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In this study, we investigated the effect of fish oil on gene expression in the cerebral cortex, and found that 5-aminolevulinate synthase 2 (ALAS2) mRNA expression was up-regulated by fish oil feeding. ALAS2 promoter activity was found to be regulated by retinoic acid. Our results suggest that fish oil modulates neuronal functions via heme synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of age and food restriction on the porphyrin concentration in Harderian glands were studied in male Fisher 344 rats. Harderian gland porphyrin concentrations increased with age; this was statistically significant in 20 month old animals compared with 3 month old animals. Food restriction (by 40%) prevented the age-associated rise in porphyrins; thus, in 20 month old food restricted rats had porphyrin concentrations similar to those found in young animals. In a second experiment, we correlated the age-associated rise in Harderian gland porphyrin concentrations with an increase in mRNA levels for 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALV-S). Both the porphyrin concentration and ALV-S mRNA rose at 12 and 18 months of age, but decreased by 24 months of age. It is concluded that, a) porphyrin biosynthesis in the Harderian glands increases up to 20 months of age but decreases in rats that are 24 months old, and b) food restriction prevents the porphyrin rise associated with age in the Harderian gland of male Fisher 344 rats.  相似文献   

The evolution of 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALS) was studied by acquiring sequence data and generating phylogenetic trees. Gene sequences were already available for a variety of vertebrates (which have both a housekeeping and an erythroid form of the gene), fungi, alpha-proteobacteria, and one protist and one protostome. In order to generate representative trees, ALS sequence data were acquired from various deuterostomes and protostomes. The species and tissues selected for study were beluga whale liver, hagfish blood, sea urchin gonadal tissue, cuttlefish hepatopancreas, horseshoe crab hepatopancreas, and bloodworm blood. The new sequences and those previously published were examined for the presence of heme-regulatory motifs (HRMs) and iron-responsive elements (IREs). The HRMs are present in almost all eukaryotic species, which suggests their fundamental role in the regulation of ALS. The IREs are present in all vertebrate erythroid forms of ALS, which indicates that in those animals, expression of the erythroid form of the enzyme and, hence, hemoglobin production can be influenced by the intracellular content of iron. The new sequences were aligned with previously reported ALS sequences, and phylogenetic analyses were performed. The resulting trees provided evidence regarding the timing of the gene duplication event that led to the two forms of the ALS gene in vertebrates. It appears that the housekeeping and erythroid forms of ALS probably arose before the divergence of hagfish from the deuterostome line leading to the vertebrates. The data also add to the evidence indicating that alpha-proteobacteria are the nearest contemporary relatives of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Different cytochromes P450 are involved in steroid biosynthesis. These cytochromes have heme as the prosthetic group. We previously reported that ACTH, an activator of glucocorticoid biosynthesis in adrenal, requires heme biosynthesis for a maximal response. In the present study, we investigated the effect of ACTH, and the effect of two activators of the adrenal mineralocorticoid synthesis, endothelin-1 and low sodium diet on 5-aminolevulinate-synthase (ALA-s) mRNA. ALA-s is the rate-limiting enzyme in heme biosynthesis. It was found that infusion of rats with ACTH for 1 h caused an increase of adrenal ALA-s mRNA and activity accompanied by an increase in plasma corticosterone. CYP21, a cytochrome involved in the synthesis of both corticosterone and aldosterone, was not modified at the RNA level in adrenal glands by 1 h of ACTH infusion. Consistently, infusion of endothelin-1 for 1 h increased ALA-s mRNA and aldosterone content in adrenal gland without modifying CYP21 mRNA levels. To study if ALA-s is also regulated by the main physiological stimuli that increase adrenal mineralocorticoid secretion, we fed rats with low salt diet for 2 or 15 days. Low salt diet treatment increased adrenal gland ALA-s mRNA levels. On the other hand, the rapid stimulation of ALA-s mRNA by ACTH which acts through cyclic AMP was confirmed in H295R human adrenocortical cells, the only human adrenal cell line that has a steroid secretion pattern and regulation similar to primary cultures of adrenal cells. Our findings suggest that the acute activation of adrenal steroidogenic cytochromes by trophic hormones involves an increase in heme biosynthesis which will favor the production of active cytochromes.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyzes the first, and regulatory, step of the heme biosynthetic pathway in nonplant eukaryotes and some bacteria. 