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Wahl P 《Biophysical chemistry》1996,57(2-3):225-237
In this work we derive theoretical expressions for the FRAP measured on a liquid suspension of vacuoles labelled by a fluorescent probe bound to the surface membrane of these vacuoles. The bleaching laser beam creates an inhomogeneity in the surface concentration of the probe molecules. We consider the case in which the randomization of these probe molecules on the vacuole surface occurs much faster than the fluorescent recovery due to the vacuole diffusion. For a given value of the bleaching parameter K, we found that the bleaching fraction of the fluorescent molecules and the fluorescence recovery rate are decreasing functions of the square ratio of the vacuole to the laser beam radius of the FRAP instrument.  相似文献   

The technique of fluorescence photobleaching recovery [Axelrod et al., Biophys. J. 16 (1976) 1055] has been applied to the measurement of absolute diffusion constants of a number of fluoiescein isothiocyanate-labeled proteins. Measured diffusion constants agree to within +/- 7% of published values for the underivatized proteins. The method has sufficient sensitivity to reveal the concentration dependence at neutral pH of the diffusion constant of alpha-chymotrypsin. The rapidity with which the labelling and measurements can be performed and the small amount of material required suggest the technique may be useful in rapid characterization of small protein samples. Some developments in optical and electronic systems and in data processing for this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Lateral diffusion measurements on cell membrane molecules, most commonly accomplished through fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR or FRAP), provide information on such molecules' size, environment, and participation in intermolecular interactions. However, difficulties arise in FPR measurements of lateral dynamics of materials, such as visible fluorescent protein (VFP) fusion proteins, where fluorescent intracellular species contribute to the fluorescence recovery signal and thus distort measurements intended to reflect surface molecules only. A new method helps eliminate these difficulties. In total internal reflection interference fringe FPR, interfering laser beams enter a 1.65-numercial aperture (NA) Olympus objective at the periphery of the back focal plane where the NA exceeds 1.38. This creates an extended interference pattern totally internally reflected at the coverslip-medium interface which excites fluorescence only from fluorescent molecules located where the cell contacts the coverslip. The large illuminated area interrogates many more membrane receptors than spot methods and hence obtains more diffusion information per measurement while rejecting virtually all interfering intracellular fluorescence. We report successful measurements of membrane dynamics of both VFP-containing and conventionally labeled molecules by this technique and compare them with results of other FPR methods.  相似文献   

The translational mobility of proteins and lipids in phospholipid bilayers is often not well described as ideal self diffusion. One of the best methods for characterizing such non-ideal diffusion is to use fluorescence pattern photobleaching recovery. In this method, the spatial gradient of the monitoring and bleaching intensity is created by using epi-fluorescence and an expanded Gaussian-shaped laser beam which passes though a Ronchi ruling placed at the back image plane of a microscope. A difficulty arises when the fluorescence recovery from the exchange of slowly diffusing molecules between illuminated and non-illuminated stripes temporally overlaps with the recovery from the exchange of more rapidly diffusing molecules through the gradient produced by the broad Gaussian shape of the illumination. In the work presented here, a general theory is developed that describes the shape of the resulting fluorescence recovery curve for these typical experimental conditions. Approximate expressions amenable to non-linear curve fitting are also given. The new theoretical formalism has been demonstrated on data for the translational mobility of a fluorescent lipid probe in phospholipid bilayers deposited on planar-fused silica substrates.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is a widely used technique for studying diffusion in biological tissues. Most of the existing...  相似文献   

A variation of fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) suitable for measuring the rate of rotational molecular diffusion in solution and cell membranes is presented in theory and experimental practice for epi-illumination microscopy. In this technique, a brief flash of polarized laser light creates an anisotropic distribution of unbleached fluorophores which relaxes by rotational diffusion, leading to a time-dependent postbleach fluorescence. Polarized FPR (PFPR) is applicable to any time scales from seconds to microseconds. However, at fast (microsecond) time scales, a partial recovery independent of molecular orientation tends to obscure rotational effects. The theory here presents a method for overcoming this reversible photobleaching, and includes explicit results for practical geometries, fast wobble of fluorophores, and arbitrary bleaching depth. This variation of a polarized luminescence "pump-and-probe" technique is compared with prior ones and with "pump-only" time-resolved luminescence anisotropy decay methods. The technique is experimentally verified on small latex beads with a variety of diameters, common fluorophore labels, and solvent viscosities. Preliminary measurements on a protein (acetylcholine receptor) in the membrane of nondeoxygenated cells in live culture (rat myotubes) show a difference in rotational diffusion between clustered and nonclustered receptors. In most experiments, signal averaging, high laser power, and automated sample translation must be employed to achieve adequate statistical accuracy.  相似文献   

The diffusion coefficients of dextran probes of various molecular weights in starch solutions over a wide concentration range were carried out using fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), combined with a confocal microscope and tracer probe diffusion. The technique is simple to implement and can be carried out using increasingly common microscopy apparatus, giving access to a wide variety of new structural and kinetic information. The data can be rationalized in terms of the effects of probe molecular weight and on matrix starch concentration and structure. This provides a new tool to investigate the behavior of systems where starch is an ingredient that contributes to the processing and textural properties of food.  相似文献   

Advances in DNA-sequencing technology suggest many possibilities using either conventional or unconventional means. Several approaches offer conceivable improvements in running time by one hundred fold or more. A fluorescence photobleaching scheme in combination with ultra-thin gel slab or capillary electrophoresis which proposes to shorten the run time and to increase the resolution of multi-fragment DNA analysis is reviewed. The advantages and some of the yet to be resolved obstacles are discussed.  相似文献   

