive rate (R0) was 36.7 female offspring/female/generation time (T) of 9.0 days. The sex ratio was biased toward the females (71.9%), while the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.4 with a doubling time (DT) of 1.7 days. Males lived longer (36 days) than females (30 days) with a LT50 for males of 26 days and for females of 22 days.  相似文献   

Branch architecture, leaf photosynthetic traits, and leaf demography were investigated in saplings of two woody species, Homolanthus caloneurus and Macaranga rostulata, co-occurring in the understory of a tropical mountain forest. M. rostulata saplings have cylindrical crowns, whereas H. caloneurus saplings have flat crowns. Saplings of the two species were found not to differ in area-based photosynthetic traits and in average light conditions in the understory of the studied site, but they do differ in internode length, leaf emergence rate, leaf lifespan, and total leaf area. Displayed leaf area of H. caloneurus saplings, which have the more rapid leaf emergence, was smaller than that of M. rostulata saplings, which have a longer leaf lifespan and larger total leaf area, although M. rostulata saplings showed a higher degree of leaf overlap. Short leaf lifespan and consequent small total leaf area would be linked to leaf overlap avoidance in the densely packed flat H. caloneurus crown. In contrast, M. rostulata saplings maintained a large total leaf area by producing leaves with a long leaf lifespan. In these understory saplings with a different crown architecture, we observed two contrasting adaptation strategies to shade which are achieved by adjusting a suite of morphological and leaf demographic characters. Each understory species has a suite of morphological traits and leaf demography specific to its architecture, thus attaining leaf overlap avoidance or large total leaf area.  相似文献   

David A. Pyke 《Oecologia》1990,82(4):537-543
Summary Demographic characteristics associated with the maintenance and growth of populations, such as seed dynamics, seedling emergence, survival, and tiller dynamics were examined for two tussock grasses, the native Agropyron spicatum and the introduced Agropyron desertorum in a 30-month field study. The introduced grass was aerially sown onto a native grassland site. Seed production of the introduced grass was greater than the native grass in both above- and below-average precipitation years. Seeds of A. spicatum were dispersed when they mature, while A. desertorum retained some seeds in inflorescences, and dispersed them slowly throughout the year. This seed retention allowed some seeds of the introduced grass to escape peak periods of seed predation during the summer and allowed seeds to be deposited constantly into the seed bank. Carryover of seeds in the seed bank beyond one year occurred in the introduced grass but not in the native species. For both species, seedling emergence occurred in both autumn or spring. Survival rates for A. desertorum were higher than A. spicatum when seedlings emerged between November and March. Survival rates of cohorts emerging before November favored A. spicatum whereas survival rates did not differ between species for cohorts emerging after March. Individuals of both species emerging after April were unable to survive the summer drought. Demographic factors associated with seeds of A. desertorum seemed to favor the maintenance and spread of this introduced grass into native stands formerly dominated by A. spicatum.  相似文献   

Crone EE  Lesica P 《Oecologia》2006,150(1):40-49
Mast seeding is common in plant populations, but its causes have rarely been tested experimentally. We tested mechanisms of alternate-year flowering and fruit set in an iteroparous, bee-pollinated, herbaceous plant, Astragalus scaphoides, in semi-arid sagebrush steppe. Patterns of reproduction from 1986 to 1999 indicated that spring precipitation was a cue for synchronous flowering, and that increased pollination in high-flowering years was a fitness advantage of synchrony. We tested these patterns by adding supplemental water and pollen to plants in high- and low-flowering sites and years. Supplemental water had no effect on flowering or seed set, so water is not a proximate cue for reproduction, though it could be important over longer (>3 year) time scales. Supplemental pollination increased fruit set in low- but not high-flowering years, indicating that synchronous flowering increases pollination success. Many shorter-term studies also report increased fruit set after pollen supplementation, but not after resource addition. This pattern may reflect the fact that plants can store and reallocate resources, but not pollen, across multiple years. For animal-pollinated herbs such as these, uniting theories about pollination ecology and mast seeding may promote an understanding of the mechanisms that determine patterns of reproduction over time.  相似文献   

