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Optimal T cell activation requires signaling through the TCR and CD28 costimulatory receptor. CD28 costimulation is believed to set the threshold for T cell activation. Recently, Cbl-b, a ubiquitin ligase, has been shown to negatively regulate CD28-dependent T cell activation. In this report, we show that CD28 costimulation selectively induces greater ubiquitination and degradation of Cbl-b in wild-type T cells than CD3 stimulation alone, and TCR-induced Cbl-b ubiquitination and degradation are significantly reduced in CD28-deficient T cells. Stimulation of CD28-deficient T cells with higher doses of anti-CD3 results in increased ubiquitination of Cbl-b, which correlates with enhanced T cell responses. Our results demonstrate that CD28 costimulation regulates the threshold for T cell activation, at least in part, by promoting Cbl-b ubiquitination and degradation.  相似文献   

Bystander B cells may be initially stimulated through CD40, which enhances susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis, before encountering Ag, which produces Fas resistance. A key issue in this process is to what extent CD40 cross-talk might affect subsequent BCR signaling. It has previously been shown that CD40 engagement bypasses or mitigates the need for Bruton's tyrosine kinase in subsequent BCR signaling for NF-kappaB activation. However, the full extent of the effects of CD40 on BCR signaling has not been delineated. In the present study we evaluated the possibility that CD40-mediated cross-talk also affects another principal outcome of BCR signaling: MAPK activation. We found that prior stimulation of primary murine B cells with CD40L markedly enhanced the level of ERK and JNK (but not p38 MAPK) phosphorylation produced by subsequently added anti-Ig Ab, and much, but not all, of this enhancement was independent of PI3K and phospholipase C. CD40L treatment similarly enhanced BCR-induced MAPK kinase (MEK) phosphorylation, and MEK was required for enhancement of ERK. Although BCR-induced c-Raf phosphorylation was also enhanced by prior CD40L treatment, c-Raf was not required for MEK/ERK phosphorylation. These results identify a novel system of receptor cross-talk between CD40 and BCR and indicate that the effects of CD40 engagement on subsequent BCR stimulation spread beyond NF-kappaB to involve the MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

T cell (TC) activation requires the coordinated signaling of the T cell receptor (TCR) and coreceptor molecules, allowing TCs to respond to lower degrees of TCR occupancy. Coreceptor molecules set the threshold for TC activation by controlling different regulatory signaling loops. The Cbl family members prevent undesired activation of T cells by regulating TCR signals. In this report, we show that TC prestimulation by the CD43 coreceptor molecule before TCR engagement inhibits TCR-dependent c-Cbl tyrosine phosphorylation, c-Cbl interaction with the adapter molecule Crk-L and promotes Cbl-b degradation in a PKCθ-dependent manner. Consequently, the prolonged tyrosine phosphorylation and delayed degradation of ZAP-70 and of the ζ chain lead to enhanced mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and robust TC response. These data indicates that CD43-mediated signals lower the threshold for TC activation by restricting the c-Cbl and Cbl-b inhibitory effects on TCR signaling. In addition to the strength and duration of intracellular signals, our data underscore temporality with which certain molecules are engaged as yet another mechanism to fine tune TC signal quality, and ultimately immune function.  相似文献   

Murine dendritic cells (DCs) can present Ag in an immunogenic or tolerogenic fashion, the distinction depending on either the occurrence of specialized DC subsets or the maturation or activation state of the DC. Although DC subsets may be programmed to direct either tolerance or immunity, it is not known whether appropriate environmental stimulation can result in complete flexibility of a basic program. Using splenic CD8(-) and CD8(+) DCs that mediate the respective immunogenic and tolerogenic presentation of self peptides, we show that both the in vivo and in vitro activities of either subset can be altered by ligation of specific surface receptors. Otherwise immunogenic CD8(-) DCs become tolerogenic upon B7 ligation by soluble CTLA-4, a maneuver that initiates immunosuppressive tryptophan catabolism. In contrast, CD40 ligation on tolerogenic CD8(+) DCs makes these cells capable of immunogenic presentation. Thus, environmental conditioning by T cell ligands may alter the default function of DC subsets to meet the needs of flexibility and redundancy.  相似文献   

