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The duration of residence, behavior, and thermal experience of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a stratified lagoon-type estuary over a four-year period was determined using acoustic and radio biotelemetry transmitters and archival temperature tags. Results did not support the hypothesis that adult Chinook salmon would hold extensively and migrate slowly through the estuarine lagoon with return trips to the sea and use of the salt wedge for behavioral thermo-osmoregulation in response to high summer water temperatures. Passive tidal transport was not observed as predicted and entry from the sea to the estuarine lagoon occurred during all tidal phases suggesting that conserving energy was not a priority for fish during the estuarine phase of their migration. An unexpected finding was that the persistent pursuit pressure of pinnipeds, especially from California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), appeared to negate the suitability of estuarine lagoon as holding habitat. This finding led to the hypothesis that the risk of pinniped predation was primarily responsible for the brief residence (<24 h on average) and rapid migration (mean 1.2 km/h, 0.42 body lengths/s) of adult Chinook salmon in the estuarine lagoon, especially given its relatively small size (7 km). This hypothesis will be difficult to test without exclusion of pinnipeds. Thermal records of fish that retreated back to the sea after tagging suggested that use of the marine river plume could be important for osmotic adaption to allow rapid migration through estuaries, which often contain concentrations of predators anticipating the return of migrating salmon. Alternatively, use of the marine river plume could have occurred independent of predators. Fish retreating back to the sea should be considered a tagging effect as downstream movement commonly occurs when adult salmonids are released after tagging. There was no evidence of any other tagging effects or biased behavior by fish tagged in this study. Regardless of the reasons, the successful migration of fish that held for weeks in the sea after tagging indicates that there could be considerable flexibility in the river entry timing of some salmon stocks. Tagging adult salmonids in the sea as they approach their natal rivers is ideal but the associated logistical challenges and expense make tagging fish immediately upon entrance to river mouths the next best option when possible.  相似文献   

The proportion of mature male parr in 11 families of Atlantic salmon, Sulrno sulur, reared under similar conditions in fresh water varied from 0–43%. The mature males were smaller than their siblings in December as 1 + and in late March. After individual tagging and transfer to a sea cage in early April. the previously mature males grew faster than previously immature salmon during the next 6 months. This compensatory growth resulted in almost equal size between the two groups. The results are discussed in relation to the different life strategies of salmon.  相似文献   

We examined the inheritance of the sea migration pattern of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in a crossing and tagging experiment in the Baltic Sea. Individuals from the parental stocks, Neva and Iijoki, and their reciprocal hybrids were released as 2-year-old smolts, into the same estuary of the Bothnian Sea in 1994. Two thousand smolts from each of the four groups were marked with Carlin tags. The recapture rate of the tags was nearly 10%. We used log-linear models to analyse the marine distribution of the salmon groups from the tag recovery data. The pure stocks and their pooled hybrid groups all showed statistically significant differences between each other in spatial and temporal sea distribution. The Iijoki salmon were more frequently (9%) caught outside the Bothnian Sea than were the Neva salmon (2%). The majority of the Iijoki salmon (55%), but fewer Neva salmon (40%), were caught in the second sea year. In spatial distribution, the hybrids seemed to be intermediate between the parental stocks, with no differences between reciprocal female and male lines. In duration of sea migration and age at maturity, however, the hybrids were very similar to their maternal line, the effect of which was thus clearly stronger than that of the paternal line. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The recapture rate of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after river ascent was examined by the trapping and tagging of ascending spawners in the lower reaches of the Simojoki River, which flows into the northern Baltic Sea. In 1997 and 1998, altogether 825 Carlin‐tagged salmon were released to continue their upstream migration. Of these, 800 could be sexed and categorized as reared (91%) or wild (9%) salmon. In 1997, most of the ascending salmon were multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) fish, whereas in 1998 almost all were one‐sea‐winter (1SW) male grilse due to the late trapping season. About 10% of all tagged fish were recaptured, two‐thirds of which were caught in the river before their descent to the sea. There was no difference in the recapture rate between salmon of wild (8.5%) or reared (9.5%) origin, or between females (11.6%) and males (9.3%). Generalized linear models for data from 1997 showed that the recapture rate increased with length and age of females, but that the opposite was true for males. River fishing did not seem to remove proportionally more early ascending salmon than fish that ascended later.  相似文献   

