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The present study investigates some of the immunogenetic bases for tolerance of anti-allo-delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses as induced by pre-inoculating allogeneic cells via portal venous (p.v.) route. BALB/c mice were injected with totally allogeneic C57BL/6 or H-2 incompatible BALB.B spleen cells via p.v. route. These mice not only failed to exhibit anti-H-2b DTH responses, but also abrogated the potential to generate H-2b-specific DTH responses as induced by the subsequent immunization with H-2b spleen cells via subcutaneous (s.c.) route. The p.v. presensitization with allogeneic spleen cells differing at either class I or class II of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) resulted in the tolerance induction of DTH responses to the respective allogeneic class I or class II MHC antigens. Moreover, the p.v. administration of the class I-positive allogeneic cell fraction depleted of class II-positive component into recipients differing at both class I and class II was capable of inducing anti-class I DTH tolerance. These results indicate that anti-allo-class I or class II DTH tolerance can be induced independently and that the existence of class II antigens on p.v.-presensitized cells is not necessarily required for the tolerance induction of anti-allo-class I DTH response.  相似文献   

Dysfunction of irradiated thymus for the development of helper T cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells in an intact or irradiated thymus was investigated. C57BL/6 (H-2b, Thy-1.2) mice were whole body-irradiated, or were irradiated with shielding over either the thymus or right leg and tail, and were transferred with 1.5 X 10(7) bone marrow cells from B10.Thy-1.1 mice (H-2b, Thy-1.1). At various days after reconstitution, thymus cells from the recipient mice were harvested and a peanut agglutinin low-binding population was isolated. This population was further treated with anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement to remove host-derived cells and was assayed for the frequency of cytotoxic T cell precursors (CTLp) and for the activity of helper T cells (Th). In the thymus of thymus-shielded and irradiated mice, Th activity reached normal control level by day 25, whereas CTLp frequency remained at a very low level during these days. In the thymus of whole body-irradiated mice, generation of CTLp was highly accelerated while that of Th was retarded, the period required for reconstitution being 25 days and more than 42 days for CTLp and Th, respectively. Preferential development of CTLp was also seen in right leg- and tail-shielded (L-T-shielded) and irradiated recipients. Histological observation indicated that Ia+ nonlymphoid cells were well preserved in the thymus of thymus-shielded and irradiated recipients, whereas in L-T-shielded and irradiated recipients, such cells in the medulla were markedly reduced in number. These results suggest strongly that the generation of Th but not CTLp is dependent on radiosensitive thymic component(s), and that such components may represent Ia+ cells themselves in the medulla or some microenvironment related to Ia+ cells.  相似文献   

The thymus mainly contains developing thymocytes that undergo thymic selection. In addition, some mature activated peripheral T cells can re-enter the thymus. We demonstrated in this study that adoptively transferred syngeneic Ag-specific T cells can enter the thymus of lymphopenic mice, where they delete thymic dendritic cells and medullary thymic epithelial cells in an Ag-specific fashion, without altering general thymic functions. This induced sustained thymic release of autoreactive self-Ag-specific T cells suggested that adoptively transferred activated T cells can specifically alter the endogenous T cell repertoire by erasing negative selection of their own specificities. Especially in clinical settings in which adoptively transferred T cells cause graft-versus-host disease or graft-versus-leukemia, as well as in adoptive tumor therapies, these findings might be of importance, because the endogenous T cell repertoire might be skewed to contribute to both manifestations.  相似文献   