5-Aminolevulinate synthase is a dimeric protein having an ordered kinetic mechanism with glycine binding before succinyl-CoA and with aminolevulinate release after CoA and carbon dioxide. Rapid scanning stopped-flow absorption spectrophotometry in conjunction with multiple turnover chemical quenched-flow kinetic analyses and a newly developed CoA detection method were used to examine the ALAS catalytic reaction and identify the rate-determining step. The reaction of glycine with ALAS follows a three-step kinetic process, ascribed to the formation of the Michaelis complex and the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-glycine aldimine, followed by the abstraction of the glycine pro-R proton from the external aldimine. Significantly, the rate associated with this third step (k(3) = 0.002 s(-1)) is consistent with the rate determined for the ALAS-catalyzed removal of tritium from [2-(3)H(2)]glycine. Succinyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA increased the rate of glycine proton removal approximately 250,000- and 10-fold, respectively, supporting our previous proposal that the physiological substrate, succinyl-CoA, promotes a protein conformational change, which accelerates the conversion of the external aldimine into the initial quinonoid intermediate (Hunter, G. A., and Ferreira, G. C. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 12222-12228). Rapid scanning stopped-flow and quenched-flow kinetic analyses of the ALAS reaction under single turnover conditions lend evidence for two quinonoid reaction intermediates and a model of the ALAS kinetic mechanism in which product release is at least the partially rate-limiting step. Finally, the carbonyl and carboxylate groups of 5-aminolevulinate play a major protein-interacting role by inducing a conformational change in ALAS and, thus, possibly modulating product release.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the tetrapyrrole precursor 5-aminolevulinate (ALA) in plants starts with glutamate and is a tRNA-dependent pathway consisting of three enzymatic steps localized in plastids. In animals and yeast, ALA is formed in a single step from succinyl CoA and glycine by aminolevulinate synthase (ALA-S) in mitochondria. A gene encoding a fusion protein of yeast ALA-S with an amino-terminal transit sequence for the small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase was introduced into the genome of wild-type tobacco and a chlorophyll-deficient transgenic line expressing glutamate 1-semi-aldehyde aminotransferase (GSA-AT) antisense RNA. Expression of ALA-S in the GSA-AT antisense transgenic line provided green-pigmented co-transformants similar to wild-type in chlorophyll content, while transformants derived from wild-type plants did not show phenotypical changes. The capacity to synthesize ALA and chlorophyll was increased in transformed plants, indicating a contribution of ALA-S to the ALA supply for chlorophyll synthesis. ALA-S activity was detected in plastids of the transformants. Preliminary evidence is presented that succinyl CoA, the substrate for ALA-S, can be synthesized and metabolized in plastids. The transgenic plants formed chlorophyll in the presence of gabaculine, an inhibitor of GSA-AT. Steady-state RNA and protein levels and, consequently, the enzyme activity of GSA-AT were reduced in plants expressing ALA-S. In analogy to the light-dependent ALA synthesis attributed to feedback regulation, a mechanism at the level of intermediates or tetrapyrrole end-products is proposed, which co-ordinates the need for heme and chlorophyll precursors and restricts synthesis of ALA by regulating GSA-AT gene expression. The genetically engineered tobacco plants containing the yeast ALA-S activity demonstrate functional complementation of the catalytic activity of the plant ALA-synthesizing pathway and open strategies for producing tolerance against inhibitors of the C5 pathway.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), the first enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway in mammalian cells, is a member of the alpha-oxoamine synthase family of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes. In all structures of the enzymes of the -oxoamine synthase family, a conserved histidine hydrogen bonds with the phenolic oxygen of the PLP cofactor and may be significant for substrate binding, PLP positioning, and maintenance of the pKa of the imine nitrogen. In ALAS, replacing the equivalent histidine, H282, with alanine reduces the catalytic efficiency for glycine 450-fold and decreases the slow phase rate for glycine binding by 85%. The distribution of the absorbing 420 and 330 nm species was altered with an A420/A330 ratio increased from 0.45 to 1.05. This shift in species distribution was mirrored in the cofactor fluorescence and 300-500 nm circular dichroic spectra and likely reflects variation in the tautomer distribution of the holoenzyme. The 300-500 nm circular dichroism spectra of ALAS and H282A diverged in the presence of either glycine or aminolevulinate, indicating that the reorientation of the PLP cofactor upon external aldimine formation is impeded in H282A. Alterations were also observed in the K(Gly)d value and spectroscopic and kinetic properties, while the K(PLP)d increased 9-fold. Altogether, the results imply that H282 coordinates the movement of the pyridine ring with the reorganization of the active site hydrogen bond network and acts as a hydrogen bond donor to the phenolic oxygen to maintain the protonated Schiff base and enhance the electron sink function of the PLP cofactor.  相似文献   

