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Autumn migration routes and orientation of Swedish Ospreys Pandion haliaetus were studied by satellite tracking of 18 birds. Of these, 13 could be followed during the entire migration (6 females, 5 males and 2 juveniles). Most birds migrated across western and central Europe to winter in tropical West Africa. However, one juvenile flew to Cameroon and one female used a very easterly route and reached Mozambique. On average, the birds travelled a total distance of about 6700 km, with little variation except for the female wintering in Mozambique, who travelled more than 10 000 km. Of 21 stopovers (of >1 day), only five were made south of 45°N; three of these in Africa. Females departed before males and juveniles and flew to a stopover site they probably were familiar with. After 3–4 weeks there, they continued to their wintering grounds. Also males and juveniles usually made one or more stopovers. Adults seemed to travel to a known wintering site, where they remained stationary, whereas juveniles were more mobile after reaching tropical regions, probably looking for good wintering sites. Males generally left the breeding area in directions similar to the mean migratory direction, whereas a few females departed in diverging initial directions. Apart from these diversions, adult Ospreys followed very straight migratory routes, with overall mean directions of 185–209° and with mean angular deviations of 6–33°. Some juveniles also departed in diverging directions. Moreover, young birds tended to show a larger variability in orientation. Thus, the Ospreys kept a fairly straight direction and did not avoid geographical obstacles such as mountain ranges and desert areas. However, they seemed reluctant to cross large water bodies. There was no correlation between angular deviation and length of the migrational segment, indicating that the principles of orientation by vector summation may not be valid for Osprey migration. Moreover, the geographic direction of migration did not vary in accordance with variations in the magnetic declination, suggesting that the Ospreys did not orient along magnetic loxodromes.  相似文献   

Six adult and three juvenile honey buzzards Pernis apivorus were radio-tracked by satellite during autumn migration from southwestern Sweden. All adults crossed the Mediterranean Sea at the Strait of Gibraltar and continued across the Sahara desert to winter in West Africa, from Sierra Leone to Cameroon. Analysing three main steps of the migration, (1) from the breeding site to the southern Mediterranean region, (2) across the Sahara and (3) from the southern Sahara to the wintering sites, the adults changed direction significantly between these steps, and migrated along a distinct large-scale detour. In contrast, the juveniles travelled in more southerly directions, crossed the Mediterranean Sea at various places, but still ended up in the same wintering areas as the adults. Average speeds maintained on travelling days were similar for the two age groups, about 170 km/day in Europe, 270 km/day across Sahara and 125 km/day in Africa south of Sahara. However, as the adults used fewer stopover days en route, they maintained higher mean overall speeds and completed migration in a shorter time (42 days) than the juveniles (64 days). Although the juveniles set out on more direct courses towards the wintering grounds, they did not cover significantly shorter distances than the adults, as they tended to show a larger directional scatter between shorter flight segments. The results corroborate previous suggestions that adult and juvenile honey buzzards follow different routes during autumn migration, and that the birds change migration strategy during their lifetime. While juveniles may use individual vector orientation, social influences and learning may be of great importance for the detour migration of adults. The remarkable and distinct age-dependent shift in migratory route and orientation of the honey buzzard provides a challenging evolutionary problem.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):865-876
The orientation of robins captured during autumn and spring migration at two different sites, Falsterbo and Ottenby, in southern Sweden was investigated by cage experiments during the twilight period after sunset. The robins were tested under clear skies with skylight from sunset visible, and under simulated total overcast. The robins from the two sites differed in orientation, especially during autumn migration. While robins from Ottenby generally oriented in their expected migratory direction, the birds from Falsterbo under clear skies oriented towards the sunset direction with a narrow scatter in individual mean headings. Under simulated total overcast the robins from Falsterbo perferred northerly directions in autumn. Short-distance recoveries, one or only a few days after ringing, show that robins in autumn regularly fly 20–80 km from Falsterbo on northerly courses, indicating that they have temporarily reoriented from their normal migratory direction when confronted with the Baltic Sea. In contrast, most robins arrive at Ottenby by extensive flights across the Baltic Sea, and rapidly continue their sea crossing in the normal migratory directions. Mean fat deposits in autumn robins were significantly larger at Ottenby than at Falsterbo. These results indicate that migrating birds may show markedly different orientational dispositions depending on body condition and on their situation with respect to preceding and impending migration over land and sea, respectively.  相似文献   

