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CENP-A is an evolutionarily conserved, centromere-specific variant of histone H3 that is thought to play a central role in directing kinetochore assembly and in centromere function. Here, we have analyzed the consequences of disrupting the CENP-A gene in the chicken DT40 cell line. In CENP-A-depleted cells, kinetochore protein assembly is impaired, as indicated by mislocalization of the inner kinetochore proteins CENP-I, CENP-H, and CENP-C as well as the outer components Nuf2/Hec1, Mad2, and CENP-E. However, BubR1 and the inner centromere protein INCENP are efficiently recruited to kinetochores. Following CENP-A depletion, chromosomes are deficient in proper congression on the mitotic spindle and there is a transient delay in prometaphase. CENP-A-depleted cells further proceed through anaphase and cytokinesis with unequal chromosome segregation, suggesting that some kinetochore function remains following substantial depletion of CENP-A. We furthermore demonstrate that CENP-A-depleted cells exhibit a specific defect in maintaining kinetochore localization of the checkpoint protein BubR1 under conditions of checkpoint activation. Our data thus point to a specific role for CENP-A in assembly of kinetochores competent in the maintenance of mitotic checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

The accurate distribution and segregation of replicated chromosomes through mitosis is crucial for cellular viability and development of organisms. Kinetochores are responsible for the proper congression and segregation of chromosomes. Here, we show that neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) localizes to and forms a complex with kinetochores in mitotic cells. Depletion of NWASP by RNA interference causes chromosome misalignment, prolonged mitosis, and abnormal chromosomal segregation, which is associated with decreased proliferation of N-WASP-deficient cells. N-WASP-deficient cells display defects in the kinetochores recruitment of inner and outer kinetochore components, CENP-A, CENP-E, and Mad2. Live-cell imaging analysis of GFP-α-tubulin revealed that depletion of N-WASP impairs microtubule attachment to chromosomes in mitotic cells. All these results indicate that N-WASP plays a role in efficient assembly of kinetochores and attachment of microtubules to chromosomes, which is essential for accurate chromosome congression and segregation.  相似文献   

Oh M  Choi IS  Park SD 《Nucleic acids research》2002,30(18):4022-4031
The deletion of the top3+ gene leads to defective nuclear division and lethality in Schizosaccharo myces pombe. This lethality is suppressed by concomitant loss of rqh1+, the RecQ helicase. Despite extensive investigation, topoisomerase III function and its relationship with RecQ helicase remain poorly understood. We generated top3 temperature-sensitive (top3-ts) mutants and found these to be defective in nuclear division and cytokinesis and to be sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. A temperature shift of top3-ts cells to 37°C, or treatment with hydroxyurea at the permissive temperature, caused an increase in ‘cut’ (cell untimely torn) cells and elevated rates of minichromosome loss. The viability of top3-ts cells was decreased by a temperature shift during S-phase when compared with a similar treatment in other cell cycle stages. Furthermore, the top3-ts mutant was not sensitive to M-phase specific drugs. These results indicate that topoisomerase III may play an important role in DNA metabolism during DNA replication to ensure proper chromosome segregation. Our data are consistent with Top3 acting downstream of Rqh1 to process the toxic DNA structure produced by Rqh1.  相似文献   

Lrs4 and Csm1, components of the monopolin complex, localize to the rDNA where they regulate rDNA maintenance and segregation. During meiosis, the complex also associates with kinetochores to bring about sister kinetochore co-orientation, an essential aspect of meiosis I chromosome segregation. We show here that the Lrs4-Csm1 complex associates with kinetochores during mitosis. This kinetochore localization is observed during anaphase and depends on the on the Mitotic Exit Network, a signaling cascade essential for the completion of mitosis. Furthermore, we find that Lrs4 and Csm1 are important for chromosome segregation fidelity. Our results reveal a previously unanticipated function for Lrs4-Csm1 in mitotic chromosome segregation.Key words: mitosis, monopolin, Lrs4, Csm1, kinetochore, Mitotic Exit Network, chromosome segregation  相似文献   

Park SJ 《BMB reports》2010,43(12):795-800
Huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related (HIP1r) is known to function in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, which occurs continuously in non-dividing cells. This study reports a new function for HIP1r in mitosis. Green fluorescent protein-fused HIP1r localizes to the mitotic spindles. Depletion of HIP1r by RNA interference induces misalignment of chromosomes and prolonged mitosis, which is associated with decreased proliferation of HIP1r-deficeint cells. Chromosome misalignment leads to missegregation and ultimately production of multinucleated cells. Depletion of HIP1r causes persistent activation of the spindle checkpoint in misaligned chromosomes. These findings suggest that HIP1r plays an important role in regulating the attachment of spindle microtubules to chromosomes during mitosis, an event that is required for accurate congression and segregation of chromosomes. This finding may provide new insights that improve the understanding of various human diseases involving HIP1r as well as its fusion genes.  相似文献   

