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Pancreatic-duodenal homeobox 1 -role in gastric endocrine patterning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gastrointestinal tract is subdivided into regions with different roles in digestion and absorption. How this patterning is established is unknown. We now report that the pancreatic-duodenal homeobox 1 gene (pdx1) is also expressed in cells of the distal stomach. Positive cells include subpopulations of the three main endocrine (gastrin, somatostatin and serotonin) cell types of this region. Pdx1 deficient mice were virtually devoid of gastrin cells, had normal numbers of somatostatin cells and increased numbers of serotonin cells. Pdx1 is thus important for development of the gastrin cells of the antropyloric mucosa of the stomach and probably acts by controlling the fate of gastrin/serotonin precursor cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated two mouse genes, Mox-1 and Mox-2 that, by sequence, genomic structure and expression pattern, define a novel homeobox gene family probably involved in mesodermal regionalization and somitic differentiation. Mox-1 is genetically linked to the keratin and Hox-2 genes of chromosome 11, while Mox-2 maps to chromosome 12. At primitive streak stages (approximately 7.0 days post coitum), Mox-1 is expressed in mesoderm lying posterior of the future primordial head and heart. It is not expressed in neural tissue, ectoderm, or endoderm. Mox-1 expression may therefore define an extensive 'posterior' domain of embryonic mesoderm before, or at the earliest stages of, patterning of the mesoderm and neuroectoderm by the Hox cluster genes. Between 7.5 and 9.5 days post coitum, Mox-1 is expressed in presomitic mesoderm, epithelial and differentiating somites (dermatome, myotome and sclerotome) and in lateral plate mesoderm. In the body of midgestation embryos, Mox-1 signal is restricted to loose undifferentiated mesenchyme. Mox-1 signal is also prominent over the mesenchyme of the heart cushions and truncus arteriosus, which arises from epithelial-mesenchymal transformation and over a limited number of craniofacial foci of neural crest-derived mesenchyme that are associated with muscle attachment sites. The expression profile of Mox-2 is similar to, but different from, that of Mox-1. For example, Mox-2 is apparently not expressed before somites form, is then expressed over the entire epithelial somite, but during somitic differentiation, Mox-2 signal rapidly becomes restricted to sclerotomal derivatives. The expression patterns of these genes suggest regulatory roles for Mox-1 and Mox-2 in the initial anterior-posterior regionalization of vertebrate embryonic mesoderm and, in addition, in somite specification and differentiation.  相似文献   

The olfactory system provides an excellent model in which to study cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, axon guidance, dendritic morphogenesis, and synapse formation. We report here crucial roles of the Arx homeobox gene in the developing olfactory system by analyzing its mutant phenotypes. Arx protein was expressed strongly in the interneurons and weakly in the radial glia of the olfactory bulb, but in neither the olfactory sensory neurons nor bulbar projection neurons. Arx-deficient mice showed severe anatomical abnormalities in the developing olfactory system: (1) size reduction of the olfactory bulb, (2) reduced proliferation and impaired entry into the olfactory bulb of interneuron progenitors, (3) loss of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive periglomerular cells, (4) disorganization of the layer structure of the olfactory bulb, and (5) abnormal axonal termination of olfactory sensory neurons in an unusual axon-tangled structure, the fibrocellular mass. Thus, Arx is required for not only the proper developmental processes of Arx-expressing interneurons, but also the establishment of functional olfactory neural circuitry by affecting Arx-non-expressing sensory neurons and projection neurons. These findings suggest a likely role of Arx in regulating the expression of putative instructive signals produced in the olfactory bulb for the proper innervation of olfactory sensory axons.  相似文献   

Our previous studies in both mouse and human identified the Bapx1 homeobox gene, a member of the NK gene family, as one of the earliest markers for prechondrogenic cells that will subsequently undergo mesenchymal condensation, cartilage production and, finally, endochondral bone formation. In addition, Bapx1 is an early developmental marker for splanchnic mesoderm, consistent with a role in visceral mesoderm specification, a function performed by its homologue bagpipe, in Drosophila. The human homologue of Bapx1 has been identified and mapped to 4p16.1, a region containing loci for several skeletal diseases. Bapx1 null mice are affected by a perinatal lethal skeletal dysplasia and asplenia, with severe malformation or absence of specific bones of the vertebral column and cranial bones of mesodermal origin, with the most severely affected skeletal elements corresponding to ventral structures associated with the notochord. We provide evidence that the failure of the formation of skeletal elements in Bapx1 null embryos is a consequence of a failure of cartilage development, as demonstrated by downregulation of several molecular markers required for normal chondroblast differentiation (&agr; 1(II) collagen, Fgfr3, Osf2, Indian hedgehog, Sox9), as well as a chondrocyte-specific alpha1 (II) collagen-lacZ transgene. The cartilage defects are correlated with failed differentiation of the sclerotome at the time when these cells are normally initiating chondrogenesis. Loss of Bapx1 is accompanied by an increase in apoptotic cell death in affected tissues, although cell cycling rates are unaltered.  相似文献   

