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长蛇鲻(Saurida elongate)为温水性近海底栖鱼类,是目前海州湾的优势鱼种之一,在海州湾食物网中占据重要地位。本研究基于海州湾底拖网调查采集的样品,结合胃含物分析和碳、氮稳定同位素技术,分析了长蛇鲻的摄食习性。结果表明: 海州湾长蛇鲻摄食的主要饵料生物为戴氏赤虾、枪乌贼、长丝虾虎鱼、鳀、六丝钝尾虾虎鱼、细条天竺鲷、尖海龙和绯鱼衔。其δ13C值范围在-19.39‰~-16.23‰之间,平均值为(-18.01±0.85)‰,与体长无显著相关性;δ15N值范围在9.56‰~13.36‰之间,平均值为(11.77±0.86)‰,与体长呈显著正相关。长蛇鲻不同体长组的饵料生物贡献度差异较大,随着体长增加,其捕食能力增强、摄食器官逐渐完善、摄食饵料生物的比例发生变化,可能是导致其摄食习性随体长变化的主要原因。本研究有助于深入了解海州湾长蛇鲻的摄食生态,为海州湾食物网营养动力学研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

渤海南部牙鲆的食性及摄食的季节性变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1051尾渤海南部牙鲆的胃含物分析表明,渤海南部牙鲆为捕食性(游泳生物食性)鱼类,其食物成分有30余种,以底栖虾类中的口虾蛄、鲜明鼓虾、日本鼓虾、脊尾褐虾,软体动物的日本枪乌贼及鱼类中的斑(鱼祭)、鳀鱼、黄鲫、六丝矛尾虾虎鱼及焦氏舌鳎等动物为主要食物。牙鲆除冬季外,其余时间均强烈摄食,而且其摄食的季节性变化明显:春季以鱼类(重量占80.9%)及甲壳类(18.6%)为主要食物;夏季以鱼类(83.5%)及软体动物类(13.1%)为主要食物;秋季主要摄食鱼类(87.9%);冬季则主要摄食鱼类(73.2%)及甲壳类(19.7%)。  相似文献   

东海和黄海主要鱼类的食物竞争   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
张波  唐启升  金显仕  薛莹 《动物学报》2005,51(4):616-623
以2000年和2001年在东、黄海两次大面调查所收集的、占总生物量90%的重要生物种类中的鱼类为研究对象,通过分析胃含物获得各饵料成分的重量百分比,用Pianka(1973)提出的公式计算的饵料重叠系数分析了东、黄海主要鱼类之间的食物竞争状况,以了解食物竞争与种群变动和优势种交替之间的相互关系。结果表明:黄海主要鱼类的食物竞争对象主要为太平洋磷虾、脊腹褐虾和,东海主要鱼类的食物竞争对象主要为太平洋磷虾、细条天竺鱼、发光鲷、、七星底灯鱼和带鱼。东、黄海鱼类通过摄食种类、摄食食物大小、摄食时间和栖息地的分化来减少食物竞争,从而维持群落结构的动态平衡。渔业资源群落结构的变化将导致食物竞争状况发生改变;鱼类食物竞争状况也会影响种群动态,但要确定食物竞争程度还需进一步深入研究  相似文献   

洞庭湖光泽黄颡鱼食性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2004年4月至2005年2月在洞庭湖逐月采集到的胃含物样品,对光泽黄颡鱼摄食习性进行了研究。结果表明,光泽黄颡鱼全年摄食,在繁殖期摄食强度下降。共鉴定17类饵料生物,食物多样性指数春季最高,冬季最低。水生昆虫幼虫和甲壳类为其主要食物,二者在食物中所占重量百分比为90.6%。摄食的水生昆虫主要为蜉蝣目稚虫(数量百分比:24.2%;重量百分比:41.1%)、双翅目幼虫(数量百分比:58.4%;重量百分比:7.5%)和蜻蜓目稚虫(数量百分比:3.2%;重量百分比:22.8%)。光泽黄颡鱼的食物组成在季节上存在明显差异。从数量百分比看,春季和冬季均以双翅目(秋季64.6%;85.0%)为主,夏季以双翅目(28.2%)和蜻蜓目(22.3%)为主,秋季以蜉蝣目(45.7%)为主;从重量百分比看,春季以双翅目(53.0%)为主,夏季以蜻蜓目(55.7%)为主,秋季和冬季以蜉蝣目(秋季53.7%;冬季76.6%)为主。分析表明,光泽黄颡鱼食物组成的季节差异与食物资源的季节动态紧密相关。    相似文献   

