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The effective population size (N(e) ) could be the ideal parameter for monitoring populations of conservation concern as it conveniently summarizes both the evolutionary potential of the population and its sensitivity to genetic stochasticity. However, tracing its change through time is difficult in natural populations. We applied four new methods for estimating N(e) from a single sample of genotypes to trace temporal change in N(e) for bears in the Northern Dinaric Mountains. We genotyped 510 bears using 20 microsatellite loci and determined their age. The samples were organized into cohorts with regard to the year when the animals were born and yearly samples with age categories for every year when they were alive. We used the Estimator by Parentage Assignment (EPA) to directly estimate both N(e) and generation interval for each yearly sample. For cohorts, we estimated the effective number of breeders (N(b) ) using linkage disequilibrium, sibship assignment and approximate Bayesian computation methods and extrapolated these estimates to N(e) using the generation interval. The N(e) estimate by EPA is 276 (183-350 95% CI), meeting the inbreeding-avoidance criterion of N(e) > 50 but short of the long-term minimum viable population goal of N(e) > 500. The results obtained by the other methods are highly consistent with this result, and all indicate a rapid increase in N(e) probably in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The new single-sample approaches to the estimation of N(e) provide efficient means for including N(e) in monitoring frameworks and will be of great importance for future management and conservation.  相似文献   

Local adaptation and phenotypic differences among populations have been reported in many species, though most studies focus on either neutral or adaptive genetic differentiation. With the discovery of DNA methylation, questions have arisen about its contribution to individual variation in and among natural populations. Previous studies have identified differences in methylation among populations of organisms, although most to date have been in plants and model animal species. Here we obtained eyed eggs from eight populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and assayed DNA methylation at 23 genes involved in development, immune function, stress response, and metabolism using a gene‐targeted PCR‐based assay for next‐generation sequencing. Evidence for population differences in methylation was found at eight out of 23 gene loci after controlling for developmental timing in each individual. However, we found no correlation between freshwater environmental parameters and methylation variation among populations at those eight genes. A weak correlation was identified between pairwise DNA methylation dissimilarity among populations and pairwise F ST based on 15 microsatellite loci, indicating weak effects of genetic drift or geographic distance on methylation. The weak correlation was primarily driven by two genes, GTIIBS and Nkef. However, single‐gene Mantel tests comparing methylation and pairwise F ST were not significant after Bonferroni correction. Thus, population differences in DNA methylation are more likely related to unmeasured oceanic environmental conditions, local adaptation, and/or genetic drift. DNA methylation is an additional mechanism that contributes to among population variation, with potential influences on organism phenotype, adaptive potential, and population resilience.  相似文献   