The development of the mammalian antero-posterior (A-P) axis is proposed to be established by distinct anterior and posterior signaling centers, anterior visceral endoderm and primitive streak, respectively. Knock-out studies in mice have shown that Otx2 and Cripto have crucial roles in the generation and/or functions of these anterior and posterior centers, respectively. In both Otx2 and Cripto single mutants, the initial formation of the A-P axis takes place in a proximal-distal (P-D) orientation, but subsequent axis rotation fails to occur. To examine the developmental consequences of the lack of these two genes, we have analyzed the Otx2(-/-);Cripto(-/-) double homozygous mutant phenotype. In the double mutants, the expression of the A-P axis markers Cer-l, Lim1, and Wnt3 was not induced, while expression of Fgf8 and T was expanded throughout the epiblast, indicating that the double mutants could not form the A-P axis even in its initial P-D orientation. In addition, the double mutants displayed defects in differentiation of the visceral endoderm overlying the epiblast, as well as in the extraembryonic ectoderm. Furthermore, differentiation of neuroectoderm was accelerated as judged by the reduction of Oct4 expression and emergence of Sox1 and Gbx2 expression in the double mutant epiblast. The resulting ectoderm only displayed characteristics of anterior hindbrain, implicating it as a ground state in the mammalian body plan. Our results indicate that complementary functions of Otx2 and Cripto are essential for initial patterning of the A-P axis in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

We report the cDNA sequence and expression of a mouse homeobox gene, Dmbx1, from the PRD class and comparison to its human orthologue. The gene defines a new homeobox gene family, Dmbx, phylogenetically distinct from the Ptx, Alx, Prx Otx, Gsc, Otp and Pax gene families. The Dmbx1 gene is expressed in the developing mouse diencephalon, midbrain and hindbrain, and has dynamic expression during forelimb and hindlimb development. Unusually for homeobox genes, there is no orthologue in the Drosophila or Caenorhabditis genomes; we argue this reflects secondary loss.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of the homeobox gene Gsh2 in retinoid production and signaling within the ventral telencephalon of mouse embryos. Gsh2 mutants exhibit altered ventral telencephalic development, including a smaller striatum with fewer DARPP-32 neurons than wild types. We show that the expression of the retinoic acid (RA) synthesis enzyme, retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 3 (Raldh3, also known as Aldh1a3), is reduced in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) of Gsh2 mutants. Moreover, using a retinoid reporter cell assay, we found that retinoid production in the Gsh2 mutants is markedly reduced. The striatal defects in Gsh2 mutants are thought to result from ectopic expression of Pax6 in the LGE. Previously, we had shown that removal of Pax6 from the Gsh2 mutant background improves the molecular identity of the LGE in these double mutants; however, Raldh3 expression is not improved. The Pax6;Gsh2 double mutants possess a larger striatum than the Gsh2 mutants, but the disproportionate reduction in DARPP-32 neurons is not improved. These findings suggest that reduced retinoid production in the Gsh2 mutant contributes to the striatal differentiation defects. As RA promotes the expression of DARPP-32 in differentiating LGE cells in vitro, we examined whether exogenous RA can improve striatal neuron differentiation in the Gsh2 mutants. Indeed, RA supplementation of Gsh2 mutants, during the period of striatal neurogenesis, results in a significant increase in DARPP-32 expression. Thus, in addition to the previously described role for Gsh2 to maintain correct molecular identity in the LGE, our results demonstrate a novel requirement of this gene for retinoid production within the ventral telencephalon.  相似文献   

Secondary growth is supported by a dividing population of meristematic cells within the vascular cambium whose daughter cells are recruited to differentiate within secondary phloem and xylem tissues. We cloned a Populus Class 1 KNOX homeobox gene, ARBORKNOX1 (ARK1), which is orthologous to Arabidopsis SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM). ARK1 is expressed in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and the vascular cambium, and is down-regulated in the terminally differentiated cells of leaves and secondary vascular tissues that are derived from these meristems. Transformation of Populus with either ARK1 or STM over-expression constructs results in similar morphological phenotypes characterized by inhibition of the differentiation of leaves, internode elongation, and secondary vascular cell types in stems. Microarray analysis showed that 41% of genes up-regulated in the stems of ARK1 over-expressing plants encode proteins involved in extracellular matrix synthesis or modification, including proteins involved in cell identity and signaling, cell adhesion, or cell differentiation. These gene expression differences are reflected in alterations of cell wall biochemistry and lignin composition in ARK1 over-expressing plants. Our results suggest that ARK1 has a complex mode of action that may include regulating cell fates through modification of the extracellular matrix. Our findings support the hypothesis that the SAM and vascular cambium are regulated by overlapping genetic programs. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at This work was supported by the USDA Forest Service and USDA NRI Grant 2003-00664 to AG, and a grants from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Carbon Sequestration Program to AG and SD.  相似文献   

Flowers are determinate shoots comprised of perianth and reproductive organs displayed in a whorled phyllotactic pattern. Floral organ identity genes display region-specific expression patterns in the developing flower. In Arabidopsis, floral organ identity genes are activated by LEAFY (LFY), which functions with region-specific co-regulators, UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS (UFO) and WUSCHEL (WUS), to up-regulate homeotic genes in specific whorls of the flower. PENNYWISE (PNY) and POUND-FOOLISH (PNF) are redundant functioning BELL1-like homeodomain proteins that are expressed in shoot and floral meristems. During flower development, PNY functions with a co-repressor complex to down-regulate the homeotic gene, AGAMOUS (AG), in the outer whorls of the flower. However, the function of PNY as well as PNF in regulating floral organ identity in the central whorls of the flower is not known. In this report, we show that combining mutations in PNY and PNF enhance the floral patterning phenotypes of weak and strong alleles of lfy, indicating that these BELL1-like homeodomain proteins play a role in the specification of petals, stamens and carpels during flower development. Expression studies show that PNY and PNF positively regulate the homeotic genes, APETALA3 and AG, in the inner whorls of the flower. Moreover, PNY and PNF function in parallel with LFY, UFO and WUS to regulate homeotic gene expression. Since PNY and PNF interact with the KNOTTED1-like homeodomain proteins, SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) and KNOTTED-LIKE from ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA2 (KNAT2) that regulate floral development, we propose that PNY/PNF-STM and PNY/PNF-KNAT2 complexes function in the inner whorls to regulate flower patterning events.  相似文献   

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