That birds migrate in the reverse direction of the expected is a phenomenon of regular occurrence which has been observed at many sites. Here we use three different methods; tracking radar, radiotelemetry and ringing, to characterize the flights of these reverse migrants and investigate possible causes of reverse migration of nocturnally migrating passerines during autumn migration at Falsterbo peninsula, Sweden. Using these different methods we investigated both internal factors, such as age and fuel load, and external factors such as weather variables, competition and predation risk. Birds flying in the reverse direction were more likely to be lean and to be juveniles. Reverse migration was also more common with overcast skies and winds with north and east components. We did not find any effect of temperature, visibility, number of migrating sparrowhawks, or the total number of ringed birds at the site on the day of departure. We found that reverse migration is characterized by slower flight speeds (airspeed) at high altitudes and that it takes place later in the night than forward migration.  相似文献   

In order to fully understand the orientation behaviour of migrating birds, it is important to understand when birds set their travel direction. Departure directions of migratory passerines leaving stopover sites are often assumed to reflect the birds'' intended travel directions, but this assumption has not been critically tested. We used data from an automated radiotelemetry system and a tracking radar at Falsterbo peninsula, Sweden, to compare the initial orientation of departing songbirds (recorded by radiotelemetry) with the orientation of songbird migrants in climbing and level flight (recorded by radar). We found that the track directions of birds at high altitudes and in level flight were more concentrated than the directions of departing birds and birds in climbing flight, which indicates that the birds adjust their travelling direction once aloft. This was further supported by a wide scatter of vanishing bearings in a subsample of radio-tracked birds that later passed an offshore radio receiver station 50 km southeast of Falsterbo. Track directions seemed to be more affected by winds in climbing compared with level flights, which may be explained by birds not starting to partially compensate for wind drift until they have reached cruising altitudes.  相似文献   

The knowledge of migration systems in long-distance regular migrants is in many cases extensive. Our understanding of the migratory characteristics of partial migrants, on the other hand, is far more rudimentary. We investigated migratory characteristics of partially migratory Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus using ringing recoveries of Swedish birds, to answer questions about geographic migration patterns, age-specific migrations, migration speeds and synchrony of movements. Median migration distance of Swedish Blue Tits was 82 km, with a main autumn direction in the sector between S and W (large directional scatter). Northerly and southerly populations did not differ in migration directions or distances, suggesting chain migration to be the general pattern. A larger proportion of adult Blue Tits remained near the breeding grounds during winter than was the case for juveniles. Some of the migrating birds (17%) seemed not to return in spring but stayed to breed closer to the winter area. Swedish Blue Tits show an exceptionally slow migration speed (median 13 km/day), among the slowest speeds recorded for any migrant bird. The Blue Tit represents an extreme case of diffuse, short and slow bird migration.  相似文献   