Low genetic divergence at neutral loci among populations is often the result of high levels of contemporary gene flow. Western Alaskan summer‐run chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations demonstrate weak genetic structure, but invoking contemporary gene flow as the basis for the low divergence is problematic because salmon home to their natal streams and some of the populations are thousands of kilometers apart. We used genotypes from microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism loci to investigate alternative explanations for the current genetic structure of chum salmon populations from western Alaska. We also estimated current levels of gene flow among Kuskokwim River populations. Our results suggest that weak genetic structure is best explained by physical connections that occurred after the Holocene Thermal Maximum among the Yukon, Kuskokwim, and Nushagak drainages that allowed gene flow to occur among now distant populations.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using a probe to the male-specific GH-Y (growth hormone pseudogene) was used to identify the Y chromosome in the karyotypes of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). The sex chromosome pair is a small acrocentric chromosome pair in chum salmon and the smallest metacentric chromosome pair in pink salmon. Both of these chromosome pairs are morphologically different from the sex chromosome pairs in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). The 5S rRNA genes are on multiple chromosome pairs including the sex chromosome pair in chum salmon, but at the centromeres of two autosomal metacentric pairs in pink salmon. The sex chromosome pairs and the chromosomal locations of the 5S rDNA appear to be different in all five of the North American Pacific salmon species and rainbow trout. The implications of these results for evolution of sex chromosomes in salmonids are discussed.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome duplications are major evolutionary events with a lasting impact on genome structure. Duplication events complicate genetic analyses as paralogous sequences are difficult to distinguish; consequently, paralogs are often excluded from studies. The effects of an ancient whole‐genome duplication (approximately 88 MYA) are still evident in salmonids through the persistence of numerous paralogous gene sequences and partial tetrasomic inheritance. We use restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing on 10 collections of chum salmon from the Salish Sea in the USA and Canada to investigate genetic diversity and population structure in both tetrasomic and rediploidized regions of the genome. We use a pedigree and high‐density linkage map to identify paralogous loci and to investigate genetic variation across the genome. By applying multivariate statistical methods, we show that it is possible to characterize paralogous loci and that they display similar patterns of population structure as the diploidized portion of the genome. We find genetic associations with the adaptively important trait of run‐timing in both sets of loci. By including paralogous loci in genome scans, we can observe evolutionary signals in genomic regions that have routinely been excluded from population genetic studies in other polyploid‐derived species.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns in wide-ranging species in southern Africa remain largely unexplored, especially in areas north of South Africa. Here, we investigate population structuring, demographic history, and the colonization pattern of the western rock skink (Trachylepis sulcata), a rock-dwelling species with a range extending from southwestern South Africa into Angola. Using 1056 bp from the mitochondrial marker ND2 and > 2.5 kb from three nuclear genes (EXPH5, KIF24, RAG-1), we constructed allele networks, generated extended Bayesian skyline plots and performed population clustering analyses. Analyses of historical demographic patterns show an overall southward range expansion from Northern Namibia into Southern Namibia and South Africa, although we find contrasting genetic breaks across these geographic regions using nuclear and mitochondrial data. We suggest that mtDNA has introgressed across a nuclear break corresponding to the Knersvlakte region of South Africa, a previously proposed biogeographic barrier for rupicolous species. This pattern of mitochondrial variation contrasts sharply to that of other South African taxa previously investigated, which all show significant mtDNA differentiation across the Knersvlakte region. Additionally, while other taxa show divergences dating to the Pliocene, T. sulcata appears to be a recent arrival in southern Africa, having crossed this barrier and colonized South Africa in the mid-Pleistocene. The complex phylogeographic history of T. sulcata corroborates the intricate patterns of genetic variation found in South African taxa and provides novel insight into historical processes affecting species distributed across Namibia.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence for parasite-mediated selection on the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC), little is known about variation in the bacterial parasite community within and among host populations or its influence on MHC evolution. In this study, we characterize variation in the parasitic bacterial community associated with Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) fry in five populations in British Columbia (BC), Canada across 2 years, and examine whether bacterial infections are a potential source of selection on the MHC. We found an unprecedented diversity of bacteria infecting fry with a total of 55 unique bacteria identified. Bacterial infection rates varied from 9% to 29% among populations and there was a significant isolation by distance relationship in bacterial community phylogenetic similarity across the populations. Spatial variation in the frequency of infections and in the phylogenetic similarity of bacterial communities may result in differential parasite-mediated selection at the MHC across populations. Across all populations, we found evidence of a heterozygote advantage at the MHC class II, which may be a source of balancing selection on this locus. Interestingly, a co-inertia analysis indicated only susceptibility associations between a few of the MHC class I and II alleles and specific bacterial parasites; there was no evidence that any of the alleles provided resistance to the bacteria. Our results reveal a complex bacterial community infecting populations of a fish and underscore the importance of considering the role of multiple pathogens in the evolution of host adaptations.  相似文献   