Conventionally, signaling through BCR initiates sequence of events necessary for activation and differentiation of B cells. We report an alternative approach, independent of BCR, for stimulating resting B (RB) cells, by involving TLR-2 and CD40--molecules crucial for innate and adaptive immunity. CD40 triggering of TLR-2 stimulated RB cells significantly augments their activation, proliferation and differentiation. It also substantially ameliorates the calcium flux, antigen uptake capacity and ability of B cells to activate T cells. The survival of RB cells was improved and it increases the number of cells expressing activation induced deaminase (AID), signifying class switch recombination (CSR). Further, we also observed increased activation rate and decreased threshold period required for optimum stimulation of RB cells. These results corroborate well with microarray gene expression data. This study provides novel insights into coordination between the molecules of innate and adaptive immunity in activating B cells, in a BCR independent manner. This strategy can be exploited to design vaccines to bolster B cell activation and antigen presenting efficiency, leading to faster and better immune response.  相似文献   

The role of B7 costimulation in CD4/CD8 T cell homeostasis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The effect of B7-mediated costimulation on T cell homeostasis was examined in studies of B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) transgenic as well as B7-deficient mice. B7 overexpression in transgenic mice resulted in marked polyclonal peripheral T cell hyperplasia accompanied by skewing toward an increased proportion of CD8 single-positive cells and a decreased proportion of CD4 single-positive cells in thymus and more markedly in peripheral T cells. B7-induced T cell expansion was dependent on both CD28 and TCR expression. Transgenic overexpression of B7-1 or B7-2 resulted in down-regulation of cell surface CD28 on thymocytes and peripheral T cells through a mechanism mediated by intercellular interaction. Mice deficient in B7-1 and B7-2 exhibited changes that were the reciprocal of those observed in B7-overexpressing transgenics: a marked increase in the CD4/CD8 ratio in peripheral T cells and an increase in cell surface CD28 in thymus and peripheral T cells. These reciprocal effects of genetically engineered increase or decrease in B7 expression indicate that B7 costimulation plays a physiological role in the regulation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

Enhancement of CD8+ T cell responses by ICOS/B7h costimulation.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Although the recently identified ICOS/B7h costimulatory counterreceptors are critical regulators of CD4(+) T cell responses, their ability to regulate CD8(+) responses is unclear. Here we report using a tumor-rejection model that ectopic B7h expression can costimulate rejection by CD8(+) T cells in the absence of CD4(+) T cells. Although responses of naive T cells were significantly augmented by priming with B7h, B7h was surprisingly effective in mobilizing recall responses of adoptively transferred T cells. To explore why secondary responses of CD8(+) T cells were particularly enhanced by B7h, kinetics of ICOS up-regulation, proliferative responses, and cytokine production were compared from both naive and rechallenged 2C-transgenic T cells costimulated in vitro. Although B7h costimulated proliferative responses from both CD8(+) populations, rechallenged cells were preferentially costimulated for IL-2 and IFN-gamma production. These results indicate that ICOS/B7h counterreceptors likely function in vivo to enhance secondary responses by CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

This study documents a striking dichotomy between CD4 and CD8 T cells in terms of their requirements for CD40-CD40 ligand (CD40L) costimulation. CD40L-deficient (-/-) mice made potent virus-specific CD8 T cell responses to dominant as well as subdominant epitopes following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. In contrast, in the very same mice, virus-specific CD4 T cell responses were severely compromised. There were 10-fold fewer virus-specific CD4 T cells in CD40L-/- mice compared with those in CD40L+/+ mice, and this inhibition was seen for both Th1 (IFN-gamma, IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4) responses. An in vivo functional consequence of this Th cell defect was the inability of CD40L-/- mice to control a chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. This study highlights the importance of CD40-CD40L interactions in generating virus-specific CD4 T cell responses and in resolving chronic viral infection.  相似文献   