Type 2 antigens are usually unable to prime for IgG memory responses or to activate helper T cells (TH) necessary for memory B cell generation. Previous studies from this laboratory have established that low doses (0.0025 microgram) of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or a T-dependent form of PVP, PVP-coupled horse red blood cells (PVP-HRBC) can activate PVP-specific TH. The present study was undertaken in order to determine some of the characteristics of the TH activated by PVP and to compare their properties with those of classical TH1 and of TH2 cells described in many T-dependent systems. TH activated with either 0.0025 microgram of PVP or PVP-HRBC were characterized with respect to cell surface antigens, Igh restriction and generation in mice expressing an X-linked immune defect (xid mice). PVP-specific TH are similar to TH1 cells in that they are required for the production of IgG subclasses absent in primary responses and have the Lyt-1+, L3T4+, I-J-surface phenotype. These TH may not be identical with TH1 cells, however, since they are I-A+ and Igh restricted. PVP-specific TH can be generated in xid mice which do not produce antibody in a primary anti-PVP response and do not develop a memory response to PVP, regardless of whether it is presented as a type 2 or T-dependent antigen.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of tolerance induction has been investigated in BALB/c(H-2d, thy 1.2, M1s1b2a) nude mice grafted with thymus of neonatal AKR/J mice(H-2k,Thy1.1,M1s1a2b). The spleen cells from nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus showed a significantly decreased level of primary cytotoxic T cell response when stimulated with AKR/J cells, although these cells lysed well target cells of a third party C57BL/6 when stimulated with C57BL/6 cells. Consistent with CTL responses, T cells bearing V beta 6, that is important for recognizing M1s1a-encoded products of the thymic phenotype, were virtually abolished in the spleen and lymph node cells of nude mice 8 wk after grafting with AKR/J thymus. However, a substantial number of V beta 6-bearing T cells were detected in the peripheral organs of nude mice 23 wk after grafting with AKR/J thymus and in those of nude mice grafted with AKR/J fetal thymus depleted of macrophages/dendritic cells by incubating with 2'-deoxyguanosine in vitro before grafting. On the other hand, T cells bearing V beta 3, which are selectively related to M1s2a-encoded products of the host phenotype, were expressed neither on the peripheral T cells of nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus at any stage after grafting nor on those of nude mice grafted with 2'-deoxyguanosine-treated AKR/J thymus. These data suggested that both V beta 6 and V beta 3 T cells were eliminated in the thymus of nude mice grafted with AKR/J thymus, presumably on the basis of interaction with both of graft-derived persisting and host-derived hemopoietic cells in the thymus and that thymic epithelium appears to have little capacity to eliminate T cells reactive to minor lymphocyte stimulating-encoded products.  相似文献   

T cell tolerance by clonal elimination in the thymus   总被引:203,自引:0,他引:203  
J W Kappler  N Roehm  P Marrack 《Cell》1987,49(2):273-280
The monoclonal antibody KJ23a reacts with T cell receptors utilizing the V beta segment V beta 17a. T cells bearing V beta 17a+ receptors react with very high frequency with the MHC class II protein, IE. In this paper we show that T cells expressing V beta 17a are selectively eliminated from the peripheral T cell and mature thymocyte pool of mice expressing IE, but are present in expected numbers in the immature thymocyte population of such animals. These results show that in normal animals tolerance to self-MHC is due to clonal elimination rather than suppression. In addition, they indicate that tolerance induction may occur in the thymus at the time immature thymocytes are selected to move into the mature thymocyte pool.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions were induced in mice by cloned helper T cells directed against methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA). The DTH reactions were induced either by local injection of the helper T cells together with the antigen in the hind feet or by intravenous (iv) administration of the cloned T cells and local injection of the antigen. Local or systemic (oral or iv) administration of mBSA after waning of the DTH induced by the cloned helper T cells caused a flare-up reaction. This indicates that functional helper T cells persist at the inflammation site. The inflammations were quantified in a foot swelling assay and were examined histologically. The inflammation measured in the flare-up reaction was generally lower than in the acute reaction. Histologically the acute inflammation showed edema and a large proportion of granulocytes, whereas the flare-up reaction appeared more histiocytic and showed less edema.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody defining a population of human T helper cells was developed and shown to specifically block the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR). This antibody, termed KT69-7 (IgG1), recognized 62% of peripheral blood E rosette-positive (E+) cells while demonstrating negligible reactivity with E- cells, monocytes, granulocytes, EBV-transformed B cell lines, and mouse splenocytes. Separation of E+ cells into KT69-7+ and KT69-7- populations revealed that KT69-7+ T cells provided helper function in PWM-driven B cell differentiation, whereas KT69-7- T cells provided no help and may suppress this response. Modulation of membrane moieties by using KT69-7 or OKT4 plus goat anti-mouse IgG removed reactivity to both these antibodies, suggesting an association between these molecules recognized by these antibodies. In functional studies, KT69-7 selectively blocked the AMLR while demonstrating minimal or no effect on the allogeneic MLR (allo-MLR). Blocking of the autoreactivity occurred when either autologous B lymphocytes or macrophages were used as stimulators. The failure of KT69-7 to block the allo-MLR was not attributable to excessive allogeneic stimulus; KT69-7 failed to block even under conditions of limiting numbers of stimulator cells. KT69-7 thus appears to recognize a molecule on the surface of T helper cells required for recognition of autologous class II antigens.  相似文献   

