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Paradoxical bleedings are complications occurring under replacement therapy in haemophiliacs by disturbancies of the primary haemostasis. They have been observed during treatment with factor-VIII- and prothrombin-complex concentrates of long duration and in high dosage. Clinical complications, for example delayed wound healing as well as spontaneous bleedings into the skin and from the mucous membranes, have been observed in one quarter of haemophiliacs under substitution therapy. In one third of these patients pathological parameters of primary haemostasis (prolonged bleeding time, reduced retention, retraction, ADP- and collagen-induced aggregation and the platelet factor 3 release) were found out. The following mechanisms or substances may be the cause for these disturbancies: 1. fibrinogen and factor-VIII split products 2. high content of proteins predominantly fibrinogen and factor-VIII-related antigen 3. antigen-antibody reactions 4. development of inhibitors against the Willebrand factor. For treatment of the paradoxical bleedings freshly prepared cryoprecipitate, prednison and Etamsylatum have been used.  相似文献   

Long-term determinations of haemostasis factors in a case of Osler's telangiectasia revealed the temporarily simultaneous existance of periods of thrombocytopenia, a decrease of prothrombine and a reduction of the fibrinogen and plasminogen level. These findings considered as signs of consumption coagulopathy coincided with an increased bleeding tendency of the patient. The correlation existing between the clinical symptoms and the observed disorders of coagulation may possibly be explained by the appearance of an intravascular coagulation during the late period of the haemorrhagic diathesis, which could be proved by the simultaneous increase of fibrinogen degradation products. Moreover, the patient's plasma was capable of strongly inhibiting factor VIII of a normal plasma. The possible influence of plasmatic disorders of coagulation which are caused by secondary reasons on the clinical picture of a haemorrhagic diathesis primarily based on vascular conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA from 49 Italian patients affected with severe haemophilia A was analysed by Southern blotting technique using a cDNA probe corresponding to exons 14–26 of coagulation factor VIII. No TaqI site mutation was observed in this sample. A partial deletion, eliminating exons 15–18 and spanning about 13 kb, was identified and characterized in one patient with anti-factor VIII antibodies.  相似文献   

Plasma exchanges were combined with human factor VIII concentrate therapy in the treatment of major bleeding episodes in five patients with haemophilia A and factor VIII inhibitors. All patients had a good clinical response to combined treatment. Inhibitor levels showed satisfactory falls before rapid secondary increases of inhibitor levels took place. A sixth patient with von Willebrand''s disease and a factor VIII clotting activity inhibitor was successfully prepared for operation using plasma exchange. Postoperative haemostasis and healing were normal. In two patients the plasma exchanges were relatively more effective than the administered human factor VIII in reducing the levels of factor VIII inhibitor. Combined plasma exchange and human factor VIII treatment may offer a rapidly effective means of reducing factor VIII inhibitor levels in this group of patients, together with significant saving of costs.  相似文献   

Factor VIIIa, a heterotrimer of the A1, A2, and A3-C1-C2 subunits, increases the catalytic efficiency for factor IXa-catalyzed activation of factor X. A significant fraction of naturally occurring, anti-factor VIII inhibitor antibodies reacts with the A2 domain. Utilizing the capacity for isolated A2 subunit to stimulate factor IXa activity, we show that a panel of these inhibitors block this activity. Inhibition of activity parallels the antibody potency as measured in the Bethesda assay. These antibodies also block the A2-dependent increases in fluorescence anisotropy of fluorescein-Phe-Phe-Arg factor IXa. Similar to the IgG fractions, a peptide representing the sequence of the inhibitor epitope (A2 residues 484-509) blocked the A2-dependent stimulation of factor IXa. These results indicate that antibodies possessing this specificity directly inhibit the interaction of A2 subunit with factor IXa, thus abrogating the contribution of this subunit to cofactor activity. Furthermore, these results also suggest that factor VIII residues 484-509 contribute to a factor IXa-interactive site.  相似文献   

