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In a tritrophic system, parasitoid development and galler host survival strategies have rarely been investigated simultaneously, an approach crucial for a complete understanding of the complexity of host–parasitoid interactions. Strategies in parasitoids to maximize host exploitation and in gallers to reduce predation risk can greatly affect the structure of tritrophic communities. In this study, the developmental strategies of galler hosts and their associated parasitoids in the tritrophic fig–fig wasp system are experimentally investigated for the first time. In this highly co-evolved system, wasp development is intrinsically tied with the phenology of the wasp brood sites that are restricted to the enclosed urn-shaped fig inflorescence called the syconium which can be regarded as a microcosm. Wasp exclusion experiments to determine host specificity, gall dissections and developmental assays were conducted with non-pollinating fig wasps in Ficus racemosa. Our results provide evidence for exceptions to the widely accepted koinobiont–idiobiont parasitoid dichotomy. This is also the first time fig wasps were raised ex situ from non-feeding stages onwards, a technique that enabled us to monitor their development from their pre-pupal to adult stages and record their development time more accurately. Based on variation in development time and host specificity, the possibility of a cryptic parasitoid species is raised. The frequency of different wasp species eclosing from the microcosms of individual syconia is explained using host–parasitoid associations and interactions under the modulating effect of host plant phenology.  相似文献   

Global environmental changes threaten biodiversity and the interactions between species, and food-web approaches are being used increasingly to measure their community-wide impacts. Here we review how parasitoid–host food webs affect biological control, and how their structure responds to environmental change. We find that land-use intensification tends to produce webs with low complexity and uneven interaction strengths. Dispersal, spatial arrangement of habitats, the species pool and community differences across habitats have all been found to determine how webs respond to landscape structure, though clear effects of landscape complexity on web structure remain elusive. The invasibility of web structures and response of food webs to invasion have been the subject of theoretical and empirical work respectively, and nutrient enrichment has been widely studied in the food-web literature, potentially driving dynamic instability and altering biomass ratios of different trophic levels. Combined with food-web changes observed under climate change, these responses of food webs could signal changes to biological control, though there have been surprisingly few studies linking food-web structure to pest control, and these have produced mixed results. However, there is strong potential for food-web approaches to add value to biological control research, as parasitoid–host webs have been used to predict indirect effects among hosts that share enemies, to study non-target effects of biological control agents and to quantify the use of alternative prey resources by enemies. Future work is needed to link food-web interactions with evolutionary responses to the environment and predator–prey interactions, while incorporating recent advances in predator biodiversity research. This holistic understanding of agroecosystem responses and functioning, made possible by food-web approaches, may hold the key to better management of biological control in changing environments.  相似文献   

Habitat conservation for threatened temperate insect species is often guided by one of two paradigms: a metapopulation approach focusing on patch area, isolation and number; or a habitat approach focusing on maintaining high quality habitat for the focal species. Recent research has identified the additive and interacting importance of both approaches for maintaining populations of threatened butterflies. For specialised host-parasitoid interactions, understanding the consequences of habitat characteristics for the interacting species is important, because (1) specialised parasitoids are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of fragmentation, and (2) altered interaction frequencies resulting from changes to habitat management or the spatial configuration of habitat are likely to have consequences for host dynamics. The spatial ecology of Cotesia bignellii, a specialist parasitoid of the threatened butterfly Euphydryas aurinia, was investigated at two spatial scales: within habitat patches (at the scale of individual aggregations of larvae, or ‘webs’) and among habitat patches (the scale of local populations). Parasitism rates were investigated in relation to larval web size, vegetation sward height and host density. Within patches, the probability of a larval webs being parasitized increased significantly with increasing number of larvae in the web, and parasitism rates increased significantly with increasing web isolation. The proportion of webs parasitized was significantly and negatively correlated with cluster density. Among habitat patches the proportion of parasitized webs decreased as cluster density increased. Clusters with a high proportion of larval webs parasitized tended to have lower parasitism rates per larval web. These results support the call for relatively large and continuous habitat patches to maintain stable parasitoid and host populations. Conservation efforts directed towards maintenance of high host plant density could allow E. aurinia to reduce parasitism risk, while providing C. bignellii with sufficient larval webs to allow population persistence.  相似文献   

