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Abstract: In examining steroid synthesis in the CNS, expression of the mRNAs encoding for cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450SCC) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ54 isomerase (3β-HSD) has been studied in the rat brain. P450SCC transforms cholesterol into pregnenolone and 3β-HSD transforms pregnenolone into progesterone. PCR was used to amplify cDNA sequences from total RNA extracts. Classical steroidogenic tissues, like adrenal and testis, as well as the non-steroidogenic tissue lung have been used as controls. The expression of P450SCC and 3β-HSD have been demonstrated by PCR in cortex, cerebellum, and spinal cord. In addition, primary cultures of rat cerebellar glial cells and rat cerebellar granule cells were found to express P450SCC and 3β-HSD at comparable levels. Furthermore, three of the four known isoenzymes of 3β-HSD were identified, as determined using selective PCR primers coupled with discriminative restriction enzymes and sequencing analysis of the amplified brain products. Using RNA probes, in situ hybridization indicated that P450SCC and 3β-HSD are expressed throughout the brain at a low level and mainly in white matter. Enrichment of glial cell cultures in oligodendrocytes, however, does not increase the relative abundance of P450SCC and 3β-HSD mRNA detected by PCR. This discrepancy suggests that the developmental state of cultured cells and their intercellular environment may be critical for regulating the expression of these enzymes. These findings support the proposal that the brain apparently has the capacity to synthesize progesterone from cholesterol, through pregnenolone, but that the expression of these enzymes appears to be quite low. Furthermore, the identification of these messages in cerebellar granule cell cultures implies that certain neurons, in addition to glial cells, may express these steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

Chronic treatment of rats with 15% (vol/vol) ethanol in tap water as their only source of liquid over a period of 3 weeks resulted in a strong decrease by almost 50% in tissue levels and in vitro release of immunoreactive beta-endorphin of the neurointermediate pituitary. Moreover, the in vitro incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine into peptides of the neurointermediate pituitary, immunoprecipitable with beta-endorphin antiserum, was found to be decreased by more than 30%. Analysis of beta-endorphin-related peptides on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that chronic ethanol treatment reduced the in vitro biosynthesis of the beta-endorphin precursor pro-opiomelanocortin. This ethanol-induced effect was combined with a retardation in the time course of the posttranslational processing of the precursor into beta-endorphin. Thus, chronic ethanol treatment may influence the activity of enzymes which process the opioid peptide precursor pro-opiomelanocortin, leading to a decreased formation of the final secretory product beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical distribution of glutamate dehydrogenase was studied in the cerebellum of the rat using antibodies made in rabbit and guinea pig against antigen purified from bovine liver. Antiserum was found to block partially enzymatic activity both of the purified enzyme and of extracts of the rat cerebellum. Using immunoblots of proteins of rat cerebellum, a major immunoreactive protein and several minor immunoreactive proteins were detected with antiserum. Only a single immunoreactive protein was detected using affinity-purified antibody preparations. This protein migrates with a molecular weight identical to that of the subunit of glutamate dehydrogenase. Further evidence that the antibodies were selective for glutamate dehydrogenase in rat cerebellum was obtained through peptide mapping. Purified glutamate dehydrogenase and the immunoreactive protein from rat cerebellum generated similar patterns of immunoreactive peptides. No significant cross-reaction was observed with glutamine synthetase. Immunocytochemistry was done on cryostat- and Vibratome-cut sections of the cerebellum of rats that had been perfused with cold 4% paraformaldehyde. Glial cells were found to be the most immunoreactive structures throughout the cerebellum. Most apparent was the intense labeling of Bergmann glial cell bodies and fibers. In the granule cell layer, heavy labeling of astrocytes was seen. Purkinje and granule cell bodies were only lightly immunoreactive, whereas stellate, basket, and Golgi cells were unlabeled. Labeling of presynaptic terminals was not apparent. These findings suggest that glutamate dehydrogenase, like glutamine synthetase, is enriched in glia relative to neurons.  相似文献   

