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Forage availability can affect body condition and reproduction in wildlife. We used terrestrial and aquatic vegetation sampling, stable isotope analysis, and livetrapping to investigate the influence of estimated forage biomass on diet, body condition, and reproduction in American beavers (Castor canadensis) in the Namakan Reservoir, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, USA, May 2008–September 2009. Available terrestrial and emergent aquatic forage varied greatly among territories, but floating leaf aquatic forage was low in abundance in all territories. Variation in estimated biomass of available emergent and terrestrial vegetation did not explain variation in respective assimilated diets, but variation in floating leaf vegetation explained 31% of variation in assimilated floating leaf diets. No models using available vegetation explained variation in body condition. Body condition of individual females in spring did not affect kit catch per unit effort, and overwinter body condition of subadults and adults was similar between territories with and without kits. We found no evidence that available aquatic vegetation affected beaver body condition or fitness. Available forage may be above minimum thresholds to detect differences in diet choice or body condition. Other factors such as water level fluctuations or climatic variables may also explain variation in beaver body condition.  相似文献   

The present study examined the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona in a population of beavers (Castor canadensis) from Massachusetts. Sixty-two blood samples were collected during the field seasons over 3 consecutive years from different animals. Blood was collected onto filter paper and shipped to the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, for parasite testing. The samples were tested at dilutions of 1:25, 1:50, and 1:100 against each parasite antigen by modified agglutination tests to determine whether antibodies to either parasite were present in the blood. Six of 62 samples (10%) were positive for T. gondii, with 2 samples having titers of 1:25 and 4 having titers of 1:50. Four of 62 samples (6%) were positive for S. neurona, with 2 samples having titers of 1:25 and 2 having titers of 1:50.  相似文献   

Some predictions of Orians & Pearson's (1979) models for central place foragers (CPF) were tested with three species of swellows (Hirundinidae). House martins (Delichon urbica) and sand martins (Riparia riparia) brought larger food loads to the nest mainly when foraging distances were great, whereas swallows (Hirundo rustica) gathered large loads when food was plentiful. For all three species the outcome conformed qualitatively with the predictions of the CPF models. Overall, house martins were the most sensitive to travel time effects, but in a quantitative test the predicted load size was 20–40% less than the observed size for a range of realistic travel times. Additional models are presented which emphasize the significance of foraging techniques and foraging costs for optimal load size in multiple prey loaders.  相似文献   

Nitrogen budget of a subarctic stream altered by beaver (Castor canadensis)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Beaver (Castor canadensis) influence stream ecosystems through their wood cutting and dam building activities. To quantify this influence we have used measured rates of nitrogen dynamics to construct a nitrogen budget for a section of a second order stream in eastern Québec and a beaver dam in that stream. The budget demonstrates the importance of sediment accumulations and an expanded wetted area to the annual nitrogen economy and to pathways of nitrogen cycling. Major changes after impoundment (per unit area) include a reduction in allochthonous nitrogen and an increase in nitrogen fixation by sediment microbes. Overall, the beaver-modified section accumulated 103 times more nitrogen than before alteration. The ecosystem implications of beaver activity suggest that current concepts of patterns and processes in running waters require modification.Research support by NSF grant DEB 81-05677 and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. this is Contribution No. 5565 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and No. 88 from the Institution's Matamek Research Station  相似文献   

A computer model of the searching activity of Cataglyphis bicolor (Fab.), based on quantitative data obtained in the field in Greece, was investigated. This ant searches for individual items of food (mainly dead arthropods) in the open on flat ground, on which its paths can be followed and mapped. The model was based on an analogy with molecular diffusion from a centre, suggested by the fact that the average distance of ants from the nest increased in proportion to the square root of time, up to a distance more than half the radius of a circle enclosing 90% of the search area. Actual behaviour was well described by a model in which individual ants went out for the first time to search in a direction determined at random. Subsequently they went out in a straight line in a direction and to a distance related to that of the previous find before commencing a semi-random search, on a path consisting of straight portions branching at random angles, with restriction on turns in a backward direction. Individual real ants search in restricted areas, commonly sectors centred on the nest. This behaviour was reproduced in the model as were quantitative aspects of the nest behaviour. Communication between individuals was not required in the model.  相似文献   

