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Despite its medical, social, and economic significance, understanding what primarily causes aging, that is, the mechanisms of the aging process, remains a fundamental and fascinating problem in biology. Accumulating evidence indicates that a small RNA‐based gene regulatory machinery, the Piwi‐piRNA pathway, represents a shared feature of nonaging (potentially immortal) biological systems, including the germline, somatic cancer stem cells, and certain ‘lower’ eukaryotic organisms like the planarian flatworm and freshwater hydra. The pathway primarily functions to repress the activity of mobile genetic elements, also called transposable elements (TEs) or ‘jumping genes’, which are capable of moving from one genomic locus to another, thereby causing insertional mutations. TEs become increasingly active and multiply in the genomes of somatic cells as the organism ages. These characteristics of TEs highlight their decisive mutagenic role in the progressive disintegration of genetic information, a molecular hallmark associated with aging. Hence, TE‐mediated genomic instability may substantially contribute to the aging process.  相似文献   



Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) exhibits strong intrinsic and acquired drug resistance which is the main obstacle to chemotherapy. Overexpression of ATP binding cassette (ABC) proteins correlates with activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in HCC. Here, we systematically investigated the inhibition of MAPK pathway and its role in regulating HCC cell growth as well as ABC proteins MRP1 and MRP3 expression.


The Raf1 kinase inhibitor (GW5074) and different MEK inhibitors (U0126 and AZD6244) were used to treat HCC cells to identify their effects on HCC cell growth and ABC proteins expression in vitro. Cell viability tests were performed after the treatment of MAPK pathway inhibitors and in combination with gemcitabine or doxorubicin. Western blot was applied to assess the changes of MAPK pathway and protein expression of MRP1 and MRP3. Flow cytometry was used to measure intracellular doxorubicin accumulation after the treatment of MEK inhibitors.


Both Raf1 inhibitor (GW5074) and MEK inhibitors (U0126 and AZD6244) suppressed HCC cell growth in a dose dependent manner. Pre-treatment of MEK inhibitor U0126 or AZD6244 sensitized HCC cells to gemcitabine or doxorubicin based chemotherapy. Raf1 inhibitor GW5074 had no effect on MRP1 and MRP3 protein expression. Treatment of gemcitabine or doxorubicin activated phosphorylated ERK and induced the upregulation of MRP1 and MRP3. MEK inhibitors U0126 and AZD6244 deactivated phosphorylated ERK, decreased endogenous MRP1 expression, reversed gemcitabine or doxorubicin induced MRP1 and MRP3 upregulation, and increased the intracellular doxorubicin accumulation.


This study provides evidence that MEK inhibitors sensitize HCC cells to chemotherapy by increasing intracellular chemodrug accumulation. MEK inhibirors U0126 and AZD6244 reduced MRP1 as well as MRP3 expression, and may contribute partially to the sensitization. The combination of MEK inhibitor and conventional chemotherapy may offer new therapeutic option for the treatment of resistant HCC.  相似文献   

In human cancer, expression of telomerase is positively correlated with tumour aggressiveness and metastatic potential. There is accumulating evidence that hTERT (the catalytic subunit of telomerase) favours an immortal phenotype by blocking programmed cell death (apoptosis) independently of its protective function at the telomere ends. This review summarized existing evidence for the anti-apoptotic role of hTERT in the context of tumour-cell resistance against DNA damage and aims to put hTERT in the context of cell-signal-transduction pathways leading either to survival or cell death. We found evidence that telomerase is cross-linked with many different signalling pathways that regulate cell proliferation, DNA damage repair, and also cell death. Thereby, hTERT survival function seems to occur at early stages of DNA damage recognition. We found some discrepancies in the published data though. Based on our findings, we suggest further exploration is needed of the interplay of the DNA damage response signalling network, including MAPK and p53 family activation, on telomerase regulation. This interaction is probably an important factor for fine tuning of the sensitivity of the cell to genotoxic stress. Using anti-neoplastic agents, further dose relationships on timing and extent of DNA damage, cellular repair and death should be established and correlated with hTERT expression/telomerase activation. Closing the data gaps identified here could profoundly improve our understanding of the relevance of telomerase for protecting the cell against anti-cancer agents and would contribute to developing new strategies for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence has been associated with age-related diseases, wound healing, fibrosis, diabetes and cancer. Senescent cells lack the capacity to proliferate, but are known to aggravate tumorigenesis. The polyploid giant cells arise from the cancer cell population mainly due to genotoxic stress caused by chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. They exhibit features of senescence and have been reported to secrete an array of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors. These small molecules can bind to their receptors located on the surface of neighboring cells and activate/deactivate relevant signaling pathways, thereby modulating the tumor microenvironment. Some of these signaling cascade(s) might play a role in imparting therapy resistance to the cancer cells. This review throws light on the incidence of senescence and how the senescent polyploid giant cells affect the tumor microenvironment. Their role in giving rise to chemoresistant cancer cell population as well as acquired chemoresistance in the neighboring cancer cells along with various potential and established therapeutic avenues have also been discussed.  相似文献   

