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Among fluctuations of instantaneous heart rate (IHR) in newly hatched chicks, heart rate (HR) oscillation with a mean frequency of 0.7 Hz has been designated as Type II HR variability characterized by low frequency (LF) oscillation [Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A 124 (1999) 461]. In response to exposure to lowered ambient temperature (Ta), chick hatchlings raised their HR baseline accompanied with the production or augmentation of Type II HR oscillation, indicating that LF oscillation is a phenomenon relating to thermoregulation [J. Therm. Biol. 26 (2001) 281]. In emu hatchlings that are precocial like chickens, Type II HR oscillation also occurred, but less frequently in comparison with chick hatchlings [Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A 131 (2002) 787]. This present experiment was conducted to elucidate how IHR of emu hatchlings responds to changes in Ta. Six hatchlings were measured for IHR and skin temperature (Ts) during a 3-h period when they were exposed to controlled Ta (ca. 35 degrees C), lowered Ta (ca. 15-30 degrees C) and again the controlled Ta for individual 1-h periods. In response to all the cooling and re-warming procedures, HR baseline changed depending upon the intensity of the Ta differences; i.e. large differences of Ta produced large changes in HR. HR fluctuations tended to augment during cooling with a few exceptions, but LF oscillation was not produced. Thus, LF oscillation, which was scarce even at the controlled Ta, could not be used as a thermoregulatory indicator in emus.  相似文献   

On the basis of evidence showing that instantaneous heart rate (IHR) of chick hatchlings responds to exposure to altered ambient temperature (Ta; Tazawa H, Moriya K, Tamura A, and Akiyama R. Comp Biochem Physiol A 131A: 797-803, 2002), we elucidate here the developmental timeline for the homeothermic response of HR in newly hatched chicks (days 0-7) maintained at room temperature ( approximately 24-27 degrees C). Hatchlings were exposed to Ta of 25, 35, and 25 degrees C for 1-h periods, respectively, and IHR was measured together with skin temperature (Ts) during this warming and cooling bout. Early 0-day-old (0 day) chicks responded to warming and cooling exposures with various changes in HR baseline. In newly hatched chicks (0-7 h old), HR baseline was elevated during warming (Delta126 beats/min, n = 13) and declined during cooling (-Delta94 beats/min). With progress of development on day 0, the elevation of HR baseline during warming decreased and advanced 0-day chicks tended to decrease HR baseline during warming rather than increase HR. The more developed 1- to 7-day-old chicks exhibited the expected homeothermic decrease in HR during warming. The diurnal variations of HR responses during warming and cooling on the first day of post-egg life indicate that pronounced development of thermoregulatory competence occurs during the day of hatching (day 0). The response of IHR fluctuations to altered Ta was observed in the form of low- and high-frequency oscillations. High-frequency oscillations corresponding to respiratory sinus arrhythmia developed as the hatchlings aged. There was a significant increase in the number of chicks exhibiting both low- and high-frequency oscillations that depended on age and the development of thermoregulatory competence of hatchlings.  相似文献   

Six emu hatchlings were non-invasively measured for electrocardiogram (ECG) from their chest wall using flexible electrodes, and the instantaneous heart rate (IHR) was determined from ECG throughout the first week of post-hatching life. Although the baseline heart rate (HR) was low, approximately 100-200 beats per min (bpm), compared with chick hatchlings, the IHR fluctuated markedly. The fluctuation of IHR comprised HR variability and irregularities that were designated as types I, II and III in chick hatchlings and additional large accelerations distinctive of emu hatchlings. Type I was HR oscillation with a mean frequency of 0.37 Hz (range 0.2-0.7 Hz), i.e. respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). From RSA, breathing frequency in emu hatchlings was estimated to be approximately half of that in chickens. Type II HR oscillation was also found in the emu; the frequency ranged from approximately 0.04 to 0.1 with a mean of 0.06 Hz, and the magnitude tended to be large compared with that of chickens. In addition to type III HRI, which was designated in chickens, large, irregular HR accelerations were characteristic of emu hatchlings. From IHR data, developmental patterns of mean heart rate (MHR) were constructed and plotted on a single graph to inspect the diurnal rhythm of MHR by visual inspection and power spectrum analysis. A circadian rhythm was not clear in the emu hatchlings, in contrast to chick hatchlings, which showed a dominant diurnal rhythm.  相似文献   

