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Mixing in photobioreactors is known to enhance biomass productivity considerably, and flow dynamics play a significant role in the reactor's performance, as they determine the mixing and the cells' movement. In this work we focus on analyzing the effects of mixing and flow dynamics on the photobioreactor performance. Based on hydrodynamic findings from the CARPT(Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking) technique, a possible mechanism for the interaction between the mixing and the physiology of photosynthesis is presented, and the effects of flow dynamics on light availability and light intensity fluctuation are discussed and quantitatively characterized. Furthermore, a dynamic modeling approach is developed for photobioreactor performance evaluation, which integrates first principles of photosynthesis, hydrodynamics, and irradiance distribution within the reactor. The results demonstrate the reliability and the possible applicability of this approach to commercially interesting microalgae/cyanobacteria culture systems.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the flow of culture medium significantly affects the photosynthetic productivity of bioreactors incorporating microalgae. Therefore, in order to optimize the performance of a conical helical tubular photobioreactor (CHTP) designed to be useful in practical applications, we characterized the flow pattern of the culture medium through the reactor. The effects of medium flow conditions on the photosynthetic productivity of Chlorella sp. were investigated using several different CHTP units with 0.50-m2 installation areas which were designed to vary the direction and rate of flow driven by airlift. In addition, the performance of two- and four-unit systems constructed by combining individual CHTP units was evaluated. We found that when medium flowed from the bottom to the top of the photostage, it exhibited smoother flow of culture medium than when flowing from top to bottom, which led to higher photosynthetic productivity by the former. Consistent with theoretical calculations, varying the lengths of vertical flow passages caused flow rates to vary, and higher flow rates meant smoother circulation of medium and better photosynthetic performance. Flow of medium through a four-unit CHTP system was similar to that in single units, enabling a photosynthetic productivity of 31.0 g-dry biomass per m2-installation area per day to be achieved, which corresponded to a photosynthetic efficiency of 7.50% (photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400-700 nm)). This high photosynthetic performance was possible because smoother medium flow attained in single units was also attained in the four-unit system.  相似文献   

Fermentations of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were carried out in a 90 to 250-L working volume concentric tube airlift fermentor. Measurements of liquid circulation velocity, gas hold-up, and liquid mixing were made under varying conditions of gas flowrate, vessel height, and top-section size. Both liquid circulation velocity and mixing time increased with vessel height. Liquid velocity varied approximately in proportion to the square root of column height, supporting a theoretically based relationship. The effect of vessel height on gas hold-up was negligible. The height of the top-section had a significant effect on liquid mixing. Mixing time decreased with increasing size of the top-section up to a critical height. As the top-section was expanded beyond this height, little improvement in mixing was seen. This indicated the presence of a two-zone flow pattern in the top-section. Liquid velocity and gas hold-up were essentially independent of top-section height. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Nitrite uptake and oxygenic photosynthesis by cultures of Chlamydomonas sp. isolated from Lake Superior were measured at different irradiances in order to compare predictive models of nitrite uptake and to assess the proportion of photoreductant (measured as oxygen evolution, mol × 4 eq. mol?1) that is allocated to nitrite assimilation (measured as nitrite uptake, mol × 6 eq. mol?1). These measurements are analogous to measurements of carbon fixation (CO2 uptake) at different irradiances and photosynthetic activities. Nitrite uptake as a function of irradiance did not follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics as proposed for nitrate by MacIsaac and Dugdale (1972) because of inhibition at high irradiances. The Haldane equation described nitrite uptake better. Nitrite uptake as a function of oxygenic photosynthesis followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Irradiance-dependent (Haldane) and photosynthesis-dependent models described nitrite uptake equally well. We suggest that nitrite is taken up and assimilated in response to intracellular concentrations of photoreductant that are directly proportional to photosynthetic activity and are related indirectly to irradiance. This contention is supported by photosynthesis-dependent nitrite uptake (Michaelis-Menten) at both light-limited and photoinhibited photosynthetic activities. This is consistent conceptually with deactivation of light traps at high irradiance levels. The proportion of photoreductant allocated to nitrite uptake and assimilation increased markedly at low irradiance levels. This indicates that cells synthesize important N-containing biomolecules across a broader range of irradiance levels than fixation of carbon for synthesis of energy storage and structural products.  相似文献   