We isolated 11 independent temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe RanGAP, SpRna1 that have several amino acid changes in the conserved domains of RanGAP. Resulting Sprna1ts showed a strong defect in mitotic chromosome segregation, but did not in nucleocytoplasmic transport and microtubule formation. In addition to Sprna1+ and Spksp1+, the clr4+ (histone H3-K9 methyltransferase), the S. pombe gene, SPAC25A8.01c, designated snf2SR+ (a member of the chromatin remodeling factors, Snf2 family with DNA-dependent ATPase activity), but not the spi1+ (S. pombe Ran homolog), rescued a lethality of Sprna1ts. Both Clr4 and Snf2 were reported to be involved in heterochromatin formation essential for building the centromeres. Consistently, Sprna1ts was defective in gene-silencing at the centromeres. But a silencing at the telomere, another heterochromatic region, was normal in all of Sprna1ts strains, indicating SpRna1 in general did not function for a heterochromatin formation. snf2SR+ rescued a centromeric silencing defect and Deltaclr4+ was synthetic lethal with Sprna1ts. Taken together, SpRna1 was suggested to function for constructing the centromeres, by cooperating with Clr4 and Snf2SR. Loss of SpRna1 activity, therefore, caused chromosome missegregation.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene l(1)zw10 disrupt the accuracy of chromosome segregation in a variety of cell types during the course of Drosophila development. Cytological analysis of mutant larval brain neuroblasts shows very high levels of aneuploid cells. Many anaphase figures are aberrant, the most frequent abnormality being the presence of lagging chromosomes that remain in the vicinity of the metaphase plate when the other chromosomes have migrated toward the spindle poles. Finally, the centromeric connection between sister chromatids in mutant neuroblasts treated with colchicine often appears to be broken, in contrast with similarly treated control neuroblasts. The 85-kD protein encoded by the l(1)zw10 locus displays a dynamic pattern of localization in the course of the embryonic cell cycle. It is excluded from the nuclei during interphase, but migrates into the nuclear zone during prometaphase. At metaphase, the zw10 antigen is found in a novel filamentous structure that may be specifically associated with kinetochore microtubules. Upon anaphase onset, there is an extremely rapid redistribution of the zw10 protein to a location at or near the kinetochores of the separating chromosomes.  相似文献   

Spindle assembly, establishment of kinetochore attachment, and sister chromatid separation must occur during mitosis in a highly coordinated fashion to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. In most vertebrate cells, the nuclear envelope must break down to allow interaction between microtubules of the mitotic spindle and the kinetochores. It was previously shown that nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) is not coordinated with centrosome separation and that centrosome separation can be either complete at the time of NEB or can be completed after NEB. In this study, we investigated whether the timing of centrosome separation affects subsequent mitotic events such as establishment of kinetochore attachment or chromosome segregation. We used a combination of experimental and computational approaches to investigate kinetochore attachment and chromosome segregation in cells with complete versus incomplete spindle pole separation at NEB. We found that cells with incomplete spindle pole separation exhibit higher rates of kinetochore misattachments and chromosome missegregation than cells that complete centrosome separation before NEB. Moreover, our mathematical model showed that two spindle poles in close proximity do not "search" the entire cellular space, leading to formation of large numbers of syntelic attachments, which can be an intermediate stage in the formation of merotelic kinetochores.  相似文献   

Production of RanGTP around chromosomes induces spindle assembly by activating nuclear localization signal (NLS)–containing factors. Here, we show that the NLS protein ISWI, a known chromatin-remodeling ATPase, is a RanGTP-dependent microtubule (MT)-associated protein. Recombinant ISWI induces MT nucleation, stabilization, and bundling in vitro. In Xenopus culture cells and egg extract, ISWI localizes within the nucleus in interphase and on spindles during mitosis. Depletion of ISWI in egg extracts does not affect spindle assembly, but in anaphase spindle MTs disappear and chromosomes do not segregate. We show directly that ISWI is required for the RanGTP-dependent stabilization of MTs during anaphase independently of its effect on chromosomes. ISWI depletion in Drosophila S2 cells induces defects in spindle MTs and chromosome segregation in anaphase, and the cells eventually stop growing. Our results demonstrate that distinctly from its role in spindle assembly, RanGTP maintains spindle MTs in anaphase through the local activation of ISWI and that this is essential for proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

