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Henkel TW  Aime MC  Uehling JK  Smith ME 《Mycologia》2011,103(4):883-894
Two new species of Clavulina Schroet. (Clavulinaceae, Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) and new distribution records for Clavulina amazonensis Corner and Clavulina sprucei (Berk.) Corner are described from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana, in the central Guiana Shield region. These fungi occur in rainforests dominated by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) trees of the leguminous genus Dicymbe (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae). Macromorphological, micromorphological and habitat data are provided for each species. Nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region and 28S subunit were obtained for new species and from representative collections of C. amazonensis and C. sprucei. The two new species, Clavulina kunmudlutsa sp. nov. and Clavulina tepurumenga sp. nov., constitute important edible fungi for the Patamona Amerindians. Our specimens of C. sprucei represent the first reports of the species since 1853 as well as a range extension of nearly 1500 km, while sequence data from basidiomata as well as ECM roots suggest that this taxon consists of a cryptic species complex.  相似文献   

Three new and one previously described species of Clavulina (Clavulinaceae, Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) are reported from the central Guiana Shield region from tropical rainforests dominated by ectomycorrhizal trees of the leguminous genus Dicymbe (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae). We provide morphological, DNA sequence, habitat, and fruiting occurrence data for each species. The new species conform to a generic concept of Clavulina that includes coralloid, branched basidiomata with amphigenous hymenia, basidia with two or 2−4 incurved sterigmata and postpartal septa present or absent, and smooth, hyaline, guttulate basidiospores. Placements of the new species in Clavulina were corroborated with DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer and large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal repeat, and their infrageneric relationships were examined with phylogenetic analyses based on DNA from the region coding for the second largest subunit of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (rpb2). To facilitate future studies of the genus in the neotropics, a key is provided for all Clavulina species described from the lowland neotropics.  相似文献   

Thacker JR  Henkel TW 《Mycologia》2004,96(3):650-657
Two new species of Clavulina are described from rainforests dominated by ectomycorrhizal Dicymbe spp. (Caesalpiniaceae) in the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Clavulina nigricans, sp. nov. is unique for Clavulina in having 4-6 spores per basidium. Clavulina craterelloides, sp. nov. has an infundibuliform basidiome, previously unknown in the otherwise coralloid genus Clavulina. Macromorphological, micromorphological and habitat data are provided for each taxon, as well as justification for their placement in Clavulina based on morphological and molecular features.  相似文献   

Sistotrema, typified by S. confluens, is characterized mainly by its urniform basidia mostly with 6–8 sterigmata as well as by a monomitic hyphal system, oil rich hyphae and smooth basidiospores. The species of this genus have various hymenophore configurations and basidiospore shapes. During a field trip in 2011, two specimens with urniform basidia were collected from Changbaishan Nature Reserve, northeastern China. After careful morphological and molecular studies, they are described and illustrated here as a new species, S. subconfluens. The new species shares a terrestrial habit, stipitate basidiocarps and poroid hymenophores with S. confluens, besides urniform basidia. These characters make the two species different from all other species of Sistotrema with resupinate basidiocarps on wood. Sistotrema subconfluens differs from the type by having larger basidiocarps, shorter basidiospores and consistent poroid hymenophores. In phylogeny inferred from nuclear large subunit rDNA, the two species were sister taxa but clearly separated. The difference of internal transcribed spacer sequences between the two species was 3.6%.  相似文献   

Fungi from the Ceratobasidiaceae family have important ecological roles as pathogens, saprotrophs, non-mycorrhizal endophytes, orchid mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal symbionts, but little is known about the distribution and evolution of these nutritional modes. All public ITS sequences of Ceratobasidiaceae were downloaded from databases, annotated with ecological and taxonomic metadata, and tested for the non-random phylogenetic distribution of nutritional modes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed six main clades within Ceratobasidiaceae and a poor correlation between molecular phylogeny and morphological–cytological characters traditionally used for taxonomy. Sequences derived from soil (representing putative saprotrophs) and orchid mycorrhiza clustered together, but remained distinct from pathogens. All nutritional modes were phylogenetically conserved in the Ceratobasidiaceae based on at least one index. Our analyses suggest that in general, autotrophic orchids form root symbiosis with available Ceratobasidiaceae isolates in soil. Ectomycorrhiza-forming capability has evolved twice within the Ceratobasidiaceae and it had a strong influence on the evolution of mycoheterotrophy and host specificity in certain orchid taxa.  相似文献   

