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Developing chloroplasts were isolated from the basal region of green barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Menuet) leaves and their ultrastructure and biochemical composition were compared to those of mature chloroplasts from the tip of the same leaves, using two methods of purification on sucrose and Percoll gradients.
When examined and compared to mature chloroplasts, the developing chloroplasts showed well-developed grana stacks, but these last organelles were 2-fold smaller and contained lower amounts of chlorohylls and polar lipids. Only traces of trans -3-hexadecenoic acid could be detected in phosphatidylglycerol of developing plastids. The protein content of these plastids was higher than in mature plastids and showed an increased proportion of polypeptides linked to P-700 chlorophyll α-protein. The photosynthetic activity of these plastids was about 2-fold lower and their photosystem 1/photosystem II ratio higher than in mature chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Plastids are highly specialized organelles, responsible for photosynthesis and biosynthesis of various phytochemicals. To better understand plastid diversity and metabolism, a quantitative proteomic study of two plastid forms from Brassica napus (oilseed rape) was performed. Plastids were isolated from leaves (chloroplasts) of two-week-old plants and developing embryos (embryoplasts) three-weeks after flowering, using an approach avoiding protein storage vacuole contamination. Proteins from five different plastid preparations were prefractionated by SDS-PAGE and sectioned into multiple bands, and in-gel proteins were subjected to trypsin digestion. Tryptic peptides from each band were eluted and analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and spectra were searched against a comprehensive plant database. Proteins were quantified based on MS/MS spectral counting of unique, nonhomologous peptides. Functional classification and quantitative comparison of over 2000 redundant proteins (compiled to 675 nonredundant proteins) determined that light reaction proteins are more prominent in chloroplasts, while many Calvin cycle enzymes are more prominent in embryoplasts. Embryoplasts also contain a diversity of other metabolic enzymes undetected in chloroplasts. Many enzymes involved in de novo fatty acid and amino acid biosynthesis were detected in embryoplasts but not chloroplasts. Additionally, protein synthesis-related proteins were prominent in embryoplasts. Collectively, these results indicate that these two plastid types are distinct.  相似文献   

Using thylakoid membranes, we previously demonstrated that accumulated electrons in the photosynthetic electron transport system induces the electron flow from the acceptor side of PSII to its donor side only in the presence of a pH gradient ((Delta)pH) across the thylakoid membranes. This electron flow has been referred to as cyclic electron flow within PSII (CEF-PSII) [Miyake and Yokota (2001) Plant Cell Physiol. 42: 508]. In the present study, we examined whether CEF-PSII operates in isolated intact chloroplasts from spinach leaves, by correlating the quantum yield of PSII [Phi(PSII)] with the activity of the linear electron flow [V(O(2))]. The addition of the protonophore nigericin to the intact chloroplasts decreased Phi(PSII), but increased V(O(2)), and relative electron flux in PSII [Phi(PSII) x PFD] and V(O(2)) were proportional to one another. Phi(PSII) x PFD at a given V(O(2)) was much higher in the presence of (Delta)pH than that in its absence. These effects of nigericin on the relationship between Phi(PSII) x PFD and V(O(2)) are consistent with those previously observed in thylakoid membranes, indicating the occurrence of CEF-PSII also in intact chloroplasts. In the presence of (Delta)pH, CEF-PSII accounted for the excess electron flux in PSII that could not be attributed to photosynthetic linear electron flow. The activity of CEF-PSII increased with increased light intensity and almost corresponded to that of the water-water cycle (WWC), implying that CEF-PSII can dissipate excess photon energy in cooperation with WWC to protect PSII from photoinhibition under limited photosynthesis conditions.  相似文献   

Protoplasts as a tool for isolating functional chloroplasts from leaves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Leaf protoplasts from various grasses can be used for isolatingchloroplasts with high photosyndietic activity. The protoplastswere stable for more than 20 hr during which time chloroplastscould be isolated from protoplasts without any loss of originalCO2 fixation capacity (100–157 µmoles/mg chl-hr).Using Triticum aestiuum to optimize assay conditions, the pHoptimum for CO2 fixation by the chloroplasts isolated from protoplastswas between 8.2 and 8.6. Magnesium (0.75 mM) was required formaximum CO2 fixation by the isolated chloroplasts and sodiumascorbate in the medium allowed a more linear increase in CO2fixation with time. Based upon 14CO2 fixation and ferricyanide-dependentoxygen evolution as criteria of intactness, chloroplasts fromprotoplasts exhibited a high degree of intactness compared tothose obtained by mechanical grinding. Chloroplasts isolatedfrom grass leaves by mechanical grinding had a relatively lowcapacity for endogenous CO2 fixation and required addition ofribose-5-phosphate and ADP for maximum activity. (Received September 8, 1975; )  相似文献   