The developmental patterns of mean heart rate (MHR) and instantaneous heart rate (IHR) were investigated in embryos and chicks of altricial Corvuscorone and Corvus macrorhynchos. The MHR of embryos increased linearly with time from 250 beats · min−1 at mid-incubation to 290 beats · min−1 in hatchlings. MHR during the pipping period was maximal, but only marginally higher than in hatchlings. MHR was stable at about 290–300 beats · min−1 during the 1st week after hatching. Spontaneous heart rate (HR) decelerations and accelerations were found in embryos and chicks, disturbing the baseline HR with increasing frequency during development. However, the IHR accelerations developed later and were less frequent than in precocial species. IHR and body temperature decreased during mild cold exposure (23–25 °C) and IHR accelerations were reduced in nestlings during the 1st week. We suggest that the development of parasympathetic control of HR in crows occurs at 60% of incubation, similar to precocial embryos, but sympathetic control may be delayed and suppressed in contrast to precocial embryos. Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

Instantaneous heart rate (IHR) of chicks was determined by electrocardiogram measured non-invasively from the day of hatch to day 6 for continuity of investigation of HR fluctuations from embryos and for ascertainment of HR diurnal rhythms. In Experiment I, IHR was determined for 1-h periods twice a day, in daytime and at night, to investigate development of heart rate fluctuations (variability and irregularities). Chick IHR was substantially more arrhythmic than embryonic HR and spontaneous acceleration dominated HR fluctuations. Chick HR fluctuations were categorized into three types; [1] Type I as a widespread baseline HR (20-50 bpm) due to respiratory arrhythmia, with a mean oscillatory frequency of 0.74 Hz (range 0.4-1.2 Hz); [2] Type II as low frequency oscillations of baseline HR, at a mean of 0.07 Hz (range 0.04-0.10 Hz), and [3] Type III as non-cyclic irregularities, dominated by frequent transient accelerations. In Experiment II, continuous measurements of HR were made under conditions of a natural photoperiod, thermoneutrality and with feed available throughout the first week after hatching and circadian rhythms of HR were ascertained. HR was very variable in the daytime (250-500 bpm), due in part to feeding and activity, and decreased to a diurnal low (200-350 bpm) at night when mean HR was relatively stable. HR fluctuations persisted throughout the diurnal cycle.  相似文献   

The embryonic modal value of heart rate (MHR) differs between broiler and White Leghorn chickens, but the initial development of cholinergic chronotropic control of embryonic heart rate (HR) does not. Thus, we hypothesized that hatchling MHR should also differ between broiler and White Leghorn strains, while the development of a physiological regulation, such as the endothermic HR response, should not be different between hatchlings of the two strains. To test this, we measured the response of HR and cloaca temperature (Tb) to alteration of ambient temperature (Ta); i.e., 35 degrees C-25 degrees C-35 degrees C, in four groups of hatchlings on Days 0 and 1 post-hatch. Fertile eggs of both strains with similar mass were incubated simultaneously in the same incubator. Eggs of broiler chickens hatched approximately 7 h earlier than White Leghorn chicken eggs. Chick mass at hatching was identical in both strains, but diverged during 2 days after hatching. Tb measured at the initial Ta of 35 degrees C was identical in both strains. MHR at the same Ta was approximately 30 bpm lower in broiler chicks than in White Leghorn chicks, but the difference was reversed to that observed in the embryos. The endothermic HR response was advanced by approximately 1 day in broiler chicks compared with White Leghorn chicks. As a result, eggs of similar mass in both strains produced chicks with similar mass and Tb at hatching, but during 2 days of post-hatch life their masses diverged and regulation of the endothermic HR response developed earlier in broiler than in White Leghorn hatchlings. This physiological heterochrony between strains is most likely due to genetic selection for fast growth in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) in avian embryos developing inside an eggshell has been measured by various means while maintaining adequate gas exchange through the eggshell. This is an important requirement in order to avoid adverse effects of impeding gas exchange on the cardiac rhythms of developing embryos. The present report is a review of our ontogenetic study on embryonic HR, which was measured with fulfillment of the above requirement and also hatchling HR measured non-invasively. Firstly, we reviewed measurements of daily changes (developmental patterns) in embryonic mean heart rate (MHR), which were determined from a short-term measurement of HR once a day, in 34 species of altricial and precocial birds. The allometric relationship between the MHR during pipping in altricial birds and their fresh egg masses was the same as that between the MHR at 80% of incubation duration and fresh egg masses in pre-cocial birds. Secondly, we presented the developmental patterns of MHR in chick embryos and hatchlings, which were determined from long-term, continuous measurement of HR before, during and after hatching. The ultradian and circadian rhythms of HR were clearly shown in embryos and hatchlings, respectively. Thirdly, we summarized instantaneous HR fluctuations: HR variability and HR irregularities, in chick embryos and hatchlings. The distinctive patterns were shown in pre-pipped and pipped embryos and newly hatched chicks, individually, which were partly related to autonomic nervous functions and physiological functions.  相似文献   