Hemostasis is a tightly regulated process which maintains a fluid state of blood within the vasculature and provides thrombotic response upon tissue injury. Various scientific studies have implicated the role of plant latex proteases in hemostasis using in vitro experiments. However, in vivo models substantiate their role in hemostasis. Therefore, in the present study, the effect of plant latex thrombin-like proteases (PTLPs) on hemostasis was investigated systematically using mice tail bleeding as a preclinical model. In this direction, latex protease fractions (LPFs), which showed potent thrombin-like activity, were selected as they act directly on fibrinogen to form clot and quickly stop bleeding. Thrombin-like activity was exhibited mainly by cysteine proteases. Calotropis gigantea, Carica papaya, Jatropha curcas, Oxystelma esculentum, Tabernaemontana divaricata, and Vallaris solanacea LPFs and papain from C. papaya latex significantly reduced bleeding on a topical application in normal and aspirin administered mice. In addition, PTLPs accelerated the clotting of factor VIII deficient plasma, while, papain brought back the clotting time to normal levels acting like a bypassing agent. Further, papain failed to show activity in the presence of specific cysteine protease inhibitor iodoacetic acid; confirming protease role in all the activities exhibited. At the tested dose, PTLPs except C. gigantea did not show toxicity. Further, structural and sequence comparison between PTLPs and human thrombin revealed structural and sequence dissimilarity indicating their unique nature. The findings of the present study may open up a new avenue for considering PTLPs including papain in the treatment of bleeding wounds.  相似文献   

Association of the factor VIII light chain with von Willebrand factor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Coagulation factor VIII (fVIII) is isolated from porcine blood as a set of three heterodimers because of proteolytic cleavages in the middle, or B region, of the parent single-chain molecule. A single 80-kDa COOH-terminal fragment, the light chain (fVIIILC), is associated with one of three forms of heavy chain (fVIIIHCs) by a calcium-dependent linkage. The purified heterodimers were dissociated using EDTA and fVIIILC, and fVIIIHCs were isolated by high pressure liquid chromatography under nondenaturing conditions. The association of fVIII, fVIIILC, and fVIIIHCs with multimeric human von Willebrand factor (vWF) was studied using analytical velocity sedimentation. A previous study using this method with an intact, single heterodimeric species of fVIII has shown that one molecule of fVIII can bind to each subunit of vWF (Lollar, P., and Parker, C.G. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 17572-17576). fVIIILC bound vWF as judged by the increase in the plateau height and sedimentation coefficient of the fVIIILC.vWF complex compared to vWF at 42,000 x g and by the decrease in the plateau height of the 4.8 S fVIIILC boundary sedimenting at 240,000 x g. Titration of a fixed concentration of fVIIILC with vWF yielded a stoichiometry of one fVIIILC molecule per subunit of vWF. Proteolytic cleavage by thrombin to remove an acidic 41-residue NH2-terminal peptide from fVIIILC completely abolished its binding to vWF. In contrast, no binding of fVIIIHCs to vWF was observed. Additionally, intact fVIII bound to vWF was completely dissociated after proteolysis by thrombin. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that a critical step in blood coagulation is the release of all regions of fVIII from vWF following a single proteolytic cleavage of fVIIILC.  相似文献   

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a very uncommon cause of acute coronary syndrome. It occurs predominantly in young to middle-aged women during or after pregnancy. The aetiology remains uncertain. Possible factors are hormonal changes, haemodynamic stress and changes in autoimmune status. In case of single-vessel dissection and normal blood flow, conservative treatment often leads to complete angiographic resolution. This case report describes the clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapy of spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a 37-year-old woman in the postpartum period. (Neth Heart J 2008;16: 412-4.)  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) is a glycoprotein that plays an important role in the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. In circulation, FVIII is protected upon binding to von Willebrand factor (VWF), a chaperone molecule that regulates its half-life, distribution, and activity. Despite the biological significance of this interaction, its molecular mechanisms are not fully characterized. We determined the equilibrium and activation thermodynamics of the interaction between FVIII and VWF. The equilibrium affinity determined by surface plasmon resonance was temperature-dependent with a value of 0.8 nM at 35 °C. The FVIII-VWF interaction was characterized by very fast association (8.56 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)) and fast dissociation (6.89 × 10(-3) s(-1)) rates. Both the equilibrium association and association rate constants, but not the dissociation rate constant, were dependent on temperature. Binding of FVIII to VWF was characterized by favorable changes in the equilibrium and activation entropy (TΔS° = 89.4 kJ/mol, and -TΔS(++) = -8.9 kJ/mol) and unfavorable changes in the equilibrium and activation enthalpy (ΔH° = 39.1 kJ/mol, and ΔH(++) = 44.1 kJ/mol), yielding a negative change in the equilibrium Gibbs energy. Binding of FVIII to VWF in solid-phase assays demonstrated a high sensitivity to acidic pH and a sensitivity to ionic strength. Our data indicate that the interaction between FVIII and VWF is mediated mainly by electrostatic forces, and that it is not accompanied by entropic constraints, suggesting the absence of conformational adaptation but the presence of rigid "pre-optimized" binding surfaces.  相似文献   