This paper synthesizes tagging studies to highlight the current state of knowledge concerning the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids in the marine environment. Scientific literature was reviewed to quantify the number and type of studies that have investigated behaviour and survival of anadromous forms of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii). We examined three categories of tags including electronic (e.g. acoustic, radio, archival), passive (e.g. external marks, Carlin, coded wire, passive integrated transponder [PIT]), and biological (e.g. otolith, genetic, scale, parasites). Based on 207 papers, survival rates and behaviour in marine environments were found to be extremely variable spatially and temporally, with some of the most influential factors being temperature, population, physiological state, and fish size. Salmonids at all life stages were consistently found to swim at an average speed of approximately one body length per second, which likely corresponds with the speed at which transport costs are minimal. We found that there is relatively little research conducted on open-ocean migrating salmonids, and some species (e.g. masu [O. masou] and amago [O. rhodurus]) are underrepresented in the literature. The most common forms of tagging used across life stages were various forms of external tags, coded wire tags, and acoustic tags, however, the majority of studies did not measure tagging/handling effects on the fish, tag loss/failure, or tag detection probabilities when estimating survival. Through the interdisciplinary application of existing and novel technologies, future research examining the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids could incorporate important drivers such as oceanography, tagging/handling effects, predation, and physiology.  相似文献   

The recapture rate and survival of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar stocked as 1 year‐old parr (semi‐wild) with that of hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon stocked as 2 year‐old smolts and wild smolts of Atlantic salmon in the northern Baltic Sea were compared. This was done through tagging experiments carried out in 1986–1988 and 1992. The recapture rate of the semi‐wild groups varied from 1·0 to 13·1%, being similar in 3 tagging years and lower in 1 year than that of the wild groups (1·7–17·0%). The recapture rate of the semi‐wild groups was similar (in 2 years) or higher (in 2 years) than that of the hatchery‐reared groups stocked as smolts (1·3–6·3%). The survival of semi‐wild smolts during the sea migration was as high as that of wild Atlantic salmon of an equal size and two to three times higher than hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon stocked as smolts. The survival rate was positively associated with smolt size. The suitability of hatchery‐reared parr and smolts in the management of reduced Atlantic salmon stocks is compared.  相似文献   

In this study, we observed the behavior of two age groups of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), i.e., yearlings, which often become bycaught and individuals 2 yr or older, during their stays at salmon set nets at Cape Erimo, Japan. From July to November 2011–2015, acoustic receivers that track tagging seals were attached to three set nets located near the haul‐out site. Our observations showed that the mean visit interval and the mean stay of seals at the set nets during fishing operations were significantly higher than before operations. A cluster analysis, where Cluster 1 consisted of seals that spent a long time at the set nets and Cluster 2 consisted of the other seals, showed that seals in Cluster 1 visited the set nets every day, while Cluster 2 seals visited once every 3–5 d. In addition, age 2 + seals in Cluster 1 stayed longer at regular time frames (at night), suggesting that individuals of this age group in Cluster 1 are highly dependent on the salmon set nets as foraging sites at night. It is especially clear that the set nets near the haul‐out site have influenced the foraging ecology of some seals.  相似文献   



Anadromous migratory fish species such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have significant economic, cultural and ecological importance, but present a complex case for management and conservation due to the range of their migration. Atlantic salmon exist in rivers across the North Atlantic, returning to their river of birth with a high degree of accuracy; however, despite continuing efforts and improvements in in-river conservation, they are in steep decline across their range. Salmon from rivers across Europe migrate along similar routes, where they have, historically, been subject to commercial netting. This mixed stock exploitation has the potential to devastate weak and declining populations where they are exploited indiscriminately. Despite various tagging and marking studies, the effect of marine exploitation and the marine element of the salmon lifecycle in general, remain the "black-box" of salmon management. In a number of Pacific salmonid species and in several regions within the range of the Atlantic salmon, genetic stock identification and mixed stock analysis have been used successfully to quantify exploitation rates and identify the natal origins of fish outside their home waters - to date this has not been attempted for Atlantic salmon in the south of their European range.


To facilitate mixed stock analysis (MSA) of Atlantic salmon, we have produced a baseline of genetic data for salmon populations originating from the largest rivers from Spain to northern Scotland, a region in which declines have been particularly marked. Using 12 microsatellites, 3,730 individual fish from 57 river catchments have been genotyped. Detailed patterns of population genetic diversity of Atlantic salmon at a sub-continent-wide level have been evaluated, demonstrating the existence of regional genetic signatures. Critically, these appear to be independent of more commonly recognised terrestrial biogeographical and political boundaries, allowing reporting regions to be defined. The implications of these results on the accuracy of MSA are evaluated and indicate that the success of MSA is not uniform across the range studied; our findings indicate large differences in the relative accuracy of stock composition estimates and MSA apportioning across the geographical range of the study, with a much higher degree of accuracy achieved when assigning and apportioning to populations in the south of the area studied. This result probably reflects the more genetically distinct nature of populations in the database from Spain, northwest France and southern England. Genetic stock identification has been undertaken and validation of the baseline microsatellite dataset with rod-and-line and estuary net fisheries of known origin has produced realistic estimates of stock composition at a regional scale.