Summary Beaver (Castor canadensis) affect the benthic invertebrate community of small woodland streams in Quebec through habitat modifications. Their activities influence community structure through the replacement of lotic taxa by lentic forms and community function by increasing the absolute importance of collectors and predators while decreasing the relative importance of shredders and scrapers in impounded sites. At our study site during the 1983 ice-free season, standing stocks of coarse particulate organic matter (>1 mm) were 2–5 times greater (P<0.05) in impounded sites than riffle sites in spring and summer. Fine (212 m–1 mm) and very fine (0.5 m–212 m) particulate organic matter were 3–10 times greater (P<0.05) in impounded sites in all seasons. Chlorophyll a standing stocks did not differ statistically among sites. Total density and biomass of invertebrates in impoundments were 2–5 times greater (P<0.05) than riffle sites in spring and summer, but statistically similar in autumn. Generic diversity (H) was greater (P<0.05) in unaltered sites in autumn. Non-impounded sites were dominated by Simuliidae, Tanytarsini chironomids, scraping mayflies and net spinning caddisflies while impounded sites were characterized by Tanypodinae and Chironomini chironomids, predacious odonates, Tubificidae, and filtering pelycopods. Our results suggest that current paradigms applied to lotic ecosystems need to be reevaluated to incorporate the influence of beaver upon invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized 10 microsatellite loci in the beaver (Castor canadensis). Sixty individuals from southern and central Illinois were screened at each locus. All loci exhibited moderate levels of polymorphism, ranging from five to 13 alleles per locus with average heterozygosity ranging from 0.317 to 0.867. Locus Cca5 deviated significantly from HWE (P < 0.001). The locus pair Cca4/Cca5 was shown to be in linkage disequilibrium in southern Illinois, but not in the central Illinois population. The remaining eight loci will be useful in investigations of mating and kinship patterns in beaver populations in Illinois.  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrate how beavers influence waterfowl habitat availability, ultimately improving waterfowl breeding success; however, no current research links beavers to early season nesting activities of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) in northern climates. We examined how beavers facilitate early access to open water for geese at Miquelon Lake Provincial Park (MLPP), Canada. We surveyed 32 active and 39 inactive beaver ponds to examine whether beavers facilitate early access to open water. Open water occurred 10.7 days earlier at active beaver ponds (mean ice-off day = 87.54, s = 13.88) than inactive ponds (mean ice-off day = 98.19, s = 9.07), especially adjacent to main lodge entrances and winter food caches. Snowpack was on average 5.9 cm shallower at active ponds. Prior to availability of open water, Canada geese exhibited intraspecific territoriality over beaver lodges as nest sites and once water was present, preferred island lodges over bank lodges. These findings support other studies that examined island nesting as protection from terrestrial predators and highlight the importance of beavers in creating open water areas earlier in the season.  相似文献   

Species Distribution Models (SDMs) may provide important information for the follow-up phase of reintroduction operations by identifying the main areas most likely to be colonized by the reintroduced species. We used SDMs to identify the potential distribution of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) reintroduced to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004–2006 after being historically driven to extinction by overhunting. Models were also used to carry out a gap analysis to assess the degree of protection granted by the national reserve networks to the potentially expanding population. Distances from hydrographic network, broadleaved forest, main watercourses and farmland were the main factors influencing model performance. We estimated that suitable habitat covers 14.0% (31,000 km2) of the whole study area. In Serbia, in 2004–2013 beavers expanded their range at a mean colonization speed of 70.9 ± 12.8 km/year (mean ± SD). Only 2.89% of and 9.72% of beaver’s suitable habitat lie within the national network of protected areas of Bosnia and Serbia respectively. We detected new potential areas where beavers will likely settle in the near future, advising on where further monitoring should be carried out. We also identified low suitability areas to be targeted with appropriate management to improve their conditions as well as important regions falling outside reserve boundaries to which protection should be granted.  相似文献   

Beavers Castor spp. are generalist herbivores, feeding on the bark, shoots and leaves of woody plants, terrestrial herbs and forbs, ferns and aquatic vegetation. As central-place foragers, beavers move out from water to select and cut trees and vegetation, and then transport it back to their refuge. These terrestrial forays are energetically costly; therefore, beavers should concentrate their foraging activity near the central place and increase the degree of selectivity for specific sizes or species of food with increasing distance from the water. The aim of this study was to test the predictions of the central place and the optimal foraging theories for the food selection of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber , and show the foraging preferences of the focal species in the boreal conifer forest zone of Europe. Foraging intensity by beavers and the abundance of woody species were surveyed in transects positioned randomly at seven beaver territories. In compliance with the central-place foraging theory, the foraging intensity declined with increasing distance from the river. Beavers fed preferentially on willows ( Salix ), rowan ( Sorbus ) and birches ( Betula ), although alders ( Alnus ) dominated their diet. Size selectivity showed similar patterns to previous North American studies, which were also carried out in habitats with predominantly small saplings. The probability of selection of small saplings dropped as distance increased, which is consistent with the predictions of optimal foraging models that larger prey items are more likely to be favoured with increasing provisioning distance.  相似文献   

