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徐州市爬行动物市场贸易的初步调查   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
近几年 ,野生动物贸易日渐繁荣 ,甚至一些物种通过边境贸易出入国门。爬行动物不仅已是其中较为常见的贸易对象 ,而且需求量在不断增长。徐州地区自然分布的爬行动物种类很少 ,而本地各类市场里爬行动物及其产品的交易却较为火红。为了配合搞好野生动物保护并提供参考资料 ,我们从 1 994年起 ,对徐州市区和铜山新区内的花鸟市场、部分农贸市场及部分宾馆饭店进行了一些调查 ,现将调查及鉴定结果[1~ 7]报道如下。1 调查方法先后对 3处花鸟市场、6处农贸市场及 2 1家宾馆饭店进行明查暗访 ,了解掌握所交易的爬行动物种类、数量、来源及价格…  相似文献   

九寨沟自然保护区的两栖爬行动物调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用编目法调查了九寨沟自然保护区的两栖爬行动物多样性概况,共有10种,隶3目8科,区系组成以横断山区特有种为主(60%)。根据两栖爬行动物的分布格局,确定九寨沟的两栖爬行动物重点保护区域和生境为:①低海拔的树正沟,主要保护动物为中华蟾蜍、华西蟾蜍、高原林蛙等两栖动物,重点保护生境为树正群海和翡翠河道;②高海拔的则查洼沟,主要保护动物为北方山溪鲵和西藏齿突蟾,重点保护生境为长海;③扎如沟,主要保护各种爬行动物,重点保护生境为河道两侧的灌丛。  相似文献   

为了解两栖爬行动物物种组成、区系结构和保护状况等情况,利用样带法和样方法于2018年7和8月对邢台西部太行山区两栖爬行动物资源现状进行了调查,共记录两栖爬行动物2纲2目8科12属18种,其中两栖动物5种,爬行动物13种。该区域两栖爬行动物存在种类和数量相对贫乏,区域优势种明显,分布海拔较高等特点。区系组成以古北种为主。本次记录的18种两栖爬行动物中,河北省重点保护动物8种,"中国脊椎动物红色名录"收录濒危级(EN)1种,易危级(VU)3种,该区域两栖爬行动物具有一定的保护价值。  相似文献   

海南岛爬行动物的八个月调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵尔宓 《四川动物》2005,24(3):323-329
1964年3至11月,作者受原四川医学院院长、已故刘承钊学部委员(院士)的派遣,率领一个小组到海南岛进行为期八个月的两栖爬行动物调查.当时海南岛隶属广东省,设海南行政公署管辖,该署卫生处派工作人员萧汉绮同志全程陪同调查.按照分工,调查结果的两栖动物部分已由刘承钊、胡淑琴等发表于<动物学报>1973年19卷4期; 爬行动物部分则仅先后发表了2个新种和1个中国新纪录种(<动物学报>1975年21卷4期)和另1个新种(Asiatic Herpetological Research, 1997年第7卷).该次采集共得爬行动物标本1909号,计76种,分隶56属16科2目.本文报道该次采集的爬行动物,其中大部分物种的部分标本在野外曾进行长度和体重的测量,文中一并加以报道.目前发表此文,谨以之奉献给组织和领导此次调查的刘承钊院士和胡淑琴教授,和自始至终参加八个月调查工作的王宜生先生,他们均已先后逝世.  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区两栖爬行动物的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卧龙自然保护区(以下简称卧龙)是以保护大熊猫、珙桐等珍稀动植物及其生态系统的重点保护区。1980年列入国际生物圈保护区。自第三纪以来,因受喜马拉雅山及周围地区强烈抬升的巨大影响,形成相对高差达5000米的复杂自然环境,为各类动物的生存繁衍提供了多种条件,对物种的分化发展、分布有强烈影响。但因受冰川期的影响较小,保存了一些古老的动植物。故对两栖爬行动物的研究,有一定的理论和实践意义。本文报告1976—1986年进行标本采集和观察的结果。自然概况卧龙位于东经102°52′—103°24′,北纬30°45′—31°25′。东西长60公里,南北宽63…  相似文献   

湖北房县野人谷自然保护区两栖爬行动物多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年7~8月,对湖北省房县野人谷自然保护区两栖动物和爬行动物进行专项调查.分别记录到两栖动物25种,隶属2目8科;爬行动物34种,隶属3目9科.对它们的物种组成、地理区系特点和保护等级进行了研究,并对保护区的两栖爬行动物资源提出保护建议  相似文献   

广西底定自然保护区两栖爬行动物物种多样性调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广西底定自然保护区地处南亚热带湿润气候区,两栖爬行动物物种多样性相当丰富。经实地调查及文献资料查阅,现已知两栖动物22种、爬行动物23种。两栖动物反映华中华南区系特征,优势科为角蟾科和蛙科,均有6种;爬行动物反映华南区系特征,优势科为游蛇科,有11种。就该保护区内两栖爬行动物多样性的保护与管理进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

