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Ruminants respond to underfeeding by a progressive adaptation until a new equilibrium between dietary supply and requirements is reached. The resulting drop in maintenance energy requirements originates from a decrease in basal metabolism that depends on the level and duration of undernutrition. These modifications are not totally accounted for by changes in live weight but might be explained by differential changes in individual tissue weight and metabolism. Tissues contribute to whole animal expenditure in a disproportionate manner relative to their weight. Thus digestive tract, liver and muscle masses contribute 5-11, 1-2.5 and 35-50% to live weight but about 16-29, 17-31 and about 16% to whole animal energy expenditure, respectively, because of differences in tissue metabolic activity. Underfeeding results in a decrease in the contribution of viscera to energy expenditure, whereas results on muscle mass are scarce. These changes in contribution are due to changes in tissue mass, nutrient supply (blood flow) and/or in metabolic activity.  相似文献   

To test for a diurnal difference in the vasoconstrictor control of the cutaneous circulation, we performed whole body skin cooling (water-perfused suits) at 0600 (AM) and 1600 (PM). After whole body skin temperature (T(sk)) was controlled at 35 degrees C for 10 min, it was progressively lowered to 32 degrees C over 18-20 min. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was monitored by laser-Doppler flowmetry at three control sites and at a site that had been pretreated with bretylium by iontophoresis to block noradrenergic vasoconstriction. After whole body skin cooling, maximal cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was measured by locally warming the sites of SkBF measurement to 42 degrees C for 30 min. Before whole body skin cooling, sublingual temperature (T(or)) in the PM was significantly higher than that in the AM (P < 0.05), but CVC, expressed as a percentage of maximal CVC (%CVC(max)), was not statistically different between AM and PM. During whole body skin cooling, %CVC(max) levels at bretylium-treated sites in AM or PM were not significantly reduced from baseline. In the PM, %CVC(max) at control sites fell significantly at T(sk) of 34.3 +/- 0.01 degrees C and lower (P < 0.05). In contrast, in the AM %CVC(max) at control sites was not significantly reduced from baseline until T(sk) reached 32.3 +/- 0.01 degrees C and lower (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the decrease in %CVC(max) in the PM was significantly greater than that in AM at T(sk) of 33.3 +/- 0.01 degrees C and lower (P < 0.05). Integrative analysis of the CVC response with respect to both T(or) and T(sk) showed that the cutaneous vasoconstrictor response was shifted to higher internal temperatures in the PM. These findings suggest that during whole body skin cooling the reflex control of the cutaneous vasoconstrictor system is shifted to a higher internal temperature in the PM. Furthermore, the slope of the relationship between CVC and T(sk) is steeper in the PM compared with that in the AM.  相似文献   

Massive coral bleaching events result in extensive coral loss throughout the world. These events are mainly caused by seawater warming, but are exacerbated by the subsequent decrease in nutrient availability in surface waters. It has therefore been shown that nitrogen, phosphorus or iron limitation contribute to the underlying conditions by which thermal stress induces coral bleaching. Generally, information on the trophic ecology of trace elements (micronutrients) in corals, and on how they modulate the coral response to thermal stress is lacking. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that heterotrophic feeding (i.e. the capture of zooplankton prey by the coral host) and thermal stress induce significant changes in micro element concentrations and isotopic signatures of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata. The results obtained first reveal that coral symbionts are the major sink for the heterotrophically acquired micronutrients and accumulate manganese, magnesium and iron from the food. These metals are involved in photosynthesis and antioxidant protection. In addition, we show that fed corals can maintain high micronutrient concentrations in the host tissue during thermal stress and do not bleach, whereas unfed corals experience a significant decrease in copper, zinc, boron, calcium and magnesium in the host tissue and bleach. In addition, the significant increase in δ65Cu and δ66Zn signature of symbionts and host tissue at high temperature suggests that these isotopic compositions are good proxy for stress in corals. Overall, present findings highlight a new way in which coral heterotrophy and micronutrient availability contribute to coral resistance to global warming and bleaching.  相似文献   

The electron microscopic study of the material demonstrates that after injection of staphylococcal toxin in combination with high temperature, in the bone marrow cells of the animals certain ultrastructural changes are observed already from the first day of the experiment and they progressively increase. Especially essential changes are observed in the cells of erythroid and granulocytic sprouts. In elements of lymphoid and megakaryocytic sprouts morphological changes are manifested to a less degree. Sometimes in vacuoles irregular formations of high electron density are localized.  相似文献   

