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耕地的利用效率是保障我国社会经济持续稳定发展的重要前提。为深入了解珠三角地区耕地资源的利用情况, 采用基于数据包络分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)的Malmquist生产率指数对2001—2016年间耕地的全要素生产率进行测度。结果发现, 珠三角各县(区)耕地的生产效率整体达有效且趋于不断改善状态。其中金湾区、顺德区、德庆县、江海区和白云区的技术进步、技术效率均呈现同步增长, 耕地的生产效率处于最优水平。番禺区、东莞市、惠阳区等县(区)耕地的生产效率为负增长, 技术进步增幅较小和技术效率下降是导致耕地生产效率下降的主要原因。建议这3个县(区)在遏制耕地面积持续减少的前提下, 通过继续推进科技创新、提高土壤质量和优化资源配置等来改善这一状况。  相似文献   

乡镇耕地整理对耕地景观破碎度的影响研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
耕地整理是社会经济发展到一定阶段,对耕地利用由粗放型向集约型转变的客观要求,是当前和今后相当长时期我国土地整理的主要内容.全国各地尤其是经济发达地区的耕地整理工作开展迅速,但由于目前我国耕地整理尚处于初级阶段,大多数地区耕地整理的主要目标和基本动力仍是增加耕地数量,实践中往往偏重耕地整理的经济效益,而耕地景观保护则未引起足够重视.本文以桐乡市3个乡镇为研究对象,以土地生产率、土地利用率和投资能力作为评价因素,采用综合评分法对耕地整理强度进行分级;在ARCINFO 和ERDAS地理信息系统软件支持下,运用景观破碎度指数、斑块数量、斑块密度等分析了耕地整理对耕地景观破碎度的影响及景观破碎度和整理强度的相互关系.结果表明,耕地整理使得耕地景观破碎度升高,耕地被分割、破碎的程度加剧;随着整理强度的增加,耕地景观破碎化程度相应增加.因此,在开展耕地整理时,必须遵循可持续发展的基本原理,注重耕地景观保护,朝着生态环境保育型土地整理方向发展.  相似文献   

东北地区耕地利用碳排放核算及驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,耕地资源开发利用的广度和深度不断扩展,耕地的生产效率和生产规模逐步提高。与此同时,耕地管理活动中由农用品投入、能源消耗等产生的碳排放量也飞速增长。本研究以东北地区耕地利用碳排放为研究对象,采用生命周期法构建碳排放核算框架体系;基于东北地区1979—2015年碳排放量的估算结果,采用对数平均迪氏指数模型构建影响农业碳排放的驱动因素体系,深入探讨东北地区耕地碳排放的影响机制。结果表明: 与1979年相比,2015年耕地利用碳排放总量增长了21.9%,碳排放强度则降低了1.54 t·hm-2。土壤管理和农用品投入碳排放是耕地利用碳排放的主要排放源,占排放总量的83.6%。土地生产率、科技资金配置率的提高,会增加耕地利用碳排放;投入产出比、人均耕地面积、科技投入强度降低,则会减少耕地利用碳排放。  相似文献   

一、临猗县农业生产条件特点及存在问题临猗县位于山西西南部,是晋南盆地中的一个大县。全县面积1356km~2,耕地1.0×10~5ha,水浇地5.27×10~4ha,占耕地的52.7%,人均占有耕地0.227ha。地势平坦,土地肥沃,农业生产条件较好。年降水量为500mm 左右,最高年份曾达到849.8mm,其中5—10月份的降雨量为450mm 左右,同期≥10℃的活动积温在  相似文献   

指出人口繁衍过快、耕地和粮食播种的面积减少、粮食生产投入偏低、耕地土壤退化、耕地被污染、旱洪灾害频繁,是人地矛盾和人粮矛盾的原因。而控制人口增长、限制非农占地、确保粮食播种面积、增加粮食生产投入和改善粮食生产条件,则是解决广东人、地矛盾和人粮矛盾的对策  相似文献   

谈草原开垦   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近二十余年来,我国由于人口迅速增长,对粮食的需求量日益增大,为解决这个突出问题,在农业内部,曾压缩其它经济作物,单一追求增加粮食生产,致使粮食种植面积占总耕地的比例加大。与此同时,还不断采用多种途径扩大耕地面积,如开垦荒地、围海造田、围湖造田等等。其结果既使农业内部结构受到破  相似文献   