东海带鱼和小型鱼类空间异质性及其空间关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2001年秋季东海区121个调查站位的调查资料,以变异函数为工具,分析带鱼和7种小型鱼类(黄鲫、棘头梅童鱼、鳄齿鱼、六丝钝尾虎鱼、发光鲷、七星底灯鱼和细条天竺鲷)的空间异质性及其空间关系.结果表明,带鱼的变异函数曲线与细条天竺鲷、六丝钝尾虎鱼和发光鲷的曲线极为相似,对不同距离的变异函数值进行相关分析,带鱼与上述3种小型鱼类均达到极显著相关水平(P<0.01).黄鲫和棘头梅童鱼的变异函数表现出纯金块效应,而其它几种鱼都可拟合为球状或指数模型,并且都具有较强的空间自相关特性,其中细条天竺鲷、六丝钝尾虎鱼和发光鲷的变程也都接近或超过带鱼265km的变程,带鱼与这3种小型鱼类之间具有较强的空间追随关系,因此它们是带鱼的主要摄食对象.  相似文献   

黄海中部高眼鲽的摄食及随体长的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张波 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1849-1854
对2004年1月-2005年10月在黄海中部采集的622尾高眼鲽样品的胃含物进行分析.结果表明:高眼鲽摄食的食物种类包括11类38种,其中甲壳类和瓣鳃类为优势饵料类群,共占食物相对重要性指数百分比的99%;食物中的优势饵料种类为太平洋磷虾、脊腹褐虾和樱蛤.与20世纪80年代相比,黄海高眼鲽的摄食强度下降,食物组成发生了较大的变化;鱼类不再是优势饵料类群,鳀鱼在食物中所占的比例明显下降.通过聚类分析和列联表检验等方法对高眼鲽摄食随体长的变化进行研究,结果表明:体长在51~370 mm范围内的高眼鲽的摄食强度没有显著的体长变化,但不同体长组摄食的食物种类有一定差异.<119 mm的主要以磷虾类和底层虾类为食;体长在120~199 mm的除以磷虾类和底层虾类为主要食物外,还摄食相当比例的瓣鳃类和鱼类;>200 mm的则主要摄食底层虾类和鱼类,磷虾类所占比例减小.  相似文献   

长江口两种重要石首鱼类的摄食习性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张波  金显仕  戴芳群 《动物学报》2008,54(2):209-217
通过对2006年夏、秋季在长江口及其毗邻海域采集的575尾白姑鱼(Argyrosomus argentatus)和1089尾小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)胃含物样品的分析,利用多元统计分析方法,研究了它们的摄食习性以及随栖息地、季节和体长的变化规律。结果表明:该水域的白姑鱼是底栖动物食性,小黄鱼是混合动物食性,甲壳类在它们食物中均占83%以上的比例,2种石首鱼类的食物重叠系数为0.55。由于摄食的优势饵料种类的差异,使这2种石首鱼类之间不存在严重的食物竞争。与20世纪80年代的研究结果相比,两种石首鱼类所摄食的鱼类的比例均有所下降。结果还表明:白姑鱼的摄食习性较为稳定,受栖息环境、季节以及体长变化的影响较小;而小黄鱼随栖息环境、季节以及体长的变化较大,且109mm是其发生食性转换的一个关键的临界体长。  相似文献   

胶州湾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的摄食生态特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据2011年2-11月在胶州湾海域进行的4个季节的底拖网调查,共收集624尾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼样品进行胃含物分析,对其摄食生态进行了初步研究.结果表明:六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料种类有40余种,其中优势饵料生物有日本鼓虾、经氏壳蛞蝓和细螯虾等.其食物组成存在明显的季节变化,除在4个季节均大量摄食虾类外,春季主要摄食腹足类,夏季主要以鱼类为食,秋季主要摄食虾类,冬季摄食桡足类和端足类等小型甲壳生物的比例较高,这主要与胶州湾饵料生物种类和数量的季节性变化有关.随着体长的增长,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料生物由小型的桡足类逐渐转变为个体较大的经氏壳蛞蝓、绒毛细足蟹和日本鼓虾等,食物组成呈现出明显的体长变化.典范对应分析(CCA)表明,水温和盐度是影响六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的主要因素,其次是体长和pH.  相似文献   