The function of plastid ribosomes in pea (Pisum sativum L.) was investigated by characterizing the products of protein synthesis in vitro in plastids isolated at different stages during the transition from etioplast to chloroplast. Etioplasts and plastids isolated after 24, 48 and 96h of greening in continuous white light, use added ATP to incorporate labelled amino acids into protein. Plastids isolated from greening leaves can also use light as the source of energy for protein synthesis. The labelled polypeptides synthesized in isolated plastids were analysed by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate-ureapolyacrylamide gels. Six polypeptides are synthesized in etioplasts with ATP as energy source. Only one of these polypeptides is present in a 150 000g supernatant fraction. This polypeptide has been identified as the large subunit of Fraction I protein (3-phospho-D-glycerate carboxylyase EC by comparing the tryptic 'map' of its L-(35S)methionine-labelled peptides with the tryptic 'map' of large subunit peptides from Fraction I labelled with L-(35S)methionine in vivo. The same gel pattern of six polypeptides is seen when plastids isolated from greening leaves are incubated with either added ATP or light as the energy source. However, the rates of synthesis of particular polypeptides are different in plastids isolated at different stages of the etioplast to chloroplast transition. The results support the idea that plastid ribosomes synthesize only a small number of proteins, and that the number and molecular weight of these proteins does not alter during the formation of chloroplasts from etioplasts.  相似文献   

We have exploited the positional gradient of cellular differentiation in Zea mays leaves to study the accumulation of mRNAs encoding subunits of the two CO2-fixing enzymes and the major chlorophyll-binding protein. These three proteins are differentially compartmentalized in the two photosynthetically active cell types of the leaf. Previous studies have shown that accumulation of the two carboxylases commences 2 to 4 cm from the base of the leaf (Mayfield SP, WC Taylor Planta 161: 481-486) at a position where bundle sheath and mesophyll cells show morphological evidence of maturation. The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein accumulates progressively from the leaf base, as does its mRNA, in spite of its localization in mesophyll cells after cellular differentiation occurs. While small quantities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNA are detectable in the basal region of the leaf, significant mRNA accumulation is coincident with that of the polypeptide at 4 to 6 cm from the leaf base, the region where bundle sheath and mesophyll cells exhibit fully differentiated morphologies. mRNAs encoding the small and large subunits of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase accumulate to significant levels before bundle sheath cells are fully differentiated and before their polypeptides are detectable. Cytological examination indicates that this is the position at which the maturation of intermediate vascular bundles is first evident. Cytosolically localized small subunit mRNA and chloroplast-localized large subunit mRNA are complexed with polyribosomes at all positions of the leaf.  相似文献   

Changes in lipid composition were followed as a proplastid develops into a chloroplast. Methods were devised for the isolation of developing proplastids from sections of five different ages from the same 7-day-old maize (Zea mays var. Kelvedon Glory) leaf. Electron micrographs illustrate the homogeneity of the five types of plastid suspension, minimal contamination with other cytoplasmic membranes, and the presence of morphologically intact plastids in the proportions 85% (youngest), 85%, 80%, 70% and 60% (oldest), respectively. Both bundle sheath and mesophyll plastids are well preserved in isolation. Plastid numbers were determined from calibration curves of the chlorophyll content of each type of suspension, and lipid values then expressed as nmoles/106 plastids. Monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG), digalactosyl diglyceride (DGDG), sulfoquinovosyl diglyceride, and phosphatidyl glycerol (PG) all increase during plastid development but the rate of increase is different for each lipid. The largest changes are in MGDG (6-fold) and DGDG (4-fold). Phosphatidyl choline shows a continuous decline during plastid development. Phosphatidyl inositol and phosphatidyl ethanolamine were found in all the suspensions in low concentrations (0.4-4.0% of total lipid): calculations showed their presence could not be accounted for by bacterial or mitochondrial contamination. The increase in PG parallels the chlorophyll changes during development and at maturity 1 molecule of PG is present per 3 molecules of chlorophyll. The results are discussed in the context of the molecular structure of the photosynthetic thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

Bioerosion, the breakdown of hard substrata by organisms, is a fundamental and widespread ecological process that can alter habitat structure, biodiversity and biogeochemical cycling. Bioerosion occurs in all biomes of the world from the ocean floor to arid deserts, and involves a wide diversity of taxa and mechanisms with varying ecological effects. Many abiotic and biotic factors affect bioerosion by acting on the bioeroder, substratum, or both. Bioerosion also has socio‐economic impacts when objects of economic or cultural value such as coastal defences or monuments are damaged. We present a unifying definition and advance a conceptual framework for (a) examining the effects of bioerosion on natural systems and human infrastructure and (b) identifying and predicting the impacts of anthropogenic factors (e.g. climate change, eutrophication) on bioerosion. Bioerosion is responding to anthropogenic changes in multiple, complex ways with significant and wide‐ranging effects across systems. Emerging data further underscore the importance of bioerosion, and need for mitigating its impacts, especially at the dynamic land–sea boundary. Generalised predictions remain challenging, due to context‐dependent effects and nonlinear relationships that are poorly resolved. An integrative and interdisciplinary approach is needed to understand how future changes will alter bioerosion dynamics across biomes and taxa.  相似文献   

