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Phagocytosis is used by macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils to capture and destroy pathogens and particulate antigens. Although localized assembly of actin filaments is the driving force for particle internalization, exocytosis of intracellular compartments, and in particular endocytic compartments, has been shown recently to be required for the early steps of phagosome formation. Here we report on the different compartments undergoing exocytosis during phagocytosis, with a special focus on late endosomes. We then compare this process with secretion from lysosomes or lysosome-related organelles in specialized cells. Finally, we discuss how some of the molecular mechanisms responsible for lysosome-related organelle secretion could also be implicated in phagosome formation.  相似文献   

In secretory cells, exocytosis and compensatory endocytosis are tightly coupled membrane trafficking processes that control the surface area and composition of the plasma membrane. While exocytic and endocytic processes have been studied independently in great detail, at present there is much interest in understanding the mode of their coupling. This review discusses emerging insights into the coupling of these processes, both in the chemical synapses of neurons and in non-neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Cells maintain physicochemical characteristics of membranes in order to allow for proper function of membrane-associated cellular processes, such as endocytosis and exocytosis. To investigate the interplay between membrane properties and biological processes, we applied lipid engineering approaches that allowed for systematic manipulation of fatty acid unsaturation and sterol biosynthesis, the main regulators of membrane fluidity. In combination with electrophysiological membrane capacitance measurements, we were able to study the dependence of the endo- and exocytic activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on membrane lipid composition in vivo. We found that a strong decrease in the cell's total ergosterol content leads to a severely reduced frequency of vesicle fission (endocytosis), whereas the exocytic activity remained largely unaffected. In contrast, increased lipid saturation lowered both endocytic and the exocytic activity, with the former being more severely affected. We were able to correlate the decreased ratio of endocytic/exocytic frequencies (fendo/fexo) upon lipid perturbation with the growth of yeast protoplasts, which is based on a surface enlargement resulting from a net excess of exocytic over endocytic flux. Experiments using clathrin-deficient mutants confirm a correlation between reduced endocytic activity and increased size of intact walled cells, as well as accelerated protoplast growth. These data show that lipid composition is intimately tied to membrane trafficking in yeast cells and suggest that endocytosis is particularly dependent on the lipid-defined properties of cell membrane.  相似文献   

The epithelium of the urinary bladder must maintain a highly impermeable barrier despite large variations in urine volume during bladder filling and voiding. To study how the epithelium accommodates these volume changes, we mounted bladder tissue in modified Ussing chambers and subjected the tissue to mechanical stretch. Stretching the tissue for 5 h resulted in a 50% increase in lumenal surface area (from approximately 2900 to 4300 microm(2)), exocytosis of a population of discoidal vesicles located in the apical cytoplasm of the superficial umbrella cells, and release of secretory proteins. Surprisingly, stretch also induced endocytosis of apical membrane and 100% of biotin-labeled membrane was internalized within 5 min after stretch. The endocytosed membrane was delivered to lysosomes and degraded by a leupeptin-sensitive pathway. Last, we show that the exocytic events were mediated, in part, by a cyclic adenosine monophosphate, protein kinase A-dependent process. Our results indicate that stretch modulates mucosal surface area by coordinating both exocytosis and endocytosis at the apical membrane of umbrella cells and provide insight into the mechanism of how mechanical forces regulate membrane traffic in non-excitable cells.  相似文献   

Protein scaffolds in the coupling of synaptic exocytosis and endocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanisms that ensure robust long-term performance of synaptic transmission over a wide range of activity are crucial for the integrity of neuronal networks, for processing sensory information and for the ability to learn and store memories. Recent experiments have revealed that such robust performance requires a tight coupling between exocytic vesicle fusion at defined release sites and endocytic retrieval of synaptic vesicle membranes. Distinct presynaptic scaffolding proteins are essential for fulfilling this requirement, providing either ultrastructural coordination or acting as signalling hubs.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles are clustered at the presynaptic terminal where they fuse and recycle in response to stimulation. Vesicles appear to be sorted into pools, but we do not yet understand how physiologically defined pools relate to morphological pools. The advent of dynamic imaging approaches has led to an appreciation of the regulation of vesicle mobility. Newly endocytosed vesicles are highly mobile but appear to become transiently trapped as they re-enter the recycling pool. Recent experiments indicate that endocytosis might have a constant rate, but limited capacity. How endocytosis is linked to exocytosis remains unclear, although calcium emerges as an important player.  相似文献   