Migrating birds make the longest non‐stop endurance flights in the animal kingdom. Satellite technology is now providing direct evidence on the lengths and durations of these flights and associated staging episodes for individual birds. Using this technology, we compared the migration performance of two subspecies of bar‐tailed godwit Limosa lapponica travelling between non‐breeding grounds in New Zealand (subspecies baueri) and northwest Australia (subspecies menzbieri) and breeding grounds in Alaska and eastern Russia, respectively. Individuals of both subspecies made long, usually non‐stop, flights from non‐breeding grounds to coastal staging grounds in the Yellow Sea region of East Asia (average 10 060 ± SD 290 km for baueri and 5860 ± 240 km for menzbieri). After an average stay of 41.2 ± 4.8 d, baueri flew over the North Pacific Ocean before heading northeast to the Alaskan breeding grounds (6770 ± 800 km). Menzbieri staged for 38.4 ± 2.5 d, and flew over land and sea northeast to high arctic Russia (4170 ± 370 km). The post‐breeding journey for baueri involved several weeks of staging in southwest Alaska followed by non‐stop flights across the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand (11 690 km in a complete track) or stopovers on islands in the southwestern Pacific en route to New Zealand and eastern Australia. By contrast, menzbieri returned to Australia via stopovers in the New Siberian Islands, Russia, and back at the Yellow Sea; birds travelled on average 4510 ± 360 km from Russia to the Yellow Sea, staged there for 40.8 ± 5.6 d, and then flew another 5680–7180 km to Australia (10 820 ± 300 km in total). Overall, the entire migration of the single baueri godwit with a fully completed return track totalled 29 280 km and involved 20 d of major migratory flight over a round‐trip journey of 174 d. The entire migrations of menzbieri averaged 21 940 ± 570 km, including 14 d of major migratory flights out of 154 d total. Godwits of both populations exhibit extreme flight performance, and baueri makes the longest (southbound) and second‐longest (northbound) non‐stop migratory flights documented for any bird. Both subspecies essentially make single stops when moving between non‐breeding and breeding sites in opposite hemispheres. This reinforces the critical importance of the intertidal habitats used by fuelling godwits in Australasia, the Yellow Sea, and Alaska.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four juvenile Steller's Sea Eagles Haliaeetus pelagicus were tracked via satellite from natal areas in Magadan, Kabarovsk, Amur, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. Nestling dispersal occurred between 9 September and 6 December (n = 24), mostly 14 September–21 October, and did not differ among regions or years. Most eagles made stopovers of 4–28 days during migration. Migration occurred 9 September–18 January, mostly along previously described routes, taking 4–116 days to complete (n = 18). Eagles averaged 47.8 km/day excluding stopovers; 22.9 km/day including stopovers. The mean degrees of latitude spanned during migration was: Kamchatka, 2.1; Magadan, 11.6; Amur, 7.3; and Sakhalin, 1.1. Eagle winter range sizes varied. Eagles concentrated in 1–3 subareas within overall winter ranges. The mean size of the first wintering subareas was 274 km2, the second 529 km2, and the third 1181 km2. Second wintering areas were south of first wintering areas. Spring migration started between 2 February and 31 March. Two eagles from Magadan were tracked onto summering grounds, well south of their natal areas. Both had early and late summering areas. One bird was followed for 25 months. It initiated its second autumn migration in the first half of October and arrived on its wintering grounds on 26 December. The second autumn migration covered 1839 km (20.9–22.4 km/day). Unlike its first winter when it used two subareas, this bird used only one subarea in 1998–99, but this was located near wintering areas used in 1997–98. It left its wintering ground between 13 April and 13 May, and arrived on its summering grounds between 7 June and 8 July. Unlike most satellite radiotracking studies, data are presented from a relatively large number of birds from across their breeding range, including new information on eagle movements on the wintering grounds and during the second year.  相似文献   

Four adult male Asian Houbara Bustards Chlamydotis macqueenii were caught on their breeding grounds in the Gobi Desert of China and tracked by satellite from July 2000 for from 5 months to > 3.5 years. Wintering areas were identified for two individuals, one on the Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan border in the Amur-Darya valley, the second at the Iran/Turkmenistan border. One individual used the same wintering and breeding areas for three consecutive years. Overall departure dates from breeding grounds ranged from 29 September to 14 October, with arrival on wintering quarters from 23 October to 7 November. Birds left their wintering grounds between 2 and 21 March and reached their breeding areas between 11 and 21 April. The mean overall migration distance was 3935 km (sd = ± 229, n  = 9). Houbara Bustards mainly followed steppe areas to migrate avoiding the highest elevations of the Himalayan massif and travelling 267 km/day on average. Pre-breeding migration lasted longer than post-breeding and included more and longer stopovers. The Taukum Desert and Jungar Basin are critical areas for migration of eastern Houbara populations. Breeding range, used for 5.5 months, was 274 km2 (sd = ± 53, n  = 4), whereas wintering range, used for around 4 months a year, was 76 km2 (sd = ± 22, n  = 3). Range use pattern appeared similar for Asian Houbara released in central Saudi Arabia, but differed from the African Houbara Bustard. More investigations are required to determine the effects of food availability and meteorological conditions on the migration pattern and on the use of stopovers by Asian Houbara Bustards.  相似文献   

Nine Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla were equipped with satellite transmitters during spring staging in the Dutch Wadden Sea in 1998 and 1999. The transmitters (in all cases less than 3% of body mass) were attached to the back by a flexible elastic harness. One juvenile female was tracked to the Yamal peninsula in 1998. Eight adult males were selected from a single catch of 75 to span the range of body mass observed on the date of capture (11 May 1999) and all but the lightest individual completed the first lap of the migratory flight to the White Sea, Russia, according to the time schedule normal for the species. Six birds were successfully tracked to Taymyr for a total distance averaging 5004 km (range 45775164) but judging from later movements none bred (although 1999 was a breeding year). Although the routes chosen during spring migration were closely similar, none of the tagged birds migrated together. On average the geese used 16 flights to reach their summer destinations on Taymyr. The longest uninterrupted flights during the first half of the journey (Wadden Sea to Kanin) covered 1056 km (mean of seven adult males, range 7681331), while the corresponding value for the second half of the migration (KaninTaymyr) was only 555 km (mean of six adult males). Only 7% of total time during spring migration was spent in active flight, as contrasted to c.  80% at long-term stopovers. Overall average travelling speed was 118 km/day (range 97148). Including fattening prior to departure the rate of travel falls to 62 km/day (range 4970), in keeping with theoretical predictions. Routes followed deviated from the great circle route, adding at least 700 km (16%) to the journey from Wadden Sea to Taymyr, and we conclude that the coastal route is chosen to facilitate feeding, drinking and resting en route instead of minimizing total flight distance.  相似文献   

