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The prenatal morphogenesis of hair follicles depends upon a precisely regulated series of molecular genetic processes. Hormones and their receptors play prominent roles in modulating postnatal hair cycling, which recapitulates some aspects of morphogenesis. The responses to androgen are the most obvious of these. The postnatal androgen sensitivity of pilosebaceous units in different skin areas is programmed during prenatal development to permit clinical outcomes such as hirsutism and pattern baldness. Thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids, insulin-like growth factor-I, and prolactin have clinically significant effects on specific aspects of hair growth. The nuclear receptors vitamin D receptor and retinoid X receptor are essential for postnatal hair cycling. Other hormones have less clear effects on hair growth. Advances in research on the interaction of hormone target genes with the biological processes involved in hair morphogenesis and cycling can be expected to improve management of hirsutism and alopecia.  相似文献   

To improve the differentiation of thalassemia intermedia from other hemoglobinopathies in Iran, four known genetic mechanisms-XmnI (G)gamma polymorphism, inheritance of mild and silent beta-thalassemia alleles, delta beta deletion, and coinheritance of alpha- and beta-thalassemia-were investigated in 52 Iranian individuals suspected to have thalassemia intermedia based on clinical and hematological characteristics. Beta-globin mutations were studied using a reverse-hybridization assay and sequencing of the total beta-globin gene. The XmnI (G)gamma polymorphism, the Sicilian delta beta deletion, and four alpha-globin mutations (-a(3.7), -a(4.2), -(MED), aaa(anti-3.7)) were studied using PCR-based techniques. The inheritance of the XmnI (G)gamma polymorphism with severe beta-thalassemia alleles in the homozygous or compound heterozygous state was the predominant mechanism observed in 27 individuals (55.3%). In five cases, this status overlapped with the -a(3.7)/aa genotype. The second most frequent cause for thalassemia intermedia (14.8%) was the inheritance of mild beta-thalassemia alleles, including IVS-I-6 (T > C), -88 (C > A), and + 113 (A > G). In three subjects (4.3%) the Sicilian delta beta deletion was identified. HbS in association with beta-zero-thalassemia was found in three patients with thalassemia intermedia phenotype. In 11 cases (21.3%) no causative genetic alteration could be identified. Our results reflect the diversity underlying thalassemia intermedia, and the limitations of the applied clinical, hematological, and molecular approaches for correct diagnosis. Some of the unresolved cases will offer an opportunity to discover additional molecular mechanisms leading to thalassemia intermedia.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is a nonselective herbicide that kills weeds and other plants competing with crops. Glyphosate specifically inhibits the 5-enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, thereby depleting the cell of EPSP serving as a precursor for biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids. Glyphosate is considered to be toxicologically safe for animals and humans. Therefore, it became the most-important herbicide in agriculture. However, its intensive application in agriculture is a serious environmental issue because it may negatively affect the biodiversity. A few years after the discovery of the mode of action of glyphosate, it has been observed that bacteria evolve glyphosate resistance by acquiring mutations in the EPSP synthase gene, rendering the encoded enzyme less sensitive to the herbicide. The identification of glyphosate-resistant EPSP synthase variants paved the way for engineering crops tolerating increased amounts of the herbicide. This review intends to summarize the molecular mechanisms underlying glyphosate resistance in bacteria. Bacteria can evolve glyphosate resistance by (i) reducing glyphosate sensitivity or elevating production of the EPSP synthase, by (ii) degrading or (iii) detoxifying glyphosate and by (iv) decreasing the uptake or increasing the export of the herbicide. The variety of glyphosate resistance mechanisms illustrates the adaptability of bacteria to anthropogenic substances due to genomic alterations.  相似文献   