In vitro stimulation of mouse thymus cells by PHA and allogeneic cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) may play an important role in hepatic immune regulation by producing numerous cytokines/chemokines and expressing Ag-presenting and T cell coregulatory molecules. Due to disruption of the endothelial barrier during cold-ischemic storage and reperfusion of liver grafts, HSCs can interact directly with cells of the immune system. Endotoxin (LPS), levels of which increase in liver diseases and transplantation, stimulates the synthesis of many mediators by HSCs. We hypothesized that LPS-stimulated HSCs might promote hepatic tolerogenicity by influencing naturally occurring immunosuppressive CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs). Following their portal venous infusion, allogeneic CD4(+) T cells, including Tregs, were found closely associated with HSCs, and this association increased in LPS-treated livers. In vitro, both unstimulated and LPS-stimulated HSCs upregulated Fas (CD95) expression on conventional CD4(+) T cells and induced their apoptosis in a Fas/Fas ligand-dependent manner. By contrast, HSCs induced Treg proliferation, which required cell-cell contact and was MHC class II-dependent. This effect was augmented when HSCs were pretreated with LPS. LPS increased the expression of MHC class II, CD80, and CD86 and stimulated the production of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α by HSCs. Interestingly, production of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α was strongly inhibited, but that of IL-10 enhanced in LPS-pretreated HSC/Treg cocultures. Adoptively transferred allogeneic HSCs migrated to the secondary lymphoid tissues and induced Treg expansion in lymph nodes. These data implicate endotoxin-stimulated HSCs as important immune regulators in liver transplantation by inducing selective expansion of tolerance-promoting Tregs and reducing inflammation and alloimmunity.  相似文献   

Two murine, keyhole limpet hemocyanin-specific, Th cell clones were studied for their ability to respond to antibody-mediated stimulation of the TCR complex or to Ag-pulsed accessory cells by hydrolyzing inositol phospholipids. Both clones were positive for the determinant expressed on the epsilon chain of CD3 that is recognized by the mAb, 145-2C11 (2C11 mAb); one clone also expressed the V beta 8 epitope of the alpha/beta chains of the TCR recognized by the F23.1 mAb. Treatment of these cells with 2C11 or F23.1 mAb adsorbed onto polystyrene beads induced a time-dependent accumulation of inositol phosphates (IP). Keyhole limpet hemocyanin-pulsed accessory cells which expressed the appropriate MHC phenotype also induced IP accumulation, whereas no response was induced by medium-treated or MHC congenic accessory cells. The hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids induced by TCR perturbation depended upon the presence of exogenous Ca2+; Mg2+ did not substitute for Ca2+. Treatment of cells with ionomycin at concentrations up to 30 microM was unable to induce hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids, indicating that entrance of Ca2+ was itself insufficient to generate IP. Stimulated IP generation was rapidly blocked upon addition of EGTA to the incubation medium. Reducing the level of exogenous Ca2+ decreased the production of inositol mono-, bis-, and trisphosphate isomers similarly, suggesting that extracellular Ca2+ was required for the initiation of the hydrolysis rather than affecting phospholipase C affinity for its substrates. We concluded that activation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by perturbation of the TCR complex in the Th cell clones under investigation displays a Ca2+-dependent component which is likely to be proximal to IP generation.  相似文献   

The present study has assessed thymic influence on the differentiation and recognition specificity of developing Lyt-2+ lymphokine-secreting T cells, and compared it with those of developing Lyt-2+ CTL. It was demonstrated that development of Lyt-2+ lymphokine-secreting Th cells requires an intrathymic differentiation step, and that peripheral Lyt-2+ lymphokine-secreting Th cells, unlike peripheral Lyt-2+ CTL, are profoundly tolerant to intrathymically expressed alloantigens. These data are interpreted as demonstrating that functionally distinct Lyt-2+ T cell populations are heterogeneous in their requirements for differentiation and/or activation.  相似文献   