The Guiana Shield harbours one of the best preserved and largest extents of tropical forest on Earth and an immense biodiversity. The herpetofauna of this region remains poorly known. The species-rich snake genus Atractus contains ~140 species, many with complicated taxonomic histories, including A. schach. Examination of specimens in museums and newly collected material from French Guiana has allowed the illustration of hemipenial morphology for the first time and an expanded diagnosis. Concatenated molecular phylogenetic (mitochondrial and nuclear genes) and phenotypic (morphometrics, external and hemipenial morphology) analyses confirm non-monophyly of the A. flammigerus group and indicate that A. schach is a species complex with three new species described here. The geographic distribution of A. schach sensu stricto is restricted to Guiana, Surinam, and French Guiana north of Tumucumaque massif. Populations tentatively assigned to A. schach from the east from French Guiana in the Roura lowlands to Almeirim, and from central Amazonia between the Negro and Trombetas rivers in Brazil are also recognized as new species. Our results suggest that populations from south of the Amazon River are not conspecific with those from the Guiana Shield.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A7AE40BC-4716-4302-B3BE-1F43600B0A72  相似文献   

Steccherinum cremicolor and S. elongatum are described and illustrated as new species from Taiwan. Steccherinum cremicolor is characterized by strictly resupinate basidiocarps, a fimbriate margin, short spines, generative hyphae dominating in the trama and subiculum, encrusted skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid basidiospores. Steccherinum elongatum has strictly resupinate and membranaceous basidiocarps, bearing fairly long spines, generative hyphae-dominated subiculum, elongated skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid to subglobose basidiospores.  相似文献   

Two new Daedalea species were described from South China based on morphological and molecular evidences. Daedalea circularis sp. nov. was discovered from Guangdong and Yunnan provinces, it is characterized by its bluish gray to peach, glabrous, concentrically sulcate and zonate pileal surface with irregular, white to cream outgrowth and fuscous to black patches spreading from the base, round hymenophore, colorless, thin-walled cystidioles present in the hymenium which sometimes with branched apiculus and occasionally collapsed and septate. Daedalea radiata sp. nov. was discovered from Yunnan Province, it is easily recognizable by its effused-reflexed, grayish-brown to fuscous, hispid pileal surface with angular to daedaleoid pores, tissue darkening and skeletal hyphae slightly swollen in KOH, and a typical catahymenium formed by apices of skeletal hyphae in the hymenium.  相似文献   

Collections from French Guiana, Amazonian Brazil, and Colombia taken in the last 20 years include new species in the following genera:Duroia, Pagamea, Psychotria, Randia, Retiniphyllum, Rudgea, Sabicea, Sipanea, andSphinctanthus. Twenty-one new species are described and five are illustrated.  相似文献   

Four new species of rust fungi (Basidiomycota, Uredinales) are proposed: Edythea soratensis on Berberis phyllacantha (Berberidaceae), Prospodium bicristatum on Mansoa sp. (Bignoniaceae), Uromyces cearensis on Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae) and Uredo cavernula on Ribes weberbaueri (Grossulariaceae). U. cavernula most probably belongs to the genus Goplana. Phakopsora phyllanthi and Phakopsora vernoniae are newly reported for Brazil and the New World. The uredinial stage of the latter is the same as Uredo toroiana, known so far from Hispaniola in the Caribbean. The parasitic mycelium of Esalque holwayi was studied. It is strictly intracellular but comprises well-defined haustoria and intracellular hyphae. Taxonomical novelties Edythea soratensis Ritschel Prospodium bicristatum R. Berndt and F. Freire Uredo cavernula R. Berndt and R.S. Peterson Uromyces cearensis R. Berndt and F. Freire  相似文献   

Trichaptum imbricatum, T. perenne and T. podocarpi are three new species from China. They are described, illustrated and compared in this paper with similar species. Trichaptum imbricatum is unique in its imbricate basidiocarps, white to cream hymenophores, small and regular pores, and scattered and thin-walled cystidia. Trichaptum perenne differs from other species in the genus in its perennial and pileate habit, its large pores and entire dissepiments, and oblong, ellipsoid basidiospores. Trichaptum podocarpi is distinguished in having totally resupinate basidiocarps, distinctly long cystidia, and in its habitat on Podocarpus. A key to species of Trichaptum occurring in China is provided; statistical variations of spore dimensions for each species are included in the key.  相似文献   

Tricholoma foliicola was taxonomically reevaluated based on analyses of the holotype and newly collected materials. Basidiospores of T. foliicola were irregularly ellipsoid, showing a cyanophilic reaction with or without tubercles. Phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit 28S regions of the fungal nuclear ribosomal RNA gene demonstrated that T. foliicola is a species of Gerhardtia characterized by irregularly shaped basidiospores. Thus, we transferred this species to Gerhardtia foliicola comb. nov. Cultured mycelia of G. foliicola on malt extract agar medium produced cystidia covered with granules and abundant thallic conidia (arthroconidia), with both schizolytic and rhexolytic secession.  相似文献   