Abstract: Gonadectomy of male rats led to a threefold increase of 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSDH) activity in pituitary homogenates that could be completely reversed by chronic administration of estradiol or 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 3α-HSDH was found to be distributed mainly between the 10,000 g and 100,000 g sediments from whole homogenates. The microsomal enzyme activity showed a substantial specificity for NADH whereas the cytosolic enzyme (100,000 g supernatant) demonstrated a slight preference for NADPH. The changes in V max found in homogenates following gonadectomy and gonadal steroid administration reflected changes in NADH- linked activity of the microsomal, but not the cytosolic enzyme. Estradiol-induced suppression of NADH-linked 3α-HSDH activity in pituitary homogenates from gonadectomized rats of either sex was accompanied by a similar suppression of NADPH-linked 5α-reductase activity and a marked decrease of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release. In the ovariectomized rat chronic administration of nonsteroidal antiestrogens had strong estrogenic effects on 3α-HSDH activity and LH release, but not on 5α-reductase activity and FSH release. In the gonadectomized male rat, which was much less sensitive to intrinsic estrogenicity of the antiestrogens tested, nafoxidine completely blocked estradiol-induced suppression of 5α-reductase activity and FSH release and partially antagonized suppression of LH release. The trans -isomeric, substituted triphenylethylenes, tamoxifen, and enclomiphene, as well as nitromifene (mixture of trans and cis isomers) were able partially to counteract estradiol-induced suppression of 5α-reductase, but not 3α-HSDH activity. It is concluded that estradiol action on pituitary 5α-reductase, but not 3α-HSDH activity, involves an estrogen receptor mechanism.  相似文献   

The concentration of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in brain, kidney, and muscle as well as the clearance of [1-14C]GHB in plasma have been found to be altered by the administration of a number of metabolic intermediates and drugs that inhibit the NADP+-dependent oxidoreductase, "GHB dehydrogenase," an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of GHB to succinic semialdehyde. Administration of valproate, salicylate, and phenylacetate, all inhibitors of GHB dehydrogenase, significantly increased the concentration of GHB in brain; salicylate increased GHB concentration in kidney, and alpha-ketoisocaproate increased GHB levels in kidney and muscle. The half-life of [1-14C]GHB in plasma was decreased by D-glucuronate, a compound that stimulates the oxidation of GHB by this enzyme and was increased by a competitive substrate of the enzyme, L-gulonate. The results of these experiments suggest a role for GHB dehydrogenase in the regulation of tissue levels of endogenous GHB.  相似文献   

The effects of castration and testosterone replacement on hypothalamic pools of beta-endorphin and dynorphin and on the basal and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-stimulated release of these peptides from hypothalamic slices in vitro were studied. The experiments were done in adult male rats. The hypothalamic content of both peptides increased significantly within 1 week of castration, and levels remained elevated for up to 4 weeks. Testosterone treatment, begun at the time of castration, prevented these increases. In addition, testosterone replacement 6 weeks after castration reversed peptide levels to normal. Basal in vitro release rates of beta-endorphin and dynorphin were significantly lower from hypothalamic slices derived from 1-week castrated animals than from intact males, and when testosterone was administered in various doses in vivo, basal release rates in vitro increased in a dose-related manner. Hypothalami from rats that had been castrated for 4 weeks, however, showed basal release rates similar to those in tissues from intact controls, a finding indicating that castration initially alters both opioid peptide synthesis and release; later, release is normalized, whereas synthesis remains elevated. CRF was found to stimulate beta-endorphin and dynorphin release from hypothalami from intact and from 1- and 4-week-castrated rats, a result indicating that castration does not alter the response of beta-endorphin and dynorphin neurons to this stimulus.  相似文献   

