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Summary Blood-, lymph node-, and tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (PBL, LNC, and TIL, respectively) from patients with colonic neoplasms were tested for responsiveness to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). All populations responded, with LNC and PBL showing comparable reactivities while TIL were less reactive as assessed by incorporation of 3H-thymidine. Increased mitogen responsiveness was observed for T cells enriched by SRBC rosette formation or passage through nylon columns. Mitomycin C-treated LNC and TIL inhibited PHA induced 3H-thymidine incorporation of admixed autologous PBL, suggesting the presence of suppressor cells. Suppressor activity resided primarily in the SRBC rosetting population and was dose-dependent, with increasing numbers of LNC giving greater diminution of PHA response. Suppression by LNC was apparent only when they were added to PBL responders within 6 h of the initiation of stimulation assays, in common with the effects of Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced suppressors on PBL phytomitogen responsiveness. Con A-induced and LNC-suppressor activity could be reversed by addition of lymphocyte-conditioned medium (CM) containing T cell growth factor (TCGF; interleukin IL-2). These data provide further evidence that the suppressor phenomena observed in this system are a function of activated T cells present both in drainage lymph nodes and at the tumour site.  相似文献   

In murine schistosomiasis mansoni the soluble egg Ag (SEA)-induced L3T4+ T cell-mediated circumoval granulomatous response peaks at the acute stage (8w) and undergoes Lyt-1+, Lyt-2+ suppressor cell mediated down-modulation at the chronic stage (20w) of the infection. In the present study lymphoproliferation, IL-2 production, utilization, and IL-2R display were examined in splenic lymphocytes of infected mice. The L3T4+ subset was the major SEA-specific proliferative population at both stages of the infection. Chronic infection spleen cells or the L3T4+ subset proliferated less compared with their acute infection counterparts. Elimination of the Lyt-2+ subset did not improve diminished proliferation. Chronic infection cells and the Lyt-2+ subset stimulated with SEA and exogenous rIL-2 regained their proliferative ability to a level comparable with acute infection cells. Ag-stimulated acute infection T cells produced 40 to 50 chronic infection cells less than 5 U/ml IL-2. Elimination of L3T4+ T cells diminished, and the Lyt-2+ T cells left unchanged IL-2 production in the acute infection cells. Elimination of Lyt-2+ subset from the chronic infection population did not enhance IL-2 production. Exogenously added rIL-2 was equally utilized by acute or chronic infection T cells. Scatchard plots of [125I]IL-2 binding showed similar numbers of high affinity receptors on acute (189) and chronic infection cells (118), but the number of low affinity receptors was higher on the acute (2229) vs the chronic infection lymphocytes (578). Analysis of IL-2R expression by two-color fluorescence and flow cytometry revealed that 30 to 40% of the acute, chronic infection L3T4+ cells displayed receptor. Receptor expression increased by added SEA, or SEA + rIL-2. R display among Lyt-2+ cells was only 12 to 18%. SEA stimulation enhanced receptor display more among the acute, SEA + rIL-2 stimuli raised receptor expression only among chronic infection lymphocytes. These data do not show inherent defect in IL-2R display, or utilization in chronic infection T cells. Diminished IL-2 production appears to be the cause of decreased T cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

Responsiveness of mouse strains after phase-specific immunization with Trichinella spiralis is compared. Two strains (NFRN, NFS/N) showed strong overall responsiveness. The response type could be characterized in phase-specific terms as: strongly anti-adult, weakly to moderately anti-preadult, and strongly antifecundity. By comparison, congenic mice of the C57B1 10Sn background (B10·A, B10·D2, B10·S, B10·Q) displayed poor total responses that could be characterized as: weakly anti-adult, very weakly anti-preadult, weakly anti-fecundity after preadult immunization, and mixed (weak and strong) after adult immunization. The C3HHeJ mouse appeared to be intermediate between the B10·BR and the NFRN strains in overall responsiveness. Genetic determinants of anti-preadult or anti-adult responses of NFRN strain mice were dominant over their B10 congenic counterparts as shown in F1, crosses of NFRN × B1O·BR mice. Since the NFRN (predominantly H-2q) and the NFSN (H-2S) are both strong responders, while the B10·Q(H-2q) and B10·S (H-2S) are weak, it is suggested that the major genes controlling anti-preadult and anti-adult responses are not linked to the major histocompatibility complex. However, variations in anti-adult immunity and anti-fecundity in the B10 congenic mice (B10·Q and B10·S are the strongest responders) suggest that minor genes linked to the MHC exert some control over these responses. Some evidence was obtained for gene complementation as the F1 cross of NFRN and NFSN mice responded more vigorously than the parental lines. We conclude that multiple genes determine anti-T. spiralis intestinal responses in mice. The major genes are unlinked to the major histocompatibility complex whereas several minor genes are linked.  相似文献   