European beavers (Castor fiber) from two regions were examined to identify exposure to persistent environmental contaminants. A reference group was comprised of six animals from the Forest Division of Srokowo, and an exposed group was comprised of five animals from the vicinity of a former military airport operated in 1918–1986—both from Warmia land in Poland. 137Cs in beavers' muscles was considered negligible for the overall condition and reproduction of the animals. Elevated levels of Cd and Pb occurred in the kidneys and liver of beavers from a former military airport area. dl-PCBs were found in the liver of all specimens, and pCB no. 118 was a dominant compound. Beavers as animals living both in water and land habitats can be good bioindicators of heavy metal environmental pollution caused by human activity. Despite the significant contamination of former military sites in northeastern Poland, the beaver population shows an upward trend, reflecting the excellent adaptation of this species to a changing environment.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen and phosphorus flow in litterfall and throughfall were studied in two California Quercus species (the evergreen Q. agrifolia and deciduous Q. lobata) before, during, and after an outbreak of the California oak moth, Phryganidia californica. All of the foliage of both oak species was removed by the herbivore during the course of this outbreak. During the outbreak, total N and P flow to the ground more than doubled from Q. agrifolia and increased to a lesser extent from Q. lobata over the previous year. The composition of the litter during the outbreak year shifted so that in Q. agrifolia, almost 70% of the total N and P flow to the ground moved through frass and insect remains, while in Q. lobata, approximately 60% of the N and 40% of the P moved through frass and insect remains. Short-term leaching experiments showed that nitrogen was far more rapidly lost from Phryganidia frass than from leaf litter of either species. These results and the relative frequency of Phryganidia outbreaks suggest that this herbivore has significant effects on the nutrient cycling beneath these trees.  相似文献   

Central place foraging by larvae of the charaxine butterfly,Polyura pyrrhus, was studied. Larvae made foraging trips from the silken pads they constructed on leaflets of their foodplant,Acacia sp. A foraging trip sometimes involved complete depletion of a single patch of foodplant pinnules. Larvae which did not deplete a patch appeared to eat until they were satiated, whereas larvae which depleted a patch either visited another patch (multiple-patch foraging) or returned directly to the pad (single-patch foraging). If the food intake at the first patch was small a larva tended to make a “multiple-patch” decision, especially when the pinnule-patch was distant from the resting pad. The duration between successive foraging trips (resting time on the pad) was much longer than the round trip duration: on average about 3 h and 15 min, respectively. The resting time is suggested to be a handling time (i.e., digesting food in the gut) and was disproportional to the amount of food consumed, i.e., the handling efficiency was higher when the larva consumed a larger amount of food. This may be the reason why larvae usually ate until they were satiated. A food-intake-rate maximizing model was constructed to describe the decision rule as to whether a larva should make a single-patch or a multiple-patch foraging trip. One of the model's predictions (i.e., larvae should engage in multiple-patch foraging when the food intake at the first patch is small) qualitatively corresponds with data, however, the model does not explain the effect of travelling time on decision making in larvae. Several other factors which may influence the decision making of larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spatially-explicit modeling of fish growth rate potential is a relatively new approach that uses physical and biological properties of aquatic habitats to map spatial patterns of fish growth rate potential. Recent applications of spatially-explicit models have used an arbitrary spatial scale and have assumed a fixed foraging efficiency. We evaluated the effects of spatial scale, predator foraging efficiency (combined probabilities of prey recognition, attack, capture, and ingestion), and predator spatial distribution on estimates of mean growth rate potential of chinook salmon,Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. We used actual data on prey densities and water temperatures taken from Lake Ontario during the summer, as well as, simulated data assuming binomial distribution of prey. Results show that a predator can compensate for low foraging efficiency by inhabiting the most profitable environments (regions of high growth rate potential). Differences exist in predictions of growth rate potential across spatial scales of observation and a single scale may not be adequate for interpreting model results across seasons. Continued refinements of this modeling approach must focus on the assumptions of stationary distributions of predator and prey populations and predator foraging tactics.  相似文献   

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