Abstract: Myelin membrane prepared from mouse sciatic nerve possesses both kinase and substrates to incorporate [32P]PO43− from [γ-32P]ATP into protein constituents. Among these, P0 glycoprotein is the major phosphorylated species. To identify the phosphorylated sites, P0 protein was in vitro phosphorylated, purified, and cleaved by CNBr. Two 32P-phosphopeptides were isolated by HPLC. The exact localization of the sequences around the phosphorylated sites was determined. The comparison with rat P0 sequence revealed, besides a Lys172 to Arg substitution, that in the first peptide, two serine residues (Ser176 and Ser181) were phosphorylated, Ser176 appearing to be modified subsequently to Ser181. In the second peptide, Ser197, Ser199, and Ser204 were phosphorylated. All these serines are clustered in the C-terminal region of P0 protein. This in vitro study served as the basis for the identification of the in vivo phosphorylation sites of the C terminal region of P0. We found that, in vivo, Ser181 and Ser176 are not phosphorylated, whereas Ser197, Ser199, Ser204, Ser208, and Ser214 are modified to various extents. Our results strongly suggest that the phosphorylation of these serine residues alters the secondary structure of this domain. Such a structural perturbation could play an important role in myelin compaction at the dense line level.  相似文献   

Seed oils of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and many other plant species contain substantial amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the major site for PUFA synthesis. The exact mechanisms of how these PUFAs are channeled from PC into triacylglycerol (TAG) needs to be further explored. By using in vivo and in vitro approaches, we demonstrated that the PC deacylation reaction catalyzed by the reverse action of acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase (LPCAT) can transfer PUFAs on PC directly into the acyl-CoA pool, making these PUFAs available for the diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT)-catalyzed reaction for TAG production. Two types of yeast mutants were generated for in vivo and in vitro experiments, respectively. Both mutants provide a null background with no endogenous TAG forming capacity and an extremely low LPCAT activity. In vivo experiments showed that co-expressing flax DGAT1-1 and LPCAT1 in the yeast quintuple mutant significantly increased 18-carbon PUFAs in TAG with a concomitant decrease of 18-carbon PUFAs in phospholipid. We further showed that after incubation of sn-2-[14C]acyl-PC, formation of [14C]TAG was only possible with yeast microsomes containing both LPCAT1 and DGAT1-1. Moreover, the specific activity of overall LPCAT1 and DGAT1-1 coupling process exhibited a preference for transferring 14C-labeled linoleoyl or linolenoyl than oleoyl moieties from the sn-2 position of PC to TAG. Together, our data support the hypothesis of biochemical coupling of the LPCAT1-catalyzed reverse reaction with the DGAT1-1-catalyzed reaction for incorporating PUFAs into TAG. This process represents a potential route for enriching TAG in PUFA content during seed development in flax.  相似文献   

17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/17-ketosteroid reductases (17HSD/KSR) play a key role in regulating steroid receptor occupancy in normal tissues and tumors. Although 17HSD/KSR activity has been detected in ovarian epithelial tumors, our understanding of which isoforms are present and their potential for steroid metabolism is limited. In this investigation, 17HSD/KSR activity from a series of ovarian epithelial tumors was assayed in cytosol and microsomes under conditions which differentiate between isoforms. Inhibition studies were used to further characterize the steroid specificities of isoforms in the two subcellular fractions. Activity varied widely between tumors of the same histopathologic classification. The highest levels of activity were observed in mucinous tumors. Michaelis constants, maximum velocities, estradiol-17β/testosterone (E2/T) activity ratios and inhibition patterns were consistent with a predominance of microsomal 17HSD/KSR2 and cytosolic 17HSD/KSR5, isoforms reactive with both E2 and T, with evidence of estrogenic 17HSD/KSR1 in cytosol from some samples. In tumors where activity and mRNA expression were both characterized, Northern blots, PCR and sequence analysis indicated 17HSD/KSR5 was the predominant isoform. The presence of 17HSD/KSR5, which also has both 3-HSD/KSR and 20HSD/KSR activity, and 17HSD/KSR2 which also has 20-HSD activity, could influence not only estrogen and androgen binding but progesterone receptor occupancy, as well, in receptor-containing tumors.  相似文献   