Host–parasitoid metapopulation models have typically been deterministic models formulated with population numbers as a continuous variable. Spatial heterogeneity in local population abundance is a typical (and often essential) feature of these models and means that, even when average population density is high, some patches have small population sizes. In addition, large temporal population fluctuations are characteristic of many of these models, and this also results in periodically small local population sizes. Whenever population abundances are small, demographic stochasticity can become important in several ways. To investigate this problem, we have reformulated a deterministic, host–parasitoid metapopulation as an integer-based model in which encounters between hosts and parasitoids, and the fecundity of individuals are modelled as stochastic processes. This has a number of important consequences: (1) stochastic fluctuations at small population sizes tend to be amplified by the dynamics to cause massive population variability, i.e. the demographic stochasticity has a destabilizing effect; (2) the spatial patterns of local abundance observed in the deterministic counterpart are largely maintained (although the area of ''spatial chaos'' is extended); (3) at small population sizes, dispersal by discrete individuals leads to a smaller fraction of new patches being colonized, so that parasitoids with small dispersal rates have a greater tendency for extinction and higher dispersal rates have a larger competitive advantage; and (4) competing parasitoids that could coexist in the deterministic model due to spatial segregation cannot now coexist for any combination of parameters.  相似文献   

In classic biological control using natural enemies, the question of whether a single species or multiple species should be introduced has been a matter of debate. The introduction of two parasitoids, Aphytis yanonensis and Coccobius fulvus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), to control the arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis (Hemoptera: Diaspididae), which is a serious pest in Japanese citrus orchards, has been one of the most successful biological control projects in Japan. The success of this program may be explained by two alternative hypotheses: (1) the parasitoid species work complementarily, or (2) only one of them plays a major role. To test which hypothesis is applicable to this host-parasitoid system, we conducted caging experiments and observed temporal changes in the proportion of the parasitisms and the densities of arrowhead scales enclosed with one of the following combinations of parasitoids: (1) A. yanonensis and C. fulvus together, (2) A. yanonensis alone, (3) C. fulvus alone, or (4) neither parasitoid. Parasitisms in the cohorts with A. yanonensis and C. fulvus together and C. fulvus alone rapidly increased to approximately 70%; parasitism with A. yanonensis alone also increased slightly, although it remained consistently lower that those with A. yanonensis and C. fulvus together and C. fulvus. At the end of the experiment, parasitisms with A. yanonensis and C. fulvus together and C. fulvus alone were significantly higher than that with A. yanonensis alone. Parasitism by C. fulvus constituted most of (74%) the parasitism in the cohort with A. yanonensis and C. fulvus together. Further, only C. fulvus suppressed the population growth rates of scales significantly. These results suggest that C. fulvus alone successfully suppresses scale populations as efficiently as both species together do.  相似文献   