Data on age- and size-at-maturity, growth, and abundance of chum salmon were collected from 1959 to 1977 at Olsen Creek in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Age composition of spawners (3 to 6-year-olds) varied from year to year: 4-year-old fish were the dominant age group in most (16 out of 19) years and 6-year-old fish usually represented less than 1 % of the returns. Mean size of older spawners was significantly larger than that of younger spawners. Size-at-maturity was similar among fish from different broods maturing at different ages in the same year. Size-at-maturity and survival of progeny were significantly related. The larger the mean size of spawners, the higher the survival rate to adulthood of their progeny. Possible reasons for this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, from the Sacramento River, California, USA were introduced to New Zealand between 1901 and 1907, and colonized most of their present-day range within about 10 years. The New Zealand populations now vary in phenotypic traits typically used to differentiate salmon populations within their natural range: growth in freshwater and at sea, age at maturity, dates of return to fresh water and reproduction, morphology, and reproductive allocation. This paper reviews a large research program designed to determine the relative contributions of phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation to this variation, in an effort to understand the processes underlying the natural evolution of new populations. We found strong evidence of trait divergence between populations within at most 30 generations, particularly in freshwater growth rate, date of return, and reproductive output, with plausible adaptive bases for these differences. Importantly, we also demonstrated not only a genetic basis for post-release survival but higher survival, and hence fitness, of a population released from its established site compared to another population released from the same site. We conclude that divergence of salmon in different rivers probably resulted initially from phenotypic plasticity (e.g., habitat-specific growth rates, and effects of upriver migration on ovarian investment). Philopatry (homing to natal streams) combined with rapid evolution of distinct breeding periods to restrict gene flow, facilitating divergence in other traits. We also suggest that in addition to genetic divergence resulting from random founder effects, divergence may also arise during the very early stages of colonization when the original colonists are a non-random, pre-adapted subset of the source population. This favored founders effect immediately improves the fitness of the new population. Overall, this research reveals the complex interplay of environmental and genetic controls over behavior, physiology and life history that characterize the early stages of population differentiation, a process that has taken place repeatedly during the history of salmon populations.  相似文献   

Summary An immunocytochemical technique was used to follow the embryological origin and development of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) in the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. Stanniocalcin immunoreactive (ir-) cells can be observed as early as 13 days before hatching. The ir-CS cells appear in clusters of variable size in close association with nephric ducts. In addition, individual ir-cells also occur at this stage amoung epithelial cells of the nephric ducts. these individual cells may give rise to clusters which subsequently increase in size, the largest reaching 100 m in diameter by the time of hatching. During this period, dispersed CS cells become evident and develop into secondary clusters in the vicinity of the primary clusters. These clusters appear to fuse to form larger clusters with a lobular structure. Transfer of the larvae (20 days after hatching) from fresh water to 50% seawater, accelerates the development of the CS tissue, suggesting an important role of the CS in seawater adaptation.  相似文献   

Populations of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta , are recognizable by the allelic frequencies of allozyme loci. Identification of these was used to assess the return of spawning adults to alien rivers into which they were introduced via hatchery-reared, artificially-fertilized eggs obtained from populations elsewhere in the Soviet Far East. Coefficients of return to spawn in the alien rivers were much lower than returns for the native fish, and in succeeding generations the alien fish disappeared from the spawning runs. It is concluded that transplanting salmonid eggs between populations is ineffective as a means of establishing new stock in territory already occupied by another stock, and the practice is deplored on grounds of conserving unique gene pools within species.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was studied using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in chum salmon populations from three rivers in southern Primorye and one river in Sakhalin Island. Significant differences were detected between the samples from Primorye and Sakhalin Island. No differences were found between the samples from the rivers of Primorye, which can be explained by a high rate of gene flow due to transplantation of spawn from one river to another. The effect of fish breeding on the chum salmon populations correlated with the indices of haplotype and nucleotide diversity (h and pi, respectively). The lowest diversity was found in the completely artificial population from the Ryazanovka River; the highest, in natural populations from the Narva and Naiba rivers. Frequencies of haplotypes in consecutive generations were significantly different, which confirms the effects of genetic drift on the small-size chum salmon populations of Primorye.  相似文献   