中国林蛙婚垫的显微结构变化及其与睾酮的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用光镜观察中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)婚垫显微结构的年周期变化,并对婚垫内的睾酮(T)和雄激素受体(AR)进行免疫细胞化学检测,其结果表明:婚刺的形成是由生发细胞增生、颗粒细胞数量增多和体积增大所致,其消退是由角质细胞包裹的颗粒细胞小体脱落所致。婚腺发育与婚刺形成同步,在林蛙婚配期间婚腺的分泌活动最旺盛。T和AR在颗粒细胞、生发细胞和婚腺内的分布与婚垫显微结构的变化周期一致,说明婚垫的形成与消退受T调控。婚垫发育的变化剧期与精子发生进程和精巢系数具相关性,即婚垫的形态特征可间接反应精巢的发育状况.  相似文献   

In previous studies, it had been shown that human gray and white matter tissue slices have the capacity to synthesize large amounts of cysteinyl-leukotrienes (cysteinyl-LT) in vitro. This study was initiated to investigate cysteinyl-LT formation by tissue slices from intracranial tumors in comparison with cyclooxygenase products such as prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha and thromboxane (TX) B2. Tissue slices from meningiomas and astrocytomas were found to release large amounts of cysteinyl-LT spontaneously and even higher amounts after ionophore A 23187 stimulation, which could not be accounted for by blood possibly remaining in the tissue slices. Cysteinyl-LT were identified by their immunoreactive characteristics, their biological activity in the guinea pig ileum bioassay, and their retention time on reversed-phase HPLC. With increasing malignancy, astrocytomas were shown to have an increasing biosynthetic capacity for cysteinyl-LT and TXB2 in vitro. In comparison with meningioma patients, malignant astrocytoma patients had an enhanced urinary excretion of LTE4, the major urinary metabolite of cysteinyl-LT in humans, which dropped in level within 7 days after operation by 79%. A correlation exists between the in vivo cysteinyl-LT production in patients with malignant astrocytomas and that observed under basal conditions in the tissue slices in vitro. The results provide evidence that in malignant astrocytoma patients, the tumor tissue produces large amounts of cysteinyl-LT, which may be detected in the patients' urine.  相似文献   

Dydrogesterone is widely used for menstrual disorders, endometriosis, threatened and habitual abortion and postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy. Although progestins have a promiscuous nature, dydrogesterone does not have clinically relevant androgenic, estrogenic, glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid activities. To date, systematic biochemical characterization of this progestin and its active main metabolite, 20α-dihydrodydrogesterone, has not been performed in comparison to progesterone. The objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity and potential androgenic/antiandrogenic effects of dydrogesterone and its metabolite in comparison to progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate by analyzing their interference with AR signaling in vitro. We characterized dydrogesterone and its metabolite for their binding and transactivation of androgen and other steroid hormone receptors and for their potential inhibitory effects against androgen biosynthetic enzymes, 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase types 3 and 5 and 5α-reductase types 1 and 2. We found that dydrogesterone resembled progesterone mainly in its progestogenic effects and less in its androgenic, anti-androgenic, glucocorticoid and antiglucocorticoid effects; whereas, 20α-dihydrodydrogesterone showed reduced progestogenic potency with no androgenic, glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects. Effects on the androgen and glucocorticoid receptor differed depending on the technology used to investigate transactivation. Progesterone, but not dydrogesterone and 20α-dihydrodydrogesterone, exerted anti-androgenic effects at the pre-receptor level by inhibiting 5α-reductase type 2. Dydrogesterone, 20α-dihydrodydrogesterone and progesterone inhibited the biosynthesis of testosterone catalyzed by 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase types 3 and 5; however, due to their micromolar Ki values, these activities appeared to be not of relevance at therapeutic levels. Overall, our data show that the anti-androgenic potential of dydrogesterone and 20α-dihydrodydrogesterone is less pronounced compared to progesterone.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids induce hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and depress glucose transport by aortic endothelium. High glucocorticoid doses are used for many diseases, but with unknown effects on brain glucose transport or metabolism. This study tested the hypothesis that glucocorticoids affect glucose transport or metabolism by brain microvascular endothelium. Male rats received dexamethasone (DEX) sc with sucrose feeding for up to seven days. Cerebral microvessels from rats treated with DEX/sucrose demonstrated increased GLUT1 and brain glucose extraction compared to controls. Glucose transport in vivo correlated with hyperinsulinemia. Pre-treatment with low doses of strep-tozotocin blunted hyperinsulinemia and prevented increased glucose extraction induced by DEX. In contrast, isolated brain microvessels exposed to DEX in vitro demonstrated suppression of 2-deox-yglucose uptake and glucose oxidation. We conclude that DEX/sucrose treatment in vivo increases blood-brain glucose transport in a manner that requires the effects of chronic hyperinsulinemia. These effects override any direct inhibitory effects of either hyperglycemia or DEX.  相似文献   