Green microalgae were grown under natural light in a photobioreactor similar to a transparent plate absorber. A proper temperature was maintained through the control of evaporation and the minimization of convective heat waste. Carbon dioxide desorption was lower in comparison to its level during cultivation in open or covered ponds. A yield of 1 g/l per day and over 100 g/m2 projection area was achieved.  相似文献   

Although Spirogyra Link (1820) is a common mat‐forming filamentous alga in fresh waters, little is known of its ecology. A 2‐year field study in Surrey Lake, Indiana, showed that it grew primarily in the spring of each year. The population consisted of four morphologically distinct filamentous forms, each exhibiting its own seasonal distribution. A 45‐μm‐wide filament was present from February to late April or early May, a 70‐μm‐wide form was present from late April to mid‐June, a 100‐μm‐wide form was present from February to mid‐June, and a 130‐μm‐wide form appeared only in February of 1 of 2 study years. The 70‐ and 100‐μm‐wide forms contributed to the peak amount of biomass observed in late May and early June. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the presence of the 45‐, 70‐, and 100‐μm‐wide forms was negatively correlated with temperature. Presence of the 130‐μm‐wide form was negatively correlated with irradiance. Isolates of these filament forms were exposed to temperature (15, 25, and 35° C)/irradiance (0, 60, 200, 400, 900, and 1500 μmol·m?2·s?1) combinations in the laboratory. Growth rates of the 45‐μm‐wide form were negative at all irradiances at 35° C, suggesting that this form is susceptible to high water temperatures. However, growth rates of the other forms did not vary at the different temperatures or at irradiances of 60 μmol·m?2·s?1 or above. Net photosynthesis was negative at 35° C and 1500 μmol·m?2·s?1 for the 100‐ and 130‐μm‐wide forms but positive for the 70‐μm‐wide form. All forms lost mat cohesiveness in the dark, and the 100‐ and 130‐μm‐wide forms lost mat cohesiveness under high irradiances and temperature. Thus, the morphological forms differed in their responses to irradiance and temperature. We hypothesize that the rapid disappearance of Spirogyra populations in the field is due to loss of mat cohesiveness under conditions of reduced net photosynthesis, for example, at no to low light for all forms or at high light and high temperatures for the 100‐ and 130‐μm‐wide forms. Low light conditions can occur in the interior of mats as they grow and thicken or under shade produced by other algae.  相似文献   

An inexpensive and simple, analytical microalgal photobioreactor with a highly controllable, dynamic, spectrally attenuated light source is described. Spectral attenuation is achieved through the introduction of a variable thickness of CuSO4 solution between the photobioreactor and a light source. The level of liquid is precisely determined via a computer-controlled peristaltic pump, which can be programmed to pump at a variety of rates. The resultant light fields consist of a wide range of irradiance intensities with concomitant spectral narrowing, which closely mimics modeled clear water attenuation patterns. Irradiance dynamics associated with virtually any mixing regime can be achieved. The culturing apparatus of the analytical photobioreactor is based on traditional flat-plate, photobioreactor design, but with several modifications: (1) The light path has been reduced to 1 cm to assure a uniform light field is experienced by all phytoplankton at relatively low cell densities; (2) carbon dioxide concentrations are kept constant through a negative feedback mechanism that pulses CO2 into a constant air stream when culture media pH rises above a set point; (3) temperature is controlled in a similar manner, through the addition of cooling water to a water jacket in response to an increase in culture media temperature. This design is intended for use in photophysiological and bio- physical studies of microalgae under highly controlled culture conditions. It should prove easily adaptable to any number of more complex configurations.  相似文献   

该文概述了管道式光生物反应器在设计上对性能的要求,对影响光生物反应器培养效率的各种生长条件如光能利用效率、CO2利用效率、环境温度、溶解氧等问题进行了探讨,指出高效并可自动调节的藻液循环混合系统对于高密度海藻培养是非常重要的,提出了能否自动清洗光生物反应器内壁是判断光生物反应器是否可用于工业化生产的关键。  相似文献   