By monitoring the mitotic transmission of a marked chromosome bearing a defective centromere, we have identified conditional alleles of two genes involved in chromosome segregation (cse). Mutations in CSE1 and CSE2 have a greater effect on the segregation of chromosomes carrying mutant centromeres than on the segregation of chromosomes with wild-type centromeres. In addition, the cse mutations cause predominantly nondisjunction rather than loss events but do not cause a detectable increase in mitotic recombination. At the restrictive temperature, cse1 and cse2 mutants accumulate large-budded cells, with a significant fraction exhibiting aberrant binucleate morphologies. We cloned the CSE1 and CSE2 genes by complementation of the cold-sensitive phenotypes. Physical and genetic mapping data indicate that CSE1 is linked to HAP2 on the left arm of chromosome VII and CSE2 is adjacent to PRP2 on chromosome XIV. CSE1 is essential and encodes a novel 109-kDa protein. CSE2 encodes a 17-kDa protein with a putative basic-region leucine zipper motif. Disruption of CSE2 causes chromosome missegregation, conditional lethality, and slow growth at the permissive temperature.  相似文献   

Kinetochores are macromolecular proteinaceous assemblies that are assembled on centromeres and attach chromosomes to the spindle fibres and regulate the accurate transmission of genetic material to daughter cells. Multiple protein sub-complexes within this supramolecular assembly are hierarchically assembled and contribute to the different aspects of kinetochore function. In this work we show that one of the components of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinetochore, Nkp2, plays an important role in ensuring accurate segregation of chromosomes. Although this protein is not conserved in higher organisms, we show that it interacts with highly conserved components of the kinetochore genetically and regulates chromosome segregation. We show that in kinetochore mutants like ctf19 and mcm21 the protein is mislocalized. Furthermore, removal of Nkp2 in these mutants restores normal levels of segregation.  相似文献   

Kinetochores (KTs) assemble on centromeric DNA, bi-orient paired sister chromatids on spindle microtubules (MTs) and control cell-cycle progression via the spindle assembly checkpoint. Genetic and biochemical studies in budding yeast have established that three 'linker' complexes, MIND, COMA and NDC80, play essential but distinct roles in KT assembly and chromosome segregation. To determine whether similar linker activities are present at human KTs, we have compared the functions of Nnf1R and Mcm21R, recently identified MIND and COMA subunits, and Nuf2R, a well-characterized NDC80 subunit. We find that the three proteins bind to KTs independent of each other and with distinct cell-cycle profiles. MT-KT attachment is aberrant in Nnf1R- and Mcm21R-depleted cells, whereas it is lost in the absence of Nuf2R. Defective attachments in Nnf1R-depleted cells prevent chromosome congression, whereas those in Mcm21R-depleted cells interfere with spindle assembly. All three human KT proteins are necessary for correct binding of spindle checkpoint proteins to KTs. The differing functions and KT-binding properties of Nnf1R, Mcm21R and Nuf2R suggest that, like their yeast counterparts, the proteins act independent of each other in KT assembly, but that their combined activities are required for checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

Lrs4 and Csm1, components of the monopolin complex, localize to the rDNA where they regulate rDNA maintenance and segregation. During meiosis, the complex also associates with kinetochores to bring about sister kinetochore co-orientation, an essential aspect of meiosis I chromosome segregation. We show here that the Lrs4-Csm1 complex associates with kinetochores during mitosis. This kinetochore localization is observed during anaphase and depends on the on the Mitotic Exit Network, a signaling cascade essential for the completion of mitosis. Furthermore, we find that Lrs4 and Csm1 are important for chromosome segregation fidelity. Our results reveal a previously unanticipated function for Lrs4-Csm1 in mitotic chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Tang Z  Shu H  Qi W  Mahmood NA  Mumby MC  Yu H 《Developmental cell》2006,10(5):575-585
Loss of sister-chromatid cohesion triggers chromosome segregation in mitosis and occurs through two mechanisms in vertebrate cells: (1) phosphorylation and removal of cohesin from chromosome arms by mitotic kinases, including Plk1, during prophase, and (2) cleavage of centromeric cohesin by separase at the metaphase-anaphase transition. Bub1 and the MEI-S332/Shugoshin (Sgo1) family of proteins protect centromeric cohesin from mitotic kinases during prophase. We show that human Sgo1 binds to protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). PP2A localizes to centromeres in a Bub1-dependent manner. The Sgo1-PP2A interaction is required for centromeric localization of Sgo1 and proper chromosome segregation in human cells. Depletion of Plk1 by RNA interference (RNAi) restores centromeric localization of Sgo1 and prevents chromosome missegregation in cells depleted of PP2A_Aalpha. Our findings suggest that Bub1 targets PP2A to centromeres, which in turn maintains Sgo1 at centromeres by counteracting Plk1-mediated chromosome removal of Sgo1.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1127-1140
Previous efforts have shown that mutations in the Drosophila ZW10 gene cause massive chromosome missegregation during mitotic divisions in several tissues. Here we demonstrate that mutations in ZW10 also disrupt chromosome behavior in male meiosis I and meiosis II, indicating that ZW10 function is common to both equational and reductional divisions. Divisions are apparently normal before anaphase onset, but ZW10 mutants exhibit lagging chromosomes and irregular chromosome segregation at anaphase. Chromosome missegregation during meiosis I of these mutants is not caused by precocious separation of sister chromatids, but rather the nondisjunction of homologs. ZW10 is first visible during prometaphase, where it localizes to the kinetochores of the bivalent chromosomes (during meiosis I) or to the sister kinetochores of dyads (during meiosis II). During metaphase of both divisions, ZW10 appears to move from the kinetochores and to spread toward the poles along what appear to be kinetochore microtubules. Redistributions of ZW10 at metaphase require bipolar attachments of individual chromosomes or paired bivalents to the spindle. At the onset of anaphase I or anaphase II, ZW10 rapidly relocalizes to the kinetochore regions of the separating chromosomes. In other mutant backgrounds in which chromosomes lag during anaphase, the presence or absence of ZW10 at a particular kinetochore predicts whether or not the chromosome moves appropriately to the spindle poles. We propose that ZW10 acts as part of, or immediately downstream of, a tension-sensing mechanism that regulates chromosome separation or movement at anaphase onset.  相似文献   