Many migratory birds start prebreeding moult and premigratory fuelling some months before the breeding season and face severe time constraints, while travelling up to 15,000 km between non-breeding and breeding grounds. Shorebirds typically leave Southern Hemisphere non-breeding areas over a 3-4 week period, but whether they benefit from interannually consistent timing of departure is unknown. Here, I show that individual bar-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa baueri) from New Zealand are highly consistent in their migratory scheduling. Most birds left within the same week each year (between-year repeatability, r, of 0.83) and adult males, which moult into a bright breeding plumage, were also highly repeatable in the extent of their prebreeding moult (r=0.86). This is consistent with the hypothesis that birds have individually optimized migration schedules. Within adult males, but not females, smaller birds tended to migrate earlier than large birds. Whether this reflects differences in size-related migration speed, optimal breeding time at different sites or size-related natural or sexual selection pressures, remains unknown.  相似文献   

Nocturnal autumn bird migration at Falsterbo, South Sweden   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigated the patterns of nocturnal bird migration in autumn 1998 at a coastal site on the Falsterbo peninsula in south-western Sweden, by means of a passive infrared device. In total 17 411 flight paths, including track direction and altitude, of migrating birds were recorded for 68 nights from August to October. Mean migratory traffic rate per night varied between 6 and 6618 birds km−1 h−1, with an average of 1319 birds km−1 h−1. Migration at Falsterbo showed a similar seasonal pattern to that reported for central Europe, with pronounced peaks of migration and intermittent periods with relatively low migratory intensities. Weather factors explained two thirds of the variance in the intensity of bird migration. During nights with intense migration, associated with weak winds, the mean track direction was close to that in central western Europe (225°). Birds usually maintained a constant heading independent of wind directions and, in consequence, were drifted by the wind. The mean orientation clearly differed from that of the nearest coastline, suggesting that the birds did not use the topography below to compensate for wind drift.  相似文献   

According to migration theory and several empirical studies, long‐distance migrants are more time‐limited during spring migration and should therefore migrate faster in spring than in autumn. Competition for the best breeding sites is supposed to be the main driver, but timing of migration is often also influenced by environmental factors such as food availability and wind conditions. Using GPS tags, we tracked 65 greater white‐fronted geese Anser albifrons migrating between western Europe and the Russian Arctic during spring and autumn migration over six different years. Contrary to theory, our birds took considerably longer for spring migration (83 days) than autumn migration (42 days). This difference in duration was mainly determined by time spent at stopovers. Timing and space use during migration suggest that the birds were using different strategies in the two seasons: In spring they spread out in a wide front to acquire extra energy stores in many successive stopover sites (to fuel capital breeding), which is in accordance with previous results that white‐fronted geese follow the green wave of spring growth. In autumn they filled up their stores close to the breeding grounds and waited for supportive wind conditions to quickly move to their wintering grounds. Selection for supportive winds was stronger in autumn, when general wind conditions were less favourable than in spring, leading to similar flight speeds in the two seasons. In combination with less stopover time in autumn this led to faster autumn than spring migration. White‐fronted geese thus differ from theory that spring migration is faster than autumn migration. We expect our findings of different decision rules between the two migratory seasons to apply more generally, in particular in large birds in which capital breeding is common, and in birds that meet other environmental conditions along their migration route in autumn than in spring.  相似文献   