广西六万大山爬行动物调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2002年6月至2008年11月对广西六万林场的爬行动物进行了调查研究,发现该地有爬行动物41种,隶属于3目12科34属.其中优势种4种,常见种11种,稀有种26种.区系成分以华南区、华中-华南区的成分占优势,兼有古北-东洋界(广布种)成分.物种组成与广西其他地区和广东肇庆七星岩地区有一定的相似性.  相似文献   

湖北星斗山国家级自然保护区两栖爬行动物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年6~9月对湖北星斗山国家级自然保护区的两栖、爬行动物资源进行了调查,结合文献资料,该保护区现已知有两栖、爬行动物80种,其中两栖动物38种,隶属2目9科22属;爬行动物42种,隶属2目11科31属.国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物大鲵Andrias davidianus、虎纹蛙Hoplobatrachus rugulosus 2种;湖北省重点保护动物35种,占湖北省重点保护两栖爬行动物的75%.被列入<中国濒危动物红皮书>的两栖、爬行动物有21种(极危物种1种,濒危物种6种,易危物种11种,依赖保护物种1种,需予关注物种2种).对两栖爬行动物的种类组成和区系进行了分析,并提出了保护措施.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of Mexico as importer, manufacturer, producer and distributor centre of reptile skins from non-native and native species, through a combination of documentary research and survey methods. A number of key findings were derived from this study. Although Mexico has adopted the “System for the Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use of Wildlife” (SUMA), the country still relies on reptile skins from non-native species. In contrast, the smaller numbers of skins used from native species mainly derive from captive breeding schemes that although biologically sustainable, provide no incentive for habitat conservation. Sustainable use of reptile skins from native species could positively encourage conservation in Mexico. However, as a megadiverse country with potential to produce wildlife, Mexico will have to implement an appropriate regulatory framework to support local communities to promote the sustainable use of native species.  相似文献   

爬行动物温度依赖性性别决定研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
综述了近年来爬行类温度依赖性性别决定的最新进展。回顾了爬行类TSD的特点,并从性激素方面和分子水平上探讨了TSD的可能机制。  相似文献   

为了掌握近年来广州市场龟鳖贸易状况及变化趋势,本研究对中国龟鳖贸易需求大、非法贸易严重的广州地区进行了10年的市场调研,结合2010至2019年广州地区查处龟鳖非法贸易案件的物证鉴定信息进行了统计分析。结果显示,2010年8月至2011年7月的专项调查记录到市场出售的龟鳖74种,其中,野生龟鳖41种,野生龟鳖个体市场占比2.01%,养殖龟鳖33种,个体市场占比97.99%,非法贸易龟鳖40种,个体市场占比3.74%;专项调查之后的8年内的不定期抽查记录到市场出售的龟鳖45种,其中,野生龟鳖18种,野生龟鳖个体市场占比1.13%,养殖龟鳖27种,个体市场占比98.87%,非法贸易龟鳖21种,个体市场占比2.29%;10年的物证鉴定案件信息统计显示,广州市场非法贸易龟鳖19种,共638只个体,其中17种龟鳖在市场调查有记录,包括养殖龟鳖7种,野生龟鳖12种,野生个体339只,占个体总数53.13%。自2010年以来,广州市场龟鳖贸易的种类及规模均呈下降趋势,龟鳖种类减少明显;宠物市场记录数据分析,养殖来源的龟鳖种类及数量市场占比上升,非法贸易龟鳖种类及数量市场占比下降,野生龟鳖种类及数量市...  相似文献   

3种爬行动物消化道嗜银细胞的分布密度和形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2013年12月中旬昆明出现严重的霜冻天气,导致植物大面积受害,造成了巨大的损失。若了解各类植物对极端低温危害的抵抗力,可为科学合理地预防和降低霜冻等冻害天气对园林植物的危害提供一定参考。作者抽样调查了昆明植物园90科225种植物的受害情况.并对受害程度与植物系统分类、形态特征和产地分布等方面的关系进行统计分析。结果表明蕨类植物抗冻性较差,裸子植物抗冻性较强,不同科的被子植物抗冻性差异较大:多年生草本比一年生草本抗冻性差,常绿木本植物比落叶木本植物抗冻性更强;本地物种比引进物种抗冻性较强。根据调查结果,对已有园林植物的保护和新的园林绿化建设提出了一定的建议。即根据不同植物的抗冻性强弱,一方面要对园林植物给予积极有效的保护和采取预防霜冻危害的措施,另一方面要结合环境条件和植物特征选择适宜种植的物种。  相似文献   