In BALB/c mice infected with Trichinella spiralis, changes in body temperature (Tb) were observed over 35 days after the infection. T. spiralis infection induced hypothermia two times at 7 and 28 days after infection. The initial decrease persisted for about one week with a peak (37.1 +/- 0.62 degrees C) around 10 days after the infection, while the later phase persisted for at least one week. Both 10 and 35 days after the infection, there were remarkable decreases in Tb. The serum glucose level of infected mice at 10 days was significantly (p < 0.01) decreased compared with that of control mice at the same number of days, while the level in infected mice at 35 days was not decreased. Moreover, the later phase of hypothermia was prevented by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (10 mg/kg i.p.), while the initial phase was not. We conclude that hypothermia was caused by two different mechanisms, involving the effects of hypoglycemia and prostaglandins.  相似文献   

In the present study, we focused on a 23-kDa antigen, Cp23, which has been shown to be a major target of humoral immune responses in Cryptosporidium parvum infections and is present in both the sporozoite and merozoite stages. Recombinant Cp23 antigen was shown to stimulate a specific proliferative response by splenocytes and mesenteric lymph node cells from infected interferon gamma knockout BALB/c mice. Cp23 stimulation also induced TNF-alpha, IL-2, and IL-5 mRNA production by spleen cells from infected animals. In contrast, IL-12 mRNA was decreased by Cp23 stimulation compared with unstimulated splenocytes. These data suggest that, as with humoral responses, Cp23 is an important target of cellular immune responses in experimental C. parvum infections. The potential role of this antigen in conferring protective immunity is also discussed.  相似文献   

The immune response of inbred strains of mice was studied following infection with isolates of Trichinella from a pig (P1), an arctic fox (AF1), and T. spiralis var. pseudospiralis (TP). Strains of mice previously characterized as highly resistant to a separate pig isolate of T. spiralis responded to the P1 and AF1 isolates by expelling over 80% of the worms by day 10 postinfection (PI), and by suppressing the in vitro release of newborn larvae by female worms. However, the response induced by AF1 worms was expressed more quickly when compared to responses induced by the P1 and TP isolates. The host response to TP was less as recovery was always higher at day 10 PI and antifecundity effects were not induced in TP worms even in highly resistant strains of mice. Strains of mice previously characterized as susceptible to T. spiralis infection were slow to develop resistance when compared to the resistant mouse strains, but even among the susceptible strains, infection with AF1 induced a more rapid response. The mouse strains used in these experiments allowed us to assess the role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and/or non-MHC genes in influencing the responses observed. As previously reported for a pig isolate of T. spiralis, both MHC and non-MHC genes influenced the rate at which worms were expelled from the gut and the host response that limits the fecundity of adult female worms.  相似文献   

The anaphylactic antibody response of various strains of inbred mice of different H-2 specificities was investigated using the passive cutaneous anaphylactic technique (PCA) for the detection of the antibody response. Neither IgC1 nor reaginic antibody were detected in serum samples obtained at the end of the first week of infection with Trichinella spiralis. Subsequently, all animals had detectable IgG1 antibodies, although in some strains the titers were very low. Reaginic antibody was detected in relatively high titers in C57L, A, and DBA/1 mice. Two other strains were very poor responders (SJL and AKR). In most strains, reagin and IgG1 remained detectable for 14 wk or longer. The pattern of response of all strains was very reproducible, indicating genetic control of the anaphylactic antibody production to the infection. In F1 hybrids obtained from crosses between good and poor anaphylactic antibody responders, intermediate levels of both antibody classes were detected.Adult worm recovery rates were established at various points during the intestinal phase of infection, and no correlation between worm numbers and reaginic antibody titers in the various strains of mice could be demonstrated. There were noticeable differences in larval yields obtained after muscle digestion of mice belonging to the different inbred strains. In fact, we generally observed an inverse relationship between the number of larvae recovered from a given strain and their reaginic antibody titer.The intravenous injection of newborn larvae (NBL), obtained upon in vitro incubation of adult worms, produced detectable antibodies only in mice of the DBA/1 strain. These antibodies were consistently of low titer and became detectable only after the administration of two additional injections of NBL. This contrasted with the results observed after “per os” infection of DBA/1 mice, where high titers of these antibodies were always obtained, in spite of comparable ratios of muscle larval yield.  相似文献   

