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The metaphase arrest technique was used to determine the rate at which cells divide in the Peyer's patches (PP) and the thymus of 5 to 8 wk old lambs. The metaphase indices of these tissues were determined by analyzing cell suspensions of tissues taken before and 1, 2, 3, and 4 hr after metaphase arrest was initiated with i.v. vincristine. The metaphase indices increased in both tissues at a linear rate, which provided an estimate of the rate at which cells entered mitosis and of the lymphocyte birth rate. The ileal PP had the highest lymphocyte birth rate, 2.8% of the lymphocytes entered mitosis each hour; the rate was lower in jejunal PP (1.0%/hr) and thymus (0.5%/hr). With these values and estimates of the lymphocyte content in all PP (1.45 X 10(11)) and in the thymus (1.71 X 10(11)), it was calculated that the hourly lymphocyte production by PP in a lamb was 3.61 X 10(9) cells, which is four to five times greater than for the thymus (0.82 X 10(9)). Lymphocyte production in PP could then be compared with the number of lymphocytes that emigrated from the small intestine. Newly produced cells leave PP via the intestinal lymph, which could be collected from the entire small intestine after removal of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Cells entered the lymph at a rate of 0.8 X 10(9)/hr, but the output fell rapidly during chronic lymphatic drainage, a procedure known to deplete long-lived recirculating cells. It was concluded that most of the cells in intestinal lymph were recirculating cells, and newly formed lymphocytes produced in PP probably account for less than 25% of the total or 0.2 X 10(9)/hr. It seems unlikely that emigration could occur at a rate comparable with the rate of production in the PP. At most, only 5% of the PP cells seemed destined to leave their site of production, and it is proposed that most die within the PP follicles. The high mortality rate associated with the production of large numbers of B lymphocytes in lamb PP seems likely to have a significant impact on the nature of the contribution that these tissues make to the immune system.  相似文献   

Summary Carbonic anhydrase cytochemistry of the ileal Peyer's patch in foetal and neonatal lambs has indicated secretion from the follicle-associated epithelium to the follicles. Reaction for carbonic anhydrase in the follicle-associated epithelium was found in the luminal plasma membrane, in cytoplasmic vesicles, and in vacuoles containing 50-nm membrane-bounded particles that seemed to be shed to the intercellular space. The lateral plasma membrane was negative for carbonic anhydrase, indicating that formation of carbonic anhydrase-positive particles was restricted to vacuoles. Administration of ferritin to ileal loops of sheep foetuses showed ferritin localized in vesicles and vacuoles of the follicle-associated epithelium followed by exocytosis, together with carbonic anhydrase-positive particles, into the indentations of the lateral cell border. The carbonic anhydrase-positive particles seemed to be transported to the centres of lymphoid follicles where many were attached to the plasma membrane of lymphocytes. Carbonic anhydrase-positive particles were also seen in vesicles and sometimes free in the cytoplasm of the lymphocytes or attached to their nuclear envelope. Light microscopically, carbonic anhydrase reactivity of the follicle-associated epithelium was associated with the early formation of the ileal Peyer's patch at about 100 days gestation. At this time the follicle-associated epithelium showed a strong luminal but at most a week lateral staining. With further foetal development there was a progressive increase in the amount of carbonic anhydrase-positive reaction product in extracellular particles, both along the lateral cell borders of the follicle-associated epithelium and among the lymphocytes of the follicle centres.  相似文献   

T H Ermak  R L Owen 《Histochemistry》1987,87(4):321-325
The distribution and phenotype of T (Thy-1.2+) cells was examined in Peyer's patches of 8 and 16 week old athymic mice by peroxidase and two-color-fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Despite the generally recognized T cell deficiency of nude mice, some T cells consistently occurred in Peyer's patch domes in all mice. However, many Thy-1.2+ lymphocytes lacked cell surface markers for either helper T cells (L3T4) or cytotoxic/suppressor T cells (Lyt-2), indicating that these cells may be an immature subset of T cells. These cells may represent a population of resident T cell precursors delayed in maturation or T cells newly immigrated to Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and phenotype of T (Thy-1.2) cells was examined in Peyer's patches of 8 and 16 week old athymic mice by peroxidase and two-color-fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Despite the generally recognized T cell deficiency of nude mice, some T cells consistently occurred in Peyer's patch domes in all mice. However, many Thy-1.2+ lymphocytes lacked cell surface markers for either helper T cells (L3T4) or cytotoxic/suppressor T cells (Lyt-2), indicating that these cells may be an immature subset of T cells. These cells may represent a population of resident T cell precursors delayed in maturation or T cells newly immigrated to Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