When we construct mathematical models to represent biological systems, there is always uncertainty with regards to the model specification—whether with respect to the parameters or to the formulation of model functions. Sometimes choosing two different functions with close shapes in a model can result in substantially different model predictions: a phenomenon known in the literature as structural sensitivity, which is a significant obstacle to improving the predictive power of biological models. In this paper, we revisit the general definition of structural sensitivity, compare several more specific definitions and discuss their usefulness for the construction and analysis of biological models. Then we propose a general approach to reveal structural sensitivity with regards to certain system properties, which considers infinite-dimensional neighbourhoods of the model functions: a far more powerful technique than the conventional approach of varying parameters for a fixed functional form. In particular, we suggest a rigorous method to unearth sensitivity with respect to the local stability of systems’ equilibrium points. We present a method for specifying the neighbourhood of a general unknown function with \(n\) inflection points in terms of a finite number of local function properties, and provide a rigorous proof of its completeness. Using this powerful result, we implement our method to explore sensitivity in several well-known multicomponent ecological models and demonstrate the existence of structural sensitivity in these models. Finally, we argue that structural sensitivity is an important intrinsic property of biological models, and a direct consequence of the complexity of the underlying real systems.  相似文献   

1. Maize chloroplasts contain a trypsin-, dithiothreitol-, and Ca2+-activated ATPase. This enzyme, which can serve as a coupling factor for photosynthetic phosphorylation, differs slightly in a few properties but in general resembles a similar one in spinach plastids which was described earlier by others.

2. Maize etioplasts (immature plastids in dark-grown plants) also contain this ATPase, and it is shown that NaCl-EDTA extracts of etioplasts can restore photosynthetic phosphorylation activity to depleted green membranes of chloroplasts.

3. Electron microscopy of maize etioplast and chloroplast membranes demonstrates the presence of protruding knobs, approx. 90 Å in diameter. Removal and reassociation of knobs with membranes can be correlated with the ability to carry on photosynthetic phosphorylation.

4. Most or possibly all of the coupling factor (measured as ATPase) activity of a chloroplast may be present in the etioplast from which it develops. The photosynthetic membrane of the chloroplast can be formed in stages.

5. The significance of these observations is discussed with regard to membrane formation in general and plastid membrane development in particular.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor, which can spread to multiple organs in the body. Metastatic disease is the dominant reason of death for patients with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer usually transfers to bone. Bone metastases are related to pathologic fracture, pain, and reduced survival. There are many known targets for prostate cancer treatment, including androgen receptor (AR) axis, but drug resistance and metastasis eventually develop in advanced disease, suggesting the necessity to better understand the resistance mechanisms and consider multi-target medical treatment. Because of the limitations of approved treatments, further research into other potential targets is necessary. Metastasis is an important marker of cancer development, involving numerous factors, such as AKT, EMT, ECM, tumor angiogenesis, the development of inflammatory tumor microenvironment, and defect in programmed cell death. In tumor metastasis, programmed cell death (autophagy, apoptosis, and necroptosis) plays a key role. Malignant cancer cells have to overcome the different forms of cell death to transfer. The article sums up the recent studies on the mechanism of bone metastasis involving key regulatory factors such as macrophages and AKT and further discusses as to how regulating autophagy is crucial in relieving prostate cancer bone metastasis.Subject terms: Cancer models, Prostate cancer  相似文献   

Regenerating maize A188 tissue cultures were examined for the presence of enzymes involved in C4 photosynthesis, for cell morphology, and for 14C labeling kinetics to study the implementation of this pathway during plant development. For comparison, sections of maize seedling leaves were examined. Protein blot analysis using antibodies to leaf enzymes showed a different profile of these enzymes during the early stages of shoot regeneration from callus from the closely-coordinated profile observed in seedling leaves. Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) (EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) (EC were found in nonchlorophyllous callus while ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC, EC and malic enzyme, NADP-specific (ME-NADP) (EC were not detectable until later.

Enzyme activity assays showed the presence of ME-NADP as well as PEPC and PPDK in nonchlorophyllous callus. However, the activities of ME-NADP and PEPC had properties similar to those of the enzymes from C3 leaves and from etiolated C4 leaf tissues, but differing from the corresponding enzymes in the mature leaf.

