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Secondary structure analysis of adenovirus tripartite leader   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RNA secondary structure analysis was performed to understand the translation function of the adenovirus tripartite leader, a 200-nucleotide 5' noncoding region found on all late viral mRNAs. The tripartite leader facilitates the translation of viral mRNAs at late but not early times after infection and eliminates the normal requirement for the eukaryotic initiation factor 4F or cap binding protein complex. Secondary structures were determined by probing 5' or 3' end-labeled tripartite leader RNAs under nondenaturing conditions with various single strand-specific nucleases, and the information was used to generate a potential model structure. The resulting structure is attractive since it may explain the unusual translation behavior conferred by the tripartite leader. We demonstrate that the first leader segment is predominantly single-stranded, a property consistent with the ability to enhance translation and provide independence from cap binding protein complex. In contrast, the remaining two leader segments form a moderately stable base-paired structure, except for a large hairpin loop. To confirm these findings, the secondary structure of the tripartite leader was also probed when it was attached to a large segment of a messenger RNA and was found to be very similar to that of the individual leader RNA. These findings suggest several possible mechanisms to account for the translation activity of the tripartite leader.  相似文献   

Specific fragments of adenovirus type 2 DNA, generated by cleavage with restriction endonucleases endoR.EcoRI, endoR.HpaI and endoR.HindIII were used in hybridization-mapping experiments. The complementary strands of individual cleavage fragments were separated by the method of Tibbetts &; Pettersson (1974). Liquid hybridizations were performed with 32P-labeled separated strands of cleavage fragments and messenger RNA extracted from cells early and late after adenovirus infection. The fraction of each fragment strand which was represented in “early” and “late” messenger RNA was determined by chromatography on hydroxylapatite. Early messenger RNA was found to be derived from four widely separated regions, two on the 1- and two on the h-strand (h- and l- refer to the strand with heavy and light buoyant density in CsCl when complexed with poly(U, G)). Messenger RNA, present exclusively late after infection, is derived from several locations, predominantly from the l-strand with a major block of continuous sequences extending between positions 0.25 and 0.65 on the unit map of the adenovirus type 2 genome.  相似文献   

Methylation of adenovirus 2 (Ad 2) late RNA was studied. RNA was double-labeled with [3H-methyl]-methionine and [14C]-uridine 15–20 h postinfection. Nuclear RNA (rRNA) and cytoplasmic RNA (mRNA) was extracted, and fractionated into polyA(+) and (?) molecules using poly(U)-Sepharose. Ad 2 specific RNA was purified by 2 cycles of hybridization to and elution from Ad 2 DNA immobilized on filters. The Ad 2 polyA(+) and (?) nRNA and mRNA fractions had the same 3H14C ratios, and were estimated to contain a minimum of 1.4 methylated nucleotides per 1000 bases. Viral RNA was digested with RNase T2 and chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex in 7 M urea at pH 7.6. All four Ad RNA fractions contained methylated constituents consistent with: (1) two classes of methylated “capped” 5′-termini with general structures m7 GpppNmpNp and m7 GpppNmpNmpNp; (2) internal base methylations; (3) minor amounts of internal ribose 2′-0-methylations. Two classes of 5′-termini have previously been reported for animal cell mRNA, but not for mRNA from a variety of viruses. Internal methylations may be unique to RNA molecules transcribed in the nucleus, since they have not been found in RNA from cytoplasmic viruses. No gross differences were observed in the DEAE-Sephadex elution profiles of the methylated constituents of the four types of Ad 2 RNA. These results suggest that the majority of methylation events occur in the nucleus, and raise the possibility that Ad 2 methylated late nRNA may differ significantly from SV40 late nRNA (Lavi, S., and Shatkin, A.J. (1975) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 72, 2012–2016).  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) leader RNA and a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide of the same sequence were found to inhibit the replication of adenovirus DNA in vitro. In contrast, the small RNA transcribed by the VSV defective interfering particle DI-011 did not prevent adenovirus DNA replication. The inhibition produced by leader RNA was at the level of preterminal protein (pTP)-dCMP complex formation, the initiation step of adenovirus DNA replication. Initiation requires the adenovirus pTP-adenovirus DNA polymerase complex (pTP-Adpol), the adenovirus DNA-binding protein, and nuclear factor I. Specific replication in the presence of leader RNA was restored when the concentration of adenovirus-infected or uninfected nuclear extract was increased or by the addition of purified pTP-Adpol or HeLa cell DNA polymerase alpha-primase to inhibited replication reactions. Furthermore, the activities of both purified DNA polymerases could be inhibited by the leader sequence. These results suggest that VSV leader RNA is the viral agent responsible for inhibition of adenovirus and possibly cellular DNA replication during VSV infection.  相似文献   

The adenovirus tripartite leader is a 200-nucleotide 5' noncoding region that is found on all late viral mRNAs. This segment is required for preferential translation of viral mRNAs at late times during infection. Most tripartite leader-containing mRNAs appear to exhibit little if any requirement for intact cap-binding protein complex, a property previously established only for uncapped poliovirus mRNAs and capped mRNAs with minimal secondary structure. The tripartite leader also permits the translation of mRNAs in poliovirus-infected cells in the apparent absence of active cap-binding protein complex and does not require any adenovirus gene products for this activity. The preferential translation of viral late mRNAs may involve this unusual property.  相似文献   

