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Summary Thirty inbred lines representing a wide range of early-maturing European elite germ plasm of maize (Zea mays L.) were assayed for RFLPs using 203 clone-enzyme combinations (106 DNA clones with restriction enzymes EcoR1 and HindIII). The genetic materials comprised 14 flint, 12 dent, and 4 lines of miscellaneous origin. Objectives were to (1) characterize the genetic diversity for RFLPs in these materials, (2) compare the level of genetic diversity found within and between the flint and the dent heterotic groups, and (3) examine the usefulness of RFLPs for assigning inbreds to heterotic groups. All but two DNA clones yielded polymorphism with at least one restriction enzyme. A total of 82 and 121 clone-enzyme combinations gave single-banded and multiple-banded RFLP patterns, respectively, with an average of 3.9 and 7.7 RFLP patterns per clone-enzyme combination across all 30 inbreds, respectively. Genetic similarity (GS) between lines, estimated from RFLP data as Dice's similarity coefficient, showed considerable variation (0.32 to 0.58) among unrelated inbreds. The mean GS for line combinations of type flint x dent (0.41) was significantly smaller than for unrelated flint lines (0.46) and dent lines (0.46), but there was considerable variation in GS estimates of individual line combinations within each group. Cluster and principal coordinate analyses based on GS values resulted in separate groupings of flint and dent lines in accordance with phylogenetic information. Positioning of lines of miscellaneous origin was generally consistent with expectations based on known breeding behavior and pedigrees. Results from this study corroborated that RFLP data can be used for assigning inbreds to heterotic groups and revealing pedigree relationships among inbreds.  相似文献   

Summary An exotic Zea mays L. population (Tuxpeno) was adapted to North Carolina conditions by first introducing genes for adaptability from two North Carolina varieties ([(Jarvis X Indian Chief)Tuxpeno]Tuxpeno) including four generations of intermating, and then selecting for adaptability using maturity as the primary measure. The study evaluated selection for adaptability and the diversity available between adapted Tuxpeno and the local varieties, Jarvis and Indian Chief. Analytical procedures were developed to quantify the diversity between populations and the complementation of local varieties by introduced germ plasms. The analyses utilized the specific effects available from the diallel mating design.Three replicate selections responded similarly under simple recurrent mass selection (1/10) for the earliest disease-free plants initially and additionally for plant types (primarily height) in the final generation. The 1/4 local germ plasm permitted rapid adaptation of Tuxpeno gene pool to local conditions. The adapted Tuxpeno populations yielded similarly to the local populations with an average heterosis for grain yield of 28% when crossed to the local populations used as source of genes for adaptability. The diversity found between adapted Tuxpeno lines and these local varieties based on genes affecting grain yield was 1.5 to 2.5 times that measured between the local varieties (Jarvis and Indian Chief). Diversity lost through intergradation with local material was a reasonable investment. Yield genes introduced from Tuxpeno complemented local gene pools through nonadditive, primarily dominance-associated, gene effects. Reassortment of major gene blocks apparently occurred leading to significant divergence among replicate selections involving both additive-associated and dominance-associated gene effects.Paper No. 6355 of the North Carolina Agri. Res. Ser., Raleigh, NC. Research supported in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation and CIMMYT, D.F. (Mexico)  相似文献   

Summary Twelve U.S. Corn Belt open-pollinated and five adapted exotic populations of maize (Zea mays L.) were assayed for allozyme (allele) variation at 13 enzyme marker loci. Extensive allozyme variability was observed in all populations studied. No locus was monomorphic over all populations. Each of the lociIdh2, Got1, Mdh2, Pgd1, andPgd2 expressed two allozymes over all populations,Adh1, Acp1, Prx1, andEst1 each had three allozymes present,Est4, Glu1, andEnp1 had five allozymes, andAcp4 had six allozymes present. Significant deviations of genotypic frequencies were detected from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium frequencies and 94% of average Fixation Index values indicated heterozygote deficiencies, which suggested that nonrandom mating and/or natural selection favoring homozygotes were possible factors affecting the maintenance or loss of genetic variability marked by these enzyme loci. Genetic distance and cluster analyses indicated that the observed genetic variability at the 13 enzyme loci was closely related to Dent and Flint types of maize.  相似文献   