Emu eggs weigh approximately 600 g and have an incubation duration (ID) of approximately 50 days. The egg mass is approximately 10-fold heavier than the chicken egg and the ID is approximately 2.5-fold longer. Daily changes in mean heart rate (MHR) of emu embryos were previously determined, but further measurement was needed to investigate the species-specific behavior of cardiac rhythm for comparison with other species. In the present study, we continuously measured the electrocardiogram of emu embryos while maintaining adequate gas exchange through the eggshell and determined instantaneous heart rate (IHR) during the last 2-7 days of incubation until hatching or death. The MHR over 1-min intervals was calculated from IHR data in order to present continuous developmental patterns of heart rate (HR) in a single graph and 24-h recordings of HR in a single panel, showing the HR trend over a prolonged period. However, neither circadian nor ultradian rhythms of HR were shown in these figures or by power spectrum analysis. The IHR distinctively fluctuated and the fluctuations were mainly comprised of three patterns of irregular HR accelerations in embryos that hatched. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia also occurred in perinatal embryos. During the final stages of the perinatal period, short-term, repeated, large accelerations of IHR appeared, which signaled imminent hatching and has been reported for chick embryos. IHR fluctuations in embryos that failed to hatch tended to become inactive towards death.  相似文献   

The conventional commercial hatcheries used today do not allow the newly hatched chicks to consume feed or water. Combined with natural variation in hatching time, this can lead to early hatched chicks being feed-deprived for up to 72 h before being unloaded at the rearing site. This study investigated the effects of hatching time on time to first feed intake and development of organs, digestive enzymes and productivity in terms of growth and feed conversion ratio in chicks hatched on-farm. Chicks were divided into three hatching groups (early, mid-term and late), and assessed over a full production cycle of 34 days. The results revealed that chicks remain inactive for a considerable amount of time before engaging in eating-related activities. Eating activity of 5% (i.e. when 5% of birds in each hatching group were eating or standing close to the feeder) was recorded at an average biological age (BA) of 25.4 h and a proportion of 50% birds with full crop was reached at an average BA of 30.6 h. Considering that the hatching window was 35 h in this study, the average chick probably did not benefit from access to feed and water immediately post-hatch in this case. At hatch, mid-term hatchlings had a heavier small intestine (30.1 g/kg bw) than both early (26.4 g/kg bw) and late (26.0 g/kg bw) hatchlings. Relative length of the small intestine was shorter in late hatchlings (735 cm/kg bw) than in mid-term (849 cm/kg bw) and early (831 cm/kg bw) hatchlings. However, the relative weight of the bursa fabricii was greater in mid-term (1.30 g/kg bw) than in early hatchlings (1.01 g/kg bw). At hatch, late hatchlings were heavier than early and mid-term hatchlings (P < 0.05), but by 3 days of age early hatchlings were heavier than mid-term and late hatchlings (P < 0.01). The only effect persisting throughout the study was a difference in the relative weight of the small intestine, where late hatchlings had heavier intestines than early hatchlings (P < 0.05). Thus, while there were differences between hatching groups, this study showed that the hatchlings seemed capable of compensating for these as they grew.  相似文献   