The age structures of both native and transplanted populations of the perennial herb, trout lily (Erythronium americanum), were analysed and found to have age-independent mortality rates. Cohort survival was greatest in populations growing on hardwood forested flood plains (60%), less in populations from gently sloping terraces with pit-and-mound microrelief (53%) and smallest (45%) for colonies on slopes steeper than 15°. The former habitat-type is the optimum for trout lily in Nova Scotia and in it the proportion of flowering bulbs can reach 35%. The second named habitat is widespread and characterised by fewer flowering bulbs (5–10%). In the latter habitat flowering bulbs are uniformly rare. Trout lily bulbs tend to be sterile until at least their eighth year. The high mortality rates of populations on steeply sloping, hardwood forested ground ensure minimal survival of bulbs beyond their sixth year. In the other two named habitats sufficient numbers of bulbs reach ages of 8 or 9 years for some to make the translation from the sterile to the flowering form. In all the habitats studied in Nova Scotia, propagation is typically by either runners or, less importantly, daughter bulbs, with the peak of activity in the bulbs third and fourth years. The plants of flood plains showed the greatest rates of vegetative propagation, by cohort, but many of the bulbs from colonies growing on steep slopes lacked runners or daughter bulbs. As all bulbs for the transplant experiments came from a single clone it can be concluded that trout lily plants in Nova Scotia have a sufficiently large genetic endowment for them to behave in the same manner as native populations of the species in the several habitats represented in the province.The figures were drafted in the cartography section of the University of Canterbury. The National Research Council of Canada supported the research with a series of grants.  相似文献   

Garden warblers (Sylvia borin) were subjected to starvation trials during their autumnal migratory phase in order to simulate a period of non-stop migration. Before, during and after this treatment the energy expenditure, activity, food intake and body mass of the subjects were monitored. Assimilation efficiency was constant throughout the experiments. The catabolized (during starvation) and deposited body tissue (during recovery) consisted of 73% fat. Basal metabolic rate was decreased during the starvation period and tended to a gradual increase during the recovery period. The reduced basal metabolic rate can possibly be attributed to a reduced size/function of the digestive system, which is consistent with the sub-maximal food intake immediately after resuming the supply of food to the experimental birds. The observed reductions in basal metabolic rate during starvation and activity during recovery can be viewed as adaptations contributing to a higher economization of energy supplies. The experimental birds were unable to eat large quantities of food directly after a period of starvation leading to a comparatively low, or no increase in body mass. Such a slow mass increase is in agreement with observations of migratory birds on arrival at stop-over sites.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - LBM lean body mass - RQ respiratory quotient  相似文献   

Lake Huetzalin (Xochimilco) is a shallow waterbody in Mexico City with a dominance of the littoral cladocerans Simocephalus vetulus, Alona rectangula, and Pleuroxus aduncus. Here, we present data on the life table and population dynamics of these three cladoceran species on two types of diets (alga Scenedesmus acutus and detritus). We also analyzed the effect of competition on population growth using Scenedesmus, which proved to be the better diet than detritus. We hypothesize that feces of the larger cladoceran species (S. vetulus) could be a food source for the smaller taxa (A. rectangula and P. aduncus). Experiments were conducted in 100 ml beakers with 50 ml of medium in each at a temperature of 23 ± 1°C. We studied the demography of three test species using two food types with four replicates for each treatment in the life table experiments. Based on the data thus obtained we further studied the competition between the cladocerans on a diet of Scenedesmus. The maximal growth rates obtained for P. aduncus, S. vetulus, and A. rectangula fed Scenedesmus acutus were: 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 d−1, respectively. Among the test species, S. vetulus had the highest survivorship of 77 days when cultured on detritus and P. aduncus the lowest of 20 days on Scenedesmus. The gross reproductive rate (offspring female−1 lifespan−1) ranged from 6 neonates in Pleuroxus to 160 in Simocephalus per female. From the competition experiments conducted using alga as the diet, we observed that A. rectangula and, especially P. aduncus, had higher growth rates in the presence of S. vetulus than in the controls. This facilitation could be one of the reasons for higher species diversity in the littoral of water bodies.  相似文献   

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