In experimental populations of the cowpea bean weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and a parasitic wasp Heterospilus prosopidis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), large changes in the abundances and the fluctuations of both species occurred after approximately 20 generations. In this paper, we examine the hypothesis that this observed change in the dynamics may have been caused by an evolutionary shift in the mode of competition among the bean weevils. A Nicholson-Bailey type model is developed using parameters measured from the experiments. The host larvae can differ in the type of competitive behaviour that they exhibit, which can be either of a contest type or of a scramble type. If a bean contains one or more larvae of the contest type, only one of these will survive and any scramble-type larvae in the bean will be killed. If no contest-type larvae are present within a bean, multiple individuals of the scramble type can emerge from a single bea n. The model assumes many genotypes, differing in the fraction of offspring of the two types. If a high per capita resource availability is maintained, then the scramble type is selected for, but if resources are limited, then the contest type is selected for. The host population at the start of the experiment, taken from a stock culture, was composed mostly of the scramble type. The model is successful in explaining the initial quick increase in the host's abundance, followed by the evolutionary increase in the fraction of the contest type among hosts, resulting in the more stable population dynamics of the host–parasitoid system, as observed in the experiments. However, it predicts a parasitoid abundance much higher than that observed. We discuss alternative hypotheses to explain the observed evolutionary shift in the population dynamics. We also examine the effect of the difference in size of the beans in the stock culture and those used in the experiments.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification has been shown to result in a decline in biodiversity across many taxa, but the changes in community structure and species interactions remain little understood. We have analysed and compared the structure of feeding interactions for cereal aphids and their primary and secondary parasitoids in organically and conventionally managed winter wheat fields using quantitative food web metrics (interaction evenness, generality, vulnerability, link density). Despite little variation in the richness of each trophic group, food web structures between the two farming systems differed remarkably. In contrast to common expectations, aphids and primary parasitoids were characterized by (1) a higher evenness of interaction frequencies (interaction evenness) in conventional fields, which cascaded to interactions at the next trophic level, with (2) a higher interaction evenness, (3) a higher ratio of primary parasitoid taxa per secondary parasitoid (generality) and (4) a higher link density. Aphid communities in the organically managed fields almost exclusively consisted of a single ear-colonizing species, Sitobion avenae, while highly fertilized conventional fields were mainly infested by leaf-colonizing aphids that benefit from the nutritional status of winter wheat. In conclusion, agricultural intensification appears to foster the complexity of aphid–parasitoid food webs, thereby not supporting the general expectation on the importance of organic farming practices for species richness and food web complexity.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan is a widely distributed glycosaminoglycan which has multiple functions. Hyaluronic acid (HA) accumulation has been reported in many human diseases. Understanding the role of hyaluronan and its binding proteins in the pathobiology of disease will facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for many critical diseases. Current techniques described for the analysis of HA are mainly for HA quantification in solutions, not for the direct detection of HA in tissues or on cell surfaces. In our study, a fusion protein, named C-terminal domain of RHAMM–enhanced green fluorescence protein (RHC–EGFP), combined the HA-binding domain, C-terminal of receptor for hyaluronan-mediated motility, with EGFP, a widely used enhanced green fluorescence protein, was expressed and purified from Escherichia coli with high purity. Based on the sensitivity and convenience of fluorescence detection, methods for direct assay of HA in solutions, on cell surface or in tissues were established using RHC–EGFP. The binding specificity was also confirmed by competitive binding experiment and hyaluronidase degradation experiment. Our results provide an alternative choice for the specific and convenient assay of HA in various samples, and maybe helpful for further understanding of the fundamental and comprehensive functions of HA.  相似文献   