The mortality of Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis chicks held in enclosures was studied in colonies on Griend, in the Dutch Wadden Sea, from 1992 to 1999, and on Hirsholm, in the Danish Kattegat, in 1997. Survival of chicks until fledging was 73% for chicks hatching from first-laid eggs or single-egg clutches and 59–64% for partially hatched two-egg clutches, whereas 6% of second hatchlings survived until fledging. Less than 2% of all two-chick broods actually fledged two chicks. Because 18% of the two-egg clutches only hatched one egg, 7% of fledglings of two-egg clutches originated from a second-laid egg. In nests where both eggs hatched, the number of chicks was usually reduced soon after hatching. Within five days of hatching more than 50% of the second hatchlings died of starvation or were preyed upon. It seems that overproduction commonly occurs in Sandwich terns and that investment in a surplus egg mainly serves as an insurance mechanism. On Griend and Hirsholm, chick productivity of two-egg clutches was somewhat higher than for one-egg clutches. Undernourishment was an important cause of death, either directly by starvation or by selective predation of chicks in poor condition. This, in combination with earlier, studies suggests that Sandwich tern parents on Griend are exposed to severe food stress.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the production of diapausing eggs in Daphnia can be induced by fish kairomones. A population of Daphnia could survive severe predation using this predator avoidance strategy. However, in changing environments, diapausing eggs experience various temperature conditions, and hatchlings at emergence may be exposed to the same predation risks as their mothers. Therefore, staying in diapause or an immediate response upon hatching to available environmental information could be important for hatchling survival. For this study, we investigated the impact of water temperature (10, 15, 20, and 25°C) in the presence and absence of fish kairomones (Lepomis macrochirus) on the hatching success of resting eggs (D. galeata). Results show that no diapausing eggs hatched at the lowest temperature (10°C), and the highest hatch percentage occurred at 15°C. Although higher water temperatures reduced hatching success, diapausing eggs hatched more quickly. The number of hatchlings was significantly higher after exposure to fish kairomones, and this was more noticeable at higher temperatures (20 and 25°C). The present results suggest that the diapausing eggs were produced as a predator avoidance strategy in Daphnia; however, the presence of fish works as a positive signal to increase hatchlings when the diapausing stage is terminated.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis by subcellular fractions of heart and liver of chick embryos at varying stages of development has been studied. Fatty acid synthetase activity is associated with the embryonic heart at early stages of development, as suggested by substrate requirement, Schmidt decarboxylation of synthesized fatty acids and gas liquid chromatographic identification of the products as palmitic and stearic acids. The fatty acid synthetase activity decreases in heart cytosol with age of the embryo and is absent in the newly hatched chick and in older chicken. The acetyl CoA carboxylase activity is negligible in embryonic and adult chicken heart. The fatty acid synthetase activity in liver is low, but measurable during the entire embryonic development. The activity increases by about three-fold on hatching and thereafter in fed, newly hatched chicks by about 35-fold, over the basal embryonic activity. The acetyl and malonyl transacylase activities in the heart and liver cytosols during development followed closely the fatty acid synthetase activities in heart and liver, respectively. A non-coordinate induction of fatty acid synthetase and acetyl CoA carboxylase activities in liver was observed during development. The microsomal chain elongation in liver and heart followed the pattern of fatty acid synthetase activity in liver and heart, respectively. The mitochondrial chain elongation in embryonic heart is initially low and increases with age; while this activity in liver is higher in early stages of embryonic development than in the older embryos and the chicks. Measurement of lipogenesis from acetate-1-14C by liver and heart slices from chick embryos and newly hatched chicks support the conclusions reached in the studies with the subcellular fractions. The results obtained indicate that the major system of fatty acid synthesis in embryonic and adult heart is the mitochondrial chain elongation. In embryonic liver, fatty acid synthesis proceeds by chain elongation, while the de novo system is the major contributor to the lipogenic capacity of the liver after hatching.  相似文献   