Although there is a general understanding of Montagu’s harriers migration routes and wintering areas, detailed information on the species’ migration is still lacking. However, improvements in satellite tracking technology in recent years, have enabled the study of medium-sized species by means of satellite telemetry. In 2006, ten adult Montagu’s harriers were fitted with satellite transmitters in northeastern Spain and tracked during their autumn migration to their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa. The migration took between 10 and 30 days, and the end point was determined using breakpoint regressions. Whereas some birds had stopovers of more than a week, others stayed at the same site for only 1 or 2 days at the most. The tagged birds ultimately established at wintering grounds located along the border of Mauritania with Mali and Senegal, a distance of nearly 3000 km from the breeding sites. These sites are situated within a small range of latitudes (14° and 17°N), although distributed over a wider range of longitudes (−15°E and −4°E), with some birds occupying sites more than 1000 km apart. The distance covered in 1 day during the migration ranged between 93 and 219 km, with peaks of traveling speed of up to 65 km/h. Harriers were recorded traveling only during daytime, covering the longest distances in the late afternoon, suggesting that they are daytime migrants. Most of the distance was covered between 1500 and 2000 hours, and no traveling was recorded between 2000 and 0500 hours. During migration, harriers flew close to the ground (40–100 m on average). Improved knowledge of the harriers’ exact wintering sites may provide insights on the problems Montagu’s harriers face during the winter, highlighting the need to take into account what happens in both the breeding and wintering grounds to implement successful conservation measures.  相似文献   

Determining patterns in annual movements of animals is an important component of population ecology, particularly for migratory birds where migration timing and routes, and wintering habitats have key bearing on population dynamics. From 2009 to 2011, we used light‐level geolocators to document the migratory movements of Flammulated Owls (Psiloscops flammeolus). Four males departed from breeding areas in Colorado for fall migration between ≤5 and 21 October, arrived in wintering areas in Mexico between 11 October and 3 November, departed from wintering areas from ≤6 to 21 April, and returned to Colorado between 15 and 21 May. Core wintering areas for three males were located in the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt Mountains in the states of Jalisco, Michoacán, and Puebla in central and east‐central Mexico, and the core area for the other male was in the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains in Tamaulipas. The mean distance from breeding to wintering centroids was 2057 ± 128 km (SE). During fall migration, two males took a southeastern path to eastern Mexico, and two males took a path due south to central Mexico. In contrast, during spring migration, all four males traveled north from Mexico along the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains to the Rio Grande Valley and north through New Mexico. The first stopovers in fall and last stopovers in spring were the longest in duration for all males and located 300–400 km from breeding areas. Final spring stopovers may have allowed male Flammulated Owls to fine tune the timing of their return to high‐elevation breeding areas where late snows are not uncommon. One male tracked in both years had similar migration routes, timing, and wintering areas each year. Core wintering and final stopover areas were located primarily in coniferous forests and woodlands, particularly pine‐oak forests, suggesting that these are important habitats for Flammulated Owls throughout their annual cycle.  相似文献   

We tracked eight adult northern lapwings Vanellus vanellus (six females and two males) from a Dutch breeding colony by light‐level geolocation year‐round, three of them for multiple years. We show that birds breeding virtually next to each other may choose widely separated wintering grounds, stretching from nearby the colony west towards the UK and Ireland, and southwest through France into Iberia and Morocco. However, individual lapwings appeared relatively faithful to a chosen wintering area, and timing of outward and homeward migration can be highly consistent between years. Movements of migratory individuals were usually direct and fast, with some birds covering distances of approximately 2000 km within 2 to 4 days of travel. The two males wintered closest and returned earliest to the breeding colony. The female lapwings returned well before the onset of breeding, spending a pre‐laying period of 19 to 54 days in the wider breeding area. Despite the potential for high migration speeds, the duration that birds were absent from the breeding area increased with distance to wintering areas, a pattern which was mainly driven by an earlier outward migration of birds heading for more distant wintering grounds. Moreover, females that overwintered closer to colony bred earlier. A large variation in migration strategies found even within a single breeding colony has likely supported the species’ responsiveness to recent climate change as evidenced by a shortened migration distance and an advanced timing of reproduction in Dutch lapwings since the middle of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Capsule Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden migrate towards the southeast in the autumn, via the Middle East, to winter in Saharan and sub-Saharan locations or in India, while the spring migration is more directly towards the north.

Aims To study the migration routes and wintering area of Little Ringed Plovers (Charadrius dubius) breeding in South Sweden, and to investigate the migration strategy and speed for this little studied shorebird.

Methods We use light-level geolocators to track the year-round movements of Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden.

