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Genetic evidence is given to support consecutive parthenogenesis in a spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari using nuclear microsatellite genotyping. To date, only a handful of births involving the parthenogenesis process in chondrichthyans have been verified using microsatellite markers and even fewer verified as recurring births. This appears to be the first documented case of this process occurring in a myliobatid species.  相似文献   

Experiments with artificial colonies consisting of only female workers and those of female nymphs and workers of a subterranean termite, Reticulitermes speratus, showed that neotenics (ergatoids and nymphoids) can reproduce parthenogenetically. The larvae hatched from the eggs produced partheno‐genetically by the neotenics were all female and did not have any aberrant external morphology. They had 42 chromosomes and were diploid. The analysis of genotypes at microsatellite loci revealed that the eggs produced parthenogenetically had only one of the two alleles that the mother neotenics possessed, indicating that the eggs were produced by automixis.  相似文献   

Surgical transfer of in vivo produced conventionally frozen-thawed embryos of farmed European polecat (Mustela putorius) was investigated as a part of an ex-situ preservation program which has the long-term aim of developing a genome resource bank for the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola). Eighteen oestrous yearling European polecat donors were mated once daily on two consecutive days using 13 fertile males. The donors were surgically flushed for embryos 8-9 days after the first mating. The embryo recovery rate was 60% (116 embryos/193 corpora lutea). The embryos were cryopreserved with 1.5 M ethylene glycol in a programmable freezer using a conventional slow freezing protocol. The thawed embryos were surgically transferred either after dilution with 0.5 M sucrose or directly without removal of ethylene glycol. To induce ovulation, eight recipient females were mated once daily on two consecutive days with vasectomized males starting 7 or 8 days before embryo transfer. The recipients received 7-11 embryos each and three recipients delivered a total of nine pups after a gestation length of 44-46 days. The embryo survival rate was 10% (9 pups/93 frozen embryos). This report describes the first successful cryopreservation of embryos in the Mustelidae family resulting in viable offspring. The low embryo survival rate, however, indicates that the freezing-thawing protocol needs to be improved.  相似文献   

In the beginning of last century an aquarium opened in Brussels where besides fishes also a collection of amphibians and reptiles was shown to the public. A small museum was also included. This aquarium was started with the aim just to show freshwater fishes but shortly after the opening also marine species were part of the collection.Curious inhabitants of Brussels who wanted to get acquainted with the unknown animal world and people who were interested in the scientific aspects of fishes, pisciculture, marine life and freshwater world found what they were looking for in the small aquarium and museum. Shortly after the inauguration it was described as ‘…a useful aquarium not only for the scientist who looks for information about all facets of live in water but also for the average visitors who want to get new impressions and enjoys the silence but also want to learn something. Families and schools as well have the possibility to let children and students learn about animals in a total new way’. A few renowned specialists and hydro biologists gave support but the aquarium had to face different problems and the interest of the public dropped off. A short time before World War II the aquarium was closed.  相似文献   

The frequent association of various reproductive anomalies with maternal diabetes is explained by a theory that predicts such defects will occur even in transient moderate hyperglycemia in non-diabetic gravidae. A first test of this hypothesis produced strongly supportive results in a mouse model. Thirteen C57BL/6J dams on a grain (control) diet produced (in the 4th week after first mating) 64 pups, 62 surviving to maturity. In the same time interval on a high sucrose diet, fourteen isogenic dams produced only 5 pups, none surviving 5 days (p much less than .001). Additional ongoing studies of the underlying glucose-ascorbate antagonism and of early vs. perinatal hyperglycemia are described briefly.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis is an asexual mode of reproduction that plays an important role in the evolution of sex, sociality, and reproduction strategies in insects. Some species of cockroach exhibit thelytoky, a type of parthenogenesis in which female offspring are produced without fertilization. However, the cytological and genetic mecha? nisms of parthenogenesis in cockroaches are not well understood. Here we provide the first molecular genetic evidence that cockroaches can reproduce through automixis. Using the American cockroach Periplaneta aniericana, we performed microsatellite analysis to investigate the genetic relationship between parthenogenetically produced nymphs and the parent virgin females, and found that all parthenogenetic offspring were homozygous for autosomal microsatellite markers, whereas the female parents were heterozygous. In addition, flow cytometry analysis revealed that the parthenogenetic offspring were diploid. Taken together, our results demonstrate that P. americana exhibits automixis-type thelytoky, in which diploidy is restored by gamete duplication or terminal fusion. These findings highlight the unique reproduction strategies of cockroaches, which are more varied than was previously recognized.  相似文献   