We present a method for calculating predicted locations and extents of stress-induced DNA duplex destabilization (SIDD) as functions of base sequence and stress level in long DNA molecules. The base pair denaturation energies are assigned individually, so the influences of near neighbors, methylated bases, adducts, or lesions can be included. Sample calculations indicate that copolymeric energetics give results that are close to those derived when full near-neighbor energetics are used; small but potentially informative differences occur only in the calculated SIDD properties of moderately destabilized regions. The method presented here for analyzing long sequences calculates the destabilization properties within windows of fixed length N, with successive windows displaced by an offset distance d(o). The final values of the relevant destabilization parameters for each base pair are calculated as weighted averages of the values computed for each window in which that base pair appears. This approach implicitly assumes that the strength of the direct coupling between remote base pairs that is induced by the imposed stress attenuates with their separation distance. This strategy enables calculations of the destabilization properties of DNA sequences of any length, up to and including complete chromosomes. We illustrate its utility by calculating the destabilization properties of the entire E. coli genomic DNA sequence. A preliminary analysis of the results shows that promoters are associated with SIDD regions in a highly statistically significant manner, suggesting that SIDD attributes may prove useful in the computational prediction of promoter locations in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The adenovirus tripartite leader is a 200-nucleotide-long 5' noncoding region which facilitates translation of viral mRNAs at late times after infection. The tripartite leader also confers the ability to initiate translation independent of the requirement for cap-binding protein complex or eIF-4F without any requirement for adenovirus gene products. To elucidate the manner by which the tripartite leader functions, the primary determinants of leader activity were investigated in vivo by testing a series of mutations expressed from transfected plasmids. The results of these experiments indicate that the tripartite leader does not promote internal ribosome binding, at least in a manner recently described for picornavirus mRNAs. In addition, despite an unusual arrangement of sequences complementary to the 3' end of 18S rRNA in the tripartite leader, we could find no evidence for involvement in its translation activity. Instead, our results are consistent with a model in which much of the first leader is maintained in an unstructured conformation which determines the ability of the tripartite leader to facilitate translation and bypass a normal requirement for eIF-4F activity. Several possible translation models are discussed, as well as the implications for translation of late viral mRNAs.  相似文献   

The EIa region of an Adenovirus 5 recombinant has been substituted by a modular gene encoding dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). In this recombinant, the mouse DHFR cDNA was positioned behind sequences of the major late promoter and the complete tripartite leader. The leader sequences end in the normal 5' splice site (SS) of the third leader, so that RNA splicing joins the tripartite leader to a 3' splice site immediately upstream of the DHFR cDNA. At late stages of infection, high levels of DHFR mRNAs were synthesized. At early times in the late stage, this mRNA was efficiently translated; however, at later times translation of DHFR decreased probably due to poor competition with other late mRNAs. Synthesis of DHFR protein from an analogous Adenovirus 5 recombinant containing only the first late leader was studied in parallel. Equivalent levels of DHFR mRNA were expressed after infection with this recombinant virus; however, the efficiency of DHFR translation was at least 20 fold lower than that of the DHFR mRNA containing the tripartite leader. This suggests that the tripartite leader sequence is important for translation in the late stage of infection. As reported previously, the Ad5 recombinant containing only the first leader vastly overexpresses polypeptide IX from a novel mRNA, formed by the splicing of the first leader in the modular DHFR gene to the 3' splice site in the EIb region. Cells infected with this recombinant synthesize very little normal mRNA from the EIb region. Here, we demonstrated that coinfection of 293 cells with this recombinant and wild type Adenovirus 5 also results in decreased EIb mRNA synthesis. We propose that the overproduction of polypeptide IX suppresses mRNA expression from the EIb and IX promoter sites, probably by an autoregulation loop active during lytic growth.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA for a class IV chitinase was cloned from yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) leaves and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence shows 50 to 59% identity to class IV chitinases from other plants. The yam chitinase, however, has an additional sequence of 8 amino acids (a C-terminal extension) following the cysteine that was reported as the last amino acid for other class IV chitinases; this extension is perhaps involved in subcellular localization. A homology model based on the structure of a class II chitinase from barley was used as an aid to interpreting the available data. The analysis suggests that the class IV enzyme recognizes an even shorter segment of the substrate than class I or II enzymes. This observation might help to explain why class IV enzymes are better suited to attack against pathogen cell walls.  相似文献   

In addition to protein-coding information, mRNAs harbor regulatory sequences necessary for appropriate processing of their precursors. Goren et al. (2006) and Wang et al. (2006) explore the diversity of these signals and the rules by which they function.  相似文献   

A study of the secondary structures of the 5'-leader RNA sequences of avian leukosis/sarcoma viruses was conducted using phylogenetic sequence alignment, theoretical structures calculated from base-pairing interactions involving the calculated minimal delta G values, and RNaseT1 sensitivity. The results suggest that all of the avian retroviral RNA leaders may be able to adopt similar conformations. Open reading frames in the leader RNAs may be positioned to facilitate viral activities such as translation and packaging of the genomic RNA into virus particles.  相似文献   

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