高标准基本农田建设对耕地生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
唐秀美  潘瑜春  程晋南  任艳敏 《生态学报》2015,35(24):8009-8015
耕地不仅有粮食生产功能,更具备重要的生态功能。高标准基本农田建设是保障国家粮食安全的重要战略举措,可以提升耕地质量、增强耕地抗灾能力和耕地生态系统服务能力。以北京市为例,在确定不同等级耕地生态系统服务价值的基础上,通过预测法计算高标准基本农田建设能提升的耕地等级,在此基础上测算耕地生态系统服务价值的提升程度,以此定量化高标准基本农田建设对耕地生态系统服务价值的影响。研究发现,通过高标准基本农田建设,北京市耕地等级可以平均提高2.28个利用等,耕地生态系统服务价值由原来的48.83×10~8元提升到52.22×10~8元,说明高标准基本农田建设在提高区域生产能力的同时,也能明显的提高区域生态水平。研究为定量化测算高标准基本农田建设造成的生态系统服务价值变化提供了思路。  相似文献   

甘肃临泽绿洲景观的空间结构与生产特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
绿洲景观生态系统包括居民点,耕地,林地,草地,水域,岩漠,砾漠,沙漠,道路,水系10种景观组分;基质为耕地,成因类型为引入型;斑块包括居民点,林地,草地,水域,岩漠,砾漠,沙漠7种类型,成因类型可以分为3类;居民点,林地,耕地为引入型,岩漠,砾漠,沙漠为残留型,草地为环境淘汰型及残留型;廓道包括水系和道路2种类型,道路的廓道密度为水系的1.03倍,耕地以植物生产为主,在利用上应增加生产层次,发展动物生产,避免扩大面积,以维持景观生态系统的景观异质性和景观多样性,对于具有环境资源型和残留型成因特征的景观要素,适当减少生产层次,开发前植物生产,发挥水土涵养,旅游休闲,防风固沙的生态功能,有利于景观异质性与多样性的维持与稳定,对于以残留型为主的成因类型,利用上应发掘前植物生产的潜力,适当发展植物生产,可以避免景观结构的恶化。  相似文献   

为了充分地利用耕地土壤肥力的优势,发挥耕地土壤肥力的潜能,增加粮食生产能力,实现我县农业生产的可持续发展。本文重点阐述我县耕地土壤肥力演变机理。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2013,37(4):799-802
能源短缺和原油价格上涨是全球关注的问题之一, 生物柴油作为一种优质的替代液体燃料越来越受到重视。以油料作物、废食用油和动物脂肪为原料生产生物柴油已远远不能满足需求。相比而言, 产油微藻具有光合效率高、生物量大、油含量高、生长速率快、不受季节的限制及不占用耕地等优势15, 被认为是制备生物柴油燃料的更有潜力的原料。由于目前微藻生物柴油生产成本过高, 尚未获得商业化生产。    相似文献   

The toxicity of misonidazole, an electron affinic radiosensitizer, is greatly reduced by TAN, a free radical radiosensitizer. The production of single-strand breaks in DNA of mammalian cells incubated in dilute suspension with misonidazole (15 mM) under hypoxic conditions is greatly decreased by the presence of TAN (10 mM). The survival of such cells is also greatly enhanced if TAN is present at a concentration of 10mM even less. The implications and possible mechanisms of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for intensifying histochemical reactions by amplification of biotinylated sites. This is achieved by deposition of biotinylated tyramine on the tissue through the enzymatic action of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The amplified biotin sites are subsequently visualized by binding them to avidin, to which a marker is attached. This amplification greatly increases the sensitivity of staining procedures that employ HRP (and/or biotin) in tissue. For neuroanatomical pathway tracing methods, the procedure greatly increases the detectability of the injected tracer. For lectin histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, the amplification requires that the lectin or primary antibody be greatly diluted. This dilution results in less background staining and yet strong signals are produced even when very dilute reagents are used. Alternatively, the amplification permits much shorter incubations in primary antibodies when dilutions are used that would ordinarily be used with conventional bridge techniques. The procedure is also useful for amplifying very weak signals, such as those of immunoreactions in glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue. The amplification procedure, together with the availability of avidin probes labeled with fluorochromes, colloidal gold, or enzyme systems other than HRP, provides a means of greatly increasing the versatility of a variety of histochemical reactions, including those for detecting in situ hybridization probes, in addition to increasing the sensitivity of the reactions.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis is being used increasingly for microsatellite genotyping. Here, we report that laboratory temperature greatly affects the estimated allele size, with 5 °C changing the estimated allele size by up to 0.7 bp. With accurate room temperature control, this variation would be relatively unimportant but unfortunately, a questionnaire shows that daily and seasonal laboratory temperature differences are often substantial. One solution is to use a set of reference genotypes, which also greatly assists comparisons between different platforms.  相似文献   

Phenethyl alcohol (PEA) caused Escherichia coli to take up greatly increased amounts of acriflavine, a compound to which healthy growing cells are impermeable. PEA also caused an increased rate of efflux (leakage) of cellular potassium under conditions which do not greatly alter the influx of potassium via the energy-dependent potassium pump. We therefore propose that the primary effect of PEA is a limited breakdown of the cell membrane. The inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and other cellular functions would then be secondary consequences of the alteration in the membrane structure.  相似文献   

