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I L Shklair  S A Ralls 《Microbios》1988,55(222):25-31
The rice rat spontaneously develops periodontal disease, and this process can be accelerated if the animal is placed on a high sucrose diet. As the aetiological agent(s) is unknown, this study was undertaken to determine the micro-organisms associated with bone loss. Animals at weaning were placed on either a high sucrose diet or on regular rat chow and were sampled periodically for a variety of micro-organisms. Bacteroides spp., spirochetes, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans were not isolated from any animals, but fusiform-like organisms and Capnocytophaga spp. were isolated occasionally. An unidentified organism which had characteristics of both A. actinomycetemcomitans and Haemophilus aphrophilus was isolated from all animals at every sampling. Whether this organism is the primary aetiological agent of periodontal disease in the rice rat remains to be determined. Over the 12 week experimental period the animals on the high sucrose diet had significantly more exposed root surface than animals on regular rat chow.  相似文献   

To examine the interactions between age and photoperiod on reproduction and spleen weights, we exposed adult male and female rice rats of various ages to photoperiods of 16:8-h light-dark photoperiods (16L:8D) or 12L:12D. After 10 wk, animals were killed and the following data were recorded: weights of testes, seminal vesicles, uterus, ovaries, body, and spleen and, in addition, vaginal patency. Young adult males displayed a greater degree of testicular and seminal vesicle regression in short photoperiods than did older males; the testes of most older males did not regress in response to short photoperiods. Spleen weight was unresponsive to short photoperiods in all males, but was affected by age. Females, however, exhibited reproductive organ regression and decreased vaginal patency in response to short photoperiods at all ages examined. Body weights were affected by photoperiod in young females, and, as in males, photoperiod had no effect on spleen weights. These data suggest that the reproductive response to photoperiod in adult male rice rats declines with age, whereas in adult females it does not.  相似文献   

Skrjabinoclava kinsellai n. sp. from the stomach of Oryzomys palustris in Florida is most similar to S. thapari Teixeira de Freitas, 1953, but can be distinguished mainly by the structure of the terminal end of the left spicule which curves ventrally to form a shoe-like structure. Also the tail in both sexes ends in a nipple-like elevation not noted in the types of S. thapari.  相似文献   

Rice rats were studied for four years by grid trapping in a tidal marsh on the northern Gulf of Mexico. Preliminary trapping indicated that marshes are preferred over other coastal habitats. Population densities fluctuated from spring lows of about 2/ha to highs of about 25/ha in the autumn and early winter. Reproduction occurred throughout the year, the major season being late spring to late autumn. Recruitment of juveniles was at a maximum from May to September. Males were more abundant than females in population samples, and had a higher mean body weight. This was because weight classes of 40 g and below were slightly skewed in favour of females and weight classes above 40 g heavily favoured males. The survival rate was low, with less than 20% of animals marked remaining on the grids for more than three months. Maximum longevity was 24 months. Results are compared to those of previous studies done on an offshore island and in the Florida everglades.  相似文献   

The pattern of skull growth of the rice rat (Oryzomys palustris natator) over the pre-weaning period of development reveals a characteristic triphasic outline which stems, in part, from the interplay of the external environment and the genetic endowment. Within the triphasic spectrum the neural skull growth exhibits an accelerated rate of growth during the early phases which eventually reverses to a rapid deceleration in the final phase. In contrast, the facial skull growth shows increased growth rate following the decline of the neural group, eventually reaching a slow linear deceleration. Thus the neural components appear to be synchronised to the brain growth while the facial elements gain a new and greater impetus following the neural decline. The general growth of the skull throughout these changes, i.e. triphasic and neural/facial, continues to show a basic slow linear increase.  相似文献   

Body growth using weight and length parameters have been examined following the introduction of the rice rat to laboratory conditions and a history of breeding covering some 15 generations. The pattern of growth shows a characteristic enphasic form which appears to be determined by the interplay of the external environment and the genetic endowment. The external environmental factors include the waxing and waning of the lactational performance of the mother and the intake of solid food, resulting in the first phase being mainly controlled by the maternal environment, the second phase being mainly controlled by a lessening maternal environment + external (solid food) environment + some genetics, the third phase being influenced by external environment + genetic endowment.  相似文献   

A survey of skull development of the rice rat (Oryzomys palustris natator) covering a period of 21 days to 16 months involving equal numbers of males and females (108) was undertaken using various skull parameters. Sexual dimorphism in relation to body weight and length emerged before that of the skull which was only clearly marked by 2 months. A number of the skull parameters by virtue of their individual growth potential did not show sexual differences in size for a long time, whereas others were clearly marked. Once the differences between the sexes had been established they were maintained. One parameter - lenght of cranium - represents those parameters which show changes and it was found that the male rat continued to show a steady linear increase in length up to 16 months, whereas the female cranial length shows a deceleration with termination around 12 months. The skull differences are mirrored in the weight and length findings and it suggested that the earlier sexual maturity of the females is compensated by an earlier cessation of growth compared to the males which mature later and have a correspondingly later cessation.  相似文献   