Abstract: Biochemical evidence suggests that neuroglia are responsive to glucocorticoids, yet previous studies of glucocorticoid localization have typically failed to demonstrate significant uptake by neuroglial cells. To further investigate this problem, we measured glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) activity and glucocorticoid receptor binding capacity in normal rat optic nerves and in those undergoing Wallerian (axonal) degeneration. Binding studies were also performed on hippocampus and anterior pituitary for comparison purposes. Normal optic nerve preparations possessed a high level of GPDH activity that was glucocorticoid-inducible and that increased further following axonal degeneration. Antibody inactivation experiments demonstrated the presence of more enzyme molecules in the degenerating nerve preparations. Correlative immunocytochemical studies found GPDH-positive reaction product only in morphologically identified oligodendrocytes, a result that is consistent with the previously reported localization of this enzyme in rat brain. Optic nerve cytosol fractions displayed substantial high-affinity binding of both dexamethasone (DEX) and corticosterone (CORT) that, like GPDH, was elevated approximately twofold in degenerating nerves. Finally, in vivo accumulation of [3H]DEX and [3H]CORT by optic nerve and other myelinated tracts was examined using nuclear isolation and autoradiographic methods. Although neither steroid was found to be heavily concentrated by these tissues in vivo , a small preference for DEX was observed in the nuclear uptake experiments. These results are discussed in terms of the hypothesis that glial cells are targets for glucocorticoid hormones.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of delivery strategies such as cyclodextrin complexation and liposomes on the topical delivery of ketorolac acid (KTRA) and ketorolac tromethamine. Ketorolac acid–hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin solid dispersions (KTRA-CD) were prepared by kneading method. The liposomes containing ketorolac tromethamine (KTRM) and KTRA-CD were prepared. The in vitro permeation of KTRM solution, KTRA solution, KTRA-CD, and liposomes containing KTRM or KTRA-CD through guinea pig skin was evaluated. The anti-inflammatory activity of the topically applied KTRA-CD gel (containing 1% w/w KTRA) was compared to that of orally delivered KTRM solution. The KTRA-CD demonstrated significantly higher transdermal transport of ketorolac as compared to all other systems whereas liposomes significantly reduced the transport of ketorolac. The anti-inflammatory activity of the topically applied KTRA-CD gel was similar to that of the orally administered KTRM. Thus, cyclodextrin complexation enabled effective transdermal delivery of the ketorolac.  相似文献   

