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RELL1 and RELL2 are two newly identified RELT homologues that bind to the TNF receptor family member RELT. The expression of RELL1 at the mRNA level is ubiquitous, whereas expression of RELL2 mRNA is more restricted to particular tissues. RELT, RELL1, and RELL2 co-localized with one another at the plasma membrane. The three proteins interacted with one another as demonstrated by in vitro co-immunoprecipitation experiments. We propose that RELL1 and RELL2 be considered RELT family members based on their similar amino acid sequences and on their ability to physically interact with one another. OSR1 was identified through a yeast two-hybrid screen utilizing the intracellular portion of RELL1 as bait, and OSR1 was shown to interact with the three RELT family members by in vitro co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Additionally, OSR1 phosphorylated the RELT family members in an in vitro kinase assay. These results report two novel homologues of RELT that interact with RELT and are phosphorylated by the OSR1 kinase.  相似文献   

RELT is a recently identified Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor that possess two homologues in humans named RELL1 and RELL2. We investigated whether RELT and its homologues could induce cellular death when transiently transfected into HEK 293 epithelial cells. Transfection of RELT family members into HEK 293 epithelial cells induced cell death characterized by rounding and lifting of cells accompanied by DNA fragmentation, characteristics that are consistent with the activation of an apoptotic pathway. Overexpression of RELT in COS-7 cells resulted in cell rounding and lifting without DNA fragmentation, suggesting that the effects of RELT signaling may vary among different cell types. In summary, we report that overexpression of RELT or its homologues RELL1 and RELL2 in HEK 293 epithelial cells results in cell death with morphological characteristics consistent with the activation of an apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the p53 tumor suppressor at Ser20 (murine Ser23) has been proposed to be critical for disrupting p53 interaction with its negative regulator, MDM2, and allowing p53 stabilization. To determine the importance of Ser23 for the function of p53 in vivo, we generated a mouse in which the endogenous p53 locus was targeted to replace Ser23 with alanine. We show that, in mouse embryonic fibroblasts generated from Ser23 mutant mice, Ser23 mutation did not dramatically reduce IR-induced p53 protein stabilization or p53-dependent cell cycle arrest. However, in Ser23 mutant thymocytes and in the developing cerebellum, p53 stabilization following IR was decreased and resistance to apoptosis was observed. Homozygous Ser23 mutant animals had a reduced lifespan, but did not develop thymic lymphomas or sarcomas that are characteristic of p53-/- mice. Instead, Ser23 mutant animals died between 1 and 2 years with tumors that were most commonly of B-cell lineage. These data support an important role for Ser20/23 phosphorylation in p53 stabilization, apoptosis and tumor suppression.  相似文献   

A subset of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) harbors concomitant rearrangements of MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 and is characterized by clinical aggressiveness and intrinsic refractoriness to standard chemo-immunotherapy. Commonly identified as “double or triple hit” lymphomas, these diseases represent a therapeutic challenge to chemotherapy-based regimens and likely require a more targeted approach. Herein we summarize the unique biological behavior of double and triple hit lymphomas focusing on the coordinated network of pathways that enable cancer cells to tolerate the oncogenic stress imposed by the co-expression of MYC, BCL2 and BCL6. We discuss how these enabling pathways contribute to the chemo-refractoriness of these tumors. We propose to exploit lymphoma cells' addiction to these oncogenic networks to design combinatorial treatments for this aggressive disease based on the modulation of epigenetically-silenced pathways and decreasing expression and activity of these oncogenic drivers.  相似文献   