Results Autumn migration proceeded towards the southeast, in three birds via lengthy stopovers in the Middle East, followed by movements towards the west and southwest to final winter destinations in Africa, while one male made a long stopover in northwestern Iran before migrating to India. The birds wintering in Africa probably stayed at freshwater locations in the Sahara or just south or north of the Sahara. Spring migration was more directly back to the breeding area. Overall migration speeds were similar during autumn and spring migration at about 189 and 209?km/day, respectively. The migration was carried out mainly as many short flights between stopovers. In particular, autumn migration was longer than the direct distance between breeding and wintering sites.

Conclusions This study shows that the geolocator method can successfully be used with relatively small (40?g) shorebirds. We found that a local population of Little Ringed Plover may have widely differing wintering sites (low connectivity), from sub-Saharan Africa to the Indian subcontinent. The migration strategy of the Little Ringed Plover, with multiple short flights, deviates from that of many other long-distance migrating shorebirds that, instead, make one or a few long flights.  相似文献   

For migratory species, the success of population reintroduction or reinforcement through captive‐bred released individuals depends on survivors undertaking appropriate migrations. We assess whether captive‐bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii from a breeding programme established with locally sourced individuals and released into suitable habitat during spring or summer undertake similar migrations to those of wild birds. Using satellite telemetry, we compare the migrations of 29 captive‐bred juveniles, 10 wild juveniles and 39 wild adults (including three birds first tracked as juveniles), examining migratory propensity (proportion migrating), timing, direction, stopover duration and frequency, efficiency (route deviation), and wintering and breeding season locations. Captive‐bred birds initiated autumn migration an average of 20.6 (±4.6 se) days later and wintered 470.8 km (±76.4) closer to the breeding grounds, mainly in Turkmenistan, northern Iran and Afghanistan, than wild birds, which migrated 1217.8 km (±76.4), predominantly wintering in southern Iran and Pakistan (juveniles and adults were similar). Wintering locations of four surviving captive‐bred birds were similar in subsequent years (median distance to first wintering site = 70.8 km, range 6.56–221.6 km), suggesting that individual captive‐bred birds (but not necessarily their progeny) remain faithful to their first wintering latitude. The migratory performance of captive‐bred birds was otherwise similar to that of wild juveniles. Although the long‐term fitness consequences for captive‐bred birds establishing wintering sites at the northern edge of those occupied by wild birds remain to be quantified, it is clear that the pattern of wild migrations established by long‐term selection is not replicated. If the shorter migration distance of young captive‐bred birds has a physiological rather than a genetic basis, then their progeny may still exhibit wild‐type migration. However, as there is a considerable genetic component to migration, captive breeding management must respect migratory population structure as well as natal and release‐site fidelity.  相似文献   

The northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a small (approx. 25 g), insectivorous migrant with one of the largest ranges of any songbird in the world, breeding from the eastern Canadian Arctic across Greenland, Eurasia and into Alaska (AK). However, there is no evidence that breeding populations in the New World have established overwintering sites in the Western Hemisphere. Using light-level geolocators, we demonstrate that individuals from these New World regions overwinter in northern sub-Sahara Africa, with Alaskan birds travelling approximately 14 500 km each way and an eastern Canadian Arctic bird crossing a wide stretch of the North Atlantic (approx. 3500 km). These remarkable journeys, particularly for a bird of this size, last between one to three months depending on breeding location and season (autumn/spring) and result in mean overall migration speeds of up to 290 km d(-1). Stable-hydrogen isotope analysis of winter-grown feathers sampled from breeding birds generally support the notion that Alaskan birds overwinter primarily in eastern Africa and eastern Canadian Arctic birds overwinter mainly in western Africa. Our results provide the first evidence of a migratory songbird capable of linking African ecosystems of the Old World with Arctic regions of the New World.  相似文献   

Limited data exist on swimming speeds of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) and none on swimming speeds of singing whales during migration. We tracked humpback whales visually and acoustically during migration from the breeding grounds past our study site on the east coast of Australia (latitude 26°28'S). The mean swimming speed for whales while singing was 2.5 km/h, significantly less than for non-singing whales with a mean of 4.0 km/h but significantly greater than the mean of 1.6 km/h observed for singing whales on the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Between song sessions, there was no significant difference in speeds between whales that had been singing and other whales. Migration speeds were less for whales while singing but increased during the season. Although humpback whales can swim rapidly while singing (maximum observed 15.6 km/h), they generally do not do so, even during migration. Slower migration by singers would delay their return to the polar feeding areas and may be costly, but may be a strategy to provide access to more females.  相似文献   

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