Xing  Rui  Gao  Qing-bo  Zhang  Fa-qi  Wang  Jiu-li  Chen  Shi-long 《Annals of microbiology》2019,69(5):567-576
The Hoh Xil basin is the largest Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) with an average altitude of above 5000 m. It is also the coldest region in the QTP. However, due to the difficulty of sample collection caused by the harsh natural environment, a limited number of studies have been conducted on soil microorganisms in this region. We used culture-dependent and independent methods to investigate the bacterial communities in desert soil (n1), saline–alkali land (n2), saline–alkali wetland (n3), and soda lake sediment (n4). The results showed distinct bacterial communities between different environmental types. We found that the Chao1 and Shannon diversity indices of n1 were significantly lower than those of n4 (P < 0.05). At the phylum level, all samples were dominated by representatives of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria, which were similar to the findings of previous studies on the desert soil in the same region. Moreover, we identified 10 strains of bacteria from 109 isolates, most of which belonged to Pseudomonas (90.8%). The growth of the isolate k9 was optimal at a high pH value (pH 10.0) and a low temperature (5 °C), and this stain could produce extracellular enzyme (alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase) under alkaline (pH 10) and cold (5 °C) condition. These results demonstrate the diversity of bacteria in the Hoh Xil basin and identify potential psychrophilic and alkaliphilic bacteria with multiple types of extracellular enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The basic concept of the fluid-mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson, an essential point of which is that the membrane proteins are floating in a sea of excess lipid molecules organized in the lipid bilayer, may be misleading in understanding the movement of membrane components in biological membranes that show distinct domain structure. It seems that the lipid bilayer is an active factor in forming the membrane structure, and the lipid composition is responsible for the presence of domains in the membrane. The main role in the process of domain formation is played by cholesterol and sphingolipids. The results presented here show that in a binary mixture of cholesterol and unsaturated phospholipids, cholesterol is segregated out from the bulk unsaturated liquid-crystalline phase. This forms cholesterol-enriched domains or clustered cholesterol domains due to the lateral nonconformability between the rigid planar ring structure of cholesterol and the rigid bend of the unsaturated alkyl chain at double bond position. These cholesterol-enriched domains may be stabilized by the presence of saturated alkyl chains of sphingomyelin or glycosphingolipids, and also by specific proteins which selectively locate in these domains and stabilize them as a result of protein-protein interaction. Such lipid domains are called "rafts" and have been shown to be responsible both for signal transduction to and from the cell and for protein sorting. We also looked at whether polar carotenoids, compounds showing some similarities to cholesterol and affecting membrane properties in a similar way, would also promote domain formation and locate preferentially in one of the lipid phases. Our preliminary data show that in the presence of cholesterol, lutein (a polar carotenoid) may segregate out from saturated lipid regions (liquid-ordered phase) and accumulate in the regions rich in unsaturated phospholipids forming carotenoid-rich domains there. Conventional and pulse EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spin labeling techniques were employed to assess the molecular organization and dynamics of the raft-constituent molecules and of the raft itself in the membrane.  相似文献   

宁夏荒漠草原区中间锦鸡儿灌丛群落碳水循环特征及其与生物环境因子的关系 干旱半干旱区的人工植被重建可能会改变陆地生态系统的重要生物物理过程——碳水循环,然而在人类活动背景下,仍然缺乏对这些区域生态系统的碳水耦合机制的认识。本研究基于涡度相关系统测量了宁夏盐池荒漠草原区人工种植的中间锦鸡儿(Caragana  liouana)灌丛群落的CO2和H2O通量,通过分析总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity, GPP)、蒸散发(Evapotranspiration, ET)和水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency, WUE)的变化,探讨了人工灌丛生态系统碳水通量及其耦合关系,并进一步分析驱动其变化的生物环境因子。研究结果表明,气候因子的季节变化导致了生物物理特征和碳水通量呈周期性变化。在生长季,GPP和ET波动较大,而WUE变化相对稳定。GPP、ET和WUE显著受辐射(Global Radiation, Rg)、温度(Ta和Ts)、水汽压亏缺、叶面积指数和植物水分胁迫指数(Plant Water Stress Index, PWSI)的驱动。其中Rg、温度和PWSI是影响WUE的最重要因素。Rg和温度会对WUE产生直接的促进作用,但同时也会间接地提高PWSI进而抑制WUE。PWSI会抑制光合作用和蒸腾作用,当植物水分胁迫超过一个阈值(PWSI > 0.54)时,WUE会下降,这是因为GPP对植物水分胁迫的响应比ET更敏感。这些研究结果表明,在荒漠草原区通过大规模种植灌木可实现固碳的作用,但也必须充分考虑区域的水资源消耗和水分利用效率的状况。  相似文献   

