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Forest structure and carbon dynamics in Amazonian tropical rain forests   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Living trees constitute one of the major stocks of carbon in tropical forests. A better understanding of variations in the dynamics and structure of tropical forests is necessary for predicting the potential for these ecosystems to lose or store carbon, and for understanding how they recover from disturbance. Amazonian tropical forests occur over a vast area that encompasses differences in topography, climate, and geologic substrate. We observed large differences in forest structure, biomass, and tree growth rates in permanent plots situated in the eastern (near Santarém, Pará), central (near Manaus, Amazonas) and southwestern (near Rio Branco, Acre) Amazon, which differed in dry season length, as well as other factors. Forests at the two sites experiencing longer dry seasons, near Rio Branco and Santarém, had lower stem frequencies (460 and 466 ha–1 respectively), less biodiversity (Shannon–Wiener diversity index), and smaller aboveground C stocks (140.6 and 122.1 Mg C ha–1) than the Manaus site (626 trees ha–1, 180.1 Mg C ha–1), which had less seasonal variation in rainfall. The forests experiencing longer dry seasons also stored a greater proportion of the total biomass in trees with >50 cm diameter (41–45 vs 30% in Manaus). Rates of annual addition of C to living trees calculated from monthly dendrometer band measurements were 1.9 (Manaus), 2.8 (Santarém), and 2.6 (Rio Branco) Mg C ha–1 year–1. At all sites, trees in the 10–30 cm diameter class accounted for the highest proportion of annual growth (38, 55 and 56% in Manaus, Rio Branco and Santarém, respectively). Growth showed marked seasonality, with largest stem diameter increment in the wet season and smallest in the dry season, though this may be confounded by seasonal variation in wood water content. Year-to-year variations in C allocated to stem growth ranged from nearly zero in Rio Branco, to 0.8 Mg C ha–1 year–1 in Manaus (40% of annual mean) and 0.9 Mg C ha–1 year–1 (33% of annual mean) in Santarém, though this variability showed no significant relation with precipitation among years. Initial estimates of the C balance of live wood including recruitment and mortality as well as growth suggests that live wood biomass is at near steady-state in Manaus, but accumulating at about 1.5 Mg C ha–1 at the other two sites. The causes of C imbalance in living wood pools in Santarém and Rio Branco sites are unknown, but may be related to previous disturbance at these sites. Based on size distribution and growth rate differences in the three sites, we predict that trees in the Manaus forest have greater mean age (~240 years) than those of the other two forests (~140 years).  相似文献   

Gerhard Zotz  Klaus Winter 《Planta》1993,191(3):409-412
Diel (24 h) courses of net CO2 exchange of leaves were determined in eight species of tropical rainforest plants on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, during 1990 and 1991. The species included three canopy trees, one liana, two epiphytes and one hemiepiphyte. One of the species studied was growing in a rain-forest gap. Daily carbon gain varied considerably across species, leaf age, and season. The analysis of data for all plants from 64 complete day/night cycles revealed a linear relationship between the diurnal carbon gain and the maximum rate of net CO2 uptake, Amax. Nocturnal net carbon loss was about 10% of diurnal carbon gain and was positively related to Amax. We conclude that short-term measurements of light-saturated photosynthesis, performed at periodic intervals throughout the season, allow the annual leaf carbon balance in these rain-forest plants to be predicted.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests have been reduced to less than 0.1% of their original expanse on the Pacific side of Central America and are considered by some to be the most endangered ecosystem in the lowland tropics. Plots 1000 m2 were established in seven tropical dry forests in Costa Rica and Nicaragua in order to compare levels of species richness to other Neotropical dry forest sites and to identify environmental variables associated with species richness and abundance. A total of 204 species and 1484 individuals 2.5 cm were encountered. Santa Rosa National Park was the richest site with the highest family (33), genera (69), and species (75) diversity of all sites. Species richness and forest structure were significantly different between sites. Fabaceae was the dominant tree and shrub family at most sites, but no species was repeatably dominant based on number of stems in all fragments of tropical dry forest. Central American dry forests had similar species richness when compared to other Neotropical forests. There was no correlation between forest cover within reserves, or precipitation and plant species richness. There was a significant correlation between anthropogenic disturbance (intensity and frequency of fire, wood collection, grazing) and total species richness, tree and shrub species richness, and liana abundance. These results suggest controlling levels on anthropogenic disturbance within reserves should be a high priority for resource managers in Central America. Further research in forest fragments which examine individual and a combination of disturbance agents would help clarify the importance of anthropogenic disturbance on species richness and abundance.  相似文献   