Maximizing algae production in a wastewater treatment process can aid in the reduction of soluble nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the wastewater. If harvested, the algae-based biomass offers the added benefit as feedstock for the production of biofuels and bioproducts. However, difficulties in harvesting, concentrating, and dewatering the algae-based biomass have limited the development of an economically feasible treatment and production process. When algae-based biomass is grown as a surface attached biofilm as opposed to a suspended culture, the biomass is naturally concentrated and more easily harvested. This can lead to less expensive removal of the biomass from wastewater, and less expensive downstream processing in the production of biofuels and bioproducts. In this study, a novel rotating algal biofilm reactor (RABR) was designed, built, and tested at bench (8 L), medium (535 L), and pilot (8,000 L) scales. The RABR was designed to operate in the photoautotrophic conditions of open tertiary wastewater treatment, producing mixed culture biofilms made up of algae and bacteria. Growth substrata were evaluated for attachment and biofilm formation, and an effective substratum was discovered. The RABR achieved effective nutrient reduction, with average removal rates of 2.1 and 14.1 g m(-2) day(-1) for total dissolved phosphorus and total dissolved nitrogen, respectively. Biomass production ranged from 5.5 g m(-2) day(-1) at bench scale to as high as 31 g m(-2) day(-1) at pilot scale. An efficient spool harvesting technique was also developed at bench and medium scales to obtain a concentrated product (12-16% solids) suitable for further processing in the production of biofuels and bioproducts.  相似文献   

Crustose coralline algae occupied ~1%–2% (occasionally up to 7%) of the sea floor within their depth range of 15–50 m, and they were the dominant encrusting organisms and macroalgae beyond 20 m depth in Young Sound, NE Greenland. In the laboratory, oxygen microelectrodes were used to measure net photosynthesis (P) versus downwelling irradiance (Ed) and season for the two dominant corallines [Phymatolithon foecundum (Kjellman) Düwel et Wegeberg 1996 and Phymatolithon tenue (Rosenvinge) Düwel et Wegeberg 1996] representing> 90% of coralline cover. Differences in P‐Ed curves between the two species, the ice‐covered and open‐water seasons, or between specimens from 17 and 36 m depth were insignificant. The corallines were low light adapted, with compensation irradiances (Ec) averaging 0.7–1.8 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1 and light adaptation (Ek) indices averaging 7–17 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1. Slight photoinhibition was evident in most plants at irradiances up to 160 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1. Photosynthetic capacity (Pm) was low, averaging 43–67 mmol O2·m ? 2 thallus·d ? 1 (~250–400 g C·m ? 2 thallus·yr ? 1). Dark respiration rates averaged ~5 mmol O2·m ? 2 thallus·d ? 1. In ice covered periods, Ed at 20 m depth averaged ~1 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1, with daily maxima of 2–3 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1. During the open water season, Ed at 20 m depth averaged ~7 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1 with daily maxima of ~30 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1. Significant net primary production of corallines was apparently limited to the 2–3 months with open water, and the small contribution of corallines to primary production seems due to low Pm values, low in situ irradiance, and their relatively low abundance in Young Sound.  相似文献   

Sea ice microalgae are released from their relatively stable light environment to the water column seasonally, and any subsequent growth in a vertically mixed water column may depend, in part, on their photoadaptation rates. In this study we followed the time course of photoadaptation in natural sea ice algal communities from bottom ice and surface ice by measuring their photophysiological response to an artificial shift in the ambient irradiance field. Microalgae from under-ice habitats, were incubated under full sunlight (LL-HL) and microalgae from surface ice habitats were incubated under artificial light to mimic under-ice irradiance (HL-LL). During 3- to 4-day time course studies, opposite shifts in chlorophyll: carbon, α, PBm, and Ik were observed, depending on the direction of the irradiance change. First-order rate constants (k) ranged from 0.0067 to 0.29 h?1 for photosynthetic parameters, although PBm did not always show a clear change over time. Rates of photoadaptation for ice algae are comparable to k values reported for temperate phytoplankton, suggesting that sea ice algae may be equally capable of adapting to the light conditions experienced in a vertically mixed water column. This study presents the first evidence that sea ice microalgae are physiologically capable of adapting to a planktonic life and thus could serve as a seed population for polar marine phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