A new homobasidiomycete, Asterostroma macrosporum, was found in mangrove forests of Iriomote Island, Japan. This species is morphologically characterized by having resupinate basidiomata, a monomitic (asterodimitic) hyphal system, simple septate generative hyphae, dextrinoid asterosetae, four sterigmate basidia and globose, tuberculate and amyloid basidiospores measuring 8.5–11 × 7.5–9 μm. It is similar to A. muscicola, but basidiospores in the latter are smaller (7–8 × 5.5–7 μm). Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region revealed that A. macrosporum is distinctly separated from A. muscicola. In Japan, A. muscicola is widely distributed in warm-temperate to subtropical regions, growing on a variety of broadleaved trees including mangroves, while A. macrosporum has been found only on mangroves.  相似文献   

Loricaria cuffyi n. sp. is described based on 36 specimens from the Essequibo and upper Negro River drainages in western Guyana and the upper Orinoco River drainage in Venezuela. The new species can be distinguished from sympatric and geographically proximate congeners by a postorbital notch that is inconspicuous, shallow and rounded, odontode ridges on the dorsum of head and predorsal weakly developed, abdominal plates tightly joined and completely covering the median abdominal space and pectoral girdle, higher anterior lateral plate counts, and coloration characteristics. The distribution of the new species adds to an interesting and well-documented biogeographical pattern exhibited by other Guiana Shield loricariids influenced by the proto-Berbice during the Cenozoic and recent configuration of drainages in the Guiana Shield. We present an update on the taxonomy of Loricaria, and discuss the biogeography and conservation status of the new species.  相似文献   

Byttneria morii L. Barnett & Dorr from French Guiana is described and illustrated, and its taxonomic affinities are discussed. Also, a key to the species ofByttneria, that occur in the Guianas is provided.  相似文献   

杨红澎  周萌  吴刚  班立桐 《菌物学报》2022,41(2):181-189
拟蜡伞属Hygrophoropsis是牛肝菌目中的一个小属,现归属于独立的科——拟蜡伞科.本研究从形态学特征、分子生物学证据、生态学和地理分布等方面描述了一种可食用的新种——芦苇拟蜡伞.该新种的特征为菌盖表面乳白色至淡赭色;菌褶白到奶油色;担孢子长圆形至椭圆形,厚壁,具轻微糊精反应,大小为6-10×4-5.5 μm,生...  相似文献   

Three new species of Inonotus are described and illustrated. Inonotus acutus sp. nov. is characterized by having small, thin basidiocarps with a strongly contracted base, a sharp and undulate pileus margin, ventricose hymenial setae, and ellipsoid, yellowish to yellow-brown, slightly thick-walled basidiospores. Inonotus chrysomarginatus sp. nov. differs in having an annual to perennial growth habit, pileate basidiocarps with a distinctly yellowish buff to golden-yellow margin, distinct setal hyphae and hooked hymenial setae, and broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, pale yellowish, slightly thick-walled and weakly cyanophilous basidiospores. Inonotus rigidus sp. nov. is distinguished by its resupinate and hard rigid basidiocarps, the honey-yellow pore surface, and smaller pores; microscopically, it has ellipsoid, yellowish brown and thick-walled basidiospores, and lacks both setal hyphae and hymenial setae. An identification key to the Chinese species of Inonotus sensu stricto is provided.  相似文献   

A new species,Bactris nancibaensis, from French Guiana, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Sparassis in East Asia were investigated using morphology and DNA sequences data. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the nuclear gene coding for the ribosomal large subunit (nLSU) and partial gene coding RNA polymerase subunit II (rpb2) strongly supported lineages corresponding to morphological features. Three taxa, S. subalpina, S. cystidiosa f. flabelliformis and S. latifolia were recognized from East Asia, and the former two taxa are new to science. The occurrence of S. latifolia in Japan and in the Russian Far East was confirmed. Geographical divergences of Sparassis in the Holarctic were observed. Most species have relatively narrow distribution ranges, and taxa with intercontinental distributions were not detected. Divergence of species in the Northern Hemisphere in different clades appears to have taken place at different times: the S. latifolia-crispa-radicata species complex appears to have undergone a recent radiation, while the S. subalpina-brevipes-spathularia species complex represents a relatively ancient speciation.  相似文献   

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