The mucosal immune system plays an important role in blocking the penetration of invasive organisms into various mucosal surfaces. Evidence now suggests neuroendocrine peptide hormones have immunomodulatory properties, including the ability to alter mucosal immunity. The potential for opioid compounds and corticotropic hormone (ACTH) to modulate mucosal immune function was investigated. We have found beta-endorphin, ACTH, and naltrindole (delta-class opioid receptor antagonist) to significantly suppress concanavalin A-stimulated Peyer's patch lymphocyte immunoglobulin production of IgA, IgG, and IgM isotypes. Oxymorphindole, a delta class opioid receptor agonist, significantly decreased IgM but not IgA or IgG production by the mitogen-stimulated Peyer's patch lymphocytes. Both oxymorphindole and naltrindole modestly reduced interleukin-2 receptor expression of concanavalin A- (Con A)-stimulated splenic and Peyer's patch lymphocytes. Neither compound appreciably affected immunoglobulin production by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated Peyer's patch lymphocytes. Collectively, these results indicate stress-related peptides such as ACTH and opioids may be involved in the regulation of immunoglobulin synthesis by Peyer's patch lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Thy-1- T cells expressing CD4 and the alpha beta-TCR have been identified in murine lymphoid tissues. These cells are particularly prevalent in Peyer's patches (PP), representing 17 +/- 3% of PP CD4 T cells, whereas they are much less prevalent in spleen, lymph nodes, lamina propria, or peritoneum. Phenotypic studies of fresh-isolated PP T cells demonstrate that all PP CD4 T cells (both Thy-1- and Thy-1+) express CD3, alpha beta-TCR, and CD5 (Lyt-1), whereas none coexpress CD8 (Lyt-2). Thy-1- and Thy-1+ CD4 T cell lines generated from PP also coexpress CD3 and alpha beta-TCR, but are heterogeneous in expression of CD5 and again do not coexpress CD8. Further studies revealed that Thy-1- CD4+ T cells were not present in nude mice. Short term stimulation of Thy-1+ CD4+ PP T cells with anti-CD3 resulted in loss of Thy-1 in a substantial fraction of these cells. Functional studies of Thy-1- and Thy-1+ CD4+ PP T cells indicate that fresh-isolated Thy-1- CD4+ cells do not proliferate in response to insoluble anti-CD3 but do proliferate when stimulated with soluble anti-CD3 in the presence of feeder cells. In contrast, Thy-1+ CD4+ cells proliferate well to both stimuli. However, Thy-1- CD4+ PP T cells adapted to in vitro culture exhibit vigorous proliferative responses when stimulated with either form of anti-CD3. Evaluation of lymphokine secretion by fresh-isolated Thy-1- and Thy-1+ CD4+ PP T cells revealed that both make substantial amounts of IL-2; however, Thy-1- T cells made less IL-4 than their Thy-1+ counterparts. Neither population made IL-5 or IFN-gamma. Similarly, Thy-1- and Thy-1+ CD4 T cell lines made similar amounts of IL-2; again Thy-1- T cells made less IL-4; and in this case Thy-1- T cells made IL-5 albeit significantly less than the Thy-1+ cells. Finally, immunohistochemical studies suggested that many of the CD4+ T cells in PP germinal centers were Thy-1-, indicating that Thy-1- and Thy-1+ CD4 T cells differ in their distribution within the PP. These studies thus define a phenotypically and functionally distinct T cell population which is most prevalent in murine Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