The hemA gene encoding 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) from Agrobacterium radiobacter zju-0121 showed 92.6% homology with that from A. radiobacter ATCC4718 and contained several rare codons. To enhance the expression of this gene, Escherichia coli Rosetta(DE3), which is a rare codon optimizer strain, was used as the host to construct an efficient recombinant strain. And the encoded protein was over-expressed as fusion protein and was purified by affinity purification on Ni-NTA agarose and by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-25 Medium resin. The recombinant protein was partly characterized, and d-glucose, d-fructose, d-xylose, d-mannose, l-arabinose, d-galactose, lactose, sucrose and maltose were detected to have no distinct inhibition on this recombinant ALAS. Meanwhile, 20 mM d-glucose or d-xylose inhibited about 20% activity of ALA dehydratase (ALAD) from Escherichia coli Rosetta(DE3). Combining d-xylose as a new inhibitor for ALAD with d-glucose in fed-batch culture and based on the optimal culture system using Rosetta(DE3)/pET28a-hemA, the yield of ALA achieved was 7.3 g/l (56 mM) under the appropriate conditions in the fermenter.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll(Chl)-c pigments in algae, diatoms and some prokaryotes are characterized by the fully conjugated porphyrin π-system as well as the acrylate residue at the 17-position. The precise structural characterization of Chl-c(3) from the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi was performed. The conformations of the π-conjugated peripheral substituents, the 3-/8-vinyl, 7-methoxycarbonyl and 17-acrylate moieties were evaluated, in a solution, using nuclear Overhauser enhancement correlations and molecular modeling calculations. The rotation of the 17-acrylate residue was considerably restricted, whereas the other three substituents readily rotated at ambient temperature. Moreover, the stereochemistry at the 132-position was determined by combination of chiral high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Compared with the CD spectra of the structurally related, synthetic (132R)- and (132S)-protochlorophyllide(PChlide)-a, naturally occurring Chl-c? had exclusively the (132R)-configuration. To elucidate this natural selection of a single enantiomer, we analyzed the three major Chl-c pigments (Chl-c?, c? and c?) in four phylogenetically distinct classes of Chl-c containing algae, i.e., heterokontophyta, dinophyta, cryptophyta and haptophyta using chiral HPLC. All the photosynthetic organisms contained only the (132R)-enantiomerically pure Chls-c, and lacked the corresponding enantiomeric (132S)-forms. Additionally, Chl-c? was found in all the organisms as the common Chl-c. These results throw a light on the biosynthesis as well as photosynthetic function of Chl-c pigments: Chl-c? is derived from 8-vinyl-PChlide-a by dehydrogenation of the 17-propionate to acrylate residues as generally proposed, and the (132R)-enantiomers of Chls-c function as photosynthetically active, light-harvesting pigments together with the principal Chl-a and carotenoids.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinate synthase (EC is the first enzyme in the heme biosynthesis in nonplant eukaryotes and some prokaryotes. It functions as a homodimer and requires pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as an essential cofactor. Tyr-121 is a conserved residue in all known sequences of 5-aminolevulinate synthases. Further, it corresponds to Tyr-70 of Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase, which has been shown to interact with the cofactor and prevent the dissociation of the cofactor from the enzyme. To test whether Tyr-121 is involved in cofactor binding in murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase, Tyr-121 of murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase was substituted by Phe and His using site-directed mutagenesis. The Y121F mutant retained 36% of the wild-type activity and the Km value for substrate glycine increased 34-fold, while the activity of the Y121H mutant decreased to 5% of the wild-type activity and the Km value for glycine increased fivefold. The pKa1 values in the pH-activity profiles of the wild-type and mutant enzymes were 6.41, 6.54, and 6.65 for wild-type, Y121F, and Y121H, respectively. The UV-visible and CD spectra of Y121F and Y121H mutants were similar to those of the wild-type with the exception of an absorption maximum shift (420 --> 395 nm) for the Y121F mutant in the visible spectrum region, suggesting that the cofactor binds the Y121F mutant enzyme in a more unrestrained manner. Y121F and Y121H mutant enzymes also exhibited lower affinity than the wild-type for the cofactor, reflected in the Kd values for pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (26.5, 6.75, and 1.78 microM for Y121F, Y121H, and the wild-type, respectively). Further, Y121F and Y121H proved less thermostable than the wild type. Taken together, these findings indicate that Tyr-121 plays a critical role in cofactor binding of murine erythroid 5-aminolevulinate synthase.  相似文献   

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