In a patient with a clinically serious Willebrand-Jürgen's syndrome an inhibitor appeared at the age of 1 1/2 years, which, contrary to inhibitors in haemophilia A, was directed against all properties of factor VIII molecule. In a quantitative test the height of the inhibitor level to factor VIIIag was determined. Administrations of plasma concentrate resulted in a titre increase which could not be suppressed even by an immunosuppressive therapy with cyclophosphamide. After a long break in the substitution a severe bleeding could be successfully treated and the substitution effect for factor VIIIc, factor VIIIag and Ristocetin co-factor could be identified for several days.  相似文献   

The acidic region of the Factor VIII light chain was studied with regard to structural requirements for the formation of a functional von Willebrand factor (vWF)-binding site. Factor VIII mutants lacking the B domain, with additional deletions and an amino acid replacement within the sequence 1649-1689 were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in Cos-1 cells. These mutants, which were recovered as single-chain molecules with similar specific activities, were compared in their binding to immobilized vWF. Deletion of amino acids 741-1648 or 741-1668 did not affect the binding of Factor VIII to vWF. However, a mutant with a deletion of residues 741-1689 was no longer capable of interacting with vWF. This indicates a role for residues within the sequence 1669-1689 in the formation of a vWF-binding site. When recombinant Factor VIII was expressed in the presence of chlorate, an inhibitor of protein sulfation, the resulting Factor VIII displayed strongly reduced binding to vWF. vWF binding was completely abolished when within the sequence 1669-1689 the tyrosine residue Tyr1680, which is part of a consensus tyrosine sulfation sequence, was replaced by phenylalanine. The Factor VIII sequence 1673-1689 was identified as a high affinity substrate for tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (Km = 57 microM) in cell-free sulfation studies. It is concluded that sulfation of Tyr1680 is required for the interaction of Factor VIII with vWF. Two synthetic peptides that represent the sequence 1673-1689, but differ with respect to sulfation of Tyr1680 are shown to have vWF binding affinity that is considerably lower than the Factor VIII protein. Several models to accommodate our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Five different guanidinium (Gu)-derivatized agarose matrices were investigated for their potential in chromatographically resolving the Factor VIII/von Willebrand complex, VIII/vWf, fibrinogen, Fg, and fibronectin, Fn, from cryoprecipitate. Using conventional NaCl gradient methodology it was found that the order of elution of specific plasma proteins, and the yield of VIII/vWf, varied with the methods used to derivatize the agarose beads. Good yields of VIII:C (generally 30-45%) were obtained with Gu-matrices prepared by bis-oxirane coupling procedures. Cryoprecipitate binding studies showed that the capacity of Gu-Sepharose 4B, prepared by isourea modification of amino-Sepharose 4B, was 36 units VIII/vWf per ml matrix. The product, depleted of both Fg and Fn, had a specific activity of 2 units VIII:C per mg total protein, (yield 100% vWf:Ag and 47% VIII:C).  相似文献   

Platelet aggregation and adhesiveness were studied in 3 patients with combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency and in 3 patients with combined factor VII and factor VIII deficiency. The first three patients belonged to three different kindreds whereas the second group belonged to the same kindred. Serotonin C14 uptake and release was also found to be normal in these patients. These studies indicate that platelet function is normal in combined defects of factor VIII. These findings were in agreement with the presence of a normal bleeding time and a normal factor VIII antigen level in all these patients.  相似文献   