长江口盐沼植被生境内斑尾刺虾虎鱼食性特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶锦玉  张衡  张瑛瑛  靳少非 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6217-6227
根据2015年5月至2016年4月在长江口东滩盐沼湿地水域采集的斑尾刺虾虎鱼样本数据,分析了该生境斑尾刺虾虎鱼的生物学和食性特征。结果表明:共采集到斑尾刺虾虎鱼186尾,其中6—8月采集的数量较高,而其他月份较低。约96%个体为幼体(平均体长109 mm),平均摄食等级为1.5。斑尾刺虾虎鱼主要摄食虾类(IRI(%)=69.05)、鱼类(IRI(%)=17.31)、蟹类(IRI(%)=11.51)和双壳类(IRI(%)=0.95)等11大类41小类饵料生物;虾类作为最重要的饵料类别,其生物量、数量和出现频次百分比均排列第一,以安氏白虾(Exopalaemon annandalei)、日本沼虾Macrobrachium nipponense)、长额刺糠虾(Acanthomysis longirostris)等虾类为主要饵料。鱼类饵料中,以大鳍弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus)、大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus valenciennes)等虾虎鱼科鱼类为主要饵料。各月平均饱满指数P(%)波动较大,6—11月呈逐渐增加趋势。随着体长的增加,饵料组成中鱼类的比例呈逐渐增高趋势,成体个体的饵料中鱼类的生物量比例达65%以上,虾类的比例则下降明显。6—8月斑尾刺虾虎鱼白天样本中鱼类饵料的重量百分比显著高于夜晚(P0.01),约是夜晚的8倍;但虾类则是夜晚显著高于白天(P0.01),约是白天的2倍,而蟹类饵料的昼夜差异不显著。从等级聚类(即组平均法)的分类方法可知,斑尾刺虾虎鱼各体长组食物组成在10%相似性水平上可分为3类,即41—60、61—180 mm和181—200 mm。从营养生态位宽度来看,41—60 mm体长组生态位宽度值为0.86,而61—120 mm体长组随着体长的增大而增大,但121—160 mm体长组生态位有所降低。盐沼生境丰富的饵料环境为斑尾刺虾虎鱼提供了良好的摄食场所,同时盐沼植被茂密的植株也可为幼体提供躲避捕食者的最佳庇护所,初步证明盐沼对于斑尾刺虾虎鱼具有重要的生境价值。  相似文献   

帆张网渔业是黄海南部重要的渔业捕捞方式之一.本文根据2006-2009年春季黄海南部帆张网的渔获数据,利用广义线性模型(GLM)和广义加性模型(GAM)定量研究了年份、位置、水深和海水表层温度(SST)对小黄鱼和黄鮟鱇渔获量分布的影响.结果表明:GAM模型较GLM模型可以更好地解释小黄鱼和黄鮟鱇单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)时空分布与环境因子之间的关系.小黄鱼和黄鮟鱇CPUE呈显著负相关,小黄鱼CPUE呈现由北向南沿纬度方向逐渐减小的趋势,尤其在长江口周围较小;黄鮟鱇CPUE在长江口附近也较小.SST对小黄鱼和黄鮟鱇CPUE的影响显著,小黄鱼和黄鮟鱇适宜表温范围分别为9~11℃和9~14℃.  相似文献   

Fishes are generally believed to differ in their ability to alter (modulate) their feeding behaviour in response to different prey. We investigated modulation quantitatively in four species of sunfishes (Centrarchidae) by evaluating the variation in 11 electromyographic variables measured from recordings of electrical activity in head muscles during feeding on three prey types. The experimental design used allowed us to partition variation between species, among individuals within species, among prey types, and among feedings. Duration of activity of the sternohyoideus muscle was the only variable significantly different among the four species. All variables showed significant differences among individuals within species. The overall range of activity of each muscle activity variable was about the same for all four sunfishes. However, three species showed a significant ability to modulate most muscle variables while a fourth did not change its feeding response with respect to prey type. The results indicate that: (1) intraspecific variation is an important source of variability in functional attributes that should be accounted for in comparisons between species; (2) the ability of some species to modulate appears to be independent of the potential variability in muscle activity possessed by each species; (3) closely related species can differ considerably in their ability to alter muscle electrical activity patterns during feeding; and (4) a quantitative assessment of variation in electromyographic patterns is a powerful approach for asking questions about differences in feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Within the catfish family Clariidae, species exist with different degrees of jaw adductor hypertrophy. This jaw adductor hypertrophy has been related to bite performance, in turn suggesting a link to dietary specialization. Thus, an increase in the degree of hypertrophy will likely be reflected in an increase in the amount of hard prey in the diet. In the present study, we examine the ontogenetic scaling of cranial structure and diet in a species of catfish with a moderate degree of jaw adductor hypertrophy, Clariallabes longicauda . Additionally, we investigate whether the observed changes in the morphology of the feeding system during growth are linked to changes in diet. The fish examined demonstrate a strong positively allometric growth of the jaw adductors, of head height and of maximal head width, suggesting that larger fish can feed on larger and harder prey. Dietary data confirm these hypotheses and reveal an increase in maximal prey size consumed, the proportion of large prey in the diet, and average prey hardness during ontogeny. Moreover, the observed changes in the proportion of large prey consumed and prey hardness are correlated with an increase in lower jaw width and maximal head width, respectively. An increase in the amount of evasive prey in the diet with fish size is correlated with an increase in hyoid length. In summary, not only size dependent, but also size-independent variation of the feeding system was associated with ontogenetic changes in diet in C. longicauda .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 323–334.  相似文献   