HIV protease inhibitors are currently being discussed to be useful as new and alternative anti-cancer agents, especially as second line treatments for chemo-resistant human cancer types. Among three clinically applied HIV protease inhibitors tested, we found a high efficacy of nelfinavir on ovarian cancer cells, accompanied by apoptosis (annexin binding) and necrosis (propidium iodide permeability). In vitro, at concentrations used to induce cell death in ovarian cancer cells, nelfinavir had no effect on the cellular viability of fibroblasts or peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes. Nelfinavir sensitized ovarian cancer cells to treatment with an apoptosis-inducing TRAIL receptor antibody due to upregulation of the TRAIL receptor DR5 as shown by RT-PCR and FACScan analysis. We conclude that nelfinavir, an already approved drug, is a highly efficient agent against ovarian cancer cells and could sensitize ovarian cancer cells to TRAIL treatment, either therapeutically applied or endogenously produced by cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

The germ cell lineage in the mouse is not predetermined but is established during gastrulation, in response to signalling molecules acting on a subset of epiblast cells that move through the primitive streak together with extra-embryonic mesoderm precursors. After migration to the site of the future gonads, germ cell sex determination is achieved, with germ cell phenotype in male and female embryos diverging. Evidence suggests that all germ cells spontaneously take the female pathway, entering prophase of the first meiotic division five or six days after the birth of the germ cell lineage, with the exception of those located in the embryonic testis, which exit the cell cycle in response to some inhibitory signal and remain in Go until after birth, when spermatogenesis begins. In culture, germ cells respond to certain growth factors by proliferating indefinitely. These immortalized embryonic germ (EG) cell lines are chromosomally stable and pluripotent, closely resembling the embryonic stem (ES) cell lines derived from blastocyst-stage embryos. Human EG and ES cell lines have recently been made, raising the hope that their differentiation could be directed to specific cell types, of value in the clinical treatment of degenerative diseases.  相似文献   


Brain tumours are a diverse group of neoplasms that continue to present a formidable challenge in our attempt to achieve curable intervention. Our conceptual framework of human brain cancer has been redrawn in the current decade. There is a gathering acceptance that brain tumour formation is a phenotypic outcome of dysregulated neurogenesis, with tumours viewed as abnormally differentiated neural tissue. In relation, there is accumulating evidence that brain tumours, similar to leukaemia and many solid tumours, are organized as a developmental hierarchy which is maintained by a small fraction of cells endowed with many shared properties of tissue stem cells. Proof that neurogenesis persists throughout adult life, compliments this concept. Although the cancer cell of origin is unclear, the proliferative zones that harbour stem cells in the embryonic, post-natal and adult brain are attractive candidates within which tumour-initiation may ensue. Dysregulated, unlimited proliferation and an ability to bypass senescence are acquired capabilities of cancerous cells. These abilities in part require the establishment of a telomere maintenance mechanism for counteracting the shortening of chromosomal termini. A strategy based upon the synthesis of telomeric repeat sequences by the ribonucleoprotein telomerase, is prevalent in ~ 90% of human tumours studied, including the majority of brain tumours. This review will provide a developmental perspective with respect to normal (neurogenesis) and aberrant (tumourigenesis) cellular turnover, differentiation and function. Within this context our current knowledge of brain tumour telomere/telomerase biology will be discussed with respect to both its developmental and therapeutic relevance to the hierarchical model of brain tumourigenesis presented by the cancer stem cell paradigm.  相似文献   

Comment on: Anisimov VN, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:4230-6.  相似文献   

In addition to genetic events, a variety of epigenetic events have been widely reported to contribute to the onset of many diseases including cancer. DNA methylation and histone modifications (such as acetylation, methylation, sumoylation, and phosphorylation) involving chromatin remodelling are among the most studied epigenetic mechanisms for regulation of gene expression leading, when altered, to some diseases. Epigenetic therapy tries to reverse the aberrations followed to the disruption of the balance of the epigenetic signalling ways through the use of both natural compounds and synthetic molecules, active on specific epi-targets. Such epi-drugs are, for example, inhibitors of DNA methyltransferases, histone deacetylases, histone acetyltransferases, histone methyltransferases, and histone demethylases. In this review we will focus on the chemical aspects of such molecules, joined to their effective (or potential) application in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

On the road to therapeutic cloning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Cancer vaccines as a modality of immune-based cancer treatment offer the promise of a non-toxic and efficacious therapeutic alternative for patients. Emerging data suggest that response to vaccination largely depends on the magnitude of the type I immune response generated, epitope spreading and immunogenic modulation of the tumor. Moreover, accumulating evidence suggests that cancer vaccines will likely induce better results in patients with low tumor burden and less aggressive disease. To induce long-lasting clinical responses, vaccines will need to be combined with immunoregulatory agents to overcome tumor-related immune suppression. Immunotherapy, as a treatment modality for prostate cancer, has received significant attention in the past few years. The most intriguing characteristics that make prostate cancer a preferred target for immune-based treatments are (1) its relative indolence which allows sufficient time for the immune system to develop meaningful antitumor responses; (2) prostate tumor-associated antigens are mainly tissue-lineage antigens, and thus, antitumor responses will preferentially target prostate cancer cells. But, also in the event of eradication of normal prostate epithelium as a result of immune attack, this will have no clinical consequences because the prostate gland is not a vital organ; (3) the use of prostate-specific antigen for early detection of recurrent disease allows for the initiation of vaccine immunotherapy while tumor burden is still minimal. Finally, for improving clinical outcome further to increasing vaccine potency, it is imperative to recognize prognostic and predictive biomarkers of clinical benefit that may guide to select the therapeutic strategies for patients most likely to gain benefit.  相似文献   

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