We asked to what extent sustained hypoxia during embryonic growth might interfere with the normal development of thermogenesis. White Leghorn chicken eggs were incubated at 38 degrees C either in normoxia (Nx, 21% O2) or in hypoxia [Hx, 15% O2, from embryonic day 5 (E5) until hatching]. The Hx embryos had lower body weight (W) throughout incubation, and hatching was delayed by about 10 h. For both groups, all measurements were conducted in normoxia. At embryonic day E11, the static temperature-oxygen consumption (ambient T-Vo2) curve was typically ectothermic (Q10 = 1.92-1.94) and similar between Nx and Hx. Toward the end of incubation (E20), the Q10 averaged 1.41 +/- 0.06 in Nx and 1.79 +/- 0.08 in Hx (P < 0.005), indicating that the onset of the thermogenic response in Hx lagged behind Nx. In the 1-day-old hatchlings (H1), body weight did not significantly differ between Nx and Hx. At H1, the T-Vo2 curves were endothermic-type, and more so in the older (>8 h old) than in the newly hatched (<8 h old) chicks, whether examined statically or dynamically as a function of time. In either case, the thermogenic responses of Hx were lower than those of Nx. In a 43-31 degrees C thermocline, the preferred T of the Hx hatchlings was around 37.3 degrees C, and similar to Nx, suggesting a similar setpoint for thermoregulation. We conclude that hypoxic incubation blunted the development of thermogenesis. This could be interpreted as an example of epigenetic regulation, in which an environmental perturbation during early development alters the phenotypic expression of a regulatory system.  相似文献   

We describe an easy method to test odour detection and recognition in 1‐d‐old zebra finch hatchlings (Taeniopygia guttata). Day‐old chicks beg in a stereotypical posture, which can be induced by directing gentle puffs of air from a plastic wash bottle near the face. We used this method to experimentally test whether begging duration of chicks was indicative of nest odour recognition. We manipulated the olfactory environment of 12 nests throughout incubation and hatching with either an artificial odour (orange oil) or with a neutral control (tap water). We then presented these two stimulus odours to 25 day‐old chicks and measured the duration of the first begging bout exhibited for each odour. Zebra finches hatched in a nest environment enriched with orange oil scent begged significantly longer when exposed to orange oil odour, compared to control hatchlings. Our simple testing procedure can be used to efficiently quantify odour recognition and/or preference in altricial songbirds at a very early developmental stage.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of acoustocardiogram (ACG), we measured the heart rate (HR) of chick embryos continuously from day 12 until hatching and then investigated the development of HR irregularities (HRI), HR variability (HRV), and the existence of a circadian rhythm in mean HR (MHR). HRI comprised transient bradycardia and tachycardia, which first developed on day 14 and 16 in most embryos, respectively. Transient bradycardia increased in frequency and magnitude with embryonic development and occurred over periods of up to 30 min in some embryos. MHR was maximal on around days 14-15 and thereafter decreased to about 250-260 bpm on days 16-18. Baseline HRV, which is an oscillation of the MHR baseline, occurred as HR decreased from days 15-16 and became predominant on days 17-18. The magnitude of the baseline oscillations reached up to 50 bpm in some embryos and the period ranged between about 40-90 min (ultradian rhythm). A circadian rhythm of MHR was not found in late chick embryos. On days 18-19, embryonic activities were augmented and then breathing movements began to occur, disturbing ACG signals and thus making it difficult to measure the HR. Instead, the development of breathing activities was recorded. Breathing frequency was irregular at first and then increased to a maximum of about 1.5 Hz prior to hatching.  相似文献   

