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Roles and activities of Aux/IAA proteins in Arabidopsis.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Auxin induces various distinct developmental responses, partly by regulating gene expression. The Aux/IAA genes are a large gene family, many of which are induced by auxin. Work on Arabidopsis Aux/IAA genes has begun to reveal that they can regulate development and auxin-induced gene expression. Furthermore, auxin responses require Aux/IAA protein turnover. Finally, recent evidence suggests that Aux/IAA proteins can mediate light responses. Work in the near future should test whether Aux/IAA proteins are antennae that connect auxin and light signals to endogenous developmental responses.  相似文献   

Genetics of Aux/IAA and ARF action in plant growth and development   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  

The complete genomic sequence for Arabidopsis provides the opportunity to combine phylogenetic and genomic approaches to study the evolution of gene families in plants. The Aux/IAA and ARF gene families, consisting of 29 and 23 loci in Arabidopsis, respectively, encode proteins that interact to mediate auxin responses and regulate various aspects of plant morphological development. We developed scenarios for the genomic proliferation of the Aux/IAA and ARF families by combining phylogenetic analysis with information on the relationship between each locus and the previously identified duplicated genomic segments in Arabidopsis. This analysis shows that both gene families date back at least to the origin of land plants and that the major Aux/IAA and ARF lineages originated before the monocot-eudicot divergence. We found that the extant Aux/IAA loci arose primarily through segmental duplication events, in sharp contrast to the ARF family and to the general pattern of gene family proliferation in Arabidopsis. Possible explanations for the unusual mode of Aux/IAA duplication include evolutionary constraints imposed by complex interactions among proteins and pathways, or the presence of long-distance cis-regulatory sequences. The antiquity of the two gene families and the unusual mode of Aux/IAA diversification have a number of potential implications for understanding both the functional and evolutionary roles of these genes.  相似文献   

Combinatorial interactions of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs (ARFs) and auxin/indole acetic acid (Aux/IAA) proteins through their common domains III and IV regulate auxin responses, but insight into the functions of individual proteins is still limited. As a new tool to explore this regulatory network, we generated a gain-of-function ARF genotype by eliminating domains III and IV from the functionally well-characterized ARF MONOPTEROS(MP)/ARF5. This truncated version of MP, termed MPΔ, conferred complementing MP activity, but also displayed a number of semi-dominant traits affecting auxin signaling and organ patterning. In MPΔ, the expression levels of many auxin-inducible genes, as well as rooting properties and vascular tissue abundance, were enhanced. Lateral organs were narrow, pointed and filled with parallel veins. This effect was epistatic over the vascular hypotrophy imposed by certain Aux/IAA mutations. Further, in MPΔ leaves, failure to turn off the procambium-selecting gene PIN1 led to the early establishment of oversized central procambial domains and very limited subsequent lateral growth of the leaf lamina. We conclude that MPΔ can selectively uncouple a single ARF from regulation by Aux/IAA proteins and can be used as a genetic tool to probe auxin pathways and explore leaf development.  相似文献   

黄瓜果实中ARF和Aux/IAA基因对外源激素的应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以非单性结实黄瓜自交系‘6429’为试验材料,对当天开花的果实进行CPPU、Spd、NAA、2,4-D和IAA等5种生长物质处理,以清水为对照,选取9个ARF基因(Csa019264、Csa019265、Csa009209、Csa009210、Csa021954、Csa012237、Csa012805、Csa015176、Csa010564)和5个Aux/IAA基因(Csa003118、Csa012115、Csa016715、Csa006680、Csa018571)设计特异引物,取开花当天与花后第2、4天的果实及其茎、叶作RT-PCR分析。结果显示,9个ARF基因的表达水平显示出了很大的差异,Csa012805在所有激素处理后的果实中都有较高水平的表达而清水处理中未检测到;5个Aux/IAA基因中的4个在6种处理后的果实及茎叶中都有表达,推测是组成型表达基因,Csa016715在激素处理后的果实中比清水处理的未发育果实中的表达水平高。推测Csa012805和Csa016715这2个基因对黄瓜果实膨大起促进作用。  相似文献   