Peyer's patches (PPs) are lined by follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) with Ag-transporting M cells. To investigate the spatial relationships of B cells, T cells, and dendritic cells (DCs) in PPs during microbial colonization, their in situ redistribution was examined in germfree (GF) rats exposed to a conventional pathogen-free microflora (conventionalized, CV). Although occasional B and T cells occurred in the FAE of GF rats, it contained mainly immature DCs (CD4(+)CD86(-)), whereas mature DCs (CD86(high)) were seen in the interfollicular zones even under GF conditions. In CV rats, DCs had disappeared from the FAE, which instead contained clusters by B and T cells associated with induction of putative M cell pockets. CD86 was seen neither in the FAE nor in the follicles under GF conditions, but it became apparent on intraepithelial B cells 5 wk after colonization. The level of CD86 on these B cells was comparable to that on germinal center B cells, although the B cell follicles did not show direct contact with the M cell areas. B cells in the follicular mantles acquired Bcl-2 after 12 wk in CV rats, whereas B cells in the FAE did not express Bcl-2 at a substantial level throughout the experimental period. The cellular redistribution patterns and phenotypic characteristics observed after colonization suggested that immature DCs, but not B cells, are involved in Ag presentation during primary immune responses against intestinal bacteria. However, the spatial cellular relationships sequentially being established among DCs, B cells, and T cells in PPs, are most likely important for the induction of post-germinal center B cells subsequently residing within the M cell pockets.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that mouse spleen and thymus cells in short term culture release an hitherto undescribed complement inhibitor that prevents the activation of C2. Here it is shown that the inhibitor is released by B lymphocytes and may be produced by lymphocytes. Release of the inhibitor takes place at 37 °C and in the presence of metabolic inhibitors, but not at 4 °C. Thus the release of the inhibitor could be related to the shedding of structures located on the lymphocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the livers of sheep and rats were shown to oxidize palmitate, oleate and linoleate in a tightly coupled manner, by monitoring the oxygen consumption associated with the degradation of these acids in the presence of 2mM-L-malate. Rat liver mitochondria oxidized linoleate and oleate at a rate 1.2-1.8 times that of palmitate. Sheep liver mitochondria had a specific activity for the oxidation of palmitate that was 50-80% of that of rats and a specific activity for the oxidation of oleate and linoleate that was 30-40% that of rats. This would indicate that sheep conserved linoleate by limiting its oxidation. Carnitine acyltransferase I (CAT I) actively esterified palmitoyl-CoA and linoleate to carnitine in both rat and sheep liver mitochondria, and in both cases the rate for linoleate was faster than for palmitate. The CAT I reaction in both rat and sheep liver was inhibited by micromolar amounts of malonyl-CoA. With 90 microM-palmitoyl-CoA as substrate, CAT I was inhibited by 50% with 2.5 microM-malonyl-CoA in rats, and in sheep, 50% inhibition was found with all malonyl-CoA concentrations tested (1-5 microM). With 90 microM-linoleate as substrate for CAT I, a much larger difference in response to malonyl-CoA was seen, the rat enzyme being 50% inhibited at 22 microM-malonyl-CoA, whereas sheep liver CAT I was 91% and 98% inhibited at 1 microM- and 5 microM-malonyl-CoA respectively. We propose that malonyl-CoA may act as an important regulator of beta-oxidation in sheep, discriminating against the use of linoleate as an energy-yielding substrate.  相似文献   

Mechanisms regulating the appearance of sIgE+ B lymphocytes appear to be lacking in adult germfree (GF) rats in that their Peyer's patches (PP) contain high numbers of cells with sIgE (approximately 15% of total cells), one-half of which simultaneously express sIgA, whereas sIgE+ cells are absent from PP of conventional rats (less than 1%). GF rat PP also contain elevated numbers of sIgA+ cells and decreased numbers of sIgM+ cells, with elevated numbers of sThy-1+ RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells, and reduced numbers of sThy-1- RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells. The cellular composition of PP of GF rats was converted to that resembling a conventional rat within 18 h after either 1) use of standard (unautoclaved) food; 2) feeding with certain bacteria (Clostridium difficile, Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae), in either live or heat-killed, but not autoclaved form; or with certain bacterial cell wall components: murein (peptidoglycan), and its synthetic derivatives, muramyltripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine and desmethyl-muramyldipeptide, but not with LPS, core lipid A or lipoprotein; there was no effect if any bacterial cell wall component was injected i.v.; or 3) thymectomy. Each procedure resulted in elimination of sIgE+ B cells and normalization of the other surface isotypes, and loss of sThy-1+ RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells and normalization of sThy-1- RT 7.1+ Ig- T cells. Irrespective of treatment, no sIgE+ cells were detected in bone marrow, thymus, other lymphoid organs or blood, excluding the possibility that the elimination of these cells from PP was associated with their redistribution to other sites. Thus, exposure to gut flora and bacterial peptidoglycan components may have resulted in IgE isotype switching, either directly or through the mediation of accessory and/or sThy-1+ RT 7.1+ regulatory T cells. The sites in which sIgE+ B cells are down-regulated appear to be PP.  相似文献   