Preformed CD40/CD40 homodimers were initially observed on human Burkitt lymphoma cell lines, normal B cells, and transitional bladder carcinoma cell lines. However, the nature and the biological relevance of these homodimers have not yet been investigated. In the present study, we demonstrated that Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells and CD40-transfected HEK 293 cells constitutively expressed disulfide-linked CD40/CD40 homodimers at low levels. Oligomerization of CD40 leads to a rapid and significant increase in the disulfide-linked CD40/CD40 homodimer formation, a response that could be prevented using a thiol-alkylating agent. Formation of CD40/CD40 homodimers was found to be absolutely required for CD40-mediated activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, which, in turn regulated B7.2 expression. In contrast, CD40 monomers provided the minimal signal emerging from CD40, activating p38 MAP kinase and inducing homotypic B cell adhesion. CD40/CD40 homodimer formation was totally independent of TRAF1/2/3/5 associations with the threonine at position 254 in the cytoplasmic tail of the CD40 molecules. This finding may be vital to better understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern cell signaling triggered by CD40/CD154 interactions.  相似文献   

OX40 and its ligand (OX40L) have been implicated in T cell-dependent humoral immune responses. To further characterize the role of OX40/OX40L in T-B cell interaction, we newly generated an anti-mouse OX40L mAb (RM134L) that can inhibit the costimulatory activity of OX40L transfectants for anti-CD3-stimulated T cell proliferation. Flow cytometric analyses using RM134L and an anti-mouse OX40 mAb indicated that OX40 was inducible on splenic T cells by stimulation with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb in a CD28-independent manner, while OX40L was not expressed on resting or activated T cells. OX40L was inducible on splenic B cells by stimulation with anti-IgM Ab plus anti-CD40 mAb, but not by either alone. These activated B cells exhibited a potent costimulatory activity for anti-CD3-stimulated T cell proliferation and IL-2 production. Anti-CD80 and anti-CD86 mAbs partially inhibited the costimulatory activity, and further inhibition was obtained by their combination with RM134L and/or anti-CD70 mAb. We also found the anti-IgM Ab- plus anti-CD40 mAb-stimulated B cells exhibited a potent costimulatory activity for proliferation of and IL-2 production by anti-CD3-stimulated CD28- T cells from CD28-deficient mice, which was substantially inhibited by RM134L and/or anti-CD70 mAb. These results indicated that OX40L and CD70 expressed on surface Ig- and CD40-stimulated B cells can provide CD28-independent costimulatory signals to T cells.  相似文献   

Members of the imidazoquinoline molecule family, including imiquimod and resiquimod (R-848), have potent antiviral and antitumor activities. Imiquimod cream (5%) (Aldara) is currently indicated for treatment of external genital and perianal warts. Previous characterization of these compounds has focused upon their ability to activate monocytes and dendritic cells, but recent studies have shown that resiquimod also stimulates B lymphocytes to proliferate and express an activated phenotype. This suggests that resiquimod could potentially serve as an effective vaccine adjuvant in stimulating a humoral immune response. This study shows that resiquimod mimics effects of the T-dependent CD40 signal in both mouse and human B cell lines. Resiquimod, like CD40, stimulates antibody secretion, cytokine production, protection from apoptosis, and CD80 upregulation. In addition, it shows synergy with signals delivered by the B cell antigen receptor and heightens CD40-mediated B cell activation, demonstrating that resiquimod can enhance antigen-specific responses in B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Zheng X  Zhang H  Yin L  Wang CR  Liu Y  Zheng P 《PloS one》2008,3(7):e2703
It has been demonstrated that the development of NKT cells requires CD1d. The contribution of costimulatory molecules in this process has not been studied. Here we show that in mice with targeted mutations of B7-1/2 and CD28, the TCRbeta(+)alpha-Galcer/CD1d(+) (iValpha14 NKT) subset is significantly reduced in the thymus, spleen and liver. This is mainly due to decreased cell proliferation; although increased cell death in the thymi of CD28-deficient mice was also observed. Moreover, in the B7-1/2- and CD28-deficient mice, we found a decreased percentage of the CD4(-)NK1.1(+) subset and a correspondingly increased portion of the CD4(+)NK1.1(-) subset. In addition, the mice with a targeted mutation of either B7 or CD28 had a reduced susceptibility to Con A induced hepatitis, which is known to be mediated by NKT cells. Our results demonstrate that the development, maturation and function of NKT cell are modulated by the costimulatory pathway and thus expand the horizon of costimulation into NKT, which is widely viewed as a bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. As such, costimulation may modulate all major branches of cell-mediated immunity, including T cells, NK cells and NKT cells.  相似文献   