The adult frog sciatic sensory neurons have been shown to regenerate in vitro. If a crush injury is made at the beginning of culture, regeneration starts after 3.4 days and proceeds at a rate of approximately 0.8 mm/day for several days. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to study the patterns of radiolabeled, fast axonally transported proteins during the first 7 days of regeneration. Interest was focused on one protein, referred to as rrp31 (regeneration-related protein 31), which changed in apparent pI from 4.9 to 5.3 when the outgrowth of new fibers started. The change was noticeable 3 days after injury and became prominent during day 5 of culturing. By day 7 the pI changed again, this time toward the original value. The in vitro results were supported by experiments in vivo. In this case the change occurred earlier, with a peak only 3 days after injury, after which the pI decreased. If adenosine at 1 mM was included in the culturing medium, the outgrowth of sensory axons was inhibited in a nontoxic way, and the pI changes of rrp31 were prevented. The temporal nature of the pI changes suggests a role for rrp31 in the initiation of the regeneration process.  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol (PCP)-sensitive incorporation of (32)P-labeled orthophosphate ((32)P(i)) into nucleotides and nucleic acids by disrupted spheroplasts of Escherichia coli was inhibited by addition of colicin K. Incorporation by intact cells was also inhibited by a similar concentration of colicin K. Various colicin K-resistant mutants were isolated, and their ability to incorporate (32)P(i) was tested. When T6(r)-colK(r) mutants (T6 phage-resistant) and tol I mutants (T6-sensitive, colicin E-sensitive) were converted to disrupted spheroplasts, their (32)P(i)-incorporation became sensitive to colicin K. On the contrary, incorporation by disrupted spheroplasts from tol II mutants (T6-sensitive, colicin E-resistant) was fairly resistant to colicin K like that of intact cells. A modification of the cell surface of T6(r)-colK(r) mutants, caused by mutation to novobiocin-permeable, T4 phage-resistant cells, restored the sensitivity of the cells to colicin K. The modified T6(r)-colK(r) cells did not adsorb T6 phage or colicin K, indicating that the receptors for T6 phage or colicin K are not reactivated by this modification. Similar treatment of tol I mutants did not have this effect. These observations strongly suggest that colicin K can act on its target on the cell membrane if it can penetrate the cell surface to reach this target. The receptor for colicin K on the cell surface, which may be part of the T6 phage-receptor, may have some unknown function in relation to the action of colicin K in normal cells, but tends to become dispensable if the cells become permeable to colicin K.  相似文献   

To test the specificity of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) as a neuronal marker for proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, purified and characterized cultured cells were analyzed for their NAA content using both 1H NMR and HPLC. Cell types studied included cerebellar granule neurons, type-1 astrocytes, meningeal cells, oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cells, and oligodendrocytes. A high concentration of NAA was found in extracts of cerebellar granule neurons (approximately 12 nmol/mg of protein), whereas NAA remained undetectable in purified type-1 astrocytes, meningeal cells, and mature oligodendrocytes. However, twice the neuronal level of NAA was found in O-2A progenitors grown in vitro. In addition significant levels of NAA were also detected in cultures of immature oligodendrocytes. Our data partly support previous suggestions that NAA may be a useful neuronal marker for 1H NMR spectroscopic examination of the adult brain. However, they also raise the further possibility that alterations of NAA associated with some specific brain disorders, particularly disorders seen in newborn and young children, may reflect abnormalities in the development of oligodendroglia or their precursors.  相似文献   

用MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)技术探索连接抗人精子蛋白17单克隆抗体(anti-Sp17 mAb)的磁性纳米探针对体外培养及动物体内Sp17+卵巢癌的靶向性。将anti-Sp17mAb连接到表面包覆壳聚糖的超顺磁性氧化铁纳米颗粒上,制成磁性纳米探针anti-Sp17-MNP,用作MRI阴性对比剂。将磁性纳米探针与Sp17+和Sp17-培养的肿瘤细胞共育,进行一系列体外磁共振成像实验。荷瘤小鼠尾静脉注射磁性纳米颗粒,用7T磁共振仪在体成像,观察肿瘤部位的信号变化,并用普鲁士蓝染色肿瘤组织切片,观察有无铁粒子聚集。体外MRI数据显示,anti-Sp17-MNP与细胞靶向结合,并与细胞共育2 h后,Sp17+HO-8910的T2*信号强度比Sp17-HepG2低2倍;anti-Sp17-MNP对肿瘤细胞的靶向作用可被重组人Sp17阻断。7T磁共振仪对动物在体肿瘤成像结果显示,感兴趣区因磁性纳米探针靶向聚集而导致信号降低,并经组织切片普鲁士蓝染色证实。本研究结果表明,用anti-Sp17抗体和新的合成路线制备的纳米探针具有用作MR对比剂进行分子成像的潜能。  相似文献   

The in vitro and in vivo phosphorylation of stomatal phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase [EC 4.1. 1.31] from Vicia faba L. was demonstrated by feeding the concentrated enzyme after 0–70% ammonium sulfate precipitation of guard cell protoplasts with 32P and subsequent analysis of autoradiograms and Western immunoblots, after SDS-PAGE, of protein samples. The in vitro and in vivo results provide evidence for a radioactive labeling of the two stomatal PEPCase bands (112 and 110 kDa).  相似文献   

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