嘉陵江不同江段蛇鮈的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年和2016年的10—11月,在嘉陵江上游(广元)、中游(蓬安)、下游(合川)采集210尾蛇鮈Saurogobio dabryi,采用传统镜检法对其食性进行研究。结果表明:嘉陵江蛇鮈属于杂食性鱼类,饵料生物包括5大类(79小类);聚类分析表明,出现率(F%)、数量百分比(N%)和相对重要性指数(IRI%)在衡量食物对嘉陵江蛇鮈的重要性方面表现一致,但基于质量百分比(W%)的食物重要性结果与前三者之间的差异有统计学意义。4种指数显示,上游和中游江段蛇鮈均以动物性饵料为主,为偏肉食性的杂食性鱼类,下游江段蛇鮈以藻类为主,为偏植食性的杂食性鱼类。选用W%对其食性进行不同江段之间比较,聚类分析表明中游与上游和下游存在显著差异(d> 0. 3); Schoener重叠指数比较显示,不同江段蛇鮈摄食的饵料生物存在空间差异(Cxy<0. 60)。研究认为蛇鮈的食性具有较强的地域性和可塑性,可能是对不同江段水生生态环境适应的结果。  相似文献   

The introduction of Eulemur fulvus in 1975 into the Berenty Reserve and their recent attainment of population densities comparable to those of Lemur catta led us to analyze food partitioning among the 3 large prosimian species in the gallery forest. We assessed the diets of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) and sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi) from food intake measurements during 3 successive short-term studies. All species exhibited marked seasonal changes in their major food categories. Dietary overlap was very high between ring-tailed lemurs and brown lemurs during 2 of 3 seasons, including the middle of the dry season. During the latter period, Eulemur appeared to compensate for a low quality diet by increasing the amount of food eaten. In contrast, Lemur fed on lower amounts of food and seemed more efficient at coping with fibrous plant materials. There is low dietary overlap of Lemur catta and Eulemur fulvus versus Propithecus, which exhibit by far the highest dietary diversity of the 3 species. We discuss sustainable coexistence among them, based on respective dietary adaptations and potential for dietary flexibility.  相似文献   

Wave-exposure influences the form of many organisms. Curiously, the impact of flow extremes on feeding structures has received little attention. Barnacles extend feather-like legs to feed, and prior work revealed a highly precise association between leg length and water velocity in one species. To assess the generality of this flow-dependence, we quantified variation in four leg traits (ramus length, ramus diameter, seta length, and intersetal spacing) in four intertidal barnacles (Balanus glandula, Chthamalus dalli, Semibalanus cariosus, Pollicipes polymerus) over a wave-exposure gradient in the North-Eastern Pacific. All species exhibited a negative allometric relation between leg length and body mass. Proportionally longer feeding legs may permit smaller barnacles to avoid lower flow and particle flux associated with boundary layers. Although coefficients of allometry did not vary with wave-exposure, form differences among wave-exposures were substantial. Depending on the species, acorn barnacles of the same size from protected shores had feeding legs that were 37-80% longer and 18-25% thinner, and setae that were 36-50% longer and up to 25% more closely spaced, than those from exposed shores. Differences were less pronounced for the gooseneck barnacle, P. polymerus. Moreover, in situ water velocity explained an impressive percentage of overall leg-length variation: 92% in B. glandula, 67% in C. dalli, 91% in S. cariosus, and 92% in P. polymerus. Clearly, both size and shape of barnacle feeding legs respond to local flow conditions. This response appears widespread--across two orders of thoracican barnacles, Pedunculata and Sessilia, and two superfamilies of acorn barnacles (Balanoidea and Chthamaloidea)--and likely adaptive. Longer rami and setae would yield a larger feeding area in low flow, whereas shorter, stouter rami with shorter setae would be less vulnerable to damage in high flow. Finally, the proportionally most variable species was abundant in the widest range of habitats, suggesting that increased plasticity may permit a wider niche breadth.  相似文献   