Rapid, auxin-responsive degradation of multiple auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) proteins is essential for plant growth and development. Domain II residues were previously shown to be required for the degradation of several Arabidopsis thaliana Aux/IAA proteins. We examined the degradation of additional full-length family members and the proteolytic importance of N-terminal residues outside domain II using luciferase (LUC) fusions. Elimination of domain I did not affect degradation. However, substituting an Arg for a conserved Lys between domains I and II specifically impaired basal degradation without compromising the auxin-mediated acceleration of degradation. IAA8, IAA9, and IAA28 contain domain II and a conserved Lys, but they were degraded more slowly than previously characterized family members when expressed as LUC fusions, suggesting that sequences outside domain II influence proteolysis. We analyzed the degradation of IAA31, with a region somewhat similar to domain II but without the conserved Lys, and of IAA20, which lacks domain II and the conserved Lys. Both IAA20:LUC and epitope-tagged IAA20 were long-lived, and their longevity was not influenced by auxin. Epitope-tagged IAA31 was long-lived, like IAA20, but by contrast, it showed accelerated degradation in response to auxin. The existence of long-lived and auxin-insensitive Aux/IAA proteins suggeststhat they may play a novel role in auxin signaling.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Auxin response factor (ARF) and Auxin/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) proteins are the foremost regulators of auxin action and play an essential role in the...  相似文献   

Protoplasma - Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important food crops in the world. Somatic embryogenesis is an event that is triggered by the presence of auxin hormone for the...  相似文献   

As indicated by various and some overlapped phenotypes of the dominant mutants, the Aux/IAA genes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) concomitantly exhibit a functional similarity and differentiation. To evaluate the contributions of their expression patterns determined by promoter activity and molecular properties of their gene products to Aux/IAA function, we examined phenotypes of transgenic plants expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged msg2-1/iaa19, axr2-1/iaa7, or slr-1/iaa14 cDNA by the MSG2 or AXR2 promoter. When driven by the MSG2 promoter (pMSG2), each GFP-tagged cDNA caused the msg2-1 phenotype, that is, the wild-type stature in the mature-plant stage, long and straight hypocotyls in the dark, reduced lateral root formation, relatively mild agravitropic traits in hypocotyls, and a normal gravitropic response in roots. However, development of one or two cotyledonary primordia was often arrested in embryogenesis of the pMSG2::axr2-1::GFP and pMSG2::slr-1::GFP plants, resulting in monocotyledonary or no cotyledonary seedlings. Such defects in embryogenesis were never seen in pMSG2::msg2-1::GFP or the msg2-1, axr2-1, or slr-1 mutant. The MSG2 promoter-GUS staining showed that expression of MSG2 started specifically in cotyledonary primordia of the triangular-stage embryos. When driven by the AXR2 promoter (pAXR2), each GFP-tagged mutant cDNA caused, in principle, aberrant aboveground phenotypes of the corresponding dominant mutant. However, either the axr2-1::GFP or slr-1::GFP cDNA brought about dwarf, agravitropic stems almost identical to those of axr2-1, and the pAXR2::msg2-1::GFP and pAXR2::slr-1::GFP hypocotyls exhibited complete loss of gravitropism as did axr2-1. These results showed functional differences among the msg2-1, axr2-1, and slr-1 proteins, though some phenotypes were determined by the promoter activity.  相似文献   

Gravitropism and phototropism of the primary inflorescence stems were examined in a dominant Aux/IAA mutant of Arabidopsis, axr2/iaa7, which did not display either tropism in hypocotyls. axr2-1 stems completely lacked gravitropism in the dark but slowly regained it in light condition. Though wild-type stems showed positive phototropism, axr2 stems displayed negative phototropism with essentially the same light fluence-response curve as the wild type (WT). Application of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid-containing lanolin to the stem tips enhanced the positive phototropism of WT, and reduced the negative phototropism of axr2. Decapitation of stems caused a small negative phototropism in WT, but did not affect the negative phototropism of axr2. p-glycoprotein 1 (pgp1) pgp19 double mutants showed no phototropism, while decapitated double mutants exhibited negative phototropism. Expression of auxin-responsive IAA14/SLR, IAA19/MSG2 and SAUR50 genes was reduced in axr2 and pgp1 pgp19 stems relative to that of WT. These suggest that the phototropic response of stem is proportional to the auxin supply from the shoot apex, and that negative phototropism may be a basal response to unilateral blue-light irradiation when the levels of auxin or auxin signaling are reduced to the minimal level in the primary stems. In contrast, all of these treatments reduced or did not affect gravitropism in wild-type or axr2 stems. Tropic responses of the transgenic lines that expressed axr2-1 protein by the endodermis-specific promoter suggest that AXR2-dependent auxin response in the endodermis plays a more crucial role in gravitropism than in phototropism in stems but no significant roles in either tropism in hypocotyls.  相似文献   