Isolation of the intercellular glycoproteins of desmosomes   总被引:45,自引:31,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
To characterize the desmosome components that mediate intercellular adhesion and cytoskeletal-plasma membrane attachment, we prepared whole desmosomes and isolated desmosomal intercellular regions (desmosomal "cores") from the living cell layers of bovine muzzle epidermis. The tissue was disrupted in a nonionic detergent at low pH, sonicated, and the insoluble residue fractionated by differential centrifugation and metrizamide gradient centrifugation. Transmission electron microscopic analyses reveal that a fraction obtained after differential centrifugation is greatly enriched in whole desmosomes that possess intracellular plaques. Metrizamide gradient centrifugation removes most of the plaque material, leaving the intercellular components and the adjoining plasma membranes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis coupled with methods that reveal carbohydrate-containing moieties on gels demonstrate that certain proteins present in whole desmosomes are glycosylated. These glycoproteins are specifically and greatly enriched in the desmosome cores of which they are the principal protein constituents, and thus may function as the intercellular adhesive of the desmosome.  相似文献   

Surface-to-volume (S/V) ratios of drought-adapted plants affect transpiration, photosynthesis, and water-storage capacity. The S/V ratio of cladodes and flat leaves is S/V = 2/T, where T is thickness: even slight thickening greatly reduces S/V. During rain/drought cycles succulent stems swell and shrink without tearing by having flexible ribs, but ribs increase S/V above that of a smooth cylindrical stem with equal volume: the increased surface area is S(ribbed)/S(cylindrical) = N[x + (π/N)]/π(1 + x), where N is number of ribs and x is rib height relative to the radius of the inner stem. Numerous low ribs provide moderate expandability (storage volume) with little increase in S/V and are adaptive where droughts are short. Tall ribs provide greater expandability but greatly increase S/V and probably are adaptive only in mesic habitats. Having ~8-15 ribs, each about as tall as the inner stem radius, provides large storage capacity and intermediate increase in S/V. By increasing absolute size, S/V is reduced so greatly that even large ribs can have an S/V smaller than that of a narrow cylindrical or spherical stem with less volume.  相似文献   

An enzyme, which hydrolyzes 3′,5′-cyclic AMP to 3′-AMP and 5′-AMP, has been isolated from dormant tubers of Jerusalem artichoke and purified 850 × with a recovery of 15% of total activity. The partially purified enzyme differs greatly from both animal and bacterial phosphodiesterases in terms of pH optimum, substrate specificity, cation dependence and sensitivity to methylxanthines. The plant hormones are without effect, whereas ATP, 5′-AMP, 3′-AMP, inorganic phosphate and pyrophophosphate are inhibitors. The enzyme seems to be greatly inhibited in vivo by inorganic phosphate during dormancy.  相似文献   

The HapMap Project is providing a great deal of new information on high-resolution haplotype structure in various human populations. This information has the potential to greatly increase the power of association mapping for a fixed amount of genotyping. A number of methods have been proposed for the identification of haplotype blocks, common haplotypes, and tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Here, we build on this work by developing novel methods for case-control multipoint linkage-disequilibrium (LD) mapping that gain power and speed by making explicit use of the inferred block structure. Specifically, we developed a virtual-variant approach that uses the haplotype-block information to greatly increase power for detection of untyped common variants associated with a trait. Because full multipoint LD mapping can be slow, we exploited the haplotype-block information to develop a fast single-block multipoint mapping method. Our methods are appropriate for genotype data and take into account the uncertainty in phase. We describe the methods in the context of case-parents trios, although they are also applicable to unrelated cases and controls. Our simulations indicate that the most important gains from taking into account the haplotype-block structure at the analysis stage of multipoint LD mapping come from (1) greatly increased power to detect association with untyped variants and (2) greatly improved localization of untyped variants associated with the trait. More-modest gains are obtained in improving power to detect association with a variant that is typed with a moderate amount of missing data. The methods are applied to a Crohn disease data set.  相似文献   

1. Dependence of the fron olfactory bulbar responses on NaCl concentration greatly varied from odorant to odorant. The responses to odorants such as 1-carvone and isoamyl acetate were essentially unchanged by removal of NaCl, while those to odorant such as citral and beta-ionone were greatly decreased by removal of NaCl. 2. The NaCl requirement for the responses to certain odorants was greatly decreased by an increase in pH or temperature of the stimulating solution. 3. It was concluded that changes in ion permeability at the apical membranes of olfactory cells including olfactory ciliary membranes are not involved in generation of the in vivo olfactory responses to certain odorants.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the effect of a large influx of holidaymakers on a medical unit in Cornwall. Increasing numbers of visitors are coming to Cornwall and, unless adequate resources are allocated for their efficient medical care, the medical facilities available to the residents will suffer greatly.  相似文献   

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