At the core of the suite of adaptive hatching hypotheses advanced to explain asynchronous hatching in birds is the assumption that if food is not limited then all the hatchlings will develop normally to adulthood. In this study Brown-headed Parrot Poicephalus cryptoxanthus chicks were hand fed and weighed on a daily basis. Their respective masses were compared using a reparamatised Richards growth model. The results show that although the second and third hatched chicks initially grow faster than the first, the final mass attained by the third chick is significantly less than either of its siblings. Adaptive hatching hypotheses do not explain this result. We propose that the third chick is opportunistic and that is has evolved as insurance against prior chicks surviving because of interspecific pressure on the breeding biology of the species.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of thermoregulation and energy metabolism of chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) and gentoo (P. papua) penguins was studied on King George Island, South Shetland Island, Antarctica. The major findings of this study are: Chinstrap and gentoo penguin chicks hatched completely poikilothermic, due to their poor heat-production ability at low ambient temperatures. They were able to maintain high body temperatures and metabolic rates only by being brooded by adults. Newly hatched chinstrap penguin chicks had, at a specified ambient temperature, significantly higher metabolic rates than newly hatched gentoos. Moreover, chinstrap chicks maintained a significantly higher body temperature. It is suggested that this is a non-acclimatory metabolic adaptation of chinstrap penguin chicks to the lower mean temperatures of their breeding areas. On the 15th day after hatching, chinstrap chicks were completely, and gentoo chicks almost completely, homeothermic. In spite of their high thermogenic capacity from about day 10, chicks were not at that time capable of controlling heat dissipation, and were still dependent on their parents. In older downy chicks and fledglings, heat loss at low temperatures, expressed as heat conductance (CA), was similar to that found for the adults of other penguin species. Just before moulting the CA of chicks was lower than after moulting. Moulting alone did not cause a clear increase in CA. Towards the end of their stay on land the CA of pre-fledged gentoos decreased by 31%. This decrease was not connected with the development of feathers or growth in the chicks' weight. The combination of the low CA and high SMR of chicks gave very low lower critical temperatures, near -15 degrees C. The wide thermoneutral zones of the chicks covered the whole range of air temperature variations in the breeding colonies of both species studied on King George Island. The CA values of homeothermic chinstrap chicks were not lower than those of gentoos, despite the more southern breeding range of the former species. The older chicks of both species are well protected against cold. Any further increase in insulation in chinstrap chicks would be of no adaptative importance.  相似文献   

Tom M. Spight 《Oecologia》1976,24(4):283-294
Summary Chances for survival increase as a snail grows, and the resulting size-specific survival curve dictates hatching size. Related species tend to hatch at the same size, reflecting similarities in ecological roles. Hatching size depends upon macrohabitat and microhabitat among the Muricidae. Thais emarginata hatches large enough to escape from a major predator (the hermit crab) of newly hatched T. lamellosa. However, Thais hatching sizes reflect a general trend for upper shore muricids to hatch larger than lower shore ones, rather than a response to predators. A given volume of yolk will yield the same volume of hatchlings (regardless of hatching type or number of hatchlings) for all prosobranchs, including those whose embryos feed on nurse eggs. Therefore, no hatchlings are inflated more than others to make them less attractive to predators.  相似文献   

Metabolism of cholesterol in the tissues and blood of the chick embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three artificially inseminated laying White Leghorn hens were given 35-50 micro c of cholesterol-4-(14)C intravenously. Their subsequently produced eggs contained cholesterol-(14)C-labeled yolks. Some of the fertilized eggs were analyzed for cholesterol content and radioactivity. Other eggs were incubated until hatching. The specific activity of the cholesterol contained in the serum and tissues of newly hatched chicks was determined and compared with that of yolk sac, which was taken as representative of egg yolk cholesterol before its metabolic transfer into the chick embryo. The specific activities of cholesterol in intestine, liver, serum, heart, and skeletal muscle and the whole chick were 95-98% of that in yolk sac, but that of brain cholesterol was only 11% of this value. These results indicate that whereas most of the cholesterol in the chick originated from the egg yolk, cholesterol biosynthesis was active in the brain and provided about 90% of its cholestero content. Newly hatched chicks were found to be hyperlipemic compared with older chicks and had fatty livers with a high cholesterol content. Desmosterol was found in 9- and 15-day old chick embryos but not in the newly hatched chicks, in which the only sterol was cholesterol.  相似文献   

We attempted a new approach based on a modern dynamical system theory to reconstruct the arterial blood pressure signals in relation to heart rate fluctuations of developing chick embryos. The dynamical systems approach in general is to model a phenomenon that is presented by a single time series record and approximate the dynamical property (e.g. heart rate fluctuations) of a system based only on information contained in a single-variable (arterial blood pressure) of the system. The time-series data of the arterial blood pressure was reconstructed in 3-dimensional space to draw characteristic orbits. Since the reconstructed orbits of the blood pressure should retain information contained in the pressure signals, we attempted to derive instantaneous heart rate (IHR) from the reconstructed orbits. The derived IHR presenting HR fluctuations coincided well with the IHR obtained conventionally from the peak-to-peak time intervals of the maximum blood pressure. Movements of the reconstructed orbits of the arterial blood pressure in 3-dimensional space reflected HR fluctuations (i.e. transient decelerations and accelerations).  相似文献   

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