Fetal exposure to excess vitamin A results in a highly variable degree of lung pathology and high neonatal mortality in the Long-Evans rat. The present study evaluated O2 consumption in newborn of vitamin A-treated, vehicle-treated, and untreated pregnancies on five consecutive postnatal days beginning with the day of delivery (D0). Pregnant female rats were treated by gavage with 160,000 USP units of retinyl acetate dissolved in 0.5 ml corn oil on days 15 through 19 of gestation. Vehicle and undisturbed controls were run concurrently. All animals delivered spontaneously, and the pups were tattooed and individually tested in a closed system consisting of three chambers submerged within a thermostatically controlled water bath at 33 degrees C. Vitamin A-exposed pups, as a group, have significantly lower QO2 (ml O2 consumed/min/kg body weight) values than controls through postnatal day 2 (p less than 0.05). By days 3 and 4 of age, the mean QO2 values of surviving vitamin A-treated pups were similar to those of controls. A QO2 of 30 or greater on day 0 appears to be critical for early neonatal survival of vitamin A-exposed pups, as 87% of the pups with initial QO2 less than 30 died prior to day 4. Oxygen consumption rates in teratogen-exposed pups exhibiting low QO2 on day 0 rarely reached normal levels. In contrast, the occasional control pup with such low initial levels were well within normal limits (means +/- 1 SD) by the following day.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A flow-through system requiring a low flow rate (4-10 ml/minute/aquarium) was developed for rearing tadpoles. This permitted tadpoles to be raised in tap water that had been dechlorinated and acidified. The aquarium consisted of a 7-liter plastic outer shell. A screen-bottomed basket, inserted into the shell, facilitated handling of the tadpoles. A bottom-scraper and flushing system permitted periodic removal of solid wastes.  相似文献   

In this study, two parthenogenetic events within a family of the whitespotted bambooshark Chiloscyllium plagiosum are reported. A captive female produced multiple parthenogens. Unexpectedly, a single specimen of a total of nine parthenogens displayed external claspers characterizing the male sex in chondrichthyans. Upon dissection, internal sexual organs of this specimen were malformed or absent; however, the presence of claspers in this study challenges the as yet assumed sex determination system in this shark species. Even more remarkable was that one of the female parthenogens reproduced asexually again producing viable offspring. As far as is known, this is the first genetically confirmed evidence for second‐generation facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates. These results support the evolutionary significance of parthenogenesis as an alternative to sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Dendromonocotyle pipinna n. sp. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) is described from the dorsal skin surface of Taeniura meyeni Müller & Henle from a public aquarium in Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia. D. torosa n. sp. was found on the dorsal skin surface of a heavily infected specimen of Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen) during a post-mortem at the Mooloolaba aquarium and on a specimen of A. narinari kept in an aquarium in Cairns. Both of these new Dendromonocotyle species are distinguished from each other and others in the genus by the morphology of the terminal papillary sclerite and the male copulatory organ.  相似文献   

群居性动物的幼仔对亲本的识别有利于获得最大化的亲本抚育。雄性棕色田鼠对幼仔具有较高水平的父本投资,那么幼仔在断乳前是否能够识别父鼠并形成条件位置偏爱(Conditioned place preference,CPP)呢?本研究通过双向选择测试、社会互作测试以及CPP 测试探讨了这一问题。双向选择结果显示,与陌生雄鼠相比,出生后14 d 和21 d 的幼仔对父鼠访问的持续时间及潜伏期有显著性差异(P < 0.05);社会互作结果表明,14 d幼仔对父鼠的跟随行为较陌生雄鼠多,但探究行为及亲密行为没有显著性差异(P > 0.05),21 d 幼仔对父鼠的探究行为较少、跟随行为和亲密行为较多(P < 0.05)。CPP 结果表明,在连续4 d (出生后13 ~ 16 d;19 ~ 22 d)的父鼠强化后,第17 d 和第23 d 的幼仔不能形成对父鼠的位置偏爱(P > 0.05)。这些结果说明断乳前的棕色田鼠幼仔已能够识别父鼠和陌生雄鼠,但不能形成对父鼠的位置偏爱。  相似文献   

Abstract. Cues released by predators and injured prey often induce shifts in prey behavior that allow prey to evade predators, but also affect prey resource use. I investigated the effects of chemical and mechanical signals produced by injured snails (Physella gyrina) and predatory crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on microdistributions of P. gyrina. In an initial experiment, I observed snail responses to the presence of a caged crayfish predator, to injured conspecifics, or to both. There were significant effects of time and the treatment × time interaction on the proportion of snails moving above the water line, with greater proportions of snails above the water line at night than during the day and with weak snail crawl‐out behavior being elicited by caged crayfish at night, but not during the day. In a second experiment, I examined snail microdistributions when exposed to crayfish confined to a small cage within each aquarium, crayfish confined to half of each aquarium, and crayfish ranging freely throughout each aquarium. Snails responded most strongly to free‐ranging crayfish by moving above the water line, but also demonstrated significant, but reduced, crawl‐out responses to crayfish confined to half of each aquarium; however, snails did not respond behaviorally to crayfish confined to small cages. In both experiments, there were marginally significant effects of unfed caged crayfish on the proportions of snail populations hiding under benthic shelters, with this response being the strongest at the start of the experiments but weak overall (with only 4–5% of P. gyrina responding in each experiment). These results indicate that cues (e.g., chemical or mechanical) produced by predators altered prey microdistributions, but that the exact prey responses (e.g., moving above the water line or into horizontal or benthic refugia) depended on the intensity and nature of cues.  相似文献   