Summary Soybean RFLP markers have been primarily developed and genetically mapped using wide crosses between exotic and adapted genotypes. We have screened 38 soybean lines at 128 RFLP marker loci primarily to characterize germ plasm structure but also to evaluate the utility of RFLP markers identified in unadapted populations. Of these DNA probes 70% detected RFLPs in this set of soybean lines with an average polymorphism index of 0.30. This means that only 1 out of 5 marker loci was informative between any particular pair of adapted soybean lines. The variance associated with the estimation of RFLP genetic distance (GDR) was determined, and the value obtained suggested that the use of more than 65–90 marker loci for germ plasm surveys will add little precision. Cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis of the GDR matrix revealed the relative lack of diversity in adapted germ plasm. Within the cultivated lines, several lines adapted to Southern US maturity zones also appeared as a separate group. GDR data was compared to the genetic distance estimates obtained from pedigree analysis (GDP). These two measures were correlated with r = 0.54 for all 38 lines, but the correlation increased to r = 0.73 when only adapted lines were analyzed.  相似文献   

The highly polymorphic maize globulin1 (glbl) gene encodes an abundant embryo storage protein. The present study extends the analysis of glbl variants to further explore the nature of polymorphism at this locus. The null allele Glb1-N1Hb, derived from the Illinois High Protein (IHP) strain of maize was characterized at the molecular level by nucleotide sequence analysis. Among other differences, a single-base insertion leading to a premature termination codon in the carboxyl-terminal half of the otherwise normal protein was observed. The likely reasons for the absence of GLB1 protein accumulation in the IHP strain of maize are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were conducted to investigate whether selection occurs during the processes involved in the production of doubled haploids. Haploid plants produced from two hybrids, each heterozygous for isozyme markers, were subjected to genetic analysis. The distributions of doubled haploid lines and pedigree lines derived from the hybrid C123 x Oh7 were compared with regard to agronomic character. The results suggest that the populations of haploid plants obtained by in vivo gynogenesis represent a random gametic array. Thus, in order to introduce haploid plants into breeding programmes in maize, maternal haploidy seems to be a very attractive method.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield (GY) and for secondary traits under varying nitrogen (N) supply. To achieve this objective, a segregating F2:3 population previously developed for QTL mapping under water-limited conditions was used. The population was evaluated in Mexico under low N conditions in the dry winter season and under low and high N conditions in the wet summer season. From eight QTLs identified for GY under low N conditions, two were also detected under high N conditions. Five QTLs were stable across the two low N environments and five co-localized with QTLs identified for the anthesis-silking interval (ASI) or for the number of ears per plant (ENO) under low N conditions. The percentage of the phenotypic variance expressed by all QTLs for ASI and ENO was quite different when evaluated under low N conditions during the dry winter (40% for ASI and 22% for ENO) and the wet summer seasons (22% for ASI and 46% for ENO). The results suggest optimizing different breeding strategies based on selection index depending on the growing season. Good QTL colocalization was observed for ASI (four QTLs) and ENO (three QTLs) when looking at QTL identified under low N and water-limited conditions in the same population. The results suggest that that both secondary traits can be used in breeding programs for simultaneous improvement of maize against low N and drought stresses.  相似文献   

Summary We have used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to identify genomic DNA polymorphism in maize (Zea mays L.). DGGE probes detect polymorphism in maize at a frequency comparable to the incidence of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Probes identifying polymorphism were mapped to maize chromosome arms by utilizing DGGE and maize lines carrying B-A chromosomal translocations. The methods for library construction, probe screening, and genome analysis, described here for maize, can also be applied to the genomic analysis of other organisms.  相似文献   

