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In a previous study of human haemosiderin and ferritin by a combination of Mössbauer spectroscopy and electron microscopy, it was observed that the Mössbauer spectra of haemosiderin showed a very different temperature dependence to those of ferritin. These differences were related to the superparamagnetic behaviour of small particles of a magnetic material and suggested that the magnetic anisotropy constant of the haemosiderin was considerably larger than that of the ferritin. In the present work, samples of ferritin have been examined by Mössbauer spectroscopy following partial deproteinisation, subfractionation, and reconstitution with and without phosphate, in order to investigate whether these procedures lead to changes in the magnetic anisotropy constant of the iron-containing cores. There is no evidence from the present data that changes in the protein shell, in the size of the iron-containing cores of ferritin, or in the phosphate content lead to any significant changes in the magnetic anisotropy constant, as obtained from the temperature dependence of the Mössbauer spectra. These results indicate that the different magnetic anisotropy constant observed in the case of human haemosiderin resulting from transfusional iron overload must arise from other significant differences in the composition or structure of the iron-containing cores.  相似文献   

Ferritin plays an important role in iron metabolism and our aim is to understand the mechanisms by which iron is sequestered within its protein shell as the mineral ferrihydrite. We present M?ssbauer spectroscopic data on recombinant human and horse spleen ferritin from which we draw the following conclusions: (1) that apoferritin catalyses Fe(II) oxidation as a first step in ferrihydrite deposition, (2) that the catalysis of Fe(II) oxidation is associated with residues situated within H chains, at the postulated 'ferroxidase centre' and not in the 3-fold inter-subunit channels previously suggested as the initial Fe(II) binding and oxidation site; (3) that both isolated Fe(III) and Fe(III) mu-oxo-bridged dimers found previously by M?ssbauer spectroscopy to be intermediates in iron-core formation in horse spleen ferritin, are located on H chains; and (4) that these dimers form at ferroxidase centres. The importance of the ferroxidase centre is suggested by the conservation of its ligands in many ferritins from vertebrates, invertebrates and plants. Nevertheless iron-core formation does occur in those ferritins that lack ferroxidase centres even though the initial Fe(II) oxidation is relatively slow. We compare the early stages of core formation in such variants and in horse spleen ferritin in which only 10-15% of its chains are of the H type. We discuss our findings in relation to the physiological role of isoferritins in iron storage processes.  相似文献   

Ferritin cores from human spleen, limpet (Patella vulgata) haemolymph and bacterial (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) cells have been investigated using 57Fe M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The M?ssbauer spectra were recorded over a range of temperatures from 1.3 to 78 K, all the spectra are quadrupole-split doublets with similar quadrupole splittings and isomer shifts, characteristic of iron(III), while at sufficiently low temperatures the spectra of all the samples show well-resolved magnetic splitting. At intermediate temperatures, the spectra from the human ferritin exhibit typical superparamagnetic behaviour, while those from the bacterial ferritin show behaviour corresponding to a transition from a magnetically ordered to a paramagnetic state. The spectra from the limpet ferritin show a complex combination of the two effects. The results are discussed in terms of the magnetic behaviour of small particles. The data are consistent with magnetic ordering temperatures of about 3 and 30 K for the bacterial and limpet ferritin cores, respectively, while the data indicate that the magnetic ordering temperature for the human ferritin cores must be above 50 K. These differences are interpreted as being related to different densities of iron in the cores and to variations in the composition of the cores. The human ferritin cores are observed to have a mean superparamagnetic blocking temperature of about 40 K, while that of the limpet ferritin cores is about 25 K. This difference is interpreted as being due not only to different mean numbers of iron atoms in the two types of core but also to the higher degree of crystallinity in the cores of the human ferritin.  相似文献   