Fission yeast mal2+ is required for chromosome segregation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
By a screen designed to isolate new fission yeast genes required for chromosome segregation, we have identified mal2+. The conditionally lethal mal2-1 allele gives rise to increased loss of a nonessential minichromosome at the permissive temperature and leads to severe missegregation of the chromosomes at the nonpermissive temperature. Cloning by complementation and subsequent sequence analysis revealed that mal2 is a novel protein with a mass of 34 kDa. Cells containing a mal2 null allele were inviable, indicating that mal2+ is an essential gene. Fusion of mal2 protein to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed that mal2 was predominantly localized in the nucleus. Sensitivity to microtubule-destabilizing drugs and strong genetic interactions with alpha1-tubulin suggest an interaction of the mal2 protein with the microtubule system. Spindle formation and elongation were not detectably affected in the mal2-1 mutant as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. However, anomalous chromosome movement on the spindle leading to aberrant distribution of the chromosomal material was observed.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of core histone tails play crucial roles in chromatin structure and function. Although phosphorylation of Ser10 and Ser28 (H3S10ph and H3S28ph) of histone H3 is ubiquitous among eukaryotes, the phosphorylation mechanism during the cell cycle remains unclear. In the present study, H3S10ph and H3S28ph in tobacco BY-2 cells were observed in the pericentromeric regions during mitosis. Moreover, the Aurora kinase inhibitor Hesperadin inhibited the kinase activity of Arabidopsis thaliana Aurora kinase 3 (AtAUR3) in phosphorylating both Ser10 and Ser28 of histone H3 in vitro. Consistently, Hesperadin inhibited both H3S10ph and H3S28ph during mitosis in BY-2 cells. These results indicate that plant Aurora kinases phosphorylate not only Ser10, but also Ser28 of histone H3 in vivo. Hesperadin treatment increased the ratio of metaphase cells, while the ratio of anaphase/telophase cells decreased, although the mitotic index was not affected in Hesperadin-treated cells. These results suggest that Hesperadin induces delayed transition from metaphase to anaphase, and early exit from mitosis after chromosome segregation. In addition, micronuclei were observed frequently and lagging chromosomes, caused by the delay and failure of sister chromatid separation, were observed at anaphase and telophase in Hesperadin-treated BY-2 cells. The data obtained here suggest that plant Aurora kinases and H3S10ph/H3S28ph may have a role in chromosome segregation and metaphase/anaphase transition.  相似文献   

Nuf2 plays an important role in kinetochore-microtubule attachment and thus is involved in regulation of the spindle assembly checkpoint in mitosis. In this study, we examined the localization and function of Nuf2 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Myc6-Nuf2 mRNA injection and immunofluorescent staining showed that Nuf2 localized to kinetochores from germinal vesicle breakdown to metaphase I stages, while it disappeared from the kinetochores at the anaphase I stage, but relocated to kinetochores at the MII stage. Overexpression of Nuf2 caused defective spindles, misaligned chromosomes, and activated spindle assembly checkpoint, and thus inhibited chromosome segregation and metaphase-anaphase transition in oocyte meiosis. Conversely, precocious polar body extrusion was observed in the presence of misaligned chromosomes and abnormal spindle formation in Nuf2 knock-down oocytes, causing aneuploidy. Our data suggest that Nuf2 is a critical regulator of meiotic cell cycle progression in mammalian oocytes.  相似文献   

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