Summary The agronomic performance of 9 doubled haploid (DH) lines of Chinese Spring, 6 DH lines of Hope, 14 DH lines of the single chromosome substitution line Chinese Spring (Hope 5 A) and their respective parents was analyzed under field conditions. Seventeen Chinese Spring DH lines derived from wheat x Hordeum bulbosum crosses were also included for comparison. No significant variation was detected in either population of Chinese Spring DH lines and neither DH population differed from its parent. The Hope DH lines differed significantly for tiller biomass, spikelet number per ear, ear grain weight and 50-grain weight. However, all the variation could be attributed to the poor performance of only one line. Chinese Spring (Hope 5 A) DH lines showed significant variation for ear emergence time, but this was probably due to genetic heterogeneity in the parental stock. Overall, the results suggest that most DH lines produced by the wheat x maize method resemble their wheat parent, and that the variation induced in DH production is likely to be similar to that found in DHs from wheat x Hordeum bulbosum crosses.  相似文献   

Broadening of the genetic base and systematic exploitation of heterosis in faba bean requires reliable information on the genetic diversity in the germ plasm. Three groups of faba bean inbred lines were examined by means of RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNAs) assays: 13 European small-seeded lines, 6 European large-seeded lines, and 9 Mediterranean lines. Out of 59 primers, 35 were informative and yielded 365 bands, 289 of which were polymorphic with a mean of 8.3 bands per primer. Monomorphic bands were omitted from the analyses and genetic distances (GD) were estimated via the coefficient of Jaccard. The mean GD among the European small-seeded lines was significantly greater than those among the lines of the other two groups. Repeatability of GD estimates was high. Cluster (UPGMA) and principal coordinate analyses identified European small-seeded lines and Mediterranean lines as distinct groups with European large-seeded lines located in between. The results are in harmony with published archaeobotanical findings. We conclude that RAPDs are useful for classification of germ plasm and identification of divergent heterotic groups in faba bean.  相似文献   

Jin  Ming-Xian  Li  De-Yao  Mi  Hualing 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(4):581-586
Temperature dependence (25–50 °C) of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence induction, far-red radiation (FR)-induced relaxation of the post-irradiation transient increase in apparent F0, and the trans-thylakoid proton gradients (pH) was examined in maize leaves. Temperatures above 30 °C caused an elevation of F0 level and an enhancement of F0 quenching during actinic irradiation. Millisecond delayed light emission (ms-DLE), which reflects the magnitude of pH, decreased strikingly above 35 °C, and almost disappeared at 50 °C. It indicates that the heat-enhanced quenching of F0 under actinic irradiation could not be attributed mainly to the mechanism of pH-dependent quenching. The relaxation of the post-irradiation transient increase in apparent F0 upon FR irradiation could be decomposed into two exponential components (1 = 0.7–1.8 s, 2 = 2.0–9.9 s). Decay times of both components increased with temperature increasing from 25 to 40–45 °C. The bi-phasic kinetics of FR-induced relaxation of the post-irradiation transient increase in apparent F0 and its temperature dependence may be related to plastoquinone (PQ) compartmentation in the thylakoid membranes and its re-organisation at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Various factors (pollen diameter, in vitro germination and tube length, in vivo growth rate in selfed and nonselfed styles) which could possibly contribute to the competitive ability of pollen were investigated on 30 Zea mays L. inbred lines. The only factor with which pollen diameter was positively correlated was in vitro pollen-tube growth. Traits related to the early stages of growth (in vitro germination, in vitro tube length, early in vivo pollen growth rate) were all positively correlated with each other, and these early characteristics were negatively correlated with late in vivo tube growth rate, which is largely influenced by the stylar genotype.  相似文献   