This study deals with the scale of a new photobioreactor for continuous microalgal production in hatcheries. The combination of the state-of-art with the constraints inherent to hatcheries has turned the design into a closed, artificially illuminated and external-loop airlift configuration based on a succession of elementary modules, each one being composed of two transparent vertical interconnected columns. The liquid circulation is ensured pneumatically (air injections) with respect to a swirling motion (tangential inlets). A single module of the whole photobioreactor was built-up to scale its geometry (diameter and length) and to optimize its design (air sparger, tangential inlets). The volumetric productivities were predicted by modeling radiative transfer and growth of Isochrysis affinis galbana (clone Tahiti). The hydrodynamics of the liquid phase was modeled in terms of global flow behavior (circulation and mixing times, Péclet number) and of swirling motion decay along the column (Particle Image Velocimetry). The aeration performances were determined by overall volumetric mass transfer measurements. Continuous cultures of Isochrysis affinis galbana (clone Tahiti) were run in two geometrical configurations, generating either an axial or a swirling flow. Lastly, the definitive options of design are presented as well as a 120-L prototype, currently implemented in a French mollusk hatchery and commercialized.  相似文献   

The physiological behavior of phycoerythrin-deficient mutants of the red seaweed Gracilaria tikvahiae (Mc-Lachlan 1979) is compared to that of their wild types. The mutants are phenotypically green while the wild types are red. Cloned scions were grown factorially at irradiances saturating and limiting to growth, and spectral distributions which were broadband (white) and narrowband (green). The green light field complements the absorptance spectrum of phycoerythrin. Experiments were performed in an outdoor continuous flow system. Physiological measurements included light-harvesting pigment composition, instantaneous photosynthesis-light relationships and growth. In all cases, the mutants performed as their wild type progenitors. Further, physiological responses occurring in no less than 8 days were dependent solely on irradiance (“intensity”), and were independent of spectral distribution (“color”). The data do not conform with the predictions of the theory of complementary chromatic adaptation for seaweeds.  相似文献   

Calcifying coralline algae are functionally important in many ecosystems but their existence is now threatened by global climate change. The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of coralline algal metabolic functions and their interactions by assessing the respiration, photosynthesis and calcification rates in an articulated (geniculate) coralline alga, Ellisolandia elongata. Algal samples selected for this case study were collected from an intertidal rock-pool on the coast of Brittany (France). Physiological rates were assessed in summer and winter by measuring the concentration of oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity fluxes at five irradiance levels and in the dark using incubation chambers.

Respiration, photosynthetic and calcification rates were strongly affected by seasonal changes. Respiration increased with temperature, being ten-fold higher in summer than in winter. Photosynthetic parameters of the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-E) curve, Pgmax, Pnmax and Ek, were two- to three-fold higher in summer relative to winter. Photoinhibition was observed under high irradiance indicating an acclimation of E. elongata to low irradiance levels. Parameters of the calcification-irradiance (G-E) curve, Gmax and Ek, were approximately two-fold higher in summer compared with winter. In summer, calcification rates were more strongly inhibited under high irradiance than photosynthetic rates, suggesting a dynamic relationship between these metabolic processes. By inhabiting intertidal rock pools, E. elongata exhibits tolerance to a dynamic physico-chemical environment. Information on respiration, photosynthesis and calcification rates in a calcifying coralline alga inhabiting such dynamic environments in terms of pH and temperature is important in order to better understand how ocean acidification and warming will affect coralline algae in the future.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics at high measurement irradiance were analyzed for single leaves of two C3 and one C4 species grown under twenty one combinations of irradiance level, irradiance duration, and air temperature in order to test the idea that photosynthetic characteristies developed by leaves in different environments are controlled by the daily amount of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic rates per unit area and mesophyll conductances at 25°C and air levels of CO2 and O2, and parameters for two photosynthesis models were used to characterize the photosynthetic properties of the leaves. Leaves with highest values of the photosynthetic parameters for each species were often developed in environments with irradiance levels below saturation for photosynthesis, and with only 12 hours of irradiance per day. Lower air temperature during growth increased the photosynthetic characteristics for a given irradiance regime. Photosynthetic characteristics had higher correlation coefficients with daily photosynthesis of mature leaves divided by 24-hour leaf elongation rates of young leaves, than with daily photosynthesis alone, indicating that photosynthetic characteristics may be related to a balance between photosynthesis and leaf expansion.  相似文献   