High frost, a common natural disaster, means heavy damage to plants with temperature dropped below 0℃. In mid December 2013, Kunming suffered from severe frosts, resulting in large area damage of the plants, which brought huge losses. To provide a reference for scientifically and reasonably preventing and reducing frost freezing to garden plants, it is necessary to understand resistance of various plant catagories to extreme cold hazards. In this paper, a sample survey on 225 plant species from 90 families was performed for victimized plants in Kunming Botanical Garden. With the statistical analysis of the relationship between damage degree and plant systematics, morphology, distribution or other factors, we drew several conclusions. For example, ferns had a relatively poor frost resistance while gymnosperms mostly were strong, and angiosperms showed larger differences in frost resistance; annual herbaceous and evergreen woody had a stronger resistance than perennial herbaceous and deciduous woody respectively; native species exhibited greater resistance than introduced species. According to the results, some suggestions were given for protecting existing garden plants and constructing new landscapings. That is based on the strength of frost resistance of different plants, on one hand to give the garden plants a positive and effective protection and prevention measures against frost damage, on the other hand to select species suitable for planting combined environmental conditions with characters of plants.  相似文献   

于2019年8月至2020年7月调查了西藏生态安全屏障生态监测站网芒康生态站所辖3县(八宿、左贡和芒康)的两栖爬行动物多样性.本次调查共计布设155条样线,海拔区间为2 270~4 610 m.调查结果显示,该地区两栖动物共计有8种,隶于4科5属;爬行动物7种,隶于3科4属.其栖息地共有5种植被类型,Shannon-W...  相似文献   

At the interface of Indonesia and Malaysia, border-crossing maritime trade appears to elude attempts to conserve marine resources. In Berau district (East Kalimantan) attempts to protect coastal waters from illegal fishing and trade fail to correspond with mobile trade networks. In this article, I describe how a female Bajau trader acts out her (illegal) trade network in practice. The article draws on 18 months of ethnographic research, during which I joined the trader along her travels through the coastal zone of northeastern Kalimantan. Using a performative network approach, I explore the trader's network as a continuously generated effect of practice and movement. Following her trading practices, I show that the performance of her network requires the ceaseless movement of people and things, in travelling (mobility) as well as in the reshaping of relations (fluidity). The trader's network is enmeshed in historically grown relations of kinship, ethnicity, and patron–client associations across the sea. These socially and spatially mobile associations are at odds with conservationists’ preoccupation with a spatial fixation of people, places, and borders. By showing how relations of loyalty, debt, and affiliation systematically transgress these borders, I demonstrate the significance of a relational approach to marine conservation that takes into account the mobility and interdependency of maritime networks. Such an approach may help to redress the hegemony of place-based approaches in marine conservation.  相似文献   

本研究利用2013至2016年湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区巡护监测数据,评估壶瓶山保护区两栖爬行动物多样性水平。壶瓶山保护区在8个监测站点布设了25条两栖爬行动物调查样线,进行常规监测,其中,日间样线14条,夜间样线11条,日间样线平均长度4 km,夜间样线平均长度0.75 km。每个月,每条样线平均调查3次。4年共调查到62种两栖爬行动物,占湖南省两栖爬行动物总种数的38.04%。逐月计算各监测站点的alpha多样性指数和整个保护区的beta多样性指数,按季节比较不同站点间物种组成的Hellinger距离。结果显示,保护区不同位置间、不同的监测站点间以及年际间的两栖爬行动物多样性没有显著差异,提示保护区环境具有相对稳定性。但是,个别位于实验区或邻近实验区的站点,物种组成有着剧烈的波动,表明人为活动影响了两栖爬行动物的分布。另外,保护区两栖爬行动物的物种组成与多样性有着显著的季节差异,这与两栖爬行动物的生物学特性有关。以上结果说明,壶瓶山保护区两栖爬行动物的多样性结构具有稳定性和敏感性的特点,可以考虑用作保护区生物多样性水平的监测指标。  相似文献   

The Chinese alligator Alligator sinensis is one of the most endangered crocodilian species, and typically exhibits temperature-dependent sex determination. It is extremely important to clarify the sex structure of Chinese alligators to implement recovery projects successfully. However, the sex ratio of wild Chinese alligators remains unknown. In this study, we collected 28 years of sex ratio data from Chinese alligators residing in the natural and artificial habitats of Changxing Nature Reserve, China, and examined the differences in the sex ratio dynamics between these two populations. We observed that the sex ratio of wild Chinese alligators is 1 male to 4.507 females, which was significantly lower compared to that of the captive population (1 to 2.040; P 〈 0.001), and is significantly different to previously documented sex ratios for this species (all P 〈 0.01). Furthermore, we documented an annually stable (P = 1.000) female-biased sex ratio for wild alligators at hatching [1 male to 4.747 females; 0.174 (0.167~).182)], in contrast to a dramatically fluctuating sex ratio (P 〈 0.001) in captivity [1 male to 1.674 females; 0.374 (0.246-0.593)], showing a potential mechanism for adjusting the sex structure. Finally, we found that the hatchling sex ratios were similar to that of the population sex ratio (P = 0.748), with little correlation to air temperature values in the 60-70 day incubation period during the breeding season (July and August; both P 〉 0.05). Overall, this study indicates that the stabilized female-biased sex ratio of Changxing Chinese alligators might result from selection pressure caused by local mate competition and major inbreeding .  相似文献   

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