NK cells are a subpopulation of lymphocytes characterized primarily by their cytolytic activity. They are recognized as an important component of the immune response against virus infection and tumors. In addition to their cytolytic activity, NK cells also participate either directly or indirectly in the regulation of the ongoing Ab response. More recently, it has been suggested that NK cells have an important role in the outcome of autoimmune diseases. Here, we demonstrate that human NK cells can induce autologous resting B cells to synthesize Ig, including switching to IgG and IgA, reminiscent of a secondary Ab response. B cell activation by the NK cell is contact-dependent and rapid, suggesting an autocrine B cell-regulated process. This NK cell function is T cell-independent, requires an active cytoplasmic membrane, and is blocked by anti-CD40 ligand (anti-CD154) or CD40-mIg fusion protein, indicating a critical role for CD40-CD40 ligand interaction. Depletion studies also demonstrate that CD5+ B cells (autoreactive B-1 cells) and a heterogeneous population of CD27+ memory B cells play a critical role in the Ig response induced by NK cells. The existence of this novel mechanism of B cell activation has important implications in innate immunity, B cell-mediated autoimmunity, and B cell neoplasia.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity and production of type 1 cytokines are the main defenses against pathogenic fungi. Ligation of CD40 by CD40L on T cells is critical for the induction of these immune responses in vivo. We explored the role of CD40/CD40L interactions in vaccine immunity to Blastomyces dermatitidis by immunizing CD40(-/-) and CD40L(-/-) mice and analyzing their resistance to reinfection in a murine pulmonary model. In the absence of CD40 or CD40L, CD4(+) cells failed to get primed or produce type 1 cytokine and impaired the generation of CD8(+) T1 cells. The CD8(+) T cell defect was not due to regulatory T cells or impaired APC maturation or Ag presentation to T cells. If CD4(+) cells were first eliminated, vaccination of CD40(-/-) and CD40L(-/-) mice restored priming of CD8(+) cells, type 1 cytokine production, and resistance. Hence, CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells differ sharply in their requirement for CD40/CD40L interaction during the generation of antifungal immunity. Despite the plasticity of T cell subsets in vaccine immunity, in absence of CD40/CD40L interaction, CD4(+) cells may impede the priming of CD8(+) cells at the cost of host survival against a lethal infectious disease.  相似文献   

Liu J  Yoshida Y  Yamashita U 《FEBS letters》2007,581(26):5043-5049
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by the innate immune system work as effectors to destroy pathogens and to control cellular responses. However, their role in the adaptive immune response remains unclear. Here we studied the effect of exogenous ROS on CD40-induced B cell activation. H2O2 treatment inhibited CD40-induced immunoglobulin production of B cells, DNA binding of NF-kappaB, IkappaBalpha degradation and IKK phosphorylation. On the other hand, H2O2 treatment did not induce obvious B cell death after 30 min of stimulation. Although the ligation of anti-CD40 antibody was not disturbed by H2O2, TRAF2 recruitment to CD40 was inhibited. These results suggest that exogenous ROS play a negative role in CD40 signaling during B cell activation.  相似文献   