The growth yield of the PUFA-producing marine microalgaIsochrysis galbana ALII-4 grown in a light limited chemostat, was measured under a wide variety of conditions of incident irradiance (I O ) and dilution rates (D). The experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions at 20 °C under continuous light. D ranged from 0.0024 to 0.0410 h–1 at three intensities of Io (820, 1620 and 3270 µmol photon m–2 s–1) close to those found in outdoor cultures. A maximum efficiency max = 0.616 g mol photon–1 was obtained at I O = 820 µmol photon m–2 s–1 and D = 0.030 h–1 and the maximum capacity of the biomass to metabolize the light harvested was found to be 13.1 µmol photon g–1 s–1. Above this value, a significant drop in the system efficiency was observed. A new approach based in the averaged irradiance is used to assess the photon flux absorbed by the biomass.  相似文献   

Maximal productivity of a 14 mm light‐path panel photobioreactor under high irradiance was determined. Under continuous illumination of 2,100 µmol photons m?2 s?1 with red light emitting diodes (LEDs) the effect of dilution rate on photobioreactor productivity was studied. The light intensity used in this work is similar to the maximal irradiance on a horizontal surface at latitudes lower than 37°. Chlorella sorokiniana, a fast‐growing green microalga, was used as a reference strain in this study. The dilution rate was varied from 0.06 to 0.26 h?1. The maximal productivity was reached at a dilution rate of 0.24 h?1, with a value of 7.7 g dw m?2 h?1 (m2 of illuminated photobioreactor surface) and a volumetric productivity of 0.5 g dw L?1 h?1. At this dilution rate the biomass concentration inside the reactor was 2.1 g L?1 and the photosynthetic efficiency was 1.0 g dw mol photons. This biomass yield on light energy is high but still lower than the theoretical maximal yield of 1.8 g mol photons?1 which must be related to photosaturation and thermal dissipation of absorbed light energy. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 352–359 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and respiration of three Alaskan Porphyra species, P. abbottiae V. Krishnam., P. pseudolinearis Ueda species complex (identified as P. pseudolinearis” below), and P. torta V. Krishnam., were investigated under a range of environmental parameters. Photosynthesis versus irradiance (PI) curves revealed that maximal photosynthesis (Pmax), irradiance at maximal photosynthesis (Imax), and compensation irradiance (Ic) varied with salinity, temperature, and species. The Pmax of Porphyra abbottiae conchocelis varied between 83 and 240 μmol O2 · g dwt?1 · h?1 (where dwt indicates dry weight) at 30–140 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 (Imax) depending on temperature. Higher irradiances resulted in photoinhibition. Maximal photosynthesis of the conchocelis of P. abbottiae occurred at 11°C, 60 μmol photons · m?2·s?1, and 30 psu (practical salinity units). The conchocelis of P. “pseudolinearis” and P. torta had similar Pmax values but higher Imax values than those of P. abbottiae. The Pmax of P. “pseudolinearis” conchocelis was 200–240 μmol O2 · g dwt?1 · h?1 and for P. torta was 90–240 μmol O2 · g dwt?1 · h?1. Maximal photosynthesis for P. “pseudolinearis” occurred at 7°C and 250 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 at 30 psu, but Pmax did not change much with temperature. Maximal photosynthesis for P. torta occurred at 15°C, 200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, and 30 psu. Photosynthesis rates for all species declined at salinities <25 or >35 psu. Estimated compensation irradiances (Ic) were relatively low (3–5 μmol · photons · m?2 · s?1) for intertidal macrophytes. Porphyra conchocelis had lower respiration rates at 7°C than at 11°C or 15°C. All three species exhibited minimal respiration rates at salinities between 25 and 35 psu.  相似文献   

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