Forest carbon stocks and fluxes vary with forest age, and relationships with forest age are often used to estimate fluxes for regional or national carbon inventories. Two methods are commonly used to estimate forest age: observed tree age or time since a known disturbance. To clarify the relationships between tree age, time since disturbance and forest carbon storage and cycling, we examined stands of known disturbance history in three landscapes of the southern Rocky Mountains. Our objectives were to assess the similarity between carbon stocks and fluxes for these three landscapes that differed in climate and disturbance history, characterize the relationship between observed tree age and time since disturbance and quantify the predictive capability of tree age or time since disturbance on carbon stocks and fluxes. Carbon pools and fluxes were remarkably similar across the three landscapes, despite differences in elevation, climate, species composition, disturbance history, and forest age. Observed tree age was a poor predictor of time since disturbance. Maximum tree age overestimated time since disturbance for young forests and underestimated it for older forests. Carbon pools and fluxes were related to both tree age and disturbance history, but the relationships differed between these two predictors and were generally less variable for pools than for fluxes. Using tree age in a relationship developed with time since disturbance or vice versa increases errors in estimates of carbon stocks or fluxes. Little change in most carbon stocks and fluxes occurs after the first 100 years following stand‐replacing disturbance, simplifying landscape scale estimates. We conclude that subalpine forests in the Central Rocky Mountains can be treated as a single forest type for the purpose of assessment and modeling of carbon, and that the critical period for change in carbon is < 100 years.  相似文献   

热带林下人工种植阳春砂仁的生长与果实产量动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查了西双版纳不同海拔热带沟谷雨林和次生林下的阳春砂仁生长和果实产量动态.结果表明,西双版纳热带林下阳春砂仁自身年龄增长、林下光照不足和旱季水分胁迫影响阳春砂仁果实产量。随种植期增加,阳春砂仁果实产量和成熟植株密度降低.当林下光照水平在全日照的35%以下时,阳春砂仁果实产量随林下日照水平变化呈线性增加(P<0.05)。沟谷下方阳春砂仁果实产量显著高于上方(P<0.05)。海拔600~1000m,由于阳春砂仁的主花期从干热季3~4月推迟到雨季5月,果实产量显著增加,沟谷雨林和次生林下阳春砂仁果实产量差异不显著。因此,在海拔800~1000m沟谷中轮歇地次生林下有计划种植阳春砂仁,代替在沟谷雨林下种植阳春砂仁,既能解决沟谷雨林下光照和当地旱季水分不足对阳春砂仁果实产量的影响,又有利于热带沟谷雨林的保护。  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林C素库及皆伐影响的初步研究   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林原始林和更新林的C素库以及皆伐对森林C素库影响的研究表明,尖峰岭热带山地雨林原始林的C素库总量为340.467t.hm^-2,其中植物C储量为232.791t.hm^-2土壤有机碳储量为104.696t.hm^-2,枯枝落叶层C储量为2.98t.hm^-2,更新林的C素库总量为258.966t.hm^-2其中植物C储量为150.203t.hm^-2,土壤有机C储量为105  相似文献   

云南菜阳河自然保护区热带季节雨林乔木生物量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据样地调查数据和已发表的季节雨林生物量模型,研究了滇南热带最北缘的思茅菜阳河自然保护区热带季节雨林乔木(DBH≥5cm)生物量及其分配特点。结果表明:乔木层总生物量为390617kghm-2,在各器官的分配向树干和树根集中:树干为273601kghm-2,占70.04%,树根为85128kghm-2,占21.79%,树枝和树叶分别占7.42%和0.74%;生物量径级分配以80-<100cm和120-<140cm等为主;生物量垂直分配向乔木上层集中:Ⅰ亚层(高度30-40m)占55.27%、Ⅱ亚层(15-<30m)占37.12%、Ⅲ亚层(<15m)占7.61%。生物量在热带季节雨林各种类中的分配集中于少数种类,八宝树和绒毛番龙眼分别占乔木层生物量的27.58%和21.14%。结果表明最北缘的热带季节雨林乔木生物量与西双版纳季节雨林的相近,干扰作用使得季节雨林先锋树种八宝树的生物量最高。  相似文献   

