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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received significant attention in recent years due to their large potential for cell therapy. Indeed, they secrete a wide variety of immunomodulatory factors of interest for the treatment of immune-related disorders and inflammatory diseases. MSCs can be extracted from multiple tissues of the human body. However, several factors may restrict their use for clinical applications: the requirement of invasive procedures for their isolation, their limited numbers, and their heterogeneity according to the tissue of origin or donor. In addition, MSCs often present early signs of replicative senescence limiting their expansion in vitro, and their therapeutic capacity in vivo. Due to the clinical potential of MSCs, a considerable number of methods to differentiate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into MSCs have emerged. iPSCs represent a new reliable, unlimited source to generate MSCs (MSCs derived from iPSC, iMSCs) from homogeneous and well-characterized cell lines, which would relieve many of the above mentioned technical and biological limitations. Additionally, the use of iPSCs prevents some of the ethical concerns surrounding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In this review, we analyze the main current protocols used to differentiate human iPSCs into MSCs, which we classify into five different categories: MSC Switch, Embryoid Body Formation, Specific Differentiation, Pathway Inhibitor, and Platelet Lysate. We also evaluate common and method-specific culture components and provide a list of positive and negative markers for MSC characterization. Further guidance on material requirements to produce iMSCs with these methods and on the phenotypic features of the iMSCs obtained is added. The information may help researchers identify protocol options to design and/or refine standardized procedures for large-scale production of iMSCs fitting clinical demands.  相似文献   

Fibrotic posterior capsular opacification (PCO), one of the major complications of cataract surgery, occurs when lens epithelial cells (LCs) left behind post cataract surgery (PCS) undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migrate into the optical axis and produce opaque scar tissue. LCs left behind PCS robustly produce fibronectin, although its roles in fibrotic PCO are not known. In order to determine the function of fibronectin in PCO pathogenesis, we created mice lacking the fibronectin gene (FN conditional knock out -FNcKO) from the lens. While animals from this line have normal lenses, upon lens fiber cell removal which models cataract surgery, FNcKO LCs exhibit a greatly attenuated fibrotic response from 3 days PCS onward as assessed by a reduction in surgery-induced cell proliferation, and fibrotic extracellular matrix (ECM) production and deposition. This is correlated with less upregulation of Transforming Growth Factor β (TGFβ) and integrin signaling in FNcKO LCs PCS concomitant with sustained Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling and elevation of the epithelial cell marker E cadherin. Although the initial fibrotic response of FNcKO LCs was qualitatively normal at 48 h PCS as measured by the upregulation of fibrotic marker protein αSMA, RNA sequencing revealed that the fibrotic response was already quantitatively attenuated at this time, as measured by the upregulation of mRNAs encoding molecules that control, and are controlled by, TGFβ signaling, including many known markers of fibrosis. Most notably, gremlin-1, a known regulator of TGFβ superfamily signaling, was upregulated sharply in WT LCs PCS, while this response was attenuated in FNcKO LCs. As exogenous administration of either active TGFβ1 or gremlin-1 to FNcKO lens capsular bags rescued the attenuated fibrotic response of fibronectin null LCs PCS including the loss of SMAD2/3 phosphorylation, this suggests that fibronectin plays multifunctional roles in fibrotic PCO development.  相似文献   

Cancer is a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that despite improved treatments remain prevalent accounting for over 14 million new cases and 8.2 million deaths per year. Studies into the process of carcinogenesis are limited by lack of appropriate models for the development and pathogenesis of the disease based on human tissues. Primary culture of patient samples can help but is difficult to grow for a number of tissues. A potential opportunity to overcome these barriers is based on the landmark study by Yamanaka which demonstrated the ability of four factors;Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc to reprogram human somatic cells in to pluripotency. These cells were termed induced pluripotent stem cells(i PSCs) and display characteristic properties of embryonic stem cells. This technique has a wide range of potential uses including disease modelling, drug testing and transplantation studies. Interestingly i PSCs also share a number of characteristics with cancer cells including self-renewal and proliferation, expression of stem cell markers and altered metabolism. Recently, i PSCs have been generated from a number of human cancer cell lines and primary tumour samples from a range of cancers in an attempt to recapitulate the development of cancer and interrogate the underlying mechanisms involved. This review will outline the similarities between the reprogramming process and carcinogenesis, and how these similarities have been exploited to generate i PSC models for a number of cancers.  相似文献   