Early models for the etiology of schizophrenia focused on dopamine neurotransmission because of the powerful anti-psychotic action of dopamine antagonists. Nevertheless, recent evidence increasingly supports a primarily glutamatergic dysfunction in this condition, where dopaminergic disbalance is a secondary effect. A current model for the pathophysiology of schizophrenia involves a dysfunctional mechanism by which the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) hypofunction leads to a dysregulation of GABA fast- spiking interneurons, consequently disinhibiting pyramidal glutamatergic output and disturbing the signal-to-noise ratio. This mechanism might explain better than other models some cognitive deficits observed in this disease, as well as the dopaminergic alterations and therapeutic effect of anti-psychotics. Although the modulation of glutamate activity has, in principle, great therapeutic potential, a side effect of NMDAR overactivation is neurotoxicity, which accelerates neuropathological alterations in this illness. We propose that metabotropic glutamate receptors can have a modulatory effect over the NMDAR and regulate excitotoxity mechanisms. Therefore, in our view metabotropic glutamate receptors constitute a highly promising target for future drug treatment in this disease.  相似文献   

The central role of glutamate receptors in mediating excitotoxic neuronal death in stroke, epilepsy and trauma has been well established. Glutamate is the major excitatory amino acid transmitter within the CNS and it's signaling is mediated by a number of postsynaptic ionotropic and metabotropic receptors. Although calcium ions are considered key regulators of excitotoxicity, new evidence suggests that specific second messenger pathways rather than total Ca(2+) load, are responsible for mediating neuronal degeneration. Glutamate receptors are found localized at the synapse within electron dense structures known as the postsynaptic density (PSD). Localization at the PSD is mediated by binding of glutamate receptors to submembrane proteins such as actin and PDZ containing proteins. PDZ domains are conserved motifs that mediate protein-protein interactions and self-association. In addition to glutamate receptors PDZ-containing proteins bind a multitude of intracellular signal molecules including nitric oxide synthase. In this way PDZ proteins provide a mechanism for clustering glutamate receptors at the synapse together with their corresponding signal transduction proteins. PSD organization may thus facilitate the individual neurotoxic signal mechanisms downstream of receptors during glutamate overactivity. Evidence exists showing that inhibiting signals downstream of glutamate receptors, such as nitric oxide and PARP-1 can reduce excitotoxic insult. Furthermore we have shown that uncoupling the interaction between specific glutamate receptors from their PDZ proteins protects neurons against glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity. These findings have significant implications for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases using therapeutics that specifically target intracellular protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(24):5644-5656
Connexin-50 (Cx50) is among the most frequently mutated genes associated with congenital cataracts. Although most of these disease-linked variants cause loss of function because of misfolding or aberrant trafficking, others directly alter channel properties. The mechanistic bases for such functional defects are mostly unknown. We investigated the functional and structural properties of a cataract-linked mutant, Cx50T39R (T39R), in the Xenopus oocyte system. T39R exhibited greatly enhanced hemichannel currents with altered voltage-gating properties compared to Cx50 and induced cell death. Coexpression of mutant T39R with wild-type Cx50 (to mimic the heterozygous state) resulted in hemichannel currents whose properties were indistinguishable from those induced by T39R alone, suggesting that the mutant had a dominant effect. Furthermore, when T39R was coexpressed with Cx46, it produced hemichannels with increased activity, particularly at negative potentials, which could potentially contribute to its pathogenicity in the lens. In contrast, coexpression of wild-type Cx50 with Cx46 was associated with a marked reduction in hemichannel activity, indicating that it may have a protective effect. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the R39 substitution can form multiple electrostatic salt-bridge interactions between neighboring subunits that could stabilize the open-state conformation of the N-terminal (NT) domain while also neutralizing the voltage-sensing residue D3 as well as residue E42, which participates in loop gating. Together, these results suggest T39R acts as a dominant gain-of-function mutation that produces leaky hemichannels that may cause cytotoxicity in the lens and lead to development of cataracts.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a phenotypic approach in the mouse to identifying molecules involved in inner ear function by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis followed by screening for new dominant mutations affecting hearing or balance. The pathology and genetic mapping of the first of these new mutants, tailchaser (Tlc), is described here. Tlc/+ mutants display classic behavioural symptoms of a vestibular dysfunction, including head-shaking and circling. Behavioural testing of ageing mice revealed a gradual deterioration of both hearing and balance function, indicating that the pathology caused by the Tlc mutation is progressive, similar to many dominant nonsyndromic deafnesses in humans. Based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies, Tlc clearly plays a developmental role in the hair cells of the cochlea since the stereocilia bundles fail to form the characteristic V-shape pattern around the time of birth. By young adult stages, Tlc/+ outer hair bundles are grossly disorganised although inner hair bundles appear relatively normal by SEM. Increased compound action potential thresholds revealed that the Tlc/+ cochlear hair cells were not functioning normally in young adults. Similar to inner hair cells, the hair bundles of the vestibular hair cells also do not appear grossly disordered. However, all types of hair cells in the Tlc/+ inner ear eventually degenerate, apparently regardless of the degree of organisation of their hair bundles. We have mapped the Tlc mutation to a 12 cM region of chromosome 2, between D2Mit164 and D2Mit423. Based on the mode of inheritance and map location, Tlc appears to be a novel mouse mutation affecting both hair cell survival and stereocilia bundle development.  相似文献   