Summary Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify associations between eight enzyme marker loci and 11 quantitative traits of maize (Zea mays L.). The material analyzed included inbred lines Wf9 and Pa405, single-cross hybrid Wf9 X Pa405, and the F2 generation of the selfed single-cross hybrid. Each enzyme locus assayed was associated with at least one quantitative trait, and all quantitative traits were associated with genotypes at particular enzyme loci. Significant associations also were found between the level of heterozygosity per individual and nine of 11 quantitative traits. The total contribution to heterosis, for seed yield per plant, of genes linked with the eight enzyme loci, was 27% of the F2 mean and 18% of the difference in mean between the F1 hybrid and the inbred parents. Genes linked with Glu1 accounted for nearly one third of the total dominance effect detected by the eight enzyme loci. The chromosome segments marked by loci with significant effects on seed yield were markedly overdominant. The large heterotic effects of chromosome segments marked by particular loci suggest that enzyme loci could be used to help transfer genes responsible for heterosis to inbred lines. We conclude that analyses of additional inbred lines, F1 hybrids, and F2 populations in more environments will halp identify specific associations between enzyme loci, or chromosome segments which they mark, and important agronomic traits.Cooperative investigations of the USDA, ARS and Dept. of Plant Sciences, South Dakota State Univ. (SDSU), Brookings, Journal Series No. 2039; and the Institute of Animal Resource Ecology, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5, Canada  相似文献   

In cereals, interspecific and intergeneric hybridizations (wide crosses) which yield karyotypically stable hybrid plants have been used as starting points to widen the genetic base of a crop and to construct stocks for genetic analysis. Also, uniparental genome elimination in karyotypically unstable hybrids has been utilized for cereal haploid production. We have crossed hexaploid oat (2n=6x=42, Avena sativa L.) and maize (2n=2x=20, Zea mays L.) and recovered 90 progenies through embryo rescue. Fifty-two plants (58%) produced from oatxmaize hybridization were oat haploids (2n=3x=21) following maize chromosome elimination. Twenty-eight plants (31%) were found to be stable partial hybrids with 1–4 maize chromosomes in addition to a haploid set of 21 oat chromosomes (2n=21+1 to 2n=21+4). Ten of the ninety plants produced were found to be apparent chromosomal chimeras, where some tissues in a given plant contained maize chromosomes while other tissues did not, or else different tissues contained a different number of maize chromosomes. DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used to identify the maize chromosome(s) present in the various oat-maize progenies. Maize chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were detected in partial hybrids and chromosomal chimeras. Maize chromosomes 1 and 10 were not detected in the plants analyzed to-date. Furthermore, partial self-fertility, which is common in oat haploids, was also observed in some oat-maize hybrids. Upon selfing, partial hybrids with one or two maize chromosomes showed nearly complete transmission of the maize chromosome to give self-fertile maize-chromosome-addition oat plants. Fertile lines were recovered that contained an added maize chromosome or chromosome pair representing six of the ten maize chromosomes. Four independently derived disomic maize chromosome addition lines contained chromosome 4, one line carried chromosome 7, two lines had chromosome 9, one had chromosome 2, and one had chromosome 3. One maize chromosome-8 monosomic addition line was also identified. We also identified a double disomic addition line containing both maize chromosomes 4 and 7. This constitutes the first report of the production of karyotypically stable partial hybrids involving highly unrelated species from two subfamilies of the Gramineae (Pooideae — oat, and Panicoideae — maize) and the subsequent recovery of fertile oat-maize chromosome addition lines. These represent novel material for gene/ marker mapping, maize chromosome manipulation, the study of maize gene expression in oat, and the transfer of maize DNA, genes, or active transposons to oat.Joint contribution of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA-ARS. Scientific journal series paper No. 21 859 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDA-ARS or the University of Minnesota and does not imply approval over other products that also may be suitable  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that molecular foundations of phenotypic diversity reside in the variability of genome expression. This variability can be appraised through the polymorphism of individual protein amounts (PAP: protein amount polymorphism). Eight maize inbred lines and ten of their single-cross hybrids were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to examine the potential of PAP for predicting hybrid vigor. The 28 possible pairs of lines were characterized for: (i) the number, H of expected heterozygous structural loci in their hybrid, in the sample of loci revealed by 2D-PAGE; (ii) four distance indices based on PAP; (iii) the hybrid values for five agromorphological characters measured in four different year/locations. For the subset of ten hybrids analyzed by 2D-PAGE, the number of cases of nonadditive inheritance (NA) was also counted. Whereas H appeared to be related neither to the PAP indices, nor to NA, nor to hybrid performances, PAP indices were correlated to NA, and both were positively associated to hybrid performances. The possibility that PAP is responsible for quantitative trait variation is discussed. This could result in the definition of biological predictors of heterosis.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency decreased pollen viability in maize (Zea mays L. cv. G2) grown in sand culture. On restoring normal zinc supply to zinc-deficient plants before the pollen mother cell stage of anther development, the vegetative yield of plants and pollen fertility could be recovered to a large extent, but the recovery treatment was not effective when given after the release of microspores from the tetrads. If zinc deficiency was induced prior to microsporogenesis it did not significantly affect vegetative yield and ovule fertility, but decreased the fertility of pollen grains, even of those which visibly appeared normal. If the deficiency was induced after the release of microspores from the tetrads, not only vegetative yield and ovule fertility but pollen fertility also remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary In tis androgenic response, maize is considered to be a recalcitrant plant. We used mechanically isolated microspores of maize genotype A18 to establish a responsive microspore culture of maize. Morphological events occurring during the first days of maize androgenesis in a microspore culture were observed and described, and some morphological markers for distinguishing between embryogenic microspores and nonembryogenic microspores were identified. It was found that the enlargement of microspores during the first days in culture and the ‘star-like’ organization of the cytoplasm inside the microspore are connected with reprogramming of the developmental pathway in maize microspores. Some differences were also found in the surface wall architecture of embryogenic microspores. Fertile plants were successfully recovered from microspore-originated structures.  相似文献   