This southern European database and supporting phylogeographic and mixed-stock analyses of net samples provide a unique tool for Atlantic salmon research and management, in both their natal rivers and the marine environment. However, the success of MSA is not uniform across the area studied, with large differences in the relative accuracy of stock composition estimates and MSA apportioning, with a much higher degree of accuracy achieved when assigning and apportioning to populations in the south of the region. More broadly, this study provides a basis for long-term salmon management across the region and confirms the value of this genetic approach for fisheries management of anadromous species.  相似文献   

One hundred and nine returning adult salmon were radio-tagged in the estuary of the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland between February and August 1985 to 1989 and the times when 62 fish entered the river were recorded. Elapsed times between tagging and river entry were significantly greater during periods of lower than average river flows in all months where there were sufficient data to allow statistical comparison. The degree of association between river entry and particular levels of river discharge rate varied seasonally. The proportion of days associated with river entry declined at the lower end of the range of flows available to tagged fish in the summer months. Absolute levels of river discharge played a significant role in modifying the response of salmon to changing flows. During periods of lower than average seasonal flow, river entry was closely associated with days when flow had increased since the previous day. During periods of higher than average flow, river entry was not significantly associated with such periods of increased flow. The results suggest that models which relate river entry by salmon to absolute discharge rates alone are unlikely to be generally reliable.  相似文献   

In salmonid parentage‐based tagging (PBT) applications, entire hatchery broodstocks are genotyped, and subsequently, progeny can be nonlethally sampled and assigned back to their parents using parentage analysis, thus identifying their hatchery of origin and brood year (i.e., age). Inter‐ and intrapopulation variability in migration patterns, life history traits, and fishery contributions can be determined from PBT analysis of samples derived from both fisheries and escapements (portion of a salmon population that does not get caught in fisheries and returns to its natal river to spawn). In the current study of southern British Columbia coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations, PBT analysis provided novel information on intrapopulation heterogeneity among males in the total number of progeny identified in fisheries and escapements, the proportion of progeny sampled from fisheries versus escapement, the proportion of two‐year‐old progeny (jacks) produced, and the within‐season return time of progeny. Fishery recoveries of coho salmon revealed heterogeneity in migration patterns among and within populations, with recoveries from north and central coast fisheries distinguishing “northern migrating” from “resident” populations. In northern migrating populations, the mean distance between fishery captures of sibs (brothers and sisters) was significantly less than the mean distance between nonsibs, indicating the possible presence of intrapopulation genetic heterogeneity for migration pattern. Variation among populations in productivity and within populations in fish catchability indicated that population selection and broodstock management can be implemented to optimize harvest benefits from hatcheries. Application of PBT provided valuable information for assessment and management of hatchery‐origin coho salmon in British Columbia.  相似文献   

Some Pacific salmon populations have been experiencing increasingly warmer river temperatures during their once-in-a-lifetime spawning migration, which has been associated with en route and prespawn mortality. The mechanisms underlying such temperature-mediated mortality are poorly understood. Wild adult pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) salmon were used in this study. The objectives were to investigate the effects of elevated water temperature on mortality, final maturation, and blood properties under controlled conditions that simulated a "cool" (13°C) and "warm" (19°C) freshwater spawning migration. After 10 d at 13°C, observed mortality was 50%-80% in all groups, which suggested that there was likely some mortality associated with handling and confinement. Observed mortality after 10 d at 19°C was higher, reaching ≥98% in male pink salmon and female pink and sockeye salmon. Thus, male sockeye salmon were the most thermally tolerant (54% observed mortality). Model selection supported the temperature- and sex-specific mortality patterns. The pink salmon were closer to reproductive maturation and farther along the senescence trajectory than sockeye salmon, which likely influenced their survival and physiological responses throughout the experiment. Females of both species held at 19°C had reduced plasma sex steroids compared with those held at 13°C, and female pink salmon were less likely to become fully mature at 19° than at 13°C. Male and female sockeye salmon held at 19°C had higher plasma chloride and osmolality than those held at 13°C, indicative of a thermally related stress response. These findings suggest that sex differences and proximity to reproductive maturity must be considered when predicting thermal tolerance and the magnitude of en route and prespawn mortality for Pacific salmon.  相似文献   