The spiny rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa, was collected, as adults and embryonated ova from the rice rat, Oryzomys palustris, a cricetid rodent, in Davidson Co., Tennessee. This sucking louse is typically parasitic on domestic rats, which are murid rodents. Because most sucking lice are normally host specific, such cross-familial host infestation is noteworthy.  相似文献   

The roles of photoperiod, melatonin, and the pineal gland in regulating the magnitude of compensatory gonadal hypertrophy (CGH) and other reproductive and non-reproductive organ growth during post-weaning development were examined in the marsh rice rat Oryzomys palustris. Juvenile rice rats of both sexes were left gonadally intact (control group) or unilaterally castrated (ULC) and housed on 12L:12D, 14L:10D, or 16L:8D. Within a photoperiod (14L:10D and 16L:8D, but not 12L:12D), growth of the remaining testis, but not the remaining ovary, as well as several additional organs in both sexes were significantly affected, suggesting that the compensatory hypertrophy of the testis is photoperiod-dependent. There was no effect of testis asymmetry on CGH as ULC of either testis in rice rats housed on 14L:10D resulted in a comparable increase of CGH. Melatonin implants in rice rats maintained on 16L:8D had little to no effect (CGH included) on most parameters examined. Both melatonin implants and pinealectomy (separate experiments) in rice rats transferred to 12L:12D prevented short photoperiod-induced effects on CGH, the growth of the reproductive organs and the Harderian glands. Evening melatonin injections had a significant inhibitory effect on the growth of the remaining testis (no CGH was observed) and all other parameters measured. Lastly, ULC did not alter the percentage of males which successfully mated compared to intact animals. Taken together, these data suggest that photoperiod, melatonin, and the pineal gland can affect and regulate reproductive (e.g., CGH in some cases) and non-reproductive growth during postnatal development in the marsh rice rat.  相似文献   

Enzyme histochemistry of rat mast cell tryptase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fixation and staining conditions for rat mast cell tryptase and its histochemical distribution in different rat tissues were investigated. Prostate, skin, lung, gut, stomach and salivary glands were fixed in either aldehyde or Carnoy fixatives and then frozen or embedded in paraffin wax. Preservation of tryptase enzymic activity against peptide substrates required aldehyde fixation and frozen sectioning. Of the peptide substrates examined, z-Ala-Ala-Lys-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide and z-Gly-Pro-Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide proved the most effective for the demonstration of tryptase. Double staining by enzyme cytochemistry followed by immunological detection of tryptase showed that, in all tryptase-containing mast cells, the enzyme is at least in part active. Conventional dye-binding histochemistry was used to confirm the identity of mast cells. Aldehyde-fixed mucosal mast cells required a much shorter staining time with Toluidine Blue if tissue sections were washed directly in t-butyl alcohol. Double staining by enzyme cytochemistry and dye binding showed that tryptase is absent from mucosal and subepidermal mast cells, which are also smaller in size and appear to contain fewer granules than connective tissue mast cells. This study demonstrates that rat mast cell tryptase, unlike tryptases in other species, is a soluble enzyme. It is stored in an active form and is absent from some mast cell subpopulations in mucosa, skin and lung. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

Stereotaxic septal cannulation in one hemisphere of the rat results in displacement of the ipsilateral basal ganglion along its rostrocaudal axis. In an attempt to elucidate any metabolic changes in the ganglion due to possible alteration in its vascular supply in the displaced position, enzyme histochemical studies were undertaken on the forebrain of septally cannulated rats. A survey of hydrolases (acid and alkaline phosphatases, ATPase, cholinesterase and non-specific esterases), dehydrogenases (succinate and lactate) and diaphorases (NADH- and NADPH- tetrazolium reductases) revealed no difference in activity between the ganglia of the two sides. Cortical activity appeared to be enhanced with a rostral shift of the ganglion and decreased with a caudal shift. In the light of available histoenzymatic data on ischaemic brain damages, the present results rule out the existence of any major metabolic difference between the two basal ganglia. This underlines the extraordinary degree of functional plasticity of subcortical nuclear masses, despite considerable physical displacement.  相似文献   

Summary The reactions given for various oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes by the choroid plexus of the squirrel monkey and the rat brain have been studied in detail. The lining cells show strong activity for citric acid cycle and glycolytic pathways enzymes. The stroma shows strong activity for adenosine triphosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, adenosine monophosphatase and glucose-6-phosphatase. The peripheral part or luminal borders of the cytoplasm of the choroidal cells show strong activity for alkaline phosphatase, adenosine monophosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase, and a well developed thiamine pyrophosphatase positive Golgi complex, indicating their participation in the formation and transport of secretory material. The nucleoli of the lining cells give a positive reaction for glucose-6-phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase. Acid phosphatase like the thiamine pyrophosphatase positive Golgi material is found all over the cytoplasm. The functional significance of these findings is briefly discussed.This work has been carried out with the aid of Grant No. FR-00165 from the Animal Resources Branch, National Institutes of Health and NASA Grant NGR-11-001-016. T. R. Shanthaveerappa in previous publications.  相似文献   

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