Auxin is one of the most important phytohormones involved in plant growth and development. Here, we identified a total of 26 Aux/IAA genes displaying high sequence identity within the conserved domains I, II, III, and IV by screening the grapevine genome proteome 12× database. The Vitis vinifera Aux/IAA proteins can be classified into two groups (A and B) on the basis of their phylogenetic relationships. A search for cis-regulatory elements in the promoter sequences of VvAux/IAA genes revealed that the majority of these proteins may be regulated by light, phytohormones, and abiotic stresses. We also report the isolation and expression analysis of the cDNA of VvAux/IAA4, the most highly expressed VvAux/IAA gene from V. vinifera cv. Sultanine, according to ESTs in the NCBI database. The VvAux/IAA4 gene contains a full-length open reading frame of 1,080 bp, and its predicted amino acid sequence is highly similar to those of Aux/IAA proteins from other plants, including the presence of an AuxIAA/ARF dimerization motif in the C-terminal region. The expression of VvAux/IAA4 was found to be elevated during berry development, and slowly decrease from the initiation of ripening to the overripening stage. VvAux/IAA4 was highly expressed in young leaves and roots, and expressed at low levels in pollen and tendrils. Finally, the expression of VvAux/IAA4 was rapidly induced in response to NAA treatment, but was decreased by salt, drought, and SA treatments. Our results provide evidence of crosstalk between phytohormone and abiotic stresses, and support a role for auxin in stress responses.  相似文献   

We have isolated a dominant, auxin-insensitive mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, massugu2 (msg2), that displays neither hypocotyl gravitropism nor phototropism, fails to maintain an apical hook as an etiolated seedling, and is defective in lateral root formation. Yet other aspects of growth and development of msg2 plants are almost normal. These characteristics of msg2 are similar to those of another auxin-insensitive mutant, non-phototropic hypocotyl4 (nph4), which is a loss-of-function mutant of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7 (ARF7) (Harper et al., 2000). Map-based cloning of the MSG2 locus reveals that all four mutant alleles result in amino acid substitutions in the conserved domain II of an Auxin/Indole-3-Acetic Acid protein, IAA19. Interestingly, auxin inducibility of MSG2/IAA19 gene expression is reduced by 65% in nph4/arf7. Moreover, MSG2/IAA19 protein binds to the C-terminal domain of NPH4/ARF7 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) two-hybrid assay and to the whole latter protein in vitro by pull-down assay. These results suggest that MSG2/IAA19 and NPH4/ARF7 may constitute a negative feedback loop to regulate differential growth responses of hypocotyls and lateral root formation.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin controls many aspects of plant development. Membrane trafficking processes, such as secretion, endocytosis and recycling, regulate the polar localization of auxin transporters in order to establish an auxin concentration gradient. Here, we investigate the function of the Arabidopsis thaliana R-SNAREs VESICLE-ASSOCIATED MEMBRANE PROTEIN 721 (VAMP721) and VAMP722 in the post-Golgi trafficking required for proper auxin distribution and seedling growth. We show that multiple growth phenotypes, such as cotyledon development, vein patterning and lateral root growth, were defective in the double homozygous vamp721 vamp722 mutant. Abnormal auxin distribution and root patterning were also observed in the mutant seedlings. Fluorescence imaging revealed that three auxin transporters, PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1), PIN2 and AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AUX1), aberrantly accumulate within the cytoplasm of the double mutant, impairing the polar localization at the plasma membrane (PM). Analysis of intracellular trafficking demonstrated the involvement of VAMP721 and VAMP722 in the endocytosis of FM4-64 and the secretion and recycling of the PIN2 transporter protein to the PM, but not its trafficking to the vacuole. Furthermore, vamp721 vamp722 mutant roots display enlarged trans-Golgi network (TGN) structures, as indicated by the subcellular localization of a variety of marker proteins and the ultrastructure observed using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, our results suggest that the R-SNAREs VAMP721 and VAMP722 mediate the post-Golgi trafficking of auxin transporters to the PM from the TGN subdomains, substantially contributing to plant growth.  相似文献   

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