Conflicting data exist on the importance of the father and parental experience during development in rodents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of these two variables on development in Mongolian gerbils. Forty pairs of males and females with a litter size of between 4 and 7 pups were used as subjects. Twenty couples had no experience in raising young. After the birth of their pups, four experimental groups were formed: (I) inexperienced mother and father; (II) inexperienced mother; (III) experienced mother and father and (IV) experienced mother. When the pups reached 10 days of age, pup and parental behavior was recorded in experimental sessions of 15 min on 11 consecutive days. Through the statistical analysis it was found that the presence of the father significantly increased the physical contact between pups and parents and that pups opened their eyes earlier in comparison to the groups without the father. On the other hand, parental experience had a significant influence on the behavior of the pups (locomotion inside and outside the nest, and self-grooming). The results of this study suggest that parental experience and the presence of the father have differentiated effects on development in Mongolian gerbils.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins (PG) play important roles in delayed mechanisms of brain injury. While NO disrupts oxidative metabolism, prostaglandins are responsible for free radical attack in reperfusion interval. Relatively little is known about neuroprotection exerted at this level in perinatal models. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of indomethacin and aminoguanidine on endogenous inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) biosynthesis and neuroprotection in the newborn rats with hypoxic ischemic cerebral injury.Seven-day old rat pups with model of hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury were randomly divided into four study groups. Group C (n=18; served as a control) pups were given physiologic saline (SF). Group I (n=18) pups were treated with indomethacin at a dose of 0,2 mg/kg per 12 h. Group A (n=20) pups were treated with aminoguanidine at a dose of 300 mg/kg per 8 h. Administration of drugs and SF were begun half an hour after hypoxic-ischemic insult in these groups. Group I+A (n=18) pups were treated with indomethacin at a single dose of 0.2 mg/kg 1 h before hypoxia-ischemia followed by aminoguanidine as in group A. Drugs and SF were administered for three consecutive days. On the tenth day, rat pups were decapitated and coronal sections at the level of dorsal hippocampal region of brains were evaluated. In the histopathologic examination; the mean infarcted area in group I+A was significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05). Although there was no statistically significant difference between treatment groups in terms of iNOS expression, the risk of iNOS expression was 7 times less for group I (CI: 1.6-30.8, P=0.01), 19.8 times less for group A (CI: 3.8-104, P=0.001) and 12.3 times less for group I+A (CI: 2.5-59, P=0.002) compared to group C. In conclusion, only indomethacin administration before hypoxic ischemia and followed by aminoguanidine was more effective to reduce infarct area, but we did not find any difference between treatment groups and control group for iNOS expression. So we suggest that this neuroprotection may not be related to depression of iNOS expression.  相似文献   

Individuals are unique in how they interact with and respond to their environment. Correspondingly, unpredictable challenges or environmental stressors often produce an individualized response of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis and its downstream effector cortisol. We used a fully crossed, repeated measures design to investigate the factors shaping individual variation in baseline cortisol in Antarctic fur seal pups and their mothers. Saliva samples were collected from focal individuals at two breeding colonies, one with low and the other with high density, during two consecutive years of contrasting food availability. Mothers and pups were sampled concurrently at birth and shortly before weaning, while pups were additionally sampled every 20 days. We found that heritability was low for baseline cortisol, while within‐individual repeatability and among‐individual variability were high. A substantial proportion of the variation in baseline cortisol could be explained in pups and mothers by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors including sex, weight, day, season, and colony of birth. Our findings provide detailed insights into the individualization of endocrine phenotypes and their genetic and environmental drivers in a wild pinniped. Furthermore, the strong associations between cortisol and life history traits that we report in fur seals could have important implications for understanding the population dynamics of species impacted by environmental change.  相似文献   