Recent advances in optical methods have catalyzed a detailed study of individual visualized synapses in several model systems. Quantal events at small central synapses, as well as single granule exocytosis in secretory cells, have been detected using quantitative fluorescence imaging. Sensitive detection of exocytosis and endocytosis at individual synapses has advanced our knowledge of synaptic vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in exocytosis and endocytosis in plant cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role of calcium in the individual cellular events leading to exocytosis is considered. Both vesicle movement processes and vesicle fusion at the cell surface require calcium for completion of specific events in this pathway. Our knowledge of these events is incomplete. In particular the movement of secretory vesicles by the cytoskeleton in response to added calcium is a key event that is beyond our comprehension at present. At the whole cell level, it is shown that external calcium, at the appropriate concentration, is required to elicit secretion at optimal rates. In both plant and animal cells secretion appears to be dependent on, or is triggered by, a rise in the level of internal free calcium ions from about 10-7 to 10-6M or even higher. In these eukaryotes internal organelles take up calcium and maintain a low level of calcium in the cell, offsetting the inflow of calcium from the plasma membrane. In some systems the inflow is restricted to a certain part of the plasma membrane, which then acts as a focus for exocytosis and, thereby, establishes a cellular polarity. In plant tissues there appears to be a requirement for some circulation of calcium within the apoplast, to sustain secretion. Recent papers on endocytosis have confirmed its occurrence in plant cells and made significant advances in isolating and characterising the clathrin coats of the coated vesicles involved in the uptake. There is no evidence, at present, for a direct role for calcium in these events. Indirectly, calcium stimulates exocytosis, and hence the delivery of excess membrane to the cell surface, which may be retrieved by an increase in the rate of endocytosis. Quantitative comparisons of the membrane flow occurring in these pathways are not available. Several plant cellular systems have been employed to study secretion and some of these may prove to be superior model systems for the investigation of certain aspects of the control of exocytosis and endocytosis by calcium ions.  相似文献   

FM dyes have been used to label and then monitor synaptic vesicles, secretory granules and other endocytic structures in a variety of preparations. Here, we describe the general procedure for using FM dyes to study endosomal trafficking in general, and synaptic vesicle recycling in particular. The dye, dissolved in normal saline solution, is added to a chamber containing the preparation to be labeled. Stimulation evokes exocytosis, and compensatory endocytosis that follows traps FM dye inside the retrieved vesicles. The extracellular dye is then washed from the chamber, and labeled endocytic structures are examined with a fluorescence microscope. Fluorescence intensity provides a direct measure of the labeled vesicle number, a good measure of the amount of exocytosis. If the preparation is stimulated again, without dye in the chamber, dimming of the preparation provides a measure of exocytosis of labeled vesicles. With a synaptic preparation on hand, this protocol requires 1 day.  相似文献   

The effects of Con A, WGA, Zymosan A on macrophage cytosolic pH and outflow of lysosomal content through exocytosis were studied with SNAFL-calcein and FITC-Dextran on ACAS570. The results showed all three ligands could induce macrophage cytosolic acidification in about 10 min and kept at the same level hereafter; outflow of lysosomal fluorescent probe through exocytosis appeared in 15-20 min. In resting conditions, macrophage lysosomes mainly distributed in cell center; after stimulated for 15 min by three ligands, the number of lysosomes increased in membrane periphery, in 25-30 min lysosomes moved back toward cell center. We proposed that ligands induced lysosomal pH rises was a basic factor for outflow of lysosomal content through exocytosis, cytosolic acidification inhibited receptor-mediated endocytosis. Cytosolic acidification and outflow of lysosomal content through exocytosis were the results of cellular self-regulation and self-protection during receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms of endocytosis and exocytosis are not yet fully understood. Hrs and Hbp, two tightly associated proteins in eukaryotic cells, have been implicated in these cellular processes. Hrs is homologous to Vps27p, an endosomal protein required for vacuolar and endocytic trafficking in yeast. Hrs is localized to early endosomes and is required for the normal morphology of early endosomes in mammalian cells. Hrs also associates with proteins implicated in endocytosis and exocytosis such as SNAP-25 and Eps15. Hrs treatment inhibits neurotransmitter release in permeabilized neuronal cells and its overexpression inhibits internalization of transferrin. Overexpression of dominant-negative Hbp mutants inhibits ligand-induced downregulation of growth factor/receptor complexes and immunoglobulin E receptor-triggered degranulation of secretory granules in mast cells. These observations suggest an important role for the Hrs/Hbp protein complex in vesicular trafficking during endocytosis and exocytosis.  相似文献   