After activation with anti-CD3, activated Th (THCD3), but not resting Th, fixed with paraformaldehyde induce B cell RNA synthesis when co-cultured with resting B cells. This activity is expressed by Th of both Th1 and Th2 subtypes, as well as a third Th clone that is not classified into either subtype. It is proposed that anti-CD3 activation of Th results in the expression of Th membrane proteins that trigger B cell cycle entry. Kinetic studies reveal that 4 to 8 h of activation with anti-CD3 is sufficient for ThCD3 to express B cell-activating function. However, activation of Th with anti-CD3 for extended periods of time results in reduced Th effector activity. Inhibition of Th RNA synthesis during the anti-CD3 activation period ablates the ability of ThCD3 to induce B cell cycle entry. This indicates that de novo synthesis of proteins is required for ThCD3 to express effector function. The ability of fixed ThCD3 to induce entry of B cell into cycle is not due to an increase in expression of CD3, CD4, LFA-1, ICAM-1, class I MHC or Thy-1. Other forms of Th activation (PMA and A23187, Con A) also induced Th effector function. Furthermore, purified plasma membranes from anti-CD3 activated, but not resting Th, induced resting B cells to enter cycle. The addition of IL-4, but not IL-2, IL-5, or IFN-gamma amplified the DNA synthetic response of B cells stimulated with PM from activated Th. Taken together these data indicate that de novo expression of Th surface proteins on activated Th is required for Th to induce B cell cycle entry into G1 and the addition of IL-4 is required for the heightened progression into S phase.  相似文献   

Continuous gastric intubation of mice with the T cell-dependent antigen sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) leads to a state of systemic unresponsiveness to parenteral SRBC challenge, a state termed oral tolerance. The systemic unresponsiveness of mice rendered orally tolerant to SRBC, however, is converted to humoral immune responsiveness by adoptive transfer of effector T contrasuppressor (Tcs) cells. In this study, the authors have isolated and characterized the Tcs cell subset, from the spleens of orally immunized mice, which abrogates oral tolerance. This Tcs cell is a novel cell type, which can be separated from functional T suppressor (Lyt-2+) and T helper (L3T4+) cells, and the effector Tcs cell exhibits a Lyt-1+, 2-, L3T4- phenotype. Furthermore, contrasuppression is not mediated by B cells, including those of the Lyt-1+ phenotype. Adoptive transfer of splenic Lyt-1+, 2-, L3T4- T cells from C3H/HeJ mice given oral SRBC for 21 to 28 days and splenic Lyt-1+, 2-, L3T4- T cells of C3H/HeN mice orally immunized for a shorter interval abrogated oral tolerance. Furthermore, separation of Lyt-1+ T cells into L3T4+ and L3T4- subsets by flow cytometry resulted in Lyt-1+, L3T4+ T cells with helper but not contrasuppressor function, whereas the Lyt-1+, L3T4- T cell fraction abrogated oral tolerance even though it was without helper activity. This Tcs cell subset was also effective when added to cultures of tolerized spleen cells derived from SRBC-fed mice. The effector Tcs cells are antigen-specific, because Tcs cells from SRBC-immunized mice reverse tolerance to SRBC but not to horse erythrocytes (HRBC), and Tcs cells from HRBC-immunized mice reverse tolerance to HRBC but not to SRBC. When splenic T3 (CD3)-positive T cells (Lyt-1+, 2-, and L3T4-) were separated into Vicia villosa-adherent and nonadherent subpopulations, active contrasuppression was associated with the T3-positive and Vicia villosa-adherent T cell fraction. Thus, a distinct Lyt-1+, 2-, L3T4- T cell subset that contains a T3-T cell receptor complex, which can regulate oral tolerance, is present in spleens of orally immunized mice.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy of cancer could be possible in cases in which competent effector T cells can be induced. Such an approach depends on expression of tumour-specific antigens by the tumour cells and on the availability of sufficient costimulatory support for activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here, a strategy for helper T cell recruitment for induction of tumour-specific cytotoxic immune responses is presented. Allogenic MHC class II molecules were introduced into tumour cells by cell fusion. These hybrid cells, when injected into mice, induced rejection of an established tumour. The contribution of CD4-expressing helper T cells in the induction phase and of CD8-expressing T cells in the effector phase of the immune response was demonstrated. The approach described could be applicable to cases in which a suitable tumour antigen is present but not identified; it employs regulatory interactions that govern physiological immune responses and is designed to be minimally invasive.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the well known hapten-specific tolerance systems induced, respectively, by hapten-D-GL or hapten-isologous gamma-globulin conjugates. The principal question addressed in this study concerned the comparative maintenance of B cell tolerance, induced by one or the other method, after adoptive transfer into carrier-primed, irradiated recipient animals and, in addition, what role, if any, might be played by T lymphocytes in the tolerant donor cell population in maintaining such tolerance. The results clearly show that insofar as the hapten-specific B cell is concerned, no obvious difference exists in the capacity to maintain tolerance adoptive transfer between the hapten-D-GL and hapten-isologous gamma-globulin systems; such cells remained tolerant even in the presence of excess helper T cell activity. Moreover, under the conditions employed, depletion of T lymphocytes from the tolerant donor cell population did not affect the maintenance of hapten-specific B cell tolerance after adoptive transfer to irradiated recipients.  相似文献   

