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Analysis of both uni‐(two mtDNA gene sequences) and bi‐parentally (seven microsatellite loci) inherited genetic markers, together with analysis of 40 morphological characters, described Salmo ohridanus as a highly divergent member of the genus Salmo . Based on comparative substitution rate differences at the cytochrome b gene, and a rough estimated age of the Salmo trutta complex ( i.e. at least 2 million years), the S . ohridanus and Salmo obtusirostris clade probably split from a common ancestor of brown trout Salmo trutta >4 million years ago, overlapping with minimum age estimates of the formation of Europe's oldest freshwater habitat, Lake Ohrid. Comparative analysis with Lake Ohrid brown trout (known regionally as Salmo letnica ), supported the notion that these fish have more recently colonized the lake and phylogenetically belong to the Adriatic lineage of brown trout. It is further suggested that species‐specific saturation in the mtDNA control region underestimated the divergence between S . ohridanus and S . trutta . Evidence of rare hybridization between S . ohridanus and Lake Ohrid brown trout was seen at both mtDNA and microsatellite markers, but there was no support for extensive introgression.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of West Palearctic Salamandridae based on 1208 bp of mtDNA sequences (300 bp of cytb, 346 bp of 12S rRNA and 562 bp of 16S rRNA) indicates the European brook newts (Euproctus) are polyphyletic. To reflect revised relationships, the Tyrrhenian species (E. montanus ( Savi, 1838 ) and E. platycephalus ( Gravenhorst, 1829 )) are retained in Euproctus Genè, 1839 , while the genus Calotriton Gray, 1858 is resurrected to include the Pyrenean brook newt ( Calotriton asper ( Dugès, 1852 ) comb. nov. ) and a new species from the massif of El Montseny, Catalonia, Spain, described herein as Calotriton arnoldi sp. nov. , which is both morphologically and genetically distinct. Although according to the principle of priority Megapterna Savi, 1838 should take precedence over Euproctus Genè, 1839 , for the sake of nomenclatural stability and in line with Art. 23.9.1 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Megapterna is considered a nomen oblitum and Euproctus a nomen protectum. The polyphyly of Euproctus (s.l.) contradicts previous, well‐accepted, biogeographical hypotheses and represents a clear case of convergence, involving several morphological traits and a unique reproductive behaviour that is advantageous in stream situations. Molecular dating suggests the Western brook newt lineage (C. asper+C. arnoldi) originated towards the end of the Miocene (8.3 ± 0.11 Mya) and is part of a well‐supported monophyletic assemblage, which also includes Neurergus kaiseri ( Schmidt, 1952 ) and a clade formed by Triturus karelinii ( Strauch, 1870 ), T. carnifex ( Laurenti, 1768 ), T. pygmaeus ( Wolterstoff, 1905 ) and T. marmoratus ( Latreille, 1800 ). Speciation separating E. montanus and E. platycephalus might have coincided with the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 145 , 555–582.  相似文献   

Aim To elucidate the historical phylogeography of the dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) in the North American Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ocean basins. Location Southern Atlantic Ocean and northern Gulf of Mexico within the continental United States. Methods A 394‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and a 235‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region were analysed from individuals from 10 locations. Phylogenetic reconstruction, haplotype network, mismatch distributions and analysis of molecular variance were used to infer population structure between ocean basins and time from population expansion within ocean basins. Six microsatellite loci were also analysed to estimate population structure and gene flow among five populations using genetic distance methods (FST, Nei’s genetic distance), isolation by distance (Mantel’s test), coalescent‐based estimates of genetic diversity and migration patterns, Bayesian cluster analysis and bottleneck simulations. Results Mitochondrial analyses revealed significant structuring between ocean basins in both cytochrome b (ΦST = 0.361, P < 0.0001; ΦCT = 0.312, P < 0.02) and control region (ΦST = 0.166, P < 0.0001; ΦCT = 0.128, P < 0.03) sequences. However, phylogenetic reconstructions failed to show reciprocal monophyly in populations between ocean basins. Microsatellite analyses revealed significant population substructuring between all locations sampled except for the two locations that were in closest proximity to each other (global FST value = 0.026). Bayesian analysis of microsatellite data also revealed significant population structuring between ocean basins. Coalescent‐based analyses of microsatellite data revealed low migration rates among all sites. Mismatch distribution analysis of mitochondrial loci supports a sudden population expansion in both ocean basins in the late Pleistocene, with the expansion of Atlantic populations occurring more recently. Main conclusions Present‐day populations of S. floridae do not bear the mitochondrial DNA signature of the strong phylogenetic discontinuity between the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America commonly observed in other species. Rather, our results suggest that Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations of S. floridae are closely related but nevertheless exhibit local and regional population structure. We conclude that the present‐day phylogeographic pattern is the result of a recent population expansion into the Atlantic in the late Pleistocene, and that life‐history traits and ecology may play a pivotal role in shaping the realized geographical distribution pattern of this species.  相似文献   

Oobius Trjapitzin (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) species are egg parasitoids that are important for the biological control of some Buprestidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Two species, Oobius agrili Zhang & Huang and Oobius longoi (Siscaro), were introduced into North America for classical biocontrol and have successfully established. Two new native North American species that parasitize eggs of Agrilus spp. (Buprestidae) are described and illustrated from the USA: Oobius minusculus Triapitsyn & Petrice, sp. n. (Michigan), an egg parasitoid of both Agrilus subcinctus Gory on ash (Fraxinus spp.) and Agrilus egenus Gory on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) trees, and Oobius whiteorum Triapitsyn, sp. n. (Pennsylvania), an egg parasitoid of Agrilus anxius Gory on European white birch (Betula pendula Roth). A taxonomic key and notes on the Nearctic native and introduced Oobius species are also included.  相似文献   

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