A new type of brain-computer interface was elaborated. It considers a variety of brain activity parameters to determine the type of mental operation being performed at the moment. The corresponding algorithm previously developed in the lab was modified for real-time application. The possibility of interface application for cognitive skills training was investigated. In the proposed paradigm, as soon as the EEG spectral pattern was adequate for the current task, some clue to the solution was presented. As we supposed, such positive biofeedback should facilitate memorization of the current brain state. After just one learning session, the differences in EEG spectra, corresponding to two types of tasks, were concentrated in more narrow frequency ranges. It indicates a decrease in mental effort. Moreover, the majority of subjects succeeded in solving the tasks faster, which is evidence of increased efficiency. The developed interface could be used for the new type of training, based on objective features of brain activity.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps are widely used as biocontrol agents. For successful deployment, it is important to know how they search for and recognize their hosts. They often use chemical cues in host searching and recognition. Little attention has been paid to the use of physical cues, particularly when combined with chemical cues, though a combination of cues may improve searching efficiency. Chelonus inanitus L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary, egg–larval parasitoid wasp that parasitizes various lepidopteran species, including serious crop pests. In this study, effects of physical and/or chemical cues on host recognition were investigated in C. inanitus by observing its antennal searching, ovipositor probing, and the duration of arrestment. In a physical cue test, egg-mass models with glass beads differing in size were used, and a single-egg model with a specific size of bead. Egg-mass models with beads of 0.4–1.0 mm in diameter arrested C. inanitus, in accordance with egg size and arrangement of the host. In a chemical cue test, extract from egg masses of the host Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), equivalent to half of a host egg mass and extract diluted 100-fold were used, and the undiluted extract stimulated C. inanitus. Untreated egg-mass models (0.2-mm-diameter glass beads) and diluted egg extract arrested C. inanitus less effectively; however, when glass beads were treated with the diluted extract, arrestment increased to the same degree as the undiluted extract. These results suggest that C. inanitus uses both physical and chemical cues to recognize eggs of its host, S. litura, and that these stimuli act synergistically.  相似文献   

An LC–MS method for the determination of metoclopramide in human plasma was developed and validated. Sample preparation involved extraction with ethyl acetate. Chromatographic separation was performed on a Thermo Hypersil-Hypurity C18 (150 mm × 2.1 mm, 5 μm) with the mobile phase consisting of 40 mM ammonium acetate–methanol–acetonitrile. A single-quadrupole mass spectrometer with an electrospray interface was operated in the selected-ion monitoring mode to detect the [M+H]+ ions at m/z 300 for metoclopramide and at m/z 384 for the internal standard (prazosin). The method was validated over 0.78–50.00 ng mL?1 for metoclopramide. The recovery was 67.8–83.1%, and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) detection was 0.78 ng mL?1 for metoclopramide. The intra- and inter-day precision of the method at three concentrations was 5.0–13.6% with accuracy of 99.2–104.0%. Stability of compounds was established in a battery of stability studies. The method was successfully applied to bioequivalence studies of metoclopramide hydrochloride tablets to obtain the pharmacokinetic parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the global dynamics and bifurcations of a two-dimensional discrete time host–parasitoid model with strong Allee effect. The existence of fixed points and their stability are analysed in all allowed parametric region. The bifurcation analysis shows that the model can undergo fold bifurcation and Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. As the parameters vary in a small neighbourhood of the Neimark–Sacker bifurcation condition, the unique positive fixed point changes its stability and an invariant closed circle bifurcates from the positive fixed point. From the viewpoint of biology, the invariant closed curve corresponds to the periodic or quasi-periodic oscillations between host and parasitoid populations. Furthermore, it is proved that all solutions of this model are bounded, and there exist some values of the parameters such that the model has a global attractor. These theoretical results reveal the complex dynamics of the present model.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a facile and convenient method for the preparation of a new type of lactose-CdSeS/ZnS quantum dots conjugates (Lac-QDs) that exhibit biocompatibility, noncytotoxicity and specificity to leukocytes. In order to further study the carbohydrate–protein interactions, a series of Lac-QDs with different lactose densities and a PEGylated (n = 3) lactose-QDs conjugate (LacPEG-QDs) with more flexible sugar ligands were prepared. The amount of the sugar molecules on QDs can be determined by NMR, which was in agreement with the results from TGA determination. The formula of the conjugates was determined with ICP-OES. The interactions between the conjugated QDs and the PNA protein were measured using SPR, which revealed that higher lactose density favored binding affinity under the same concentration, and Lac-QDs exhibit higher affinity than LacPEG-QDs. We further used a solid phase assay to assess the anti-adhesion activity of Lac-QDs and LacPEG-QDs on the cell level. The results showed that Lac-QDs had stronger activity in preventing THP1 from adhering to HUVEC than LacPEG-QDs, which was consistent with the SPR results. We reasoned that decrease in the conformational entropy induced by appropriate restriction of sugar flexibility could enhance the binding affinity of glyco-QDs, which implies that entropy change may be the main contributor to the interaction between high valent glyco-QDs and protein. The fabrication of lactose on QDs provides a fluorescent multivalent carbohydrate probe that can be used as mimics of glycoprotein for the study of carbohydrate–protein interactions and cell imaging.  相似文献   