Assembly of Acanthamoeba actin, of which trace quantities had been labeled with 5-(iodoacetamido)-fluorescein, was quantified using the modulation detection method of fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR). This technique permits explicit determination of the fraction of labeled actin incorporated into filaments and the translational diffusion coefficients of the filaments, from which filament length can be calculated. Addition of Acanthamoeba profilin in molar ratios to actin of about 1.1:1 and 2.3:1 retarded the initial kinetics of assembly (induced by addition of 2mM Mg+2) and reduced the fraction of actin incorporated into filaments. The diffusion coefficients of filaments formed were greatly changed by the presence of profilin at short times, but the differences became increasingly smaller at longer times. After 26 hr. the filaments formed in 1.1:1 profilin were about 12% shorter and in 2.3:1 profilin were about 20% shorter than filaments formed by actin alone under the same conditions.  相似文献   

R D Icenogle  E L Elson 《Biopolymers》1983,22(8):1919-1948
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) are two methods that may be used to measure diffusion and chemical reaction kinetics in small, labile systems such as biological cells. These methods are here applied to systems in which a fluorescent ligand can bind to a polyvalent substrate molecule in a multistep reaction sequence. The analytical theory for both FCS and FPR is extended to allow analysis of these kinds of systems. Experimental measurements of the binding of ethidium bromide to DNA by FCS confirm the theoretical analysis. (FPR measurements on the same system are reported in the accompanying paper.) The analysis shows that FCS and FPR perceive multivalent binding reactions differently. This difference results from the selective effect of the photobleaching process in the chemical reaction system. The development and results we report could have useful applications to a wide range of biopolymeric binding and assembly process.  相似文献   

Recent indirect observations have suggested that various axonemal proteins in cilia and flagella of live cells undergo turnover independently of shortening or elongation of the axoneme. To gain direct evidence, here we examined using a FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) technique whether actin, a subunit of inner arm dynein, is being turned over in Chlamydomonas flagella. Fluorescently labeled rabbit actin was introduced by electroporation into the cells of ida5oda1, a double mutant between oda1 lacking outer arm dynein and ida5 lacking several species of inner arm dyneins due to the absence of a conventional-type actin. In actin-loaded cells, flagella became motile and fluorescent due to incorporation of inner-arm dyneins containing the labeled actin. Cells were sandwiched between an agar layer and a coverslip so as to restrict flagellar movement. After a small portion of a flagellum was photobleached, the fluorescence intensity in the bleached area was monitored with a sensitive video camera. The fluorescence intensity in the photobleached region was found to recover 10-40% of the original level over several tens of minutes without changing its position. The time course and extent of the recovery varied greatly from one cell to another, suggesting that the turnover depends on cellular conditions. Western blot analysis indicated that 70-80% of flagellar actin was associated with the axoneme. Hence this experiment provides direct evidence that an axonemal component undergoes dynamic exchange in stationary flagella.  相似文献   

Fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) measurements of virus glycoproteins on the surfaces of cells infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and Sindbis virus showed that the VSV glycoprotein (G) remained mobile throughout the infectious cycle, whereas Sindbis virus glycoproteins (E1, E2) were partially mobile early after infection and immobile at later times when greater amounts of these proteins were on the cell surface. A highly mobile fraction of Sindbis virus glycoproteins was detected throughout the replication cycle of a temperature-sensitive mutant unable to form virus particles. Thus immobilization of E1 and E2 was the result of increasing surface glycoprotein concentrations and virus budding. Together with other data, which included the detection of E1 and E2 in particles as soon as these proteins were transported to the cell surface, the FPR results suggest that Sindbis virus assembly initiates on intracellular vesicles, where glycoproteins aggregate and bind nucleocapsids. In contrast, our FPR data on VSV support a model previously suggested by others, in which a small fraction of cell-surface G is immobilized into budding sites formed by interactions with virus matrix and nucleoproteins. FPR measurements also provide direct evidence for strong interactions between E1 and E2, as well as between E1 and PE2, the precursor form of E2.  相似文献   

The effects of the fact that the laser sources typically used in fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) experiments in the most commonly employed in-line microscope imaging geometries, are highly linearly polarized, are examined in some detail. The implications of the results, in particular for the interpretation of FPR data in complex cell membrane systems in terms of laterally mobile and immobile sub-populations of the labelled molecular species of concern, are discussed. Methods of experimentally eliminating the potentially major rotational diffusion-based artifacts, different from those appropriate to three-dimensional (solution or suspension) systems which require other than in-line geometries, are delineated.Abbreviations FPR fluorescence photobleaching recovery - FRAP fluorescence recovery after photobleaching - 2- and 3-D two- and three-dimensional  相似文献   

T E Kreis  B Geiger  J Schlessinger 《Cell》1982,29(3):835-845
Rhodamine-labeled actin microinjected into living embryonic chicken gizzard cells became associated with its characteristic cytoskeletal structures. In these domains the translational diffusion coefficients (D) of rh-actin were determined in vivo by fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) measurements. Two classes of actin molecules with respect to its mobilities were detected: rh-actin with a half-time of recovery of 5-10 min in stress fibers and focal contacts (immobile on the time-scale of FPR measurements) and rh-actin with D = 2-3 X 10(-9) cm2/sec in the cytoplasm and leading lamellae. The slow recovery on stress fibers exhibited similar kinetics whether a short segment or the entire structure were photobleached, indicating that recovery occurs predominantly by exchange with the surrounding diffusable actin. We propose that a steady-state equilibrium between the soluble and cytoskeletal pool of actin exists in living cells.  相似文献   

We derive an exact closed formula for the fluorescence recovery curve measured in fluorescence photobleaching recovery experiments employing uniform circular laser beams. In contrast to the expression used currently, this result is very simple and free of mathematical drawbacks, thus facilitating the quantitative analysis of experimental data.  相似文献   

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