Lake Saimaa in eastern Finland is inhabited by a critically endangered ringed seal subspecies Pusa hispida saimensis. Since accidental mortality in gill nets, resulting in reduced pup survival, is considered to be the main factor contributing to the decline in its population, fishing restriction areas have been established. In this study, 10 pups were located daily using very high frequency (VHF) telemetry to estimate their home ranges, movements, and survival. The pups dispersed after weaning at the age of ca. 3 mo and moved up to 15 km a day between consecutive locations and up to 25 km away from their birth sites. The home ranges of the pups at the age of 3–4 mo were variable in size, from 3 to 162 km2. The pups preferred the same shallow water areas (<6 m) that were used for gill net fishing. The annual fishing restrictions covered an average of 83% of the pups’ home ranges. Four of the pups were nevertheless killed in fishing gear. The results have implications for Saimaa ringed seal management and conservation. For instance, large home ranges of pups and the long distances movements should be taken into account when zoning shore use and imposing fishing restrictions.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic invertebrates display a wide array of alternative reproductive modes from apomixis to hermaphroditism and cyclical parthenogenesis. These have important effects on genetic diversity and population structure. Populations of the 'living fossil' Triops cancriformis display a range of sex ratios, and various reproductive modes are thought to underlie this variation. Using sex ratio information and histological analyses European populations have been inferred to be gonochoric (with separate males and females), selfing hermaphroditic and androdioecious, a rare reproductive mode in which selfing hermaphrodites coexist with variable proportions of males. In addition, some populations have been described as meiotic parthenogens.
2. Here we use population genetic analysis using microsatellite loci in populations with a range of sex ratios including a gonochoric population, and marker segregation patterns in heterozygote individuals reared in isolation, to clarify the reproductive mode in this species.
3. Our data show that populations in general have very low levels of genetic diversity. Non-gonochoric populations show lower genetic diversity, more heterozygote deficiencies, higher inbreeding coefficients and stronger linkage disequilibria than the gonochoric population. The maintenance of some heterozygosity in populations is consistent with some male influence in T. cancriformis populations, as would be expected from an androdioecious reproductive system. Results of marker segregation in eggs produced in isolation from non-gonochoric populations indicate that meiosis occurs and are consistent with two reproductive modes: selfing hermaphroditism and a type of ameiotic parthenogenesis.
4. Overall, our data indicate that androdioecy and selfing hermaphroditism are the most likely reproductive modes of non-gonochoric European Triops populations. Triops populations are strongly structured, suggesting high genetic drift and low levels of gene flow.  相似文献   

In three repeated experiments with three different litters of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) tadpoles, three cohorts were reared in an aquarium under the "saw-tooth" magnetic field produced by a television set. Their maturation times are compared with those of three corresponding control cohorts grown in an unexposed aquarium. In the exposed aquarium, the magnetic field amplitude was less than 25 T and the frequency in the extremely-low-frequency and very-low-frequency wavebands. Neither the exposed nor the unexposed cohorts suffered significant mortality and malformations. However, the exposed tadpoles took about 5 days more than the unexposed ones to reach metamorphosis. The differences in mean maturation times between the exposed and control cohorts were extremely significant (P < 0.001). The results show that a biological population can suffer a sublethal effect when exposed to the magnetic field of a TV set for a long time in the course of juvenile life stages, and that this effect can consist of a delay in reaching the adult stage.  相似文献   

The ultrasonic responses of albino mouse pups to tactile stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eyo E.  Okon 《Journal of Zoology》1970,162(4):485-492
Tactile stimuli, like environmental temperature changes, can evoke ultrasonic responses from albino mouse pups. But the changes with age in the intensity of ultrasounds so produced follow a different pattern from those due to temperature changes. The responses begin with very high intensity pulses in the very young pups and then gradually decline with the age of the pups. The present report arises from a systematic study of this phenomenon, the results of which are discussed in relation to those of previous ones.  相似文献   

Aquaculture and maritime traffic have been identified as the main vectors for introductions of alien marine species. Except for one notorious case of Caulerpa taxifolia, the role of aquarium trade towards the introduction of alien seaweeds has been largely unassessed. Here, we address the risk of accidental release of seaweed species from the aquarium trade market in European waters. We assessed the importance and diversity of seaweed species in the European online aquarium retail circuit. Our web survey revealed more than 30 genera available for online sale into Europe, including known introduced and invasive species. A second aspect of the study consisted in sampling algal diversity found in aquaria. While allowing direct and accurate identification of the specimens, this approach was targeting not only ornamental species, but also seaweeds that may be accidentally present in the aquarium circuit. By DNA-barcoding we identified no less than 134 taxa, 7 of which are flagged as introduced in Europe and 5 reported as invasive. Climate envelope models show that at least 23 aquarium species have the potential to thrive in European waters. As expected by the tropical conditions in most aquaria, southern Atlantic regions of Europe and the Mediterranean are the most vulnerable towards new introductions. Further predictions show that this risk will increase and shift northwards as global warming proceeds. Overall our data indicate that aquarium trade poses a potential risk of new seaweed introductions, and calls for a cautious approach.  相似文献   

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