Mixed chimerism and donor-specific tolerance are achieved in mice receiving 3 Gy of total body irradiation and anti-CD154 mAb followed by allogeneic bone marrow (BM) transplantation. In this model, recipient CD4 cells are critically important for CD8 tolerance. To evaluate the role of CD4 cells recognizing donor MHC class II directly, we used class II-deficient donor marrow and were not able to achieve chimerism unless recipient CD8 cells were depleted, indicating that directly alloreactive CD4 cells were necessary for CD8 tolerance. To identify the MHC class II(+) donor cells promoting this tolerance, we used donor BM lacking certain cell populations or used positively selected cell populations. Neither donor CD11c(+) dendritic cells, B cells, T cells, nor donor-derived IL-10 were critical for chimerism induction. Purified donor B cells induced early chimerism and donor-specific cell-mediated lympholysis tolerance in both strain combinations tested. In contrast, positively selected CD11b(+) monocytes/myeloid cells did not induce early chimerism in either strain combination. Donor cell preparations containing B cells were able to induce early deletion of donor-reactive TCR-transgenic 2C CD8 T cells, whereas those devoid of B cells had reduced activity. Thus, induction of stable mixed chimerism depends on the expression of MHC class II on the donor marrow, but no requisite donor cell lineage was identified. Donor BM-derived B cells induced early chimerism, donor-specific cell-mediated lympholysis tolerance, and deletion of donor-reactive CD8 T cells, whereas CD11b(+) cells did not. Thus, BM-derived B cells are potent tolerogenic APCs for alloreactive CD8 cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice primed with dinitrophenylated human γ-globulin (DNP-HGG) did not mount a secondary anti-DNP response in diffusion chamber cultures upon stimulation with dinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (DNP-KLH). The same cells, however, responded to stimulation with DNP-KLH complexed with anti-KLH antibody of rabbit or mouse origin. There is an optimal antigen:antibody ratio at which the immune complexes (IC) must be formed for maximal activity. T cells are required for the immunogenic activity of IC, since T-cell-depleted cultures did not respond. It was found that IC made with carrier and anticarrier antibody stimulated the development of carrier-specific helper T cells in cultures of spleen cells, thymocytes, and nylon wool nonadherent spleen cells from nonimmune mice. In contrast, free carrier did not elicit helper T cells. IC made with carrier and the F(ab′)2 fragment of anticarrier antibody were immunogenic, but those made with carrier and the Fab′ fragment of anticarrier antibody were not, suggesting that helper T-cell activation is triggered by crosslinking of antigen-specific surface receptors.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles account for more than 30% of the human body, yet mechanisms of immunological tolerance to this tissue remain mainly unexplored. To investigate the mechanisms of tolerance to muscle-specific proteins, we generated transgenic mice expressing the neo-autoantigen OVA exclusively in skeletal muscle (SM-OVA mice). SM-OVA mice were bred with OT-I or OT-II mice that possess a transgenic TCR specific for OVA peptides presented by MHC class I or class II, respectively. Tolerance to OVA did not involve clonal deletion, anergy or an increased regulatory T cell compartment. Rather, CD4+ T cell tolerance resulted from a mechanism of ignorance revealed by their response following OVA immunization. In marked contrast, CD8+ T cells exhibited a loss of OVA-specific cytotoxic activity associated with up-regulation of the immunoregulatory programmed death-1 molecule. Adoptive transfer experiments further showed that OVA expression in skeletal muscle was required to maintain this functional tolerance. These results establish a novel asymmetric model of immunological tolerance to muscle autoantigens involving Ag ignorance for CD4+ T cells, whereas muscle autoantigens recognized by CD8+ T cells results in blockade of their cytotoxic function. These observations may be helpful for understanding the breakage of tolerance in autoimmune muscle diseases.  相似文献   

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