Morphologic analysis of the changes in the internal organs after i.v. injection of 20 micrograms per mice of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) revealed the development of signs of multiorgan failure (interstitial and intraalveolar edema in the lung, acute fatty liver, tubular necrosis in kidney, brain edema) during first 24 h. The microvascular endothelial cells played a particular role in the state development. Results of investigation proved that endothelial cells were one of the major cellular targets for TNF action in vivo.  相似文献   

Parasite survival in hosts mainly depends on the capacity to circumvent the host immune response. Acanthocephalan infections in gammarids are linked with decreased activity of the prophenoloxidase (ProPO) system, suggesting an active immunosuppression process. Nevertheless, experimental evidence for this hypothesis is lacking: whether these parasites affect several immune pathways is unknown and the consequences of such immune change have not been investigated. In particular, the consequences for other pathogens are not known; neither are the links with other parasite-induced manipulations of the host. Firstly, using experimental infections of Pomphorhynchus laevis we confirmed that the lower immune activity in parasitised Gammarus pulex is induced by the parasite infection. Second, using natural infections of three different parasites, P. laevis, Pomphorhynchus tereticollis and Polymorphus minutus, we showed that acanthocephalan infection was associated with reduction of the activity of the ProPO system and the haemocyte concentration (two major parameters of crustacean immunity) suggesting that immune depression is a phenomenon affecting several immunological activities. This was confirmed by the fact that acanthocephalan infection (whatever the parasite species) was linked to a lower efficiency to eliminate a bacterial infection. The result suggests a cost of parasite immune depression. Finally, acanthocephalans are also known to induce behavioural alterations in the intermediate host which favour their transmission to definitive hosts. We did not find any correlation between behavioural and immunological alterations in both experimentally and naturally-infected gammarids. Overall, this study suggests that whilst immune depression might be beneficial to acanthocephalan survival within the intermediate gammarid host, it might also be costly if it increases host mortality to additional infections before transmission of the parasite.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the potential protective effect of melatonin against whole body ionizing radiation (800 cGy). Changes in 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) levels, an index of DNA damage, and alterations in membrane fluidity (the inverse of membrane rigidity) and lipid peroxidation in microsomal membranes, as indices of damage to lipid and protein molecules in membranes, were estimated. Measurements were made in rat liver, 12 h after their exposure to radiation. To test the potential protective effects of melatonin, the indole was injected (i.p. 50 mg/kg b.w.) at 120, 90, 60 and 30 min prior to radiation exposure. Both 8-OH-dG levels and microsomal membrane rigidity increased significantly 12 h after radiation exposure. Melatonin completely counteracted the effects of ionizing radiation. Changes in 8-OH-dG levels and membrane fluidity are early sensitive parameters of DNA and microsomal membrane damage, respectively, induced by ionizing radiation and our findings document the protective effects of melatonin against ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Three pharmacological agents, (disulfiram, imipramine and reserpine) influencing the brain monoamine transmitters have been studied to explain the mechanism involved in the motor circadian rhythm. The new results corroborate our previous ones : the norepinephrine transmitter responsible for the paradoxical sleep is unable to explain the depressed metabolic phase of the circadian rhythm; the negative results obtained with disulfiram and imipramine corroborate the previous results with nialamide. On the contrary, the agents which reduce the serotonine transmitter mechanisms (p-chlorophenylalanine) decrease the difference between active and sleep phases by their action involved in the non-activated sleep. Reserpine, supposed to reduce both transmitter mechanisms (serotonine and norepinephrine) shows a p-chlorophenylalanine-like effect, perhaps more strong. It thus appears that the non-activated sleep is responsible for the two essential sleep functions : the restitution function and the depressed phase of the circadian rhythm.  相似文献   



Plants have two related immune systems to defend themselves against pathogen attack. Initially, pattern-triggered immunity is activated upon recognition of microbe-associated molecular patterns by pattern recognition receptors. Pathogenic bacteria deliver effector proteins into the plant cell that interfere with this immune response and promote disease. However, some plants express resistance proteins that detect the presence of specific effectors leading to a robust defense response referred to as effector-triggered immunity. The interaction of tomato with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato is an established model system for understanding the molecular basis of these plant immune responses.


We apply high-throughput RNA sequencing to this pathosystem to identify genes whose expression changes specifically during pattern-triggered or effector-triggered immunity. We then develop reporter genes for each of these responses that will enable characterization of the host response to the large collection of P. s. pv. tomato strains that express different combinations of effectors. Virus-induced gene silencing of 30 of the effector-triggered immunity-specific genes identifies Epk1 which encodes a predicted protein kinase from a family previously unknown to be involved in immunity. Knocked-down expression of Epk1 compromises effector-triggered immunity triggered by three bacterial effectors but not by effectors from non-bacterial pathogens. Epistasis experiments indicate that Epk1 acts upstream of effector-triggered immunity-associated MAP kinase signaling.