Angiogenic switch marks the beginning of tumor’s strategy to acquire independent blood supply. In some subtypes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, higher local vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression correlates with increased microvessel density. However, this local VEGF expression is higher only in tumors with elevated expression of the receptors of the growth factor, suggesting an autocrine growth-promoting feedback loop. Several studies have indicated that VEGF receptors are also targeted by Tat protein from the HIV-1-infected cells. Given the similarity of the basic region of Tat to the angiogenic factors (basic fibroblast growth factor, VEGF), Tat mimics these proteins and binds to their receptors. We evaluated the role of HIV-1 Tat in regulating the level of VEGF expression and microvessel density in the AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell (DLBCL) and Burkitt lymphomas (BL). By luciferase assay, we showed that VEGF promoter activity was downregulated in vitro in cells transfected with Tat. Reduced VEGF protein expression in primary HIV-1 positive BL and DLBCL, compared to the negative cases, supported the findings of promoter downregulation from the cell lines. Microvascular density assessed by CD34 expression was, however, higher in HIV-1 positive than in HIV-1 negative tumors. These results suggest that Tat has a wider angiogenic role, besides the regulation of VEGF expression. Thus, targeting Tat protein itself and stabilizing transient silencing of VEGF expression or use of monoclonal antibodies against their receptors in the AIDS-associated tumors will open a window for future explorable pathways in the management of angiogenic phenotypes in the AIDS-associated non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.  相似文献   

The ETS factor ETV2 (aka ER71) is essential for the generation of the blood and vascular system, as ETV2 deficiency leads to a complete block in blood and endothelial cell formation and embryonic lethality in the mouse. However, the ETV2-mediated gene regulatory network and signaling governing hematopoietic and endothelial cell development are poorly understood. Here, we map ETV2 global binding sites and carry out in vitro differentiation of embryonic stem cells, and germ line and conditional knockout mouse studies to uncover mechanisms involved in the hemangiogenic fate commitment from mesoderm. We show that ETV2 binds to enhancers that specify hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages. We find that the hemangiogenic progenitor population in the developing embryo can be identified as FLK1highPDGFRα. Notably, these hemangiogenic progenitors are exclusively sensitive to ETV2-dependent FLK1 signaling. Importantly, ETV2 turns on other Ets genes, thereby establishing an ETS hierarchy. Consequently, the hematopoietic and endothelial cell program initiated by ETV2 is maintained partly by other ETS factors through an ETS switching mechanism. These findings highlight the critical role that transient ETV2 expression plays in the regulation of hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineage specification and stability.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor MET are essential during embryonic development and throughout postnatal life. However, aberrant MET activation, due to overexpression, mutations, or autocrine ligand production, contributes to the development and progression of a variety of human cancers, often being associated with poor clinical outcome and drug resistance. B cell malignancies arise from B cells that are clonally expanded at different stages of differentiation. Despite major therapeutic advances, most mature B cell malignancies remain incurable and biologically-oriented therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. This review addresses the role of the HGF/MET pathway during B cell development and discusses how its aberrant activation contributes to the development of B cell lymphoproliferative disorders, with particular emphasis on multiple myeloma and diffuse large B cell lymphoma. These insights, combined with the recent development of clinical-grade agents targeting the MET pathway, provide the rationale to envision the HGF/MET pathway as a new promising target for the treatment of B cell malignancies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to compare the utility of immunoflow cytometry (IFC) with two IgH polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for the identification of clonality in fine needle aspirations (FNAs) from T-cell-rich B-cell lymphomas (TCRBCLs). METHODS: Ten cases of TCRBCLs were identified in which IFC had been performed according to our previously described method. Seven of these were cases in which the original diagnosis had been made by FNA cytology with IFC and cell block immunohistochemistry (IHC). The remaining three cases only had biopsies with histology, IFC and IHC. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded FNA cell block or histology tissue from these specimens had also been submitted for IgH PCR clonality studies using primers FR2a/VLJH and primers FR3a/VLJH. The results were reviewed and compared. RESULTS: All 10 case demonstrated B-cell clonality for at least one of the primer sets on PCR, but none showed light chain restriction on IFC. All TCRBCLs were positive for CD20 and CD79a but negative for CD10 and BCl-2. They were also consistently negative for CD22, CD23, CD5, CD43, ALK-1, cyclin D1 and CD30. CONCLUSIONS: If IgH PCR clonality assays had a turnaround time of 1 or 2 days, there might be a strong case for these studies supporting or even replacing IFC, in the FNA diagnosis of lymphoid lesions.  相似文献   

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