Juvenile (0+ year) perch Perca fluviatilis , held in tanks (1 m3) for 8 months under constant temperature (17° C) and light (12L : 12D) conditions, were weighed monthly. Individually marked fish from the tanks were placed in aquaria in groups of four and tested for feeding success, assessed as individual share of a group meal in three identical short‐term aquarium experiments separated in time (January, May and June). The groups consisted of the same individuals in each of the three experiments. In tanks, growth (thermal growth coefficient, G T) was used as a measurement of feeding success. Individual G T in tanks was consistent over time, and individual share of a group meal in aquaria was consistent between consecutive months. There was no connection between individual feeding success in aquaria and G T in tanks in May and June, and in January the factors were negatively correlated. The condition factor at the start of aquarium experiments and feeding success in aquaria were negatively correlated in June and tended to be so also in May. Boldness in aquaria was negatively correlated with growth in tanks. Thus, individuals that were successful in one environment seemed to be less successful in the other. There was a seasonal change in G T, with an increase from March to April and from April to June despite constant day length and temperature.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are ecologically flexible omnivores with broad diets comprising many plant and animal foods, although they mostly eat fruit (including figs). Like other ecologically flexible nonhuman primates (e.g., baboons, Papio spp.) with broad diets, their diets vary across habitats. Much data on diets come from short studies that may not capture the range of variation, however, and data are scant on variation within habitats and populations. We present data on diet composition and diversity for chimpanzees at Ngogo, in Kibale National Park, Uganda, collected over a 15-year period, with a focus on the plant components of the diet. We compare Ngogo data to those on chimpanzees at the nearby Kibale site of Kanyawara, on other chimpanzee populations, and on some other frugivorous-omnivorous primates. Results support the argument that chimpanzees are ripe fruit specialists: Ngogo chimpanzees ate a broad, mostly fruit-based diet, feeding time devoted to fruit varied positively with fruit availability, and diet diversity varied inversely with fruit availability. Comparison of Ngogo and Kanyawara shows much similarity, but also pronounced within-population dietary variation. Chimpanzees fed much more on leaves, and much less on pith and stems, at Ngogo. Figs accounted for somewhat less feeding time at Ngogo, but those of Ficus mucuso were quantitatively the most important food. This species is essentially absent at Kanayawara; its abundance and high productivity at Ngogo, along with much higher abundance of several other important food species, help explain why chimpanzee community size and population density are over three times higher at Ngogo. High inter-annual variation at Ngogo highlights the value of long-term data for documenting the extent of ecological variation among chimpanzee populations and understanding how such variation might affect population biology and social dynamics.  相似文献   

Observations were made on a well-habituated natural troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui), living in warm-temperate, lowland forest in Yakushima. Between mid-May and the end of June the macaques feed on the fruit of the evergreen tree Myrica rubra (Myricaceae). The fruit of this species are abundant in some years and scarce in others. Data were compared for two heavy-fruiting years (1988 and 1990) and one poor-fruiting year (1991) to examine the influence of fruit availability on patterns of foraging, ranging, and the frequency of inter-troop encounters. In both heavy-fruiting years M. rubra fruit accounted for a maximum of over 70% of foraging time, compared with a maximum of <5% in the poor-fruiting year. Heavy fruiting was also associated with a marked decrease in the overall time spent foraging. In early May of all three years troop movements were largely confined to northern parts of the home range. By early June of both heavy-fruiting years ranging had shifted to the south-west, and included an area with a high concentration of M. rubra trees. This area was rarely visited at other times, and was not visited during the study period in the poor-fruiting year. The overlap in range-use between the two heavy-fruiting years was significantly greater than that between the heavy-fruiting years and the poor-fruiting year. Heavy fruiting was also associated with an increase in the frequency of inter-troop encounters. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis derived from principal components analysis (PCA), and which allows the investigation on diet composition data, is introduced. To illustrate the method, prey composition data of stomach contents of brown trout Salmo trutta L. collected in a regulated stream were used. The diet composition, foraging strategies and related patterns of fish diet variation were analysed at a macrohabitat scale (i.e. riffles and glides) by way of biplots. These graphical presentations were consistent with PCA on proportions.  相似文献   

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