Infections with the nematode Trichinella spiralis induce unresponsiveness in mice. A study was made to determine whether suppression could be due to a deficiency in the cells responsible for the immunological response. Mice were given low or moderate infections and were killed 7, 14, 28, or 56 days after inoculation; spleen macrophages and leucocytes, θ cells, and Con A- and LPS-sensitive cells were determined in the thymus, spleen, and the mesenteric and axillary lymph nodes. Spleen macrophages are diminished throughout the course of the infection, reaching significantly low levels on the 14th day. The thymus loses, whereas the spleen and the axillary node gain, cells bearing the θ antigen. In spite of the increase in leucocytes and θ cells in the secondary lymphoid tissue, the cells of these organs are insensitive to the blastogenic action of Con A in the heavier infections. In lower infections, however, spleen cells show an enhanced response to Con A and LPS; mesenteric cells, on the other hand, show an early enhanced susceptibility to LPS and a reduced susceptibility to Con A and, in the later phases of parasitism, an enhanced Con A and a reduced LPS susceptibility. It is suggested that these phenomena contribute to the immunosuppression phenomena which are characteristic of T. spiralis infections.  相似文献   

Trichinella spiralis infection elicits a vigorous IgE response and pronounced intestinal and splenic mastocytosis in mice. Since IgE both activates mast cells (MC) and promotes their survival in culture, we examined its role in MC responses and parasite elimination in T. spiralis-infected mice. During primary infection, wild-type but not IgE-deficient (IgE(-/-)) BALB/c mice mounted a strong IgE response peaking 14 days into infection. The splenic mastocytosis observed in BALB/c mice following infection with T. spiralis was significantly diminished in IgE(-/-) mice while eosinophil responses were not diminished in either the blood or jejunum. Similar levels of peripheral blood eosinophilia and jejunal mastocytosis occurred in wild-type and IgE-deficient animals. Despite the normal MC response in the small intestine, serum levels of mouse MC protease-1 also were lower in parasite-infected IgE(-/-) animals and these animals were slower to eliminate the adult worms from the small intestine. The number of T. spiralis larvae present in the skeletal muscle of IgE(-/-) mice 28 days after primary infection was about twice that in BALB/c controls, and the fraction of larvae that was necrotic was reduced in the IgE-deficient animals. An intense deposition of IgE in and around the muscle larvae was observed in wild-type but not in IgE null mice. We conclude that IgE promotes parasite expulsion from the gut following T. spiralis infection and participates in the response to larval stages of the parasite. Furthermore, our observations support a role for IgE in the regulation of MC homeostasis in vivo.  相似文献   

目的 通过检测感染旋毛虫的小鼠膈肌中IL-8受体CXCR1/2的表达以及肌肉组织纤维化程度,探讨G31P对旋毛虫囊包形成的影响以及防治效果。方法 30只雌性BALB/c小鼠随机分成三组:阳性模型对照组(n=12,皮下注射生理盐水),G31P治疗组(n=12,皮下注射G31P)和阴性正常对照组(n=6,皮下注射生理盐水)。阳性模型对照组与G31P治疗组小鼠应用口饲法感染旋毛虫囊包,(100±5)个/只,于感染后第10天皮下注射G31P(500 µg/kg),1次/2 d,连续14 d,阳性对照组和阴性对照组分别皮下注射等量生理盐水。感染24 d后无菌解剖小鼠,收取膈肌组织,用于HE染色和免疫组化分析。结果 与阳性模型对照组相比,G31P治疗组旋毛虫囊包数量明显减少(P<0.01),而且囊包大多形成不完整、纤维化程度轻。炎症因子受体CXCR1和CXCR2的表达均显著低于模型组(P<0.01)。结论 G31P具有下调膈肌组织中炎症因子IL-8受体CXCR1和CXCR2表达的作用,从而拮抗旋毛虫囊包纤维化的形成,并对旋毛虫幼虫虫体结构的完整性产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

Expulsion of the gastrointestinal nematode Trichinella spiralis is associated with pronounced mastocytosis mediated by a Th2-type response involving IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13. Here we demonstrate that IL-18 is a key negative regulator of protective immune responses against T. spiralis in vivo. IL-18 knockout mice are highly resistant to T. spiralis infection, expel the worms rapidly and subsequently develop low levels of encysted muscle larvae. The increased speed of expulsion is correlated with high numbers of mucosal mast cells and an increase in IL-13 and IL-10 secretion. When normal mice were treated with rIL-18 in vivo, worm expulsion was notably delayed, and the development of mastocytosis and Th2 cytokine production was significantly reduced. The treatment had no effect on intestinal eosinophilia or goblet cell hyperplasia but specifically inhibited the development of mastocytosis. Addition of rIL-18 to in vitro cultures of bone marrow-derived mast cells resulted in a significant reduction in cell yields as well as in the number of IL-4-secreting mast cells. In vivo treatment of T. spiralis-infected IFN-gamma knockout mice with rIL-18 demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of IL-18 on mastocytosis and Th2 cytokine secretion is independent of IFN-gamma. Hence, IL-18 plays a significant biological role as a negative regulator of intestinal mast cell responses and may promote the survival of intestinal parasites in vivo.  相似文献   

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