Several fractions of RNA prepared from the post-ribosomal cytosol of sheep lymphoid cells were found to include messenger-like RNA as defined by the following criteria: a, template activity, i.e. the ability to promote the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into protein in cell-free protein-synthesising systems derived from wheat embryos or ascites tumour cells; b, a low magnesium optimum (1-2.5 mM) for template activity which is characteristic of many natural mRNAs; c, sensitivity of the template response to aurintricarboxylic acid, a specific inhibitor of the initiation of protein synthesis. The lymphoid post-ribosomal RNA fractions, however, were translated less efficiently than were rabbit reticulocyte globin mRNA or tobacco mosaic viral (TMV) RNA; no explanation for this relatively poor template activity was found. The major fraction of messenger-like RNA had an average sedimentation coefficient of 12 S; this fraction directed the translation of several discrete polypeptides in the molecular weight range 10 000-25 000. On average the products of 12 S RNA-directed protein synthesis appeared lysine rich compared with TMV RNA-directed products. It is suggested that the apparent pool of uncommitted mRNA in resting lymphocytes may be utilised during the early stages of lymphocyte activation, and that the mRNAs could be stored in forms similar to those evident in other dormant tissues.  相似文献   

The sexual apparatus was studied in 100 adult axolotls (Siredon mexicanum) for 13 different spawnings. The ages of the animals varied between two and six years. Additional material from Indiana University was also studied. Altogether there were 55 female and 52 male adult axolotls represented. The purpose of the study was to investigate the limits of the variations occurring in normal axolotls and to compare the incidences of variations and developmental abnormalities in adult animals of both sexes at various ages and belonging to different strains. Among the 13 spawnings examined, five strains were completely normal in 100% of the animals, but the remaining eight strains all included abnormal animals. The incidence of abnormal animals in some of these latter strains was 40% or even 50%. Since all of the animals were under the same conditions, the variability and the occurrence of developmental abnormalities most likely depended upon hereditary factors. Among 55 females, only seven (12.7%) were abnormal; only four of these had developmental abnormalities, and only one was hermaphrodite. Among 45 males from the author's axolotl colony, 16 (28%) were abnormal. Of these latter, six had no sex cells or very few; this variation must be regarded as a developmental abnormality. All of these malformations resulted from major degeneration processes and abnormal morphogenesis. Arrested development was also observed in many males. Spermatozoa were completely absent from the testes of eight animals. In the additional material from Indiana University (testes from 7 males), there was also one completely abnormal testis with major degeneration processes and complete absence of sex cells. It is evident that variability and the incidence of developmental abnormalities in the sexual apparatus in adult axolotls of some strains are very great.  相似文献   

Rats given 10(10) sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) orally were found to contain specific suppressor cells to SRBC in their Peyer's patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) after 2 days of feeding. After 4 days of feeding, similar suppressor cells were found in the thymus and spleen, but they were missing in the PP or MLN. These suppressor cells effectively blocked IgM and IgG plaque-forming cell responses to SRBC in Mishell-Dutton cultures and delayed-type-hypersensitivity responses to SRBC when transferred to syngeneic recipients, but they did not affect responses to horse erythrocytes. The orally induced specific suppressor cells appeared to be T2 cells since their activity was eliminated by in vivo treatment of SRBC-fed rats with anti-rat lymphocyte serum but not by adult thymectomy. Because carrageenan partially relieved the suppression observed in culture, the actual suppressive mechanism may also involve a macrophage.  相似文献   

We consider haploid and dioecious age-structured populations that vary over time in cycles of length k. Results are obtained for both autosomal and sex-linked loci if the population is dioecious. It is assumed that k is small in comparison with numbers of haploid individuals (or of numbers of males and females) in any generation of a cycle. The inbreeding effective population size N(e) is then approximately given by the expression [T summation operator (k-1)(j=0)1/[N(e)(j)T(j)]](-1), where N(e)(j) and T(j) are, respectively, the effective population size and generation interval that would hold if the population was at all times generated in the same way as at time j. The constant T, which is the effective overall generation interval, is defined to be k times the harmonic mean of the quantities T(j). Our expressions for T and N(e), in terms of N(e)(j) and T(j), are general, but the N(e)(j)s are derived under the assumption that offspring are produced according to Poisson distributions.  相似文献   

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