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Neurochemical Research - Capsaicin is the most abundant pungent molecule identified in red chili peppers, and it is widely used for food flavoring, in pepper spray for self-defense devices and...  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - In mammals, glutamate is an important excitatory neurotransmitter. Glutamate and glutamate receptors are found in areas specifically involved in pain sensation,...  相似文献   


Eugenol, a known vanilloid, was frequently used in dentistry as a local analgesic in addition, antibacterial and neuroprotective effects were also reported. Eugenol, capsaicin and many vanilloids are interacting with the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) in mammals and the TRPV1 is activated by noxious heat. The pharmacological manipulation of the TRPV1 has been shown to have therapeutic value. Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) express TRPV orthologs (e.g. OCR-2, OSM-9) and it is a commonly used animal model system to study nociception as it displays a well-defined and reproducible nocifensive behavior. After exposure to vanilloid solutions, C. elegans wild type (N2) and mutants were placed on petri dishes divided in quadrants for heat stimulation. Thermal avoidance index was used to phenotype each tested C. elegans experimental groups. The results showed that eugenol, vanillin and zingerone can hamper nocifensive response of C. elegans to noxious heat (32–35 °C) following a sustained exposition. Also, the effect was reversed 6 h post exposition. Furthermore, eugenol and vanillin did not target specifically the OCR-2 or OSM-9 but zingerone did specifically target the OCR-2 similarly to capsaicin. Further structural and physicochemical analyses were performed. Key parameters for quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR), quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) and frontier orbital analyses suggest similarities and dissimilarities amongst the tested vanilloids and capsaicin in accordance with the relative anti-nociceptive effects observed.


Asymmetric cell division is critical during development, as it influences processes such as cell fate specification and cell migration. We have characterized FRK-1, a homolog of the mammalian Fer nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, and found it to be required for differentiation and maintenance of epithelial cell types, including the stem cell-like seam cells of the hypodermis. A genomic knockout of frk-1, allele ok760, results in severely uncoordinated larvae that arrest at the L1 stage and have an excess number of lateral hypodermal cells that appear to have lost asymmetry in the stem cell-like divisions of the seam cell lineage. frk-1(ok760) mutants show that there are excess lateral hypodermal cells that are abnormally shaped and smaller in size compared to wild type, a defect that could be rescued only in a manner dependent on the kinase activity of FRK-1. Additionally, we observed a significant change in the expression of heterochronic regulators in frk-1(ok760) mutants. However, frk-1(ok760) mutants do not express late, nonseam hypodermal GFP markers, suggesting the seam cells do not precociously differentiate as adult-hyp7 cells. Finally, our data also demonstrate a clear role for FRK-1 in seam cell proliferation, as eliminating FRK-1 during the L3–L4 transition results in supernumerary seam cell nuclei that are dependent on asymmetric Wnt signaling. Specifically, we observe aberrant POP-1 and WRM-1 localization that is dependent on the presence of FRK-1 and APR-1. Overall, our data suggest a requirement for FRK-1 in maintaining the identity and proliferation of seam cells primarily through an interaction with the asymmetric Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are integral to the mechanisms by which cells respond to physiological stimuli and a wide variety of environmental stresses. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the stress response is controlled by a c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-like MAPK signaling pathway, which is regulated by MLK-1 MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), MEK-1 MAPKK, and KGB-1 JNK-like MAPK. In this study, we identify the max-2 gene encoding a C. elegans Ste20-related protein kinase as a component functioning upstream of the MLK-1-MEK-1-KGB-1 pathway. The max-2 loss-of-function mutation is defective in activation of KGB-1, resulting in hypersensitivity to heavy metals. Biochemical analysis reveals that MAX-2 activates MLK-1 through direct phosphorylation of a specific residue in the activation loop of the MLK-1 kinase domain. Our genetic data presented here also show that MIG-2 small GTPase functions upstream of MAX-2 in the KGB-1 pathway. These results suggest that MAX-2 and MIG-2 play a crucial role in mediating the heavy metal stress response regulated by the KGB-1 pathway.Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathways are evolutionarily conserved in eukaryotic cells and transduce signals in response to a variety of extracellular stimuli. Each pathway is composed of three classes of protein kinases: MAPK, MAPK kinase (MAPKK), and MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK) (4, 14). MAPKKK phosphorylates and activates MAPKK, which in turn activates MAPK by dual phosphorylation of threonine and tyrosine residues within a Thr-Xxx-Tyr motif. Three subgroups of MAPKs have been identified: the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38 kinases (4, 14). JNK and p38 MAPKs function as key mediators of stress and immune signaling in mammals. The MKK4 and MKK7 MAPKKs have been shown to activate JNK, and the MKK3 and MKK6 MAPKKs serve as the major activators of p38 MAPK (4, 14). The specific MAPKKs are themselves phosphorylated and activated by specific MAPKKKs.Recent studies of Caenorhabditis elegans have revealed a high degree of conservation of JNK MAPK signaling components between C. elegans and mammals. The C. elegans JNK pathway, composed of an MKK7-type MAPKK JKK-1 and a JNK-type MAPK JNK-1, regulates coordinated movement via type D GABAergic (GABA stands for γ-aminobutyric acid) motor neurons (10) and has a role in synaptic vesicle transport (3). C. elegans also possesses another JNK-like MAPK pathway, composed of MLK-1 MAPKKK, MEK-1 MAPKK, and KGB-1 MAPK, which is homologous to the mammalian MLK-MKK7-JNK MAPK signaling cassette. KGB-1 has a novel activation site, consisting of Ser-Xxx-Tyr rather than Thr-Xxx-Tyr (19, 21). The KGB-1 pathway regulates the stress response to heavy metals (19). We have previously identified the vhp-1 and shc-1 genes as components functioning in the KGB-1 pathway. The vhp-1 and shc-1 genes encode a MAPK phosphatase (MKP) highly homologous to mammalian MKP-7 and a homolog of the mammalian Shc adaptor, respectively (19, 20). VHP-1 plays an important role in the heavy metal stress response in C. elegans by negatively regulating the KGB-1 pathway through dephosphorylation of KGB-1. SHC-1 mediates activation of the KGB-1 pathway by linking MEK-1 MAPKK with MLK-1 MAPKKK. However, it remains unknown what components function upstream of the MLK-1-MEK-1-KGB-1 pathway.In mammalian cells, the kinase activity of MLK family members is controlled by several different mechanisms, such as dimer formation, autoinhibition mediated by the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of the MLKs itself, interaction with small GTPases, and phosphorylation by MAPKKK kinase (MAP4K) (6). In this study, we identified MAX-2, a member of the Ste20 group of protein kinases, as a potential component functioning upstream of MLK-1 MAPKKK in the KGB-1 pathway. MAX-2 physically associates with and phosphorylates MLK-1 at a Ser residue in the activation loop located between kinase subdomains VII and VIII of MLK-1, resulting in its activation. Additionally, we found that MIG-2, a member of the Rac family of small GTPases, functions as an upstream regulator of MAX-2. Our results thus identify the in vivo machinery regulating the JNK-mediated stress response pathway via a Ste20-related kinase and Rac-type GTPase.  相似文献   



The Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in development, adult tissue homeostasis and stem cell maintenance. Further understanding of the function of Wnt signaling in specific cell types could benefit from lentiviral vectors expressing reporters for the Wnt pathway or vectors interfering with signaling.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have developed a set of fluorescent and luminescent lentiviral vectors that report Wnt signaling activity and discriminate between negative and uninfected cells. These vectors possess a 7xTcf-eGFP or 7xTcf-FFluc (Firefly Luciferase) reporter cassette followed by either an SV40-mCherry or SV40-PuroR (puromycin N-acetyltransferase) selection cassette. We have also constructed a vector that allows drug-based selection of cells with activated Wnt signaling by placing PuroR under the control of the 7xTcf promoter. Lastly, we have expressed dominant-negative Tcf4 (dnTcf4) or constitutively active beta-catenin (β-catenin4A) from the hEF1α promoter in a SV40-PuroR or SV40-mCherry backbone to create vectors that inhibit or activate the Wnt signaling pathway. These vectors will be made available to the scientific community through Addgene.


These novel lentiviruses are efficient tools to probe and manipulate Wnt signaling. The use of a selection cassette in Wnt-reporter viruses enables discriminating between uninfected and non-responsive cells, an important requirement for experiments where selection of clones is not possible. The use of a chemiluminescent readout enables quantification of signaling. Finally, selectable vectors can be used to either inhibit or activate the Wnt signaling pathway. Altogether, these vectors can probe and modulate the Wnt signaling pathway in experimental settings where persistence of the transgene or gene transfer cannot be accomplished by non-viral techniques.  相似文献   

Highlights? A phase map of cell fate patterns is built as a function of signaling pathway dose ? The vulva system can buffer a 4-fold variation in mean lin-3/egf mRNA number ? The major role of LIN-12/Notch in the vulva is to promote the 2° fate ? Inhibition of 1° fate by LIN-12 is important when lin-3 dose is mildly increased  相似文献   