The breakdown of self-incompatibility has occurred repeatedly throughout the evolution of flowering plants and has profound impacts on the genetic structure of populations. Recent advances in understanding of the molecular basis of self-incompatibility have provided insights into the mechanisms of its loss in natural populations, especially in the tomato family, the Solanaceae. In the Solanaceae, the gene that controls self-incompatibility in the style codes for a ribonuclease that causes the degradation of RNA in pollen tubes bearing an allele at the S-locus that matches either of the two alleles held by the maternal plant. The pollen component of the S-locus has yet to be identified. Loss of self-incompatibility can be attributed to three types of causes: duplication of the S-locus, mutations that cause loss of S-RNase activity, and mutations that do not cause loss of S-RNase activity. Duplication of the S-locus has been well studied in radiation-induced mutants but may be a relatively rare cause of the breakdown of self-incompatibility in nature. Point mutations within the S-locus that disrupt the production of S-RNase have been documented in natural populations. There are also a number of mutants in which S-RNase production is unimpaired, yet self-incompatibility is disrupted. The identity and function of these mutations is not well understood. Careful work on a handful of model organisms will enable population biologists to better understand the breakdown of self-incompatibility in nature.  相似文献   

For many years, we and our collaborators have investigated the adaptive role of heat shock proteins in different animals, including the representatives of homothermic and poikilothermic species that inhabit regions with contrasting thermal conditions. Adaptive evolution of the response to hyperthermia has led to different results depending upon the species. The thermal threshold of induction of heat shock proteins in desert thermophylic species is, as a rule, higher than in the species from less extreme climates. In addition, thermoresistant poikilothermic species often exhibit a certain level of heat shock proteins in cells even at a physiologically normal temperature. Furthermore, there is often a positive correlation between the characteristic temperature of the ecological niche of a given species and the amount of Hsp70-like proteins in the cells at normal temperature. Although in most cases adaptation to hyperthermia occurs without changes in the number of heat shock genes, these genes can be amplified in some xeric species. It was shown that mobile genetic elements may play an important role in the evolution and fine-tuning of the heat shock response system, and can be used for direct introduction of mutations in the promoter regions of these genes.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Estradiol and cognition”.Since the publication of the 1998 special issue of Hormones and Behavior on estrogens and cognition, substantial progress has been made towards understanding the molecular mechanisms through which 17β-estradiol (E2) regulates hippocampal plasticity and memory. Recent research has demonstrated that rapid effects of E2 on hippocampal cell signaling, epigenetic processes, and local protein synthesis are necessary for E2 to facilitate the consolidation of object recognition and spatial memories in ovariectomized female rodents. These effects appear to be mediated by non-classical actions of the intracellular estrogen receptors ERα and ERβ, and possibly by membrane-bound ERs such as the G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER). New findings also suggest a key role of hippocampally-synthesized E2 in regulating hippocampal memory formation. The present review discusses these findings in detail and suggests avenues for future study.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is the most malignant of the primary brain tumours and is almost always fatal. The treatment strategies for this disease have not changed appreciably for many years and most are based on a limited understanding of the biology of the disease. However, in the past decade, characteristic genetic alterations have been identified in gliomas that might underlie the initiation or progression of the disease. Recent modelling experiments in mice are helping to delineate the molecular aetiology of this disease and are providing systems to identify and test novel and rational therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

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