Activation of factor VIII by thrombin occurs via limited proteolysis at R372, R740, and R1689. The resultant active factor VIIIa molecule consists of three noncovalently associated subunits: A1-a1, A2-a2, and A3-C1-C2 (50, 45, and 73 kDa respectively). Further proteolysis of factor VIIIa at R336 and R562 by activated protein C subsequently inactivates this cofactor. We now find that the factor VIIa-tissue factor complex (VIIa-TF/PL), the trigger of blood coagulation with restricted substrate specificity, can also catalyze limited proteolysis of factor VIII. Proteolysis of factor VIII was observed at 10 sites, producing 2 major fragments (47 and 45 kDa) recognized by an anti-factor VIII A2 domain antibody. Time courses indicated the slow conversion of the large fragment to 45 kDa, followed by further degradation into at least two smaller fragments. N-Terminal sequencing along with time courses of proteolysis indicated that VIIa-TF/PL cleaved factor VIII first at R740, followed by concomitant cleavage at R336 and R372. Although cleavage of the light chain at R1689 was observed, the majority remained uncleaved after 17 h. Consistent with this, only a transient 2-fold increase in factor VIII clotting activity was observed. Thus, heavy chain cleavage of factor VIII by VIIa-TF/PL produces an inactive factor VIII cofactor no longer capable of activation by thrombin. In addition, VIIa-TF/PL was found to inactivate thrombin-activated factor VIII. We hypothesize that these proteolyses may constitute an alternative pathway to regulate coagulation under certain conditions. In addition, the ability of VIIa-TF/PL to cleave factor VIII at 10 sites greatly expands the known protein substrate sequences recognized by this enzyme-cofactor complex.  相似文献   

Peptides as therapeutic substances are efficient agents in the treatment of several diseases. However, they often have to be chemically modified in order to be suited as therapeutic agent. Conjugation to large carrier molecules is often required. A critical step is the identification of available sites for chemical reaction, without influencing bioactivity. Peptide 238/S1 with the sequence NH(2)-PYWKWQYKYD-COOH previously selected from a combinatorial decapeptide library, has the ability to block inhibitory antibodies against blood clotting factor VIII (FVIII) and therefore, it constitutes a lead for developing a drug to treat patients suffering from development of such antibodies. The aims of this study were (i) to identify sites of the peptide, which are suited for modification without losing bioactivity and (ii) to find out the influence of molecular size of polyethylene glycol (PEG) for bioactivity of the peptide. The contribution of each amino acid residue to biological functionality was investigated by mutational analysis. This method confirmed that the N-terminus is crucial for activity, whereas both lysine residues could be exchanged by other L-amino acids. Using mutational analysis it was possible to identify peptides with higher reactivity compared to the wild type 238/S1. PEGylation experiments demonstrated that conjugation of the peptide to PEG 20,000 resulted in a loss of reactivity, while PEG 5,000 could maintain the bioactivity when conjugated in a site directed manner. The peptide lost its neutralization properties when PEG was coupled to the N-terminus, again indicating that this part of the peptide is important for functionality.  相似文献   

Ko JC  Lock TF  Davis JL  Smith RP 《Theriogenology》1989,32(4):643-651
Intrauterine pressure was measured in three cyclic and two postpartum mares. Pressure was recorded using a catheter tip pressure transducer. The transducer was passed transcervically into the uterus.. In cyclic mares recordings were started on Day 1 of estrus and continued daily until ovulation as well as on Days 1 and 8 of diestrus. In postpartum mares recordings were started within 48 h after foaling and continued until the mares ovulated. The intrauterine pressure changes in postpartum mares was also recorded on Days 1 and 8 of diestrus. Spontaneous uterine contractions were recorded in cyclic mares for 30 min and in postpartum mares for 10 min. Induced uterine motilities were recorded for 30 min in both groups after the administration of oxytocin (40 USP, i.v.). Total area under the contraction curve in a 10-min period was used as a uterine motility quantitating unit. All mares demonstrated uterine contractions during estrus and diestrus. All mares demonstrated significant responses to oxytocin during estrus and diestrus. It appears that estrogen priming is not necessary for a significant uterine response to oxytocin.  相似文献   

Human factor VIII was purified from commercial factor VIII concentrate with a 12% yield. The specific coagulant activity of purified factor VIII was 8,000 units/mg. In the presence of SDS the purified factor VIII consisted of a variety of polypeptides on polyacrylamide gels, ranging between Mr 80,000 and Mr 208,000. In the absence of SDS the purified factor VIII showed an apparent molecular weight of 270,000 upon Sephadex G200 gel-filtration. The purified factor VIII could be activated by thrombin, which resulted in the disappearance of Mr 108,000-208,000 polypeptides in favor of an Mr 92,000 polypeptide. Treatment with factor Xa also activated factor VIII, whereas treatment with activated protein C resulted in the inactivation of coagulant activity. Coagulant-active 125I-factor VIII was prepared using a lactoperoxidase radioiodination procedure. This 125I-factor had the same characteristics as unlabeled factor VIII. All polypeptides could be precipitated with monoclonal antibodies directed against factor VIII. With 125I-factor VIII a pIapp of 5.7 was found in the presence of urea.  相似文献   

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