Efremov VV 《Genetika》2001,37(3):365-372
Allozyme variation of populations of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta from southern Russian Far East was examined. Of 55 loci screened, 31 were polymorphic. Within-population variation accounted for most of the allele diversity; FST averaged over loci was 0.052. Linkage disequilibrium was found in less than 5% of locus pairs in the chum population examined. Analysis of within- and among-population variance components of linkage disequilibrium using D-statistics (Ohta, 1982) showed that most genetic variation was distributed among populations.  相似文献   


Population declines and demographic changes of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), have been documented throughout this species’ range, though information on natural and anthropogenic mechanisms related to these changes are not fully understood. To provide insights into marine behaviors and survival of Chinook salmon, 40 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), that collected environmental data, were attached to large (69–100 cm FL) Chinook salmon caught in the marine waters of Cook Inlet, Alaska. PSATs provided evidence of predation on tagged Chinook salmon by ectothermic and unconfirmed predators, and provided valuable information about the migratory characteristics and occupied depths and temperatures of this species while occupying Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. The results from this study suggest that late-marine mortality of Chinook salmon of a variety of stock-origins by apex predators is more common in Cook Inlet than previously thought, and may be used to improve our understanding this species’ population dynamics. Furthermore, results from this study adds to the existing knowledge of marine habitat use by Chinook Salmon and may be useful in assessing the vulnerability and interactions between this species and anthropogenic activities.


We used restriction length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified fragments of mtDNA to study the genetic structure of chum salmon populations sampled in 1993-2000 during a spawning run in five rivers: Narva (Southern Primorye), Naiba (Sakhalin Island), Sernovodnaya (Kunashir Island, Southern Kuril Islands), Ola (northwestern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk), and Anadyr' (Chukotka Peninsula). In total, 49 haplotypes were identified in 193 fish. Heterogeneity tests showed highly significant (P = 0) differences among all sample pairs. The estimated time of independent divergence of the populations or population groups is in good agreement with the time of Pleistocene glaciations. This result suggests that it is cyclic global changes during this time period that were crucial in determining the within-species divergence in chum salmon. The types of mtDNA genetic variability and mismatch distribution between haplotypes in the populations indicate that the southern regions of the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan served as refugia for chum salmon during glaciation periods.  相似文献   

Multilocus heterozygosity, aggressive and feeding behaviour, plasma cortisol levels and growth rate were evaluated among three groups of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha : diploid, triploid and mixed groups of diploid and triploid fish. There was no difference between diploid and triploid fish in measurements of heterozygosity calculated using seven microsatellite loci, and these measurements did not correlate with performance measurements including feeding rate and growth rate. Aggression trials that examined small groups of fish revealed that after 4 days together in tanks, triploid fish were significantly less aggressive during feeding than diploid fish or fish in mixed groups. At the end of the trials, however, plasma cortisol levels did not differ among the three groups. Thirty-day growth trials in duplicate tanks of 60 fish revealed no difference in growth rate among diploid, triploid and mixed groups, but plasma cortisol levels were significantly lower in triploid fish than in either diploid fish or the mixed fish. Overall, independent of the above differences in aggressive behaviour and cortisol levels, these results suggest similar performance in diploid and triploid Chinook salmon, and thus provide support for the viability of triploid Chinook salmon culture in commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

This study describes (1) the application of new methods to the discovery of informative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, (2) a method to resolve the linkage phase of closely linked SNPs and (3) a method to inexpensively genotype them. Finally, it demonstrates that these SNPs provide information that discriminates among O. keta populations from different geographical regions of the northern Pacific Ocean. These informative markers can be used in conjunction with mixed-stock analysis to learn about the spatial and temporal marine distributions of O. keta and the factors that influence the distributions.  相似文献   

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