Summary Production of transgenic maize (Zea mays L.) callus, plants, and progeny from microprojectile bombardment of 2–5-d cultured Hi-II immature embryos is described. Histological evidence indicates that these tissues are amenable to transformation due to surface layer cell division of the scutellum. Two out of every 100 bombarded embryos produced transgenic callus and R0 transgenic plants were both male and female fertile. Expected segregation of transgenes was observed in progeny. The primary advantage of bombarding these tissues is increased male and female fertility of transgenic plants compared with those produced using long-term callus or suspension cultures.  相似文献   

Growth analysis of maize field crops under phosphorus deficiency   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plénet  D.  Etchebest  S.  Mollier  A.  Pellerin  S. 《Plant and Soil》2000,223(1-2):119-132
Biomass accumulation by crops depends both on light interception by leaves and on the efficiency with which the intercepted light is used to produce dry matter. Our aim was to identify which of these processes were affected for maize (Zea Mays L., cv Volga) field crops grown under phosphorus (P) deficiency, and assess their relative importance. In this paper, the effects of P deficiency on leaf appearance, leaf elongation rate, final individual leaf area and leaf senescence were studied. The experimental work was carried out in 1995–1977 on a long-term P fertilisation trial located on a sandy soil in the south-west of France. Three P fertilisation regimes have been applied since 1972: no-P (P0 treatment) and different rates of P fertiliser (P1.5:1.5 times the grain P export and P3:3 times the grain P export). These fertilisation regimes have led to contrasted levels of soil P supply, with the P0 treatment being limiting for growth. Very few differences were observed about leaf growth between the P1.5 and P3 treatments. Conversely, the leaf area index (LAI) was significantly reduced in the P0 treatment, especially during the first phases of the crop cycle (up to −60% between the 7- and 14-visible leaves). This effect gradually decreased over time. The lower LAI in P0 treatment was due to two main processes affecting the leaf growth. The final number of leaves per plant and leaf senescence were only slightly modified by P deficiency. Conversely, leaf appearance was delayed during the period between leaf 4 and leaf 9. The value of the phyllochron increased from 47 °C days in the P1.5 treatment to 65 °C days in the P0 treatment. Leaf elongation rates during the quasi-linear phase of leaf expansion were significantly reduced for lower leaves of P0 plants. The final size of leaves L2–L12 was reduced. On the opposite, leaf elongation duration was not greatly affected by P treatments. Before the emergence of leaf 9, the reduction of individual leaf size was the main factor responsible for the reduced LAI in the P0 treatment. After this stage, the delayed leaf appearance accounted for a great part of the reduced LAI in the P0 treatment. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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