Experimental analysis of the mechanisms of exocytosis and endocytosis has hitherto been hampered by the inaccessibility of the intracellular sites at which they are controlled. We have recently developed a technique that overcomes this problem. Cells are subjected to intense electric fields of brief duration; this renders the plasma membrane permeable without impairing its ability to participate in exocytosis and endocytosis. Working with 'leaky' bovine adrenal medullary cells, catecholamine release has a rather specific requirement for Mg-ATP, is activated by micromolar concentrations of ionized Ca and can be inhibited by Mg, detergents, trifluoperazine, high osmotic pressure and various anions. The mechanism of activation by Ca is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Iron-loaded transferrin has been shown to be necessary for the support of cell proliferation in culture. This function depends upon interaction of transferrin with a specific high-affinity cell surface receptor. The present report is directed toward determining the consequences of the interaction of transferrin with this receptor on Concanavalin A-stimulated rat lymphocytes. Three specific questions have been posed: (a) Is transferrin endocytosed following binding to its specific receptor in a temperature-dependent fashion? (b) Following endocytosis, is the carrier protein released from the cell in a structurally and functionally intact form? and (c) Is the cell surface transferrin receptor also endocytosed following ligand binding? The results provide affirmative answers to all questions. Using two independent probes of the cell surface versus intracellular location of transferrin we observed that cell-bound transferrin moved from the cell surface to the inside of the cell and subsequently back to the medium. This process occurred in a temperature-dependent fashion. When cells containing only intracellular transferrin were further incubated at 37°C approximately 80% of cell-bound transferrin was released to the medium. Nearly all of this material retained reactivity with antibody to transferrin. In addition, exocytosed transferrin exhibited qualitatively and quantitatively equivalent binding reactivity with the transferrin receptor and showed identical electophoretic mobility on SDS gel electrophoresis. Finally, using similar methodology to that employed with transferrin itself, we provide evidence that the specific receptor is also endocytosed.  相似文献   

We examined the filaments associated with the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane in rabbit exudate PMNs during phagocytosis of particles, or during “frustrated phagocytosis” with exocytosis of storage granules. Cells were plated onto yeast particles glued to coverslips with polylysine or onto coverslips coated with sheets of heat-agglutinated IgG. After periods ranging from 1 to 15 min, we disrupted the cells by a jet of salt solution and exposed their inner membranes. These broken cells were fixed immediately and processed for SEM. Whole cells were also prepared for SEM or TEM. At the site of PMN adherence to an opsonized yeast particle, a network of globular centers and thin, branched filaments appears on the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane, while the outstretching lamellipodia contain a mesh of such filaments but no globular centers. Within 1 to 2 minutes, these structures disappear from the invaginating portion of the developing vacuole, and the cell's storage granules fuse with the barren membrane regions. These activities occur in rapid sequence over the vacuolar membrane after the first contact, until the phagocytosed particle is wholly encircled by a smooth, loose membrane, separated from the cell surface. A comparable filament pattern or complex was seen during “frustrated phagocytosis” on IgG sheets. At times between 1 and 5 min after plating, the cytoplasmic surfaces of these adherent membranes contain denuded central regions and peripheral nets of globular centers with radiating, thin, branched filaments. Granules apparently fuse with the bare areas. Thus we have obtained evidence of filament association with the plasma membrane at sites of adherence (to phagocytosable or nonphagocytosable surfaces) and have traced the subsequent disappearance of the filaments with degranulation.  相似文献   