For Pacific salmon, the key fisheries management goal in British Columbia (BC) is to maintain and restore healthy and diverse Pacific salmon populations, making conservation of salmon biodiversity the highest priority for resource management decision‐making. Salmon status assessments are often conducted on coded‐wire‐tagged subsets of indicator populations based on assumptions of little differentiation within or among proximal populations. In the current study of southern BC coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations, parentage‐based tagging (PBT) analysis provided novel information on migration and life‐history patterns to test the assumptions of biological homogeneity over limited (generally < 100 km) geographic distances and, potentially, to inform management of fisheries and hatchery broodstocks. Heterogeneity for location and timing of fishery captures, family productivity, and exploitation rate was observed over small geographic scales, within regions that are, or might be expected to be, within the area encompassed by a single‐tagged indicator population. These results provide little support for the suggestion that information gained from tagged indicator populations is representative of marine distribution, productivity, and exploitation patterns of proximal populations.  相似文献   

Histopathological studies were carried out on the pathogenesis of the lesion induced by the insertion of a light plastic identification tag, in salmon parr on the river North Esk, Scotland. The experiments were carried out at mean water temperature of 127deg;C, 8°C and 4°C. The inflammatory response was similar at each temperature, but the rate of its development was markedly inhibited at 4°C. The qualitative response at the lower temperature was also slightly different in that polymorphonuclear leukocytes appeared to play a slightly more dominant role and the connective tissue response, which in all cases outweighed myofibrillar regeneration was more cellular at that temperature. The tagging lesion provides a very suitable model for the study of short and long term inflammation in salmonids and studies on the modification of these defensive mechanisms by temperature.  相似文献   

Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) are more resistant to experimental infection with the glochidia of the freshwater mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) than are chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Histological sections made at intervals during the infection showed that coho salmon sloughed the parasites from their gills by 4.5 days postinfection, but the parasites remained encysted in the gills of chinook salmon for 12 weeks, when metamorphosis to juvenile mussels was complete. Coho salmon sloughed the parasites by a well-developed hyperplasia. No such pronounced hyperplastic reaction was seen in the gills of chinook salmon.  相似文献   

Remote tissue biopsy sampling and satellite tagging are becoming widely used in large marine vertebrate studies because they allow the collection of a diverse suite of otherwise difficult-to-obtain data which are critical in understanding the ecology of these species and to their conservation and management. Researchers must carefully consider their methods not only from an animal welfare perspective, but also to ensure the scientific rigour and validity of their results. We report methods for shore-based, remote biopsy sampling and satellite tagging of killer whales Orcinus orca at Subantarctic Marion Island. The performance of these methods is critically assessed using 1) the attachment duration of low-impact minimally percutaneous satellite tags; 2) the immediate behavioural reactions of animals to biopsy sampling and satellite tagging; 3) the effect of researcher experience on biopsy sampling and satellite tagging; and 4) the mid- (1 month) and long- (24 month) term behavioural consequences. To study mid- and long-term behavioural changes we used multievent capture-recapture models that accommodate imperfect detection and individual heterogeneity. We made 72 biopsy sampling attempts (resulting in 32 tissue samples) and 37 satellite tagging attempts (deploying 19 tags). Biopsy sampling success rates were low (43%), but tagging rates were high with improved tag designs (86%). The improved tags remained attached for 26±14 days (mean ± SD). Individuals most often showed no reaction when attempts missed (66%) and a slight reaction–defined as a slight flinch, slight shake, short acceleration, or immediate dive–when hit (54%). Severe immediate reactions were never observed. Hit or miss and age-sex class were important predictors of the reaction, but the method (tag or biopsy) was unimportant. Multievent trap-dependence modelling revealed considerable variation in individual sighting patterns; however, there were no significant mid- or long-term changes following biopsy sampling or tagging.  相似文献   

The experiment was made in an attempt to modify the usual relationship in which young trout grow faster than young salmon in streams in which they occur together. A stretch of a trout stream was stocked with advanced salmon eggs, which produced fry earlier than the trout eggs laid naturally. The salmon grew faster than the trout and were longer than the trout at the end of the growing season. The mean length of 77.7 mm attained by the salmon is the largest known size reached by salmon in their first year when feeding on natural food supplies in streams in Scotland. Survival rate from egg planting to production of salmon of this mean length was high.  相似文献   