Using RNA-seq technology we identify genes involved in specific immune responses. A functional genomics screen led to the discovery of Epk1, a novel predicted protein kinase required for plant defense activation upon recognition of three different bacterial effectors.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0492-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) exhibit both pro-survival and pro-death signaling in leukemic cells. We examined the effect of exogenous H2O2 on Fas ligand (FasL) -induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells. H2O2 applied prior to (pre-conditioning) and during (post-conditioning) FasL stimulation attenuated early apoptosis through activation of EKR5. H2O2 increased the activated caspase-8 sequestered in the mitochondria thereby decreasing cell death through the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. In addition, inhibition of a protein tyrosine phosphatase likely explains the post-conditioning requirement for H2O2. Given that chemotherapeutic agents used for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are thought to work partly through production of ROS, a simultaneous inhibition of the ERK5 pathway may abrogate the ROS-initiated pro-survival signaling for an enhanced cell kill.  相似文献   

2,2'-p-Phenylene bis[6-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)]benzimidazole, 2,2'-bis(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-6,6'-bis benzimidazole, and 2,2'-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6,6'-bis benzimidazole are shown by UV-visible and fluorescence spectrophotometry to be strong ligands for tRNA, giving simple, hyperbolic binding isotherms with apparent dissociation constants in the micromolar range. Hydroxyl radical footprinting indicates that they may bind in the D and T loops. On the basis of this tRNA recognition as a rationale, they were tested as inhibitors of the processing of precursor tRNAs by the RNA subunit of Escherichia coli RNase P (M1 RNA). Preliminary studies show that inhibition of the processing of Drosophila tRNA precursor molecules by phosphodiester bond cleavage, releasing the extraneous 5'-portion of RNA and the mature tRNA molecule, was dependent on both the structure of the inhibitor and the structure of the particular tRNA precursor substrate for tRNA(Ala), tRNA(Val), and tRNA(His). In more detailed followup using the tRNA(His) precursor as the substrate, experiments to determine the concentration dependence of the reaction showed that inhibition took time to reach its maximum extent. I(50) values (concentrations for 50% inhibition) were between 5.3 and 20.8 microM, making these compounds among the strongest known inhibitors of this ribozyme, and the first inhibitors of it not based on natural products. These compounds effect their inhibition by binding to the substrate of the enzyme reaction, making them examples of an unusual class of enzyme inhibitors. They provide novel, small-molecule, inhibitor frameworks for this endoribonuclease ribozyme.  相似文献   

Radiation induced changes in testicular activity were studied by estimating sialic acid content in plasma and testis and 17-ketosteroids in 24 hr urine samples of male Sprague Dawley rats following 8 Gy whole body gamma ray exposure with and without pretreatment with 2-aminoethylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET) or with a combination of 5-hydroxy L-tryptophan (5-HTP) and AET. Combination of 5-HTP with AET or AET alone in optimum radioprotecting dose has significantly modified the radiation damage to the testis.  相似文献   


Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as hyaluronan and chondroitin in animal extracellular matrices contain disaccharide-repeating units. In a Gram-negative pathogenic Streptobacillus moniliformis, which belongs to Fusobacteria phylum and resides in rodent oral cavities, the solute-binding protein (Smon0123)-dependent ATP-binding cassette transporter imports unsaturated hyaluronan/chondroitin disaccharides into the cytoplasm after GAG lyase-dependent depolymerization. Here we show substrate recognition of unsaturated hyaluronan disaccharide by Smon0123. Moreover, Smon0123 exhibited no affinity for unsaturated chondroitin disaccharides containing three sulfate groups, distinct from non-sulfated, mono-sulfated, and di-sulfated chondroitin disaccharides previously identified as substrates. Crystal structure of Smon0123 with unsaturated hyaluronan disaccharide demonstrates that several residues, including Trp284 and Glu410, are crucial for binding to unsaturated hyaluronan/chondroitin disaccharides, whereas arrangements of water molecules at binding sites are found to be substrate dependent through comparison with substrate-bound structures determined previously. These residues are well conserved in Smon0123-like proteins of fusobacteria, and probably facilitate the fusobacterial residence in hyaluronan-rich oral cavities.  相似文献   

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