Llobet A  Beaumont V  Lagnado L 《Neuron》2003,40(6):1075-1086
We describe a new approach for making real-time measurements of exocytosis and endocytosis in neurons and neuroendocrine cells. The method utilizes interference reflection microscopy (IRM) to image surface membrane in close contact with a glass coverslip (the "footprint"). At the synaptic terminal of retinal bipolar cells, the footprint expands during exocytosis and retracts during endocytosis, paralleling changes in total surface area measured by capacitance. In chromaffin cells, IRM detects the fusion of individual granules as the appearance of bright spots within the footprint with spatial and temporal resolution similar to total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Advantages of IRM over capacitance are that it can monitor changes in surface area while cells are electrically active and it can be applied to mammalian neurons with relatively small synaptic terminals. IRM reveals that vesicles at the synapse of bipolar cells rapidly collapse into the surface membrane while secretory granules in chromaffin cells do not.  相似文献   

The mammary epithelium coordinates the uptake of milk precursors and the transport of milk components in order to produce milk of relatively constant composition at a particular stage of lactation, as long as the mammary gland is healthy. The mammary epithelial cell controls the uptake of blood-borne molecules at its basal side and the release of products into milk at its apical side, through mechanisms of internalization (endocytosis) and mechanisms of release (exocytosis). These events are strictly dependent on the physiological stage of the mammary gland. This review addresses the mechanisms responsible for these processes and points out new questions that remain to be answered concerning possible interconnections between them, for an optimal milk secretion.  相似文献   

Compensatory endocytosis (CE) is one of the primary mechanisms through which cells maintain their surface area after exocytosis. Considering that in eggs massive exocytosis of cortical granules (CG) takes place after fertilization, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of CE following cortical exocytosis in mouse eggs. For this purpose, we developed a pulse-chase assay to detect CG membrane internalization. Results showed internalized labeling in SrCl2-activated and fertilized eggs when chasing at 37°C, but not at a nonpermissive temperature (4°C). The use of kinase and calcineurin inhibitors led us to conclude that this internal labeling corresponded to CE. Further experiments showed that CE in mouse eggs is dependent on actin dynamics and dynamin activity, and could be associated with a transient exposure of phosphatidylserine. Finally, CE was impaired in A23187 ionophore-activated eggs, highlighting once again the mechanistic differences between the activation methods. Altogether, these results demonstrate for the first time that egg activation triggers CE in mouse eggs after exocytosis of CG, probably as a plasma membrane homeostasis mechanism.  相似文献   

As previously reported in epithelial mammary cells of lactating rabbit, prolactin exerts a stimulatory effect on casein secretion. After binding to a membrane receptor, the complex hormone-receptor is internalized in mammary cells. Peptide hormone action involves the generation of second messengers. These second messengers can be emitted as soon as hormone is linked to the membrane receptor. However, it is not excluded that endocytosis and transfer of prolactin inside the cell take part in the emission of second messenger and related secretory response. In order to precise intracellular transport pathways in the lactating mammary cell, we have examined the effects of reduced temperature on the one hand on prolactin endocytosis, on the other hand on casein secretion and on the stimulating effect of prolactin on casein secretion. Endocytosed prolactin was cytochemically localized mainly on the plasma membrane at 4 degrees C. At 25 degrees C, the hormone accumulated, during 60 min, in endosomes and multivesicular bodies. At 37 degrees C, prolactin was detectable after 15 and 30 min inside the cells and disappeared after 60 min. Transport and exocytosis of secretory proteins were only partly inhibited at 25 degrees C as attested by autoradiography localization and biochemical assays of newly synthesized caseins. However, at 25 degrees C, prolactin was no more able to stimulate casein exocytosis. These results show that intracellular transport of prolactin and secretagogue effect of the hormone does not proceed at 25 degrees C. However, secretory mechanisms of the cell are always able to be stimulated by exogenous arachidonic acid at this temperature. Low temperature appears as a good means to study intracellular transport in the mammary cell.  相似文献   

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