Forest degradation accounts for ~70% of total carbon losses from tropical forests. Substantial emissions are from selective logging, a land‐use activity that decreases forest carbon density. To maintain carbon values in selectively logged forests, climate change mitigation policies and government agencies promote the adoption of reduced‐impact logging (RIL) practices. However, whether RIL will maintain both carbon and timber values in managed tropical forests over time remains uncertain. In this study, we quantify the recovery of timber stocks and aboveground carbon at an experimental site where forests were subjected to different intensities of RIL (4, 8, and 16 trees/ha). Our census data span 20 years postlogging and 17 years after the liberation of future crop trees from competition in a tropical forest on the Guiana Shield, a globally important forest carbon reservoir. We model recovery of timber and carbon with a breakpoint regression that allowed us to capture elevated tree mortality immediately after logging. Recovery rates of timber and carbon were governed by the presence of residual trees (i.e., trees that persisted through the first harvest). The liberation treatment stimulated faster recovery of timber albeit at a carbon cost. Model results suggest a threshold logging intensity beyond which forests managed for timber and carbon derive few benefits from RIL, with recruitment and residual growth not sufficient to offset losses. Inclusion of the breakpoint at which carbon and timber gains outpaced postlogging mortality led to high predictive accuracy, including out‐of‐sample R2 values >90%, and enabled inference on demographic changes postlogging. Our modeling framework is broadly applicable to studies that aim to quantify impacts of logging on forest recovery. Overall, we demonstrate that initial mortality drives variation in recovery rates, that the second harvest depends on old growth wood, and that timber intensification lowers carbon stocks.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate change require that society urgently develops ways to reduce amounts of carbon in the atmosphere. Tropical forests present an important opportunity, as they take up and store large amounts of carbon. It is often suggested that forests with high biodiversity have large stocks and high rates of carbon uptake. Evidence is, however, scattered across geographic areas and scales, and it remains unclear whether biodiversity is just a co‐benefit or also a requirement for the maintenance of carbon stocks and uptake. Here, we perform a quantitative review of empirical studies that analyzed the relationships between plant biodiversity attributes and carbon stocks and carbon uptake in tropical forests. Our results show that biodiversity attributes related to species, traits or structure significantly affect carbon stocks or uptake in 64% of the evaluated relationships. Average vegetation attributes (community‐mean traits and structural attributes) are more important for carbon stocks, whereas variability in vegetation attributes (i.e., taxonomic diversity) is important for both carbon stocks and uptake. Thus, different attributes of biodiversity have complementary effects on carbon stocks and uptake. These biodiversity effects tend to be more often significant in mature forests at broad spatial scales than in disturbed forests at local spatial scales. Biodiversity effects are also more often significant when confounding variables are not included in the analyses, highlighting the importance of performing a comprehensive analysis that adequately accounts for environmental drivers. In summary, biodiversity is not only a co‐benefit, but also a requirement for short‐ and long‐term maintenance of carbon stocks and enhancement of uptake. Climate change policies should therefore include the maintenance of multiple attributes of biodiversity as an essential requirement to achieve long‐term climate change mitigation goals.  相似文献   