Gwo JC  Ohta H  Okuzawa K  Wu HC 《Theriogenology》1999,51(3):569-582
The Formosan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) are at a high risk of extinction, and the sustained maintenance of the population will soon depend on aquaculture systems, which use cryopreservation of spermatozoa to increase genetic diversity. We investigated the effectiveness of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), dimethyl-acetamide (DMA), and methanol as cryoprotectants in combination with 300 mM glucose as extender on the freezing of Formosan landlocked salmon spermatozoa. We also evaluated the morphological changes of Formosan landlocked salmon spermatozoa after their immediate dilution in the 300 mM glucose-DMSO extender and after freeze-thawing. The spermatozoa frozen with DMSO as a cryoprotectant showed significantly higher post-thaw motility and fertility than spermatozoa frozen with DMA or methanol. The fertilization capacity of frozen-thawed Formosan landlocked salmon was comparable to that of fresh spermatozoa. Intersubspecies fertilization trials between cryopreserved Formosan landlocked salmon spermatozoa and Amago salmon eggs showed high fertilization rates. Based on the findings, the potential value of using sperm bank to safeguard this endangered species is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the efficacy of the process for capture and upstream relocation of 26 adult spring-run Chinook salmon in Butte Creek, California in 2009. These fish had ceased volitional upstream migration prior to reaching their summer holding habitat. The purpose of the relocation was to move fish upstream of two water diversion dams and release them in a part of the stream from which they could presumably swim to cool summer holding habitat, then spawn in the fall. Fish were netted, transported by truck, given an esophageal radio tag/temperature tag, and released. Radio tagging proved to be a useful technique for determining the survival and movement of relocated fish and temperature tags provide useful information to determine thermal exposure and time of death. Twenty-three tags (88 %) were recovered, compared with a 10 % tag recovery rate for an earlier study using fin clips. Most tags were recovered within 3.5 km upstream and 1 km downstream of the release site. A single tag was recovered 6 km upstream. No fish were determined to have survived to spawn. Temperature tag data indicate that most of the salmon died within 2–6 days after the relocation operation. After preventative measures have been exhausted, future relocations efforts, in any setting, should consider (1) intervention as soon as fish cease volitional migration but before they are exposed to further deleterious conditions (2) monitoring environmental conditions to choose appropriate release sites (3) evaluation of disease transmission risk, and (4) handling practices that minimize potential stress due to air immersion and thermal shock.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon return to spawn in thousands of streams across the Pacific Rim, from large rivers to tiny headwater streams. Once on the spawning grounds, salmon undergo dramatic biochemical changes as they metabolize stored lipid and protein reserves; at stream entrance, they will contain up to 85% more lipid and 40% more protein than at their senescent death a week or two later. Foraging brown and black bears that congregate at spawning streams thus encounter salmon that vary dramatically in their energy content and thus energetic reward. We hypothesized that bears would selectively kill salmon that are highest in energy content (fewest number of days on the spawning grounds) when they pursue salmon at small shallow streams where little effort is necessary to capture salmon, i.e. habitats that facilitate choice. In contrast, bears in environments where foraging is difficult (deeper, more complex streams) should be less selective and should capture salmon that are most available. We tested these ideas by examining predation rates on fish of different in-stream ages (i.e. energy content) at three different streams that varied in physical habitat attributes. At a very shallow, simple stream, bears preferentially killed salmon that had spent the fewest days in the stream. At two streams where deeper water and woody debris provided refuges for salmon, predation rates increased with in-stream age. At the shallowest streams encounter rates and capture success are likely equal among the high- and low-energy salmon and thus predation rates reflect active choice by bears. In contrast capture success probably increases on the older salmon at the larger streams (due to a loss of vigor), and thus 'preference' for these fish increases due to decreasing effort necessary to capture them.  相似文献   

SsrA is a tmRNA involved in tagging polypeptides on stalled ribosomes. The resulting fusion proteins are then degraded. We purified endogenous SsrA-tagged proteins by means of a genetically engineered SsrA and identified some of them. Analysis of the proteins suggested that they are tagged at their C-terminal extremities. One of them, ribokinase, is expressed from a messenger with a poorly efficient stop codon, leading to translational recoding events. A change in the ribokinase coding sequence from a weak to a strong translational stop sequence (UGAc to UAAu) annihilated SsrA tagging. Translational termination by UGA recruits the translational release factor (RF) 2. We observed that SsrA tagging of ribokinase was inversely correlated with RF2 activity, revealing a dynamic competition between translational termination and SsrA tagging.  相似文献   

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