There are major differences in the temperature dependence of the Mössbauer spectra of ferritin and haemosiderin extracted from the organs of humans suffering from transfusional iron overload. Iron overload can also occur in animal systems as a result of artificial treatments or dietary factors. None of the animal systems which were investigated in the present study showed evidence in their Mössbauer spectra for the presence of the haemosiderin found in transfusional iron overload in humans. This suggests that the haemosiderin which occurs in the case of human transfusional iron overload may be specific to that situation.  相似文献   

α-Sarcin, restrictocin, and mitogillin, three antitumor proteins, have been compared in terms of chemical composition as well as secondary and tertiary structure. The amino acid composition of the three polypeptides showed that restrictocin and mitogillin are essentially identical, α-Sarcin is also very similar to the other two proteins, although it lacks one methionine in its amino acid composition. Peptide maps of restrictocin and mitogillin coincide, except that one additional peptide is present in the mitogillin fingerprint. Although the α-sarcin map is different from the other two fingerprints, seven tryptic peptides with identical chromatographic and electrophoretic properties as well as amino acid composition were identified. The secondary and tertiary structures of mitogillin and restrictocin are identical from circular dichroism and difference spectroscopy studies. α-Sarcin has slightly different spectroscopic properties than the other two proteins. From these studies, the three proteins could be considered homologous polypeptides.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer parameters of putidaredoxin and its selenium analog   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Ferritins are ubiquitous iron storage and detoxification proteins distributed throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. Mammalian ferritins oxidize and accumulate iron as a ferrihydrite mineral within a shell-like protein cavity. Iron deposition utilizes both O2 and H2O2 as oxidants for Fe2+ where oxidation can occur either at protein ferroxidase centers or directly on the surface of the growing mineral core. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the nature of the mineral core formed depends on the protein ferroxidase center versus mineral surface mechanism and on H2O2 versus O2 as the oxidant. The data reveal that similar cores are produced in all instances, suggesting that the structure of the core is thermodynamically, not kinetically controlled. Cores averaging 500 Fe/protein shell and diameter  2.6 nm were prepared and exhibited superparamagnetic blocking temperatures of 19 and 22 K for the H2O2 and O2 oxidized samples, respectively. The observed blocking temperatures are consistent with the unexpectedly large effective anisotropy constant Keff = 312 kJ/m3 recently reported for ferrihydrite nanoparticles formed in reverse micelles [E.L. Duarte, R. Itri, E. Lima Jr., M.S. Batista, T.S. Berquó and G.F. Goya, Large Magnetic Anisotropy in ferrihydrite nanoparticles synthesized from reverse micelles, Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 5549–5555.]. All ferritin samples exhibited two magnetic phases present in nearly equal amounts and ascribed to iron spins at the surface and in the interior of the nanoparticle. At 4.2 K, the surface spins exhibit hyperfine fields, Hhf, of 436 and 445 kOe for the H2O2 and O2 samples, respectively. As expected, the spins in the interior of the core exhibit larger Hhf values, i.e. 478 and 486 kOe for the H2O2 and O2 samples, respectively. The slightly smaller hyperfine field distribution DHhf for both surface (78 kOe vs. 92 kOe) and interior spins (45 kOe vs. 54 kOe) of the O2 sample compared to the H2O2 samples implies that the former is somewhat more crystalline.  相似文献   

Recently developed theoretical methods to predict EPR and M?ssbauer parameters open the way for close interactions between theorists and experimentalists to elucidate the geometric and electronic structures of metalloenzymes and model complexes and to obtain insight into their reactive properties. Spectral calculations (g-values, hyperfine couplings, zero-field splittings, isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings) are also a means to validate theoretical approaches and therefore complement the prediction of geometries, reaction energies and transition states.  相似文献   