Reprograming somatic cells using exogenetic gene expression represents a groundbreaking step in regenerative medicine. Induced pluripotent stem cells(i PSCs) are expected to yield novel therapies with the potential to solve many issues involving incurable diseases. In particular, applying i PSCs clinically holds the promise of addressing the problems of immune rejection and ethics that have hampered the clinical applications of embryonic stem cells. However, as i PSC research has progressed, new problems have emerged that need to be solved before the routine clinical application of i PSCs can become established. In this review, we discuss the current technologies and future problems of human i PSC generation methods for clinical use.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered stem cells aid in dissecting basic cell function and are valuable tools for drug discovery, in vivo cell tracking, and gene therapy. Gene transfer into pluripotent stem cells has been a challenge due to their intrinsic feature of growing in clusters and hence not amenable to common gene delivery methods. Several advances have been made in the rapid assembly of DNA elements, optimization of culture conditions, and DNA delivery methods. This has lead to the development of viral and non-viral methods for transient or stable modification of cells, albeit with varying efficiencies. Most methods require selection and clonal expansion that demand prolonged culture and are not suited for cells with limited proliferative potential.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were first generated from mouse embryonic fibroblasts in the year 2006. These cells resemble the typical morphology of embryonic stem cells, express pluripotency markers, and are able to transmit through germlines. To date, iPSCs of many species have been generated, whereas generation of bat iPSCs (biPSCs) has not been reported. To facilitate in-depth study of bats at the molecular and cellular levels, we describe the successful derivation of biPSCs with a piggyBac (PB) vector that contains eight reprogramming factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, Nanog, cMyc, Lin28, Nr5a2, and miR302/367. These biPSCs were cultured in media containing leukemia inhibitory factor and three small molecule inhibitors (CHIR99021, PD0325901, and A8301). They retained normal karyotype, displayed alkaline phosphatase activity, and expressed pluripotency markers Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, TBX3, and TRA-1-60. They could differentiate in vitro to form embryoid bodies and in vivo to form teratomas that contained tissue cells of all three germ layers. Generation of biPSCs will facilitate future studies on the mechanisms of antiviral immunity and longevity of bats at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Advance in stem cell research resulted in several processes to generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from adult somatic cells. In our previous study, the reprogramming of iPSCs from human dental mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) including SCAP and DPSCs, has been reported. Herein, safe iPSCs were reprogrammed from SCAP and DPSCs using non-integrating RNA virus vector, which is an RNA virus carrying no risk of altering host genome. DPSCs- and SCAP-derived iPSCs exhibited the characteristics of the classical morphology with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) without integration of foreign genes, indicating the potential of their clinical application. Moreover, induced PSCs showed the capacity of self-renewal and differentiation into cardiac myocytes. We have achieved the differentiation of hiPSCs to cardiomyocytes lineage under serum and feeder-free conditions, using a chemically defined medium CDM3. In CDM3, hiPSCs differentiation is highly generating cardiomyocytes. The results showed this protocol produced contractile sheets of up to 97.2% TNNT2 cardiomyocytes after purification. Furthermore, derived hiPSCs differentiated to mature cells of the three embryonic germ layers in vivo and in vitro of beating cardiomyocytes. The above whole protocol enables the generation of large scale of highly pure cardiomyocytes as needed for cellular therapy.  相似文献   

Stem cells hold enormous promise for regenerative medicine as well as for engineering of model systems to study diseases and develop new drugs. The discovery of protocols that allow for generating induced pluripotent stem cells(IPSCs) from somatic cells has brought this promise steps closer to reality. However,as somatic cells might have accumulated various chromosomal abnormalities,including aneuploidies throughout their lives,the resulting IPSCs might no longer carry the perfect blueprint for the tissue to be generated,or worse,become at risk of adopting a malignant fate. In this review,we discuss the contribution of aneuploidy to healthy tissues and how aneuploidy can lead to disease. Furthermore,we review the differences between how somatic cells and stem cells respond to aneuploidy.  相似文献   