BCR signaling is propagated by a series of intermediaries and eventuates in NF-kappaB activation, among other outcomes. Interruption of several mediators that constitute the signalosome, such as PI3K and phospholipase Cgamma2, completely blocks BCR signaling for NF-kappaB. We show here that this accepted, conventional paradigm is, in fact, limited to naive B cells. CD40L treatment reprograms normal B cells such that a novel, alternate pathway for BCR signaling is created. Through this alternate pathway BCR triggering induces nuclear NF-kappaB without the need for PI3K or for phospholipase Cgamma2. Induction of NF-kappaB via the alternate pathway is accompanied by IkappaB kinase beta (IKKbeta) phosphorylation, IkappaBalpha phosphorylation, and IkappaBalpha degradation, and inhibition of IKKbeta blocked IkappaBalpha degradation. Several key events in the conventional pathway, including early protein tyrosine phosphorylation, were unimpeded by generation of the alternate pathway which appears to operate in parallel, rather than in competition, with classical BCR signaling. These results demonstrate cross-talk between CD40 and BCR, such that the requirements for BCR signaling are altered by prior B cell exposure to CD40L. The alternate BCR signaling pathway bypasses multiple signalosome elements and terminates in IKKbeta activation.  相似文献   

The Lyb-2 system of the mouse is involved in regulation of a proliferative step in the differentiation of B cells responding to T-dependent antigen. The present study concerns the role of Lyb-2 in an early phase of B cell activation with respect to B cell receptor functions for activation factors. It is shown that interaction of monoclonal anti (alpha)-Lyb-2 antibody with Lyb-2 on the B cell surface induces B cell proliferation by synergistic action with B cell growth factor II-containing factor or interleukin 1. In contrast, alpha-Lyb-2 antibody could not synergize with the Con A-induced culture supernatant of T cell hybridoma FS6-14.13 (FS6) containing B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1; formerly called BCGF I), and the effect of combining the two was only additive on B cell proliferation. Absorption studies showed that BSF-1 in FS6 could be absorbed by unstimulated B cells, about 95% of which were at Go phase of the cell cycle, but not by thymocytes, and more importantly that alpha-Lyb-2 antibody blocked the absorption in an Lyb-2-specific manner, possibly by competing with BSF-1. It is thus likely that alpha-Lyb-2 antibody may interact with a BSF-1 receptor on B cells or a molecule closely associated with it. Interestingly, alpha-Lyb-2 antibody mimicked the action of BSF-1 in a costimulator assay with affinity-purified goat alpha-mouse IgM antibody, but could not replace all the activities ascribed to BSF-1. Possible mechanisms involved are discussed.  相似文献   

Coengagement of BCR and the C3dg binding CD21/CD19/CD81 costimulatory complex can profoundly reduce the BCR binding threshold for eliciting B cell S phase entry, provided cytokine is present. IL-4 is substantially better than IL-2, IL-13, and TNF-alpha at exhibiting synergy with BCR:CD21 coengaging ligand (anti-IgM:anti-CD21:dextran) in promoting B cell DNA synthesis. Synergy between IL-4 and anti-IgM:anti-CD21:dextran (a) is not explained by the viability-promoting function of IL-4, (b) occurs when the anti-CD21 moiety engages either C3dg binding or non-C3dg binding domains, (c) does not reflect reversal of FcgammaRII-mediated negative regulation, and (d) involves differing temporal requirements for BCR and IL-4R signal transduction during the activation process. The IL-4R signaling pathway appears to synergize directly with the BCR:CD21 signaling pathway(s) in promoting the progression of resting B cells past an early G1 checkpoint, as well as to promote independently the progression of activated B cells past a later G1 to S checkpoint.  相似文献   

Although CD28 is the principal T cell costimulatory molecule for the T cell receptor, a number of other cell surface proteins have costimulatory functions and perform specific roles in different contexts. Here we analyzed the mechanism of CD99 costimulation of the T cell receptor. Cooperation of CD99 engagement with suboptimal TCR/CD3 signals resulted in greatly enhanced CD4+ T cell proliferation. CD99 costimulation also led to elevated expression of CD25 and GM1 on the CD4+ T cell surface within 3 days. In Jurkat TAg cells, CD99 costimulation led to increased apoptosis compared to stimulation with CD3 or CD99 alone. CD99 costimulation also augmented activation of MAP kinases, especially of JNK, and increased AP-1 activation was also observed using a luciferase reporter assay. These results show that CD99 has a costimulatory function for T cells and acts by a mechanism distinct from CD28.  相似文献   

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