We have used optical, EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopies to study the formation of heme-NO complex upon the addition of nitrite to reduced cytochrome cd1 from Thiobacillus denitrificans. The reduced d1 heme binds NO under both alkaline and acidic conditions, but the binding of NO to the reduced c heme was strongly pH-dependent. The M?ssbauer data showed unambiguously that at pH 7.6 the c heme does not complex NO, whereas at pH 5.8 approximately half of the reduced c heme binds NO. This observation was confirmed by EPR studies, which showed that the spin concentration of the heme-NO EPR signal increased from 2 spins/molecule at pH 8.0 to approximately 3 spins/molecule at pH 5.8. Optical absorption study also showed strong pH dependence in the binding of NO to the reduced c heme. We have also analyzed the M?ssbauer spectra of the ferrous d1 heme-NO complex using a spin-Hamiltonian formalism. The magnetic hyperfine coupling tensor was found to be consistent with the unpaired electron residing on a sigma orbital.  相似文献   

The origins and meanings of “cladogram” are reviewed. Traditionally, “cladogram” has been defined as a graphical representation of an empirical hypothesis of relationships among taxa, based on evidence from synapomorphies alone. Disturbingly, numerous recent authors treat “cladogram” as synonymous with “dendrogram” and do not appreciate the particular methodological connotations of the former term. This is lamented.  相似文献   

Meslin EM  Garba I 《Human genetics》2011,130(3):451-463
Ethical principles guiding public health and genomic medicine are often at odds: whereas public health practice adopts collectivist principles that emphasize population-based benefits, recent advances in genomic and personalized medicine are grounded in an individualist ethic that privileges informed consent, and the balancing of individual risk and benefit. Indeed, the attraction of personalized medicine is the promise it holds out to help individuals get the “right medicine for the right problem at the right time.” Research biobanks are an effective tool in the genomic medicine toolbox. Biobanking in public health presents a unique case study to unpack some of these issues in more detail. For example, there is a long history of using banked tissue obtained under clinical diagnostic conditions for later public health uses. But despite the collectivist approach of public health, the principles applied to the ethical challenges of biobanking (e.g. informed consent, autonomy, privacy) remain individualist. We demonstrate the value of using human rights as a public health ethics framework to address this tension in biobanking by applying it to two illustrative cases.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of whole cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, grown under different conditions, indicate that the predominant form of iron in the cells varies significantly. These differences are interpreted in terms of differences in the nature of the iron cores of the bacterial ferritin, which result from different growth conditions.  相似文献   

Historically, the role of parasites in ecosystem functioning has been considered trivial because a cursory examination reveals that their relative biomass is low compared with that of other trophic groups. However there is increasing evidence that parasite-mediated effects could be significant: they shape host population dynamics, alter interspecific competition, influence energy flow and appear to be important drivers of biodiversity. Indeed they influence a range of ecosystem functions and have a major effect on the structure of some food webs. Here, we consider the bottom-up and top-down processes of how parasitism influences ecosystem functioning and show that there is evidence that parasites are important for biodiversity and production; thus, we consider a healthy system to be one that is rich in parasite species.  相似文献   

Defining sex roles has been driven by differences in mating systems at the extreme: polygyny and polyandry. Roles may reverse depending on which sex limits the reproductive rate of the other, and it is generally the female that limits the male. Males therefore compete for female mates. But in species in which the male limits the reproductive rate of the female, the female competes for male mates and assumes the masculine role. Complications arise, however, in species with typical roles when males are temporarily limiting, and females then briefly compete for and display to males. Problems also occur among tightly monogamous species with biparental care, where the mates have equal reproductive rates; both males and females compete intrasexually for mates. Despite this, monogamous species have masculine and feminine roles, typically manifested as the male dominating the female. Some monogamous species are nevertheless sex-role reversed. The pervasive behavioral mechanism characterizing the masculine role is dominance through aggression, size, or both. Attending more to behavioral mechanisms will enrich our understanding of sex-role reversal.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra obtained from the terminal dioxygenase protein of the benzene dioxygenase system from Pseudomonas putida show that it contains [2Fe--2S] centres similar to those of the two-iron plant-type ferredoxins. In the oxidized form the two iron atoms within the centre are high-spin ferric but with considerable inequivalence. In the reduced form the centre contains one extra electron, and this is localized on one of the iron atoms, which becomes high-spin ferrous.  相似文献   

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