Specialized cells of the somatic gonad primordium of nematodes play important roles in the final form and function of the mature gonad. Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites are somatic females that have a two-armed, U-shaped gonad that connects to the vulva at the midbody. The outgrowth of each gonad arm from the somatic gonad primordium is led by two female distal tip cells (fDTCs), while the anchor cell (AC) remains stationary and central to coordinate uterine and vulval development. The bHLH protein HLH-2 and its dimerization partners LIN-32 and HLH-12 had previously been shown to be required for fDTC specification. Here, we show that ectopic expression of both HLH-12 and LIN-32 in cells with AC potential transiently transforms them into fDTC-like cells. Furthermore, hlh-12 was known to be required for the fDTCs to sustain gonad arm outgrowth. Here, we show that ectopic expression of HLH-12 in the normally stationary AC causes displacement from its normal position and that displacement likely results from activation of the leader program of fDTCs because it requires genes necessary for gonad arm outgrowth. Thus, HLH-12 is both necessary and sufficient to promote gonadal regulatory cell migration. As differences in female gonadal morphology of different nematode species reflect differences in the fate or migratory properties of the fDTCs or of the AC, we hypothesized that evolutionary changes in the expression of hlh-12 may underlie the evolution of such morphological diversity. However, we were unable to identify an hlh-12 ortholog outside of Caenorhabditis. Instead, by performing a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all Class II bHLH proteins in multiple nematode species, we found that hlh-12 evolved within the Caenorhabditis clade, possibly by duplicative transposition of hlh-10. Our analysis suggests that control of gene regulatory hierarchies for gonadogenesis can be remarkably plastic during evolution without adverse phenotypic consequence.  相似文献   

Botanicals are rich in bioactive compounds, and some offer numerous beneficial effects to animal and human health when consumed. It is well known that phytochemicals in cranberries have anti-oxidative and antimicrobial activities. Recently, an increasing body of evidence has demonstrated that cranberry phytochemicals may have potential benefits that promote healthy aging. Here, we use Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to show that water-soluble cranberry extract standardized to 4.0% proanthocyanidins (WCESP), a major component of cranberries, can enhance host innate immunity to resist against Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae; wild type C6706 (O1 El Tor biotype)) infection. Supplementation of WCESP did not significantly alter the intestinal colonization of V. cholerae, but upregulated the expression of C. elegans innate immune genes, such as clec-46, clec-71, fmo-2, pqn-5 and C23G10.1. Additionally, WCESP treatment did not affect the growth of V. cholerae and expression of the major bacterial virulence genes, and only slightly reduced bacterial colonization within C. elegans intestine. These findings indicate that the major components of WCESP, including proanthocyanidins (PACs), may play an important role in enhancing the host innate immunity. Moreover, we engaged C. elegans mutants and identified that the p38 MAPK signaling, insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS), and HSF-1 play pivotal roles in the WCESP-mediated host immune response. Considering the level of conservation between the innate immune pathways of C. elegans and humans, the results of this study suggest that WCESP may also play an immunity-promoting role in higher order organisms.  相似文献   

卵巢生殖干细胞(ovarian germline stem cells, OGSCs)的发现,打破了生殖医学领域传统的"固定卵泡池"理论。近年来,OGSCs新的研究成果不断涌现,但关于OGSCs体内调控机制的研究仍然较少。Notch通路广泛参与多种成体干细胞不对称分裂的过程,并与细胞衰老密切相关,但其是否参与OGSCs的体内调控机制及卵巢的衰老进程尚不清楚。本研究以原代培养技术提取OGSCs,通过荧光双标染色发现,OGSCs标志基因MVH、Oct4与Notch信号通路相关分子Notch1、Hes1在OGSCs中存在共表达;抑制Notch信号通路活性后,cck-8检测发现,OGSCs的增殖活性呈下降趋势;而以免疫组化、荧光双标、Western印迹法检测性成熟期(2月龄)、不孕和衰老(20月龄)小鼠卵巢皮层中MVH、Oct4、Notch1和Hes1的表达变化,发现2月龄小鼠卵巢皮层中MVH、Oct4、Notch1和Hes1的表达量较高(P<0.05),而不孕和衰老小鼠卵巢皮层中,MVH、Oct4、Notch1和Hes1的表达量均明显下降。上述结果表明,Notch信号通路在小鼠OGSCs中高表达,并可能参与调控OGSCs的增殖机制及卵巢的衰老进程。  相似文献   

The heat shock response (HSR) is responsible for maintaining cellular and organismal health through the regulation of proteostasis. Recent data demonstrating that the mammalian HSR is regulated by SIRT1 suggest that this response may be under metabolic control. To test this hypothesis, we have determined the effect of caloric restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans on activation of the HSR and have found a synergistic effect on the induction of hsp70 gene expression. The homolog of mammalian SIRT1 in C. elegans is Sir2.1. Using a mutated C. elegans strain with a sir2.1 deletion, we show that heat shock and caloric restriction cooperate to promote increased survivability and fitness in a sir2.1-dependent manner. Finally, we show that caloric restriction increases the ability of heat shock to preserve movement in a polyglutamine toxicity neurodegenerative disease model and that this effect is dependent on sir2.1.  相似文献   

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