Aims Accurate estimation of variation tendency of photosynthetic electron flow response to CO 2 is of great significance to understand the photosynthetic processes. Methods A model of electron transport rate (J) response to CO 2 (model II) was developed based on a new model of photosynthesis response to CO 2 (model I). The data of maize (Zea mays) and grain amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) that were measured by LI-6400-40 portable photosynthetic apparatus were fitted by the two models, respectively. Important findings The results indicated that the model II could well characterize and fit the CO 2 -response curves of electron transport rate (J-C a curve) for maize and grain amaranth, and the maximum electron transport rates of maize and grain amaranth were 262.41 and 393.07 mol·m −2 ·s −1 , which were in very close agreement with the estimated values (p > 0.05), respectively. Based on these results, the allocation to other pathways of photosynthetic electronic flow were discussed. At 380 mol·mol −1 CO 2 , the photosynthetic electron flows for carbon assimilation of maize and grain amaranth carbon were 247.92 and 285.16 mol·m −2 ·s −1 , respectively, when the CO 2 for recovery of mitochondrial respiration was considered, and the photosynthetic electron flows for other pathways were 14.49 and 107.91 mol·m −2 ·s −1 , respectively. The photosynthetic electron flows for other pathways in grain amaranth were more six times than that in maize. The analysis shows that this difference is closely related to the types of catalytic decarboxylase and the locations of decarboxylation reactions. This finding provides a new perspective for investigating the differences between the two subtypes of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate malic acid enzyme type and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide malic acid enzyme type in C 4 species. In addition, the CO 2 -response model of electron transport rate offers us an alternative mathematical tool for investigating the photosynthetic electron flow of C4 crop. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

Herein, we propose the synthesis and characterization of graphene for the immobilization of β-galactosidase for improved galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) production. The size of synthesized graphene was observed to be 25 nm by TEM analysis while interaction of enzyme with the nanosupport was observed by FTIR spectroscopy. Docking was obtained using molecular docking program Dock v.6.5 while the visual analyses and illustration of protein–ligand complex were investigated by utilizing chimera v.1.6.2 and PyMOL v.1.3 softwares. Immobilized β-galactosidase (IβG) showed improved stability against various physical and chemical denaturants. K m of IβG was increased to 6.41 mM as compared to 2.38 mM of soluble enzyme without bringing significant change in V max value. Maximum GOS content also registered an increase in lactose conversion. The maximum GOS production was achieved by immobilized enzyme at specific temperature and time. Hence, the developed nanosupport can be further exploited for developing a biosensor involving β-galactosidase or for immobilization of other industrially/therapeutically important enzymes.  相似文献   

A series of pyrimidine–benzimidazol hybrids was synthesized and evaluated for anticancer activity on four human cancer cell lines including MCF-7, MGC-803, EC-9706 and SMMC-7721. Some of the synthesized compounds exhibited moderate to potent activity against MGC-803 and MCF-7. Among them, compounds 5ab and 6ab showed most effective activity. Compounds 5b and 6b were more cytotoxic than 5-fluorouracil against all tested four human cancer cell lines, with IC50 values ranging from 2.03 to 10.55 μM and 1.06 to 12.89 μM, respectively. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that treatment of MGC-803 with 6b led to cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase accompanied by an increase in apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

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