Tropical peatlands have accumulated huge soil carbon over millennia. However, the carbon pool is presently disturbed on a large scale by land development and management, and consequently has become vulnerable. Peat degradation occurs most rapidly and massively in Indonesia, because of fires, drainage, and deforestation of swamp forests coexisting with tropical peat. Peat burning releases carbon dioxide (CO2) intensively but occasionally, whereas drainage increases CO2 emission steadily through the acceleration of aerobic peat decomposition. Therefore, tropical peatlands present the threat of switching from a carbon sink to a carbon source to the atmosphere. However, the ecosystem‐scale carbon exchange is still not known in tropical peatlands. A long‐term field experiment in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia showed that tropical peat ecosystems, including a relatively intact peat swamp forest with little drainage (UF), a drained swamp forest (DF), and a drained burnt swamp forest (DB), functioned as net carbon sources. Mean annual net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) (± a standard deviation) for 4 years from July 2004 to July 2008 was 174 ± 203, 328 ± 204 and 499 ± 72 gC m?2 yr?1, respectively, for the UF, DF, and DB sites. The carbon emissions increased according to disturbance degrees. We found that the carbon balance of each ecosystem was chiefly controlled by groundwater level (GWL). The NEE showed a linear relationship with GWL on an annual basis. The relationships suggest that annual CO2 emissions increase by 79–238 gC m?2 every 0.1 m of GWL lowering probably because of the enhancement of oxidative peat decomposition. In addition, CO2 uptake by vegetation photosynthesis was reduced by shading due to dense smoke from peat fires ignited accidentally or for agricultural practices. Our results may indicate that tropical peatland ecosystems are no longer a carbon sink under the pressure of human activities.  相似文献   

Tropical forests dominate global terrestrial carbon (C) exchange, and recent droughts in the Amazon Basin have contributed to short‐term declines in terrestrial carbon dioxide uptake and storage. However, the effects of longer‐term climate variability on tropical forest carbon dynamics are still not well understood. We synthesised field data from more than 150 tropical forest sites to explore how climate regulates tropical forest aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and organic matter decomposition, and combined those data with two existing databases to explore climate – C relationships globally. While previous analyses have focused on the effects of either temperature or rainfall on ANPP, our results highlight the importance of interactions between temperature and rainfall on the C cycle. In cool forests (< 20 °C), high rainfall slowed rates of C cycling, but in warm tropical forests (> 20 °C) it consistently enhanced both ANPP and decomposition. At the global scale, our analysis showed an increase in ANPP with rainfall in relatively warm sites, inconsistent with declines in ANPP with rainfall reported previously. Overall, our results alter our understanding of climate – C cycle relationships, with high precipitation accelerating rates of C exchange with the atmosphere in the most productive biome on earth.  相似文献   

Tropical montane cloud forest landscapes are changing, and forest conversion to other land uses is a major driver of biodiversity loss. Land use intensification can lead to significant losses in biodiversity and carbon storage (C); however, the impacts may vary greatly depending on land use type, management practices, and environmental context. We investigated how biodiversity and C are related along a gradient of land use intensification characterized by four dominant land uses in the upper part of Antigua River watershed, Mexico. The land uses were montane cloud forest, secondary forest, and traditional and intensive shade coffee plantations. We determined tree species composition, diversity, ecosystem structure, wood density and C content in dominant tree species to assess aboveground biomass (AGB) and C storage within eight study sites across the land use intensity gradient. A total of 83 tree species was recorded. A canonical correspondence analysis indicated that land uses are separated by particular tree species assemblages. Forests had higher basal area, density, and biomass than coffee plantations, however, the traditional shade coffee plantation had values similar to secondary forest. Calculating C using the standard estimate of 50% of AGB resulted in an overestimation of stored C by 5.8 to 4.1% compared to calculations based on actual measurements. Carbon storage in AGB and biodiversity were strongly and positively related across the land use intensity gradient, although the distinction between the two different intensities of coffee plantation management was not consistently as clear as we had expected. Carbon was highest in forest, but secondary forests and traditional shade coffee plantation had similar C, while intensive coffee had the lowest C content. These results highlight the importance of considering the potential of low intensity land uses such as traditional coffee plantations to mitigate biodiversity loss and preserve ecosystem functions as part of conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Summary Branch sampling of branch diameter and fruit crop on 22 species of Barbadian trees and shrubs provided sufficient data to build regressions between plant size and fruit crop weight. Orchard plants bear much more fruit than wild, feral or garden plants of similar size, but this difference disappears in multiple regression of fruit crop weight (F in g, fresh mass) on branch or stem diameter (D in cm) and individual fruit weight (W in g): F=22D1.2 W0.57. This explains 89% of the variation in F and successfully predicts crop weight for wild tropical and temperate trees and shrubs, but underestimated the crops on commercial, temperate, fruit trees by an order of magnitude. Comparisons of crop weight for feral, wild, and garden plants (Ff) using a simple regression Ff=47D1.9 show that crop weight is a minor load relative to branch weight for larger branches. Although fruit crops represent a declining proportion of total plant weight as plants become larger, the crops become larger relative to leaf and twig weight and in this sense, reproductive investment increases in larger plants. Finally, our equations, combined with the self-thinning rule, suggest that stands of large species of fruit plants produce more fruit per unit of land area than stands of small ones.  相似文献   