Immunoprecipitation of in vitro translation products of poly(A)RNA extracted from embryoid-forming callus showed both the 110 kilodalton precursor to chloroplast PPDK and the 94 kilodalton polypeptide. Therefore, the chloroplast tye of PPDK mRNA is present prior to the appearance of leaf morphology.

Analysis of the labeled products of 14CO2 fixation by nonchlorophyllous calli indicated β-carboxylation to give acids of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, but no incorporation into phosphoglycerate. With greening of the callus, some incorporation into phosphoglycerate and sugar phosphates occurred, and this increased in shoots as they developed, although with older shoots the increase in β-carboxylation products was even greater. Analysis of enzyme levels in young leaf sections by protein blot and of 14C-labeling patterns in the present study are in general agreement with enzyme activity determinations of previous studies, providing additional information about PPDK levels, and supporting the model proposed for developing young leaves.

These results suggest that maize leaves begin to express C4 enzymes during ontogeny through several stages from greening and cell differentiation as seen in the callus and then shoot formation, and finally acquire capacity for full C4 photosynthesis during leaf development concomitant with the development of Kranz anatomy and accumulation of large amounts of enzymes involved in carbon metabolism.


As defaunation spreads through the world, there is an urgent need for restoring ecological interactions, thus assuring ecosystem processes. Here, we define the new concept of credit of ecological interactions, as the number of interactions that can be restored in a focal area by species colonization or reintroduction. We also define rewiring time, as the time span until all the links that build the credit of ecological interactions of a focal area have become functional again. We expect that the credit will be gradually cashed following refaunation in rates that are proportional to (1) the abundance of the reintroduced species (that is expected to increase in time since release), (2) the abundance of the local species that interact with them, and (3) the traits of reintroduced species. We illustrated this approach using a theoretical model and an empirical case study where the credit of ecological interactions was estimated. This new conceptual framework is useful for setting reintroduction priorities and for evaluating the success of conservation initiatives that aim to restore ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Examination of the proteins synthesized by isolated mitochondria, chloroplasts, or proplastids from maize tissues showed that a heat treatment at 40 degrees C does not induce or enhance the synthesis of any protein when compared to preparations treated at the control temperature of 28 degrees C. These observations are consistent with the results obtained by labeling proteins in vivo under sterile conditions. In vivo labeling in the presence of cycloheximide during heat shock showed no heat shock protein synthesis. Labeling in the presence of chloramphenicol during heat shock showed a similar heat shock protein pattern as in the absence of the inhibitor. It is concluded that maize organelles do not synthesize heat shock proteins and that, if present, they may be due to bacterial contamination.  相似文献   

Explanations of floral adaptation to diverse pollinator faunas have often invoked visitor-mediated trade-offs in which no intermediate, generalized floral phenotype is optimal for pollination success, i.e. fitness valleys are created. In such cases, plant species are expected to specialize on particular groups of flower visitors. Contrary to this expectation, it is commonly observed that flowers interact with various groups of visitors, while at the same time maintaining distinct phenotypes among ecotypes, subspecies, or congeners. This apparent paradox may be due to a gap in our understanding of how visitor-mediated trade-offs could affect floral adaptation. Here we provide a conceptual framework for analysing visitor-mediated trade-offs with the hope of stimulating empirical and theoretical studies to fill this gap. We propose two types of visitor-mediated trade-offs to address negative correlations among fitness contributions of different visitors: visitor-mediated phenotypic trade-offs (phenotypic trade-offs) and visitor-mediated opportunity trade-offs (opportunity trade-offs). Phenotypic trade-offs occur when different groups of visitors impose conflicting selection pressures on a floral trait. By contrast, opportunity trade-offs emerge only when some visitors’ actions (e.g. pollen collection) remove opportunities for fitness contribution by more beneficial visitors. Previous studies have observed disruptive selection due to phenotypic trade-offs less often than expected. In addition to existing explanations, we propose that some flowers have achieved ‘adaptive generalization’ by evolving features to avoid or eliminate the fitness valleys that phenotypic trade-offs tend to produce. The literature suggests a variety of pathways to such ‘trade-off mitigation’. Trade-off mitigation may also evolve as an adaptation to opportunity trade-offs. We argue that active exclusion, or floral specialization, can be viewed as a trade-off mitigation, occurring only when flowers cannot otherwise avoid strong opportunity trade-offs. These considerations suggest that an evolutionary strategy for trade-off mitigation is achieved often by acquiring novel combinations of traits. Thus, phenotypic diversification of flowers through convergent evolution of certain trait combinations may have been enhanced not only through adaptive specialization for particular visitors, but also through adaptive generalization for particular visitor communities. Explorations of how visitor-mediated trade-offs explain the recurrent patterns of floral phenotypes may help reconcile the long-lasting controversy on the validity of pollination syndromes.  相似文献   

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