Menkes disease (MD) is a copper-deficient neurodegenerative disorder that manifests severe neurologic symptoms such as seizures, lethargic states, and hypotonia. Menkes disease is due to a dysfunction of ATP7A, but the pathophysiology of neurologic manifestation is poorly understood during embryonic development. To understand the pathophysiology of neurologic symptoms, molecular and cellular phenotypes were investigated in Menkes disease-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (MD-iPSCs). MD-iPSCs were generated from fibroblasts of a Menkes disease patient. Abnormal reticular distribution of ATP7A was observed in MD-fibroblasts and MD-iPSCs, respectively. MD-iPSCs showed abnormal morphology in appearance during embryoid body (EB) formation as compared with wild type (WT)-iPSCs. Intriguingly, aberrant switch of E-cadherin (E-cad) to N-cadherin (N-cad) and impaired neural rosette formation were shown in MD-iPSCs during early differentiation. When extracellular copper was chelated in WT-iPSCs by treatment with bathocuprione sulfate, aberrant switch of E-cad to N-cad and impaired neuronal differentiation were observed, like in MD-iPSCs. Our results suggest that neurological defects in Menkes disease patients may be responsible for aberrant cadherin transition and impaired neuronal differentiation during early developmental stage.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)have the potential for use in cell-based regenerative therapies.Currently,hundreds of clinical trials are using MSCs for the treatment of various diseases.However,MSCs are low in number in adult tissues;they show heterogeneity depending upon the cell source and exhibit limited proliferative potential and early senescence in in vitro cultures.These factors negatively impact the regenerative potential of MSCs and therefore restrict their use for clinical applications.As a result,novel methods to generate induced MSCs(iMSCs)from induced pluripotent stem cells have been explored.The development and optimization of protocols for generation of iMSCs from induced pluripotent stem cells is necessary to evaluate their regenerative potential in vivo and in vitro.In addition,it is important to compare iMSCs with primary MSCs(isolated from adult tissues)in terms of their safety and efficacy.Careful investigation of the properties of iMSCs in vitro and their long term behavior in animals is important for their translation from bench to bedside.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent the most clinically used stem cells in regenerative medicine. However, due to the disadvantages with primary MSCs, such as limited cell proliferative capacity and rarity in the tissues leading to limited MSCs, gradual loss of differentiation during in vitro expansion reducing the efficacy of MSC application, and variation among donors increasing the uncertainty of MSC efficacy, the clinical application of MSCs has been greatly hampered. MSCs derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC-MSCs) can circumvent these problems associated with primary MSCs. Due to the infinite self-renewal of hPSCs and their differentiation potential towards MSCs, hPSC-MSCs are emerging as an attractive alternative for regenerative medicine. This review summarizes the progress on derivation of MSCs from human pluripotent stem cells, disease modelling and drug screening using hPSC-MSCs, and various applications of hPSC-MSCs in regenerative medicine. In the end, the challenges and concerns with hPSC-MSC applications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the ability to differentiate into all germ layers, holding great promise not only for a model of early embryonic development but also for a robust cell source for cell-replacement therapies and for drug screening. Embryoid body (EB) formation from ES cells is a common method for producing different cell lineages for further applications. However, conventional techniques such as hanging drop or static suspension culture are either inherently incapable of large scale production or exhibit limited control over cell aggregation during EB formation and subsequent EB aggregation. For standardized mass EB production, a well defined scale-up platform is necessary. Recently, novel scenario methods of EB formation in hydrodynamic conditions created by bioreactor culture systems using stirred suspension systems (spinner flasks), rotating cell culture system and rotary orbital culture have allowed large-scale EB formation. Their use allows for continuous monitoring and control of the physical and chemical environment which is difficult to achieve by traditional methods. This review summarizes the current state of production of EBs derived from pluripotent cells in various culture systems. Furthermore, an overview of high quality EB formation strategies coupled with systems for in vitro differentiation into various cell types to be applied in cell replacement therapy is provided in this review. Recently, new insights in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology showed that differentiation and lineage commitment are not irreversible processes and this has opened new avenues in stem cell research. These cells are equivalent to ES cells in terms of both self-renewal and differentiation capacity. Hence, culture systems for expansion and differentiation of iPS cells can also apply methodologies developed with ES cells, although direct evidence of their use for iPS cells is still limited.  相似文献   


(1) Human embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent but are difficult to be used for therapy because of immunological, oncological and ethical barriers. (2) Pluripotent cells exist in vivo, i.e., germ cells and epiblast cells but cannot be isolated without sacrificing the developing embryo. (3) Reprogramming to pluripotency is possible from adult cells using ectopic expression of OKSM and other integrative and non-integrative techniques. (4) Hurdles to overcome include i.e stability of the phenotype in relation to epigenetic memory.

Sources of data

We reviewed the literature related to reprogramming, pluripotency and fetal stem cells.

Areas of agreement

(1) Fetal stem cells present some advantageous characteristics compared with their neonatal and postnatal counterparts, with regards to cell size, growth kinetics, and differentiation potential, as well as in vivo tissue repair capacity. (2) Amniotic fluid stem cells are more easily reprogrammed to pluripotency than adult fibroblast. (3) The parental population is heterogeneous and present an intermediate phenotype between ES and adult somatic stem cells, expressing markers of both.

Areas of controversy

(1) It is unclear whether induced pluripotent stem (iPS) derived from amniotic fluid stem cells are fully or partially reprogrammed. (2) Optimal protocols to ensure highest efficiency and phenotype stability remains to be determined. (3) The “level” of reprogramming, fully vs partial, of iPS derived from amniotic fluid stem cells remain to be determined.

Growing points

Banking of fully reprogrammed cells may be important both for (1) autologous and allogenic applications in medicine, and (2) disease modeling.  相似文献   

Human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hold the promise to improve cell-based therapies. Yet, to meet rising demands and become clinically impactful, sufficient high-quality iPSCs in quantity must be generated, a task that exceeds current capabilities. In this study, K3 iPSCs cultures were examined using parallel-labeling metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) to quantify intracellular fluxes at relevant bioprocessing stages: glucose concentrations representative of initial media concentrations and high lactate concentrations representative of fed-batch culture conditions, prior to and after bolus glucose feeds. The glucose and lactate concentrations are also representative of concentrations that might be encountered at different locations within 3D cell aggregates. Furthermore, a novel method was developed to allow the isotopic tracer [U-13C3] lactate to be used in the 13C-MFA model. The results indicated that high extracellular lactate concentrations decreased glucose consumption and lactate production, while glucose concentrations alone did not affect rates of aerobic glycolysis. Moreover, for the high lactate cultures, lactate was used as a metabolic substrate to support oxidative mitochondrial metabolism. These results demonstrate that iPSCs have metabolic flexibility and possess the capacity to metabolize lactate to support exponential growth, and that high lactate concentrations alone do not adversely impact iPSC proliferation.  相似文献   

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