Here we present the within-site, seasonal, and interannual variations of the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios of leaves, wood, bark and litter from four sites in the Amazon region, Brazil. Samples were collected in Manaus (3° 06′07′′ S; 60°01′30′′ W), Ji-Paraná (10°53′07′′ S; 61°57′06′′ W), and Santarém (2°26′35′′ S; 54°42′30′′ W) with mean annual precipitation of 2207, 2040 and 1909 mm respectively. The overall average for all leaf samples was for δ13C and for δ15N (n=756). The leaf δ values at these sites were often but not always statistically distinct from each other. The δ13C values varied from to . Pronounced differences in δ13C values occurred with height associated with differences in forest structure. The δ13C of leaf dry matter showed seasonal variations associated with the length of the dry season, despite the fact that total annual precipitation was similar among the studied sites. Leaf δ15N values ranged from to a maximum value of , and the Santarém sites showed more enriched values than Manaus and Ji-Paraná sites. No seasonal variation was detected in the δ15N of leaves, but significant differences were observed among sites and with changes in canopy height. The isotope ratio data are consistent with our current understanding of the roles of light, water availability, and recycling of soil-respired CO2 influences on δ13C and consistent with our understanding that an open nitrogen cycle can lead to high δ15N values despite a significant number of legumes in the vegetation.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforests store enormous amounts of carbon, the protection of which represents a vital component of efforts to mitigate global climate change. Currently, tropical forest conservation, science, policies, and climate mitigation actions focus predominantly on reducing carbon emissions from deforestation alone. However, every year vast areas of the humid tropics are disturbed by selective logging, understory fires, and habitat fragmentation. There is an urgent need to understand the effect of such disturbances on carbon stocks, and how stocks in disturbed forests compare to those found in undisturbed primary forests as well as in regenerating secondary forests. Here, we present the results of the largest field study to date on the impacts of human disturbances on above and belowground carbon stocks in tropical forests. Live vegetation, the largest carbon pool, was extremely sensitive to disturbance: forests that experienced both selective logging and understory fires stored, on average, 40% less aboveground carbon than undisturbed forests and were structurally similar to secondary forests. Edge effects also played an important role in explaining variability in aboveground carbon stocks of disturbed forests. Results indicate a potential rapid recovery of the dead wood and litter carbon pools, while soil stocks (0–30 cm) appeared to be resistant to the effects of logging and fire. Carbon loss and subsequent emissions due to human disturbances remain largely unaccounted for in greenhouse gas inventories, but by comparing our estimates of depleted carbon stocks in disturbed forests with Brazilian government assessments of the total forest area annually disturbed in the Amazon, we show that these emissions could represent up to 40% of the carbon loss from deforestation in the region. We conclude that conservation programs aiming to ensure the long‐term permanence of forest carbon stocks, such as REDD+, will remain limited in their success unless they effectively avoid degradation as well as deforestation.  相似文献   

The carbon balance of tropical, temperate and boreal forests   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Forest biomes are major reserves for terrestrial carbon, and major components of global primary productivity. The carbon balance of forests is determined by a number of component processes of carbon acquisition and carbon loss, and a small shift in the magnitude of these processes would have a large impact on the global carbon cycle. In this paper, we discuss the climatic influences on the carbon dynamics of boreal, temperate and tropical forests by presenting a new synthesis of micrometeorological, ecophysiological and forestry data, concentrating on three case-study sites. Historical changes in the carbon balance of each biome are also reviewed, and the evidence for a carbon sink in each forest biome and its likely behaviour under future global change are discussed. We conclude that there have been significant advances in determining the carbon balance of forests, but there are still critical uncertainties remaining, particularly in the behaviour of soil carbon stocks.  相似文献   

贵阳市区灌木林生态系统生物量及碳储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用直接收获法和实测数据,以贵州省贵阳市区天然灌木林内木本和草本植物、凋落物及土壤为研究对象,研究了灌木林生态系统的生物量、碳含量及碳储量。结果表明:灌木林植被层生物量为23.16 t/hm2,其中木本植物层生物量为12.46 t/hm2;草本植物层为3.74 t/hm2;凋落物层为6.96 t/hm2,分别占植被层生物量的53.08%、16.15%、30.05%。木本植物25种的碳含量范围为445.91—603.46 g/kg;草本植物6种的碳含量为408.48—523.04 g/kg;凋落物层碳含量为341.01—392.81 g/kg;土壤层碳含量为5.73—26.68 g/kg。生态系统总碳储量为88.34 t/hm2,其中植被层为8.10 t/hm2;凋落物层为2.56 t/hm2;土壤层为77.68 t/hm2,分别占系统总碳储量的9.17%、2.89%、87.94%。灌木林生态系统碳储量的空间分布格局为:土壤层植被层凋落物层。研究结果,可为喀斯特城市估算森林生态系统碳储量和碳平衡提供科学依据。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地雨林群落乔木树种多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据块样地资料对西双版纳热带山地雨林树种多样性特征进行了分析.结果表明,在2 500m2的样地上,随着起测胸径递增,各样地乔木个体数和树种丰富度均表现为依次递减;低海拔带上(850~1000 m)的山地雨林(1、2号样地)的各指数值无一定变化规律,较高海拔带上(1200~2000 m)的山地雨林(3~6号样地)的Shannon-Wiener指数和Simpson指数均表现为依次递减,而Pielou均匀度指数则呈依次递增的趋势.较高海拔带上的山地雨林在较小乔木起测胸径(≥2 cm、≥5 cm、≥10 cm)的树种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数均要明显大于低海拔带上的山地雨林,而两者在较大乔木起测胸径(≥20 cm、≥30 cm、≥50 cm)的各指数值无明显差异.随着取样面积的递增,各样地树种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数在取样面积递增到2 000m2处均已趋于平缓.  相似文献   

Low stocks of coarse woody debris in a southwest Amazonian forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stocks and dynamics of coarse woody debris (CWD) are significant components of the carbon cycle within tropical forests. However, to date, there have been no reports of CWD stocks and fluxes from the approximately 1.3 million km2 of lowland western Amazonian forests. Here, we present estimates of CWD stocks and annual CWD inputs from forests in southern Peru. Total stocks were low compared to other tropical forest sites, whether estimated by line-intercept sampling (24.4 ± 5.3 Mg ha−1) or by complete inventories within 11 permanent plots (17.7 ± 2.4 Mg ha−1). However, annual inputs, estimated from long-term data on tree mortality rates in the same plots, were similar to other studies (3.8 ± 0.2 or 2.9 ± 0.2 Mg ha−1 year−1, depending on the equation used to estimate biomass). Assuming the CWD pool is at steady state, the turnover time of coarse woody debris is low (4.7 ± 2.6 or 6.1 ± 2.6 years). These results indicate that these sites have not experienced a recent, large-scale disturbance event and emphasise the distinctive, rapid nature of carbon cycling in these western Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

A role of termites in decomposition processes was quantitatively evaluated in a dry evergreen forest (DEF) in Thailand, using respiration rates and biomasses of fungus combs as well as of termites themselves. The termite population and fungus combs mineralized 11.2% of carbon (C) in the annual aboveground litterfall (AAL) by their respiration. Fungus combs were responsible for a major part (7.2% of the AAL) of the C mineralization mediated by termites. For comparison, fractions of AAL mineralized by respiration from termite populations and fungus combs were estimated for tropical forests and savannas where termites have been well studied, assuming that there is the same ratio as for the DEF between biomass of fungus combs and abundance of fungus growers. Termites in dry tropical forests (annual rainfall<2,000 mm) are shown to mineralize about 10% of C in the AAL by respiration from their populations and fungus combs, and their ecological impact in savannahs is comparable in this aspect. A significant negative correlation between fraction of AAL and annual rainfall demonstrates that the importance of termites in decomposition processes is greater in dry tropical forests than in moist tropical forests. Considering that fungus combs contributed significantly to AAL mineralization in most of the tropical forests and savannas, fungus growers are a much more influential group than previously